Premature babies support group

Good idea to bring your parents and your in-laws for holiday together but your mom deserves the holiday more rite, got 'output' mah

u have summed up the diff between ftwm and sahm so well with a few sentences. i was thinking i enjoy work, but just couldnt put it into writing why i do.. alas the routine thing was brought out by u. funnily enough, i am also looking fwd to being sahm after no.2 comes along. for now, i can dream on and continue slogging/juggling work and family.

no time to post bryan pics wor! he is terror even before he reaches 1yo. aiyo, everynight got WWIII at home one.

my boy also wanna be carried.. after 2-3 months, hubby and i gave up and got a sarong. from that day onwards, we never looked back or regretted. PEACEFUL sleep for once. i heard some ppl say sarong for bbies above 3 months? dunno how sure but u can check. perhaps can also get one of those fisher price swings.. just swing her when need.

ur description of oven toaster for fever so cute! hee. hope ws is better. u already planning for 2009?!?!?! wah wah wah! i need to learn from u all!!! jane start potty training siang at 3 months! omg, i am really a lax mummy!! bryan is coming 6 months correct age and i still havent thought about what porridge to cook for him!

Re: bryan weaning
have tried him on plain rice cereal by milling it and cooking. he ok with small qty. tried frisocrem, he so so only. can i know where to get instant rice cereal? the rice i mill is not very fine so i scared he choke. plus lazy to stand over fire and cook....
I totally understand what u mean abt bringing IL to hol. but if I say straight out like dat to him - sure kena scolding :p . As he wouldnt like to go hol with my parents, i kinda use that as a basis why I woulda want to go with his. Furthermore, his would likely wanna go everywhere together whereas mine would let us go off on own.

all the best! yup lovely to spend time with kids although tough at times. kinda worried how to juggle now SAHM + work.
alrdy accepted u & saw cute coco's pics

try nestle plain rice cereals..then can slowly add carrot, broccoli, potato, spinach, pumpkin,etc all mashed up into the cereals. then can go onto brown rice cereals..if u r lazy to grind the rice cereals urself, can always get these. then add own ingredients..equally good. when bryan is bigger, then cook normal porridge 4 him. can juz dump into slow cooker & cook, no need to stand at stove 2 watch fire

we went with my parents, together w ws & my sis for 2 hols & the last 1 was pretty q sticky to my mom & hubby not 2 happy. since then, the 3 of us have gone 2 more hols on our own & frankly, we enjoyed ourselves much more. maybe i only need to take care of 1 baby, whereas if bring parents, i hav to take care of 1 baby + 2 old pple..but if given a choice, of cos i wan to brin my parents cos they had put in so much effort to help & take care of ws.. esp when me/hubby sick, they r always there 2 help out. on the other hand, wat had my IL did? nothing! whenever we are there & when my nephew not there yet, they'll 'enjoy' playing w ws, but when the boy come, they will 'forget' abt ws..c the diff??
didi, the brand of the thermal cooker that i am using now is endo... good that ur hb likes to take care of kids! where is this cova (me so suaku duno where it is)

jaslyn, tried asking her to sleep thruout..din work :p better for u to try breaking the want-to-be-carried habit for ur gal now... else very tiring for u...

mummy yan, congrats on one twin going home!

jane, good that siang is toilet trained..i am envious..

daec, drill until i am super sian liao... i think its his family upbringing too..the mother talk non stop and none of the family members listen...

Lili..eheheh, gal is very stubborn..she will deliberately wait till nanny is not shsh-ing her then pee on the floor... possible to wrap coco with those plastic nappy cover outside the nappy so that the urine will not leak so much outside? better pre-empt my hb abt bringing my gal to guy's toilet if ever they go out alone.m.aybe used disabled toilet and only use guy's toilet if realy boh bian... and yes..she looks like a boy right? but i wan a gal for no2 too! :p is so correct in saying nose! :p

xbliss, becoming is always a horror.... things will settle down after a few months... (then we wait for terrible 2s to happen ahahah)... yes can try heinz rice cereal and those brown rice got instant version (just add hot water) too
yea i c. I also not happy coz couple of times I go IL hse-they spend lot time sleeping,doing chores so my ger mostly play alone. I guess tired/got work to do lah. but after all the naggin/scolding I get from hubby abt spending more time with them - I c that I not happy.
anyways think where parents concerned, got blindspot ah. I have to pick my words carefully to avoid friction.

me too so sien. dat time I got so fedup, I actually broke tired be brunt of temper. but then.. hai married already. must deal with somehow.. trying think beside drill wat method. seem other method recommended by book write SOP (rules), agree by both then sign. funny, ha ?
I know what you mean ? but guess cause ws is with your parents most of the time, it is inevitable that she will be closer to them
she knows grandparents sayang her mah

Cova is at the 1st floor of Paragon
yes, ws oso say she loves ah ma & ah gong. yes, it's inevitable tat she's closer to them cos they took care of her since young. wat i'm trying to say is, they (IL) dun hav 2 make it sooo obvious tat they pref the other grandchild than mine. c alrdy q buay song. they can like drop everything (including ws) & go carry tat precious boy when they c him. but kindof backfire cos they looove him so much & protect him soo much till my SIL jealous & often fought (when they were staying together), so finally moved out. so now they only get to c the boy once a wk - me think of it as kindof evil hor :p

i am really not sure but bryan does need us to carry and pat pat him to sleep outside at times when he is tired. we do that for a short while then put him in his stroller and he can doze off already. i thought we could do without a sarong, but really lor, we tahan ard 3 months, every night he start screaming and crying and refusing to sleep even when carried!!! too much for us, tk goodness for the sarong. i think he like the rocking motion and also the sarong wrap him feeling of security. til now he at times still wans his sarong. in the day when mil care for him, she will put him in sarong to sleep. once asleep, she will off. at night, he sleep with us on the bed.

tks for the tips on weaning. think i am going to get the heinz cereal from next month. now using frisocrem and i think it's so similar to milk (bryan sick of milk already i think) that he doesn't like it very much.

u know those brown rice instant cereal buy from where?
heard of that happen to others - only the mum is the daughter, not inlaw. where grandparents r concern quite tough. even own children can get scolded,overlooked coz of grandchild. eg. scold own kids for scolding grandchild who deserve disipline. thk mus close one eye,heck though unfair. think old already, cannot thk so well ? :p have to heck somehow else can go nuts.
nestle got brown rice cereals. me always advertise nestle, cos me work there

or u can get frm yu ren shen, but this need 2 b cooked over stove.

dun worry la, my ger slept on me for few mths during her pm nap when she's still a bb..slowly, can wean off the impt thing is bryan sleeps! so tat we adults get to rest 2

ya, now i close 1 eye & juz do my part of visiting once a wk. hubby oso say, as long as when the boy is ard, we need to make sure they dun endanger ws by leaving her alone.
ya lor..
I kept on talking to her..
but then like dun work also.. hehe..
so I turn her to her side and try to pat her to sleep.. although not gd but no choice leh..

xbliss that still ok..
maybe must consider liao..

oic.. hehe..
we even put bryan to sleep on his front.. that worked too. but i know we are not supposed to, cos it is sort of linked to Sudden Infant Death syndrome.. but no choice. we monitored him closely by waking up regularly lor...

dm, i got the samples 2 months back from pd. just din try only cos the recommendation is for 6 months. thats y i took frisocrem.

all bb r recommended to take solid food (ie. cereals) frm 6mths onwards, cos frm birth to 6mths, of cos breast milk is best, if not, normal milk shld b sufficient. oso, it's said frm 6mths onwards, their digestive system r better, tat's y better to wait till 6mths then start solids. but nowadays, many parents started solids frm 4mths onwards, or when bb can hold their heads upright.
ya lor.. I heard that also..
so when I put them in front..
I will make sure I m beside them..
but then they also sleep like 1hr only..
then wake up liao..
Ok, I now know what you mean
how can your pils they practise favouritism so openly
I heard already also buay tahan.

Can I know what kind of pillows are your bbs using, mine is 14mths and I can't seem to find the right pillow yet, either too high or too low


my ger doesn't use pillow since birth. now she oso dun look 4 pillow/boaster.. think like my hubby, who doesn't use pillow..heehee
daec, ahhaha.. ur ILs same as mine..can u imagine during CNY in the end everyone just go to their own room and sleep? writing on the book defiitely will not work..... tried someting similar before (verbal agreement)

didi, thanks..maybe next time will go to this cova and try.. my bb din use pillow too (cos last time SCn no pillow so i din let her use it when she comes home..)..

btw, u mommies watch the news yesterday? that qing yiwu is raising to raise funds for less privilged kids in duno NW/NE district.and if u have soft toys bears can donate to this kids at paragon too.. but duno the details.....

jane and those mommies whose kids go for speech therapy.... today kate went neonat followup..they are going to refer to speech therapy... what is ur opinion on that.. do u think its productive/not ? how regular is the visit and how much is it? possible to get it subsidised?

dm..ahhaha.. bravo for ur SIL for fighting to move out!

xbliss... could it be colic then?

jaslyn, just need to monitor regularly... very soon she will be able to flip.. then one less worry but more headache.hahahaa
wah same as mine lah. other relatives hardly say one word to me except one or two aunts. aha they talk more to my girl. not nice feeling but no choice ah.

verbal dun work so well all the time for me too.

me also wondering whether to buy pillow for her. if my room, dun use pilllow or my arm as her pillow,hug to sleep. My mum room - just use those adult soft pillows. upper half of her body on the pillow.
hi mummies

is ws better? re siang look alike with me...alas, i ever join those baby and mother look alike contest. never even got shortlisted ler kekeke? their eye pasted with stamp :p ooppppsssss

siang is also still on sarong (at my mama house of which the yao lan is secured from the ceiling) during day time and at night he sleep on the bed. at my own house, he only sleep on the bed becasue my yao lan is those mobile type. he is too big for it liao :p

hope u can find the right solid for bryan
for siang, he never tried cereal..he started with porridge at 9months corrected :p....

hi bloom
yes siang is on regular speech and audio theraphy session because of his hearing impairment. erh sorry...why kath needs speech theraphy? can u PM me?
I actually gave them the pillows cause I thot it might ease Dylan's breathing
For me I put a bolster and winnie the pooh (non furry kind) on their left and right, sort of make them secure, saw the latex pillows from Babysafe for them but it is kinda high
thot to get that too but expensive! my mum advise me no need buy kiddy pillow coz they quick outgrow it and those soft adult pillow gd enuf. soft so it adjust to her weight. think got some pillows - the material can adjust to the person weight.
hi daec and didi

saw both of u chatting on pillows/bolster. i buy those adult size bolster for siang (he does not use a pillow - or shall i say i never buy for him). the bolster i buy is those fiber type (very light and airy)...

where to buy pillows - the material can adjust to the person weight?
not sure exactly where, those big shops shld have.its more depend on the material. touch and c.mine is the normal type, but so many years become soft already so just follow weight. memory foam is gd too - it suppose to follow ur weight, shape. some use those natural fillings like buckwheat husks. have to shop and looksee ;)
Thu, Jan 31, 2008 (HealthDay News) — Long known to help prevent birth defects, folic acid may also help prevent premature births, new research suggests. In a large study that included almost 40,000 women, a team of U.S. and Irish researchers found that women who took folic acid supplements for a year or longer before conception had a 70 percent decreased risk of preterm birth between 20 and 28 weeks of gestation.

The March of Dimes recommends that women take 400 micrograms daily of folic acid before becoming pregnant, and continuing to take folic acid throughout the pregnancy.

thanks. ws ok alrdy. *heng*. now my dad & sis down w diarrhea..hope ws dun kenna the virus frm them again. but she has blocked nose when zzz. so we r off air-con for past few nites..sooo hot
thanks for reminding, will check out those

Those bolster that I get from them, they don't hug just block them from the cot, in case they knock their heads during the nites

i took folic for one year, still preterm. :p

colic? i doubt.. the moment the sarong started, he stopped crying completely and slept in bliss!!! we felt it was more the rocking motion and sense of security! hee.. and he din pass much wind too.

make ur own pillow? rectangle shape not too hard to sew or get seamstress to do it? can customise the hardness too!!
Hello Mummies, down with mcs for two days. I think I am the champion in my school total of 8 days mcs so far.

Anyway, just got time to glanced thru the posts.

DM, dash also has blocked nose for past few nights, and would wake up with his blocked nose crying.

Btw, my boy is opposite, he is very very close to my in laws who spend more time looking after him. My mum gets lazy sometimes.

didi, talking about pillows, my in laws are good in sewing them, so she made all my boy's pillows, and now he has one favorite pillow, that he will start looking for it when he wants to sleep. He will refuse all others, even though they look like the pillow he has. He just wants that particular pillow and he has even nibbled holes at the edges.

Bloom, why kath needs speech therapy? she is still so young.

daec, I also dun like to spend on holidays like a few thousands to go far far places. Like my mum and sis who spend over 6000 to go europe, I rather spend on something else or save it, cause I felt that going overseas is just seeing their country, and after that, nothing back.

Hi mummies, talking about whether working or staying at home is better, I think I rather stay at home. I feel that I am beginning to lose my passion in teaching, and I really need a break liao. I am planning to go on no pay soon, so daec will be joining you as a SAHM. I am really planning to do so soon, taking a break, and see if I like to be SAHM. Maybe if I can survive, next year, I will consider to resign, and change to kindergarten teaching or other jobs.

Everyday I go work now is so sianzzz. It is not the school, I feel that I just lost my directions.

I really need a long long break now to think what I want.
Good morning mummies

DM and kkf
hope ws and dash block nose clear soon...

me too put lots of pillow and bloster at the side of my bed to guard the corners and such. am comptemplating to get another bolster haha

siang have a beansprout pillow (that one is hand made by my mother - but its not a fav of his :p)

think u should take a break. take a breath and relax. hope u find your directions soon. at times, i also feel lost but then again...for me, just have to find solution for problems and in the process try not to agitate myself too much la :p

dash have a great mummy

That's great that u are taking a break to see what u wanna do. Think it will help a great deal.

I also feel like I lost my direction as if the last 5-6years - dunno what I did with my life, personal growth I mean. My last day is 8 July - honestly, I am scared. coz wont be financially independent anymore. if the biz dun work, I have to find other jobs/means to pay for the hse. I really dun want to work fulltime while Nada growing up.part time is ok though. c how it goes. have to take this jump to change my life.

re hols: me like ur sis & mum. u're like my hubby hehe ;)

I like to experience diff type of life/env. go other country - 'forget' abt SG and stress. know what is paradigm shift? forget what is familiar. come back, refreshed and relook at the same things that I face everyday with fresh eyes, new perspective. can be much more productive and have fresh ideas. that's what I like most abt hol. I dun really like to shop in SG gd enf for me. prefer scenic, NEW places. I sienz go same places too often.
we bought a bottle of nose drop frm guardian pharmacy. then my SIL saw, commented tat it's the same prescribed by her pd. think it cost abt $6 a bottle. ws' block nose is better. but still got wheezing sound. last nite turn on air-con when she was drinking milk..but when falling asleep, can hear the wheezing sound arldy. so hubby say 1 more nite of non air-con.. soo hot

ya, prob u need a break. a real break, rest & find out wat u r really interested in. then u'll feel recharged. even if u resign, think u still can work as part time, like tution? own time own target. u can do it when dash goes to sch. at least still got some income

btw, there's JL & popular sale @expo again
will u b there? me gg during lunch time
Hi all,

Just an update to my babies. Mei Mei came home last thursday. It was a very tiring moment for me and hubby. But guess the "exciting" part is starting next week as Jie Jie can be discharge next tue/wed liao. FINALLY, after staying in hospital for 1month!

Hi jaslyn,
how are you coping with your twins? still manageable? Seldom see you on msn leh, you dun logon often?
didi D&D also not using the pillows liao :p

congrats! horray!
keep us posted with pix when you have time ah. am sure both of them is very sweet and pretty
Yup, intially I am quite worried if they are going to tag along those pillows whenever they go, surprising they did not do so
haha yeah i always heard some babies 'like certain of their personal item' so much until its like everywhere they go they must bring it.

siang does have something that he is quite attached to. its a single bed size comforter/blanket :p. haha... quite a big thing hum :p. but normally i do not bring it home with me. its normally at my mother house but for the coming holiday, i am comtemplating to bring that keke but shall see if my bag can squeeze it in. if not will try to vaccum it....!

didi must be laughing and laughing at what jane just wrote hahahhaa... blurz sia... but i am really going to try to bring that ler haha
aiyoh, think you better bring to play safe but if he didn't ask then don't give, maybe you can wean him off that
get those bags something like vaccum bags just that meant for travelling so you can just fold instead of vaccuming
tell you something actually I also horrible there was a tiny bear that my dad bot me when I was about 12 when we went to hkg, I am sort of attached to it more as days goes by, so whenever we go for holidays I will bring it along, worried that it will be scared alone,...See me very childish so NO, I won't laugh at you
yeah..i intend to bring it (despite its quite bulky)...i know there is those vaccum bags :p. but its when coming back..need to find a vacuum to vaccum it back into the bag :p

but still considering to bring or not hehe...

wean him off ah...should hor :p
The kind I mentioned are those that you don't need a vacuum cleaner just roll will do, you can check it out at Robinsons, these are for travelling, putting into suitcases
I enquired about them last mth when I need to spring-clean my home and needed those bags for the guest's pillows and comforter and my winter clothings
there are some that comes with a very portable devices that can 'suck' out the excess air, I went to Raffles City Robinsons
