Premature babies support group

hallo didi

haiz sometime my brain become blocked :p. cannot think 'out of the box' so need a break keke (opps!). my bro is planning a KL trip.. hehe siang passport is ready so we are ready to go any time horray! hehe

how we train him ah. my mama is the person who pilot this 'project' :p. initially we just sshshs him every 15-30 mins. then now most of the time he will indicate if he want to wee. at my mama house, siang very funny. he will take the potty and give to my mum (its really a funny sight). only my mum can use that potty keke. at my house, i bring him go toilet (save my effort to wash the potty - thou i have helper la). then if he poo poo, i let him sit on the potty lor.

but now bring him go out, sometime must bring him go shshs :p

Hi thanks dm, kinderland is too far from my in laws, anywhere financially quite tight for my hubby if I place him there, as I may be going no pay soon.

Fushigi, thanks, learning vision is also one mrt stop away from my in laws place...they are not able to bring dash so far. Btw, dash took the vaccination before. 3 injections if I remember correctly.

Jane, even if poo poo I will let dash use our toilet, just flush, so need to wash potty. You must be looking forward to your KL trip!

Mummy Yan congrats! jie jie can go home or mei mei?

me sooo sianz, how I wish I can find a good school for dash. money and distance are both factors! sigh. If I will continue working, and not on no pay, money wun be a factor...but I am planning for 3rd one now, so money is a factor.
hmm, good next time Siang go pee, will be daddy bringing him liao
KL good place to go, are you driving in ? heard that KL's traffic is BAD
yah, yah, KL traffic is terrible. I went before, went in the morning, reached 5pm in evening, want my life.
hehe true lah. having kids really make mums time not free.

dunnolah if the pre-empt works. just try try else sure wont improve. find must drill drill before he gets it. really spent lot time on that. oh I c, he want focus all on one child, ha ? guess have to talk more on benefits of having sibling eg. sharing, have someone smilar age at home play with

mummy yan
Congrats! must be happy and starting to prep home for ur babe

wah Jane! gd ah, got trip out of SG ;)

yah lah gd train the dad bring him toilet. save us some effort.

when my nephew was young, he only wan granny bring him toilet.then his dad will say 'boy go with boy, go toilet. how can go with girl?'heheh
then only he go with his dad
so true, actually I am also looking forward to daddy bringing the boys to the washroom in future
that day my aunt was telling me that her male colleague brot his 5-year old dotter to the men's toilet to pee, she say so embarrassing, aiyoh think quite unsightly for the little girl, but if the mommy is not there, then how ?
I finally decided to place dash into The little skool house at amk hub. Hope it is a good school, xbliss?

to me quite ex leh, 3 hours 370 plus after subsidy...but no choice, heard colleague said her neighbour gal in the school, not bad. My neighbour's gal in that school too.
daddy brings son to toilet, haha. Now I am bringing dash to toilet with me whenever I go shopping alone with him.
hi Jane, congrats on Siang's successful toilet training.. i've just failed my attempt with coco!! Did the same thing with coco too.. shhh every 15-30min. first two days so encouraging..and she was very amused when we shhhh her. Now she hates to be shhh over the potty and will try to wriggle out when we hold her over the potty. So i tried only for big business and after she saw her own shit in the potty, she seems to develop an aversion to the potty!!! Now, she will even resist us holding her in the squatting position (with her diapers on) when she is pooing!! She will rather do it standing.. How??? Maybe I need to buy a new potty to help her forget the bad experience on my next attempt!!
aiyah, now Dash still young mah, wait lah still he is older the task hand-over to hubby, but one thing, it is not so embarassing to bring the boys to ladies toilet as we all do 'biz' in cubicles unlike men who usually uses the urinal
coco so cute!! aversion to her own poo!!! haha.. bryan loves to squat nowadays when we hold him standing up.. then we realise it is to release air... ahhaha.. typical boy style!!

dash will learn and will pick up ang moh! dun worry!!
Hope so, xbliss, dash ang moh really lousy...thats why changing to a better school hopefully.

didi, yah, you are right.
embarassing for the daughters as well to follow daddy to toilets. Talking about this, got once, I brought dash for decorating cookies class. When the children were asked to wash hands, a daddy got to bring her daughter to toilet, he followed her inside the ladies toilet to help her wash her hands. I felt so uncomfortable, anyway, he is an ang moh. He himself felt a bit par seh too.

Lili, how about letting her sit on adult toilet bowl? thats what dash is doing now.

Finally settled with dash's school, so happy!

Now got to prepare for school reopens which is sooooo very the sianz. Tomorrow is my last day of enjoyment, got to get a haircut, and got to do something about my face which has already rot like dunno wat...haha. Friday got to go for staff meeting.

Now I am at my in laws place, hubby send his car to do alarm. boring, wun be bringing dash home today, most prob hubby will bring dash home during lunch time after he had made full payment at little skoolhouse tom.

Me waiting for him to fetch me after he made his car alarm, soo boring...sianzzzzzzzzz

Really wonder why car alarm needs to be made at night, why cannot make in afternoon or morning leh?
no choice I guess. must daddy to be ready to close girl's eyes. I look forward to have a son. coz my hubby happily pass to me my girl all the time for change pampers etc. only thing he does is make the milk. next time, I wan him handle bring e son to toilet heheh.

Nada also v fussy abt food. at wat point do u think its necessary to give vitamins to 'substitute' in case she dun eat enuff ? end up she eat all the not so healthy foods. coz her own food - dun want.

I throw away her potty since she dun like it.frustrated just throw without thinking. so hard get her sit on it.myself also wondering if want to buy the toddler chair then got hole at bottom, another potty which is more comfy or use the adult toilet bowl..
good morning mummies

erh. i do have the kids toilet bowl cover. but then...still have not let siang use that haha. now he poo poo still on potty :p. will try that when he bigger...can i ask? how u let dash sit on the toilet bowl? u carry him up?

didi/daec/kkf at my own house, i let daddy (if he is in) bring siang to the toilet to wee (yes, my 'intention' is next time if we go out, daddy to bring siang to toilet haha) but at home if siang poo poo, still need me ah :

hehe re KL, i am going by flight. now japan airline got promotions. but will look at going up via exclusive coach too. just a simple 2D 1N get away keke :p. dare not venture too far away ler

hi lili / daec
re potty. it will take time for coco and nada to settle in. sometime is they are just not ready. are you using those sit down potty or those red colour type? todate, siang does poo in the potty but sometime he also refuse to sit down. have to bluff him lor (like distract him with tv or toys). then mmmmm him... for shshs, he have no problem. just bring him to toilet. don't give up. coco and nada still young. i toke quite a while before i 'succeed'. thou at time he still refuse to sit on it haha. slowly like kkf, i hope siang can use the toilet bowl :p

you see, if i go KL, i also have to bring his smelly potty hahahaha!!

re food. siang also like our food. but i always try to bluff him. pretend to put my food into his bowl and then make him eat his food haha.. nada weight gain is ok right?
actually guess the angmo father felt it is better for his dotter to go ladies washroom then men's toilet to wash his dotter's hands

JAL got promo ? good good, but I heard the airport is far from town (not sure) ..... ytd saw the food show on melaka, seems nice too but the journey is not short so chances the boys must be cranky, that's why if go, must drive in ourselves
your Siang Siang looks like the guai guai kind seriously
hi didi

yes now JAL got promo hehe. yes, from the airport to the central (town) need to have airport transfer. quite a distance.

siang? hahahahha.... u must see him in actual person :p. he cheeky type keke
on last visit, weight was ok. now dunno. next appt end june. guess worried coz hubby say himself & sis v bad eyesight whereas his cousins have v gd eyesight(no specs at all) though use pc lot more. suspect becoz his cousins mum more watchful over their foods when young. eg. carrots everyday. hubby and sis taken care by granny. think not so particular abt food & habits. so both hubby and MIL tell me make sure Nada eat lot of carrots. dunno if that the only factor. sometimes I dun really get their logic though.
use the toilet bowl. that one u cannot throw in frustration~!

bryan still on multi vits drops from pd. u can ask from doctor or get straight from pharmacy when u go kkh.

u deserve the break!! enjoy it!
Hi Jane, I carried dash up to the adult toilet bowl. Now he is bigger, he can sit adult toilet bowl with his legs wide open and poo, I dun even use the small toilet bowl cover, lazy.

Boys has one advantage, they pee they dun have to sit down, haha, so if dash wants to pee, will let him stand on adult toilet bowl, with legs wide open again to pee.

daec, me opposite, wish next one can be a gal...haha, and really hope has good news soon.

Today going back school for meeting...sianzz...why beautiful time always flies? Tis holiday, really brought dash to a lot of places. Hope he enjoyed, me did enjoy, except chasing him around was a bit tiring...hee
good morning mummies

re eye sight. i try not to use flash light when i take siang pix (that is my own beleive la :p). i also worry at times (esp i don't let siang eat carrot - afraid yellow)... and i try to ON the light. then when i read, i try to hold it properly for siang lor...i personally think both habits and food plays a part pah...

been a while since we seen bryan pix hor. hehe got chance post some of the handsome boy ;)

hmm..... i scare wait in the toilet let siang sit on the toilet bowl dangerous ler :p. if poo on the potty is like more safe haha...but when he is bigger, i will let siang go on the toilet bowl to poo keke. yeah now shshhs i just bring him go toilet, let him stand at the washing area and pee lor

oh soon school reopening hor. hehe dash sure have had a wonderful holidays

hello precious_one
how is work? ok? yeah...finally haha
hello mommies,

finally came back to work today. lots & lots of email to clear & work. n everybody arranged meetings today. so hav been in meetings since 9am, now oso in the meeting. but using laptop to post

hope u had a good hol. happy 4 u oso tat u've decided a sch 4 dash. i'm sure he'll enjoy

when we bring ws to swim, i'll go 4 my aerobics classes. so he'll bathe still can la. wait till she's older, then cannot alrdy la..

enjoy ur hol. when u gg? shopping's great. enjoy. where u staying? back 2 work..
today so few posts??

Anyway, just back from school from meeting. Realised I have a lot of things not done...die...


thanks dm, hope little skool house is a good school, but at least it is not those under the flat type, shd be ok.

Jane, yah, when siang is bigger than sit adult toilet bowl like dash.

daec, that will be perfect one boy one gal, but think not so easy.
dun worry. i'm sure u hav made a gd choice 4 dash. try encouragin him more.

last nite, we 'tested' ws. asked her words in english & she could tell us wat they r in chinese. frm 5mths of sch, she can turn frm a zero-chinese-word ger to 1 who could communicate in chinese.

jia you..
hi disneymickey

we intend to go in first week of July then intend to stay at boulevard hotel hehe. am doing booking liao.

hmm hope soon siang can start to use the toilet bowl :p
Jane, actually i agree that coco may be too young. I'm the lazy kind and would rather follow the other school of thought where the child can indicate he needs toilet before training!!! I mean if i've been 'shhing' her since 3/4mths, i think she will be used to it by now cos then she still blur blur. Like my friend's son will hold his poo at 7mths as he doesn't like to soil his diapers. She has been holding him over the toilet bowl since very young i think and she also says at the beginning the boy will resist but she juz persevere and now she is reaping the fruits of her labour!! but cos the weather is turning hotter by the day and summer here is super hot and humid and i'm afraid she will get her diaper rash again. Looks like i'll have to restart the 'project' very soon cos the heatwave is coming or rather has arrived... sigh.. wish me luck!!!

kkf, how to make them sit on the toilet bowl so big and high? hold them? or get those smaller cover to install? I can't imagine my coco sitting still!!!
same here. I same school of thot as u but not managed to toilet train yet. at such young age, i noticed it was easy to tell when nada poo. so I thot mite as well bring her to potty hehe. try to notice the signs before she poo better still.
I also read books abt Diaper Free babies. as young as newborn - 6mths, can toilet train already. I actually wan do that, but since me home on weekends only - either not enf time or too lazy go try heheh. I did manage to get her poo on potty/adult toilet bowl 2x before she was 1yr. just quickly grab her and go when noticed her 'signal' heheh. not easy tho, was easier to just let her use diaper hehe
Work has been bz as I'm the pioneer staff and setting up a brand new office (940 sqm), you know loads of nitty gritty.....but I'm enjoying it. Have been working late so the quilt feeling has come into me sometimes cos not spending enough time with my girl. But I think I am right to return to the workforce cos I'm happier.
hi all

my PC is finally repaired...hehehe... give me some time hor.. i wld post up our table next week... now using hubby's laptop...

sure u can!! next time u going to visit ur fren, let me know also... maybe i also go kpo...

i PM u my contact ok...

congrats on ur new job!! u seem very happy working again..that's great... i think i the lazy type...dun really like to work...hahaha.. now that i think abt it..the only thing i like abt working is can dress up nicely everyday...hahaha.. plus maybe the satisfaction when complete something...

aiyoh... good times always fly past one hor.... u planned alot of activities for dash... (read fr his blog...hehe) most impt is u have enjoyed urself... dun feel too blue going back to sch hor...
hmm...u dun accept PM leh... u PM me ur contact ok?? or else i see if next time can catch u on msn... *wink*
Precious one glad you enjoying your work!

me going back work tom and is so sianz...

nana, yes, I did enjoy a lot during the holidays with dash! hee

lili, I just put down the cover of the toilet bowl, and dash can sit leh. Must hold him a bit so that he won't fall in...haha.
good morning mummies

hi lili

oh weather is turning warm over your side? hmm guess really have to keep coco cool. :p shy to say, i don't know how to hold siang over the toilet bowl (thou like kkf, another of my colleagues also hold her boy since young over the toilet bowl).... keke

yes since siang come home at 3 months actual age, my mother has been training him. so by the time siang is around 6months actual, when he poo he already is potty. then its really quite recent these few months, he is fully toilet train too. but of course there is still accident la :p

hi precious_one

Jia you and soon you can look forward to the 13mth bonus this dec heheheh...

oh its back to normal routine school today hor. anyway..hehe still got next school holiday to look forward to ;)
precious one
that is great that u are enjoying ur work!
wonder how I will feel when I make e switch from FTWM to SAHM/WAHM

true, one gd thing is the satisfaction complete task. when I take care of nada, seems the things never end and repetitive. think another thing nice abt working is the clear defination when is work time, when is end, when lunchtime. where is work environment, where is not. SAHM - to me sometimes the lines so blurred. get so mixed up
kkf, time flies eh. It seems just a while ago that the school hols were here..Maybe i will attempt the toilet bowl this time... hopefully coco will not hate the toilet bowl after two days cos i can't possibly disguise the toilet bowl in any other ways!! At least for potty i can still buy new ones with different patterns... hee hee

My worse fear has come true. Coco got some redness at her anus area... sigh.. yesterday i put her on nappy whole day without any nappy pants. Aiyo.. her urine got onto her books, floor, legs and she still go and touch it with her hands!!!! And i smell of urine at the end of the day!!! Sigh.. but what to do... i hope the rash will not get worse..

Jane, so good.. i should have let my MIL do that to coco then. But then, i feel so heartpain for her when i see her cried every time my MIL did that. And remember her 'balloon bellybutton'? So i try to minimize her crying and now i guess it will take much more effort to train her...

oops.. she's awake...bye
so gd Siang toilet trained

I am also thinking to go hol.. dunno if gd idea coz be living on savings. but ah - me FTWM but never take plane, far away trip tho shld be able afford. thot shld take one else dunno when the next chance comes, esp if want to have #2. thot of Jakarta or Medan.
hi lili
its not easy to toilet train... sometime really like we say 'have to go easy and wait for them to be ready'. i did not start easy too. but i think i succeed liao. all the way, i was using those traditional red ones :p. never bought any special potty. but coco bellybutton now ok? re redness...i guess that really is have to keep her clean and dry. pat pat, i know its not easy...

ok la. its really my mother credit. re budget for holiday. my budget quite tight too... but ok la, now JAL got promotion and i don't want to waste time travelling for such 'short trip' hence decide to go via air plane (cut travelling time). yes gotten go if wanna try 2nd one... nada is ready to travel too right. jakarta always has air ticket promotiion ah... i often seen it.

this is the first time after siang arrive that we are planning for a trip too...
Costa, Mich,

Last weekend, I was in town and was shopping in Paragon when I saw Cova, read about them in the papers and was keen to try out but it is so full
so I just 'tapao' some fruit tarts (bite-size kind) and some cookies as D&D was there too, the tarts are nice, another venue for chit-chatting after dinner

No lah, not every weekend, last weekend cause we needed to get a wedding pressie for hb's friend wedding so no choice got to hit town. So tiring leh, cause I wanted to park at Isetan Scotts Shopping Centre, then realised that there one-way road then U-turn to park at Scotts Shopping Centre then, me 'mountain tortise' didn't know that the shopping centre is otw demolised
so park at Tangs
then walk to taka to get the pressie and to Isetan Scotts for dinner, didn't use the underpass cause got stairs, with 2 strollers and 2 bum bum, Wah ! my maid was saying this is the 1st time she walk co far ever since working for us
all the best with the training! hope the redness gets better !

me thinks holiday sometimes must seize the opportunity when get chance. abt money, well somehow the money will disappear. mite as well go hol and create more happy memories heheh. ;)

hope I get my chance. hubby is hesitant coz budget. his family backgrd is that holidays not impt, v v thrifty kind.
oh...actually town really pack. gosh! anyway, i don't really like the underpass because you are right, so many stairs!.... i can imagine the long walk you toke.

daec is always not enough. my lao gong also not one to spend $$ on holiday. but we really long long time never go holiday liao... so.. time to go for one + my mum and bro is going, so felt that help is around lor keke.

hope soon you can take a break too. nada is such good ger. sure no issue with travelling. i won't say the same for siang :p

Ya lor, on Sat nite somemore
when you going KL ? try not to go during school holidays, otherwise will be very crowded, heard that shopping in KL is good too, will be fun with so many 'hands' to help out
i read about cova but hvnt been abt the dunnoe wat sandwich thingy right....

its supposed to be a hip and happenin place to see and be seen right..?

the food nice or not?
hubby rather just go Batam. Last time I persuade him to go Batam he soo hesitant. now break that barrier, he ok with Batam but I want go further hehe. want new places! I easily bored like Nada.sometimes 30min drive, she cannot tahan hehe. so not sure how she will be when travel, but likely just take a chance. else really dunno when can travel since I am quitting.

told him better grab chance now, if now troublesome/expensive - later with #2 - lagi worse :p
hello mommies,

finally can catch some time 2 read & post. last fri, ws suddenly develop fever. we didn't give med cos temp measured only 36+. then at 1.30am, suddenly, i felt she's like a little oven toaster & measured, she's 38deg. so give med. luckily, fever subsided sat evening. *whew*. can't imagine having to take care of her & prob kenna infected by her when i juz recovered. tired man.

so bz at work some more, with all the planning for 2009 coming up...

wow.. hols thinking oso.. but me v bad la. hubby suggested bringing his mom somewhere yr end. but i'm reluctant.. y shld we? when his mom nev really show concern 4 ws, y shld we reward her?? if wan to bring, i oso wan to bring my parents who helped us a great deal.

btw, juz something to update. ws is in the super talkative mood now..she can talk & talk & talk non-stop, even when she's having fever!! but she said something v sweet the other day..she has been saying she loves mommy/daddy/ah yi/ah ma/ah gong.. now, when i ask her y u love mommy, she say "i love mommy becos mommy loves me"..
hello mummies..
a few days never post liao..
busy with my gers and also need to work from home..
my gers just celebrated their 1st mth yesterday although their actual day is tomorrow...
din invite ppl just gave out cakes to close relatives...
find that my mei mei dun really want to sleep and want people to carry.. and she will cry if u dun answer or carry her.. give her pacifier she also dun want.. really headache..
finding ways to let her sleep..

dm..ur ger is so cute!
must have melt ur heart right.. hehe
juz went into ur blog..noticed siang looks so much like u

ws said tat 2 me 1st..when daddy heard tat, he oso wans.. so he pointed at his nose (to indicate to ws to say tat 2 him), but ws juz say "nose", which is correct haha

Me only tried the fruit tarts, hmm... nice
yes saw quite a few well-heeled ladies there, saw the sandwiches, didn't get cause just grab the tarts and cookies which is too rich and sweet to my liking
'touch and go' cause hb, d&d, and the maid were waiting outside
it's under the same management as Cova in HongKong where the celebrities goes for high - tea
