Premature babies support group

dun worry 2 much ok? u r alrdy seeing the returns as dash is such a clever boy & he'll prove 2 u tat ur $ is well invested

ytd, ws learnt 客人来 in sch & she kept singing at home. but she can only manage till ... 爸爸不在家.. then i got to sing 4 her & she can finish off with 一杯茶.. cute..

btw, dora is a cute name..
initially we wanted to name ws miki cos she's made in jap (prob disney hotel haha) & i like mickey mouse. we hav been calling her miki when she's in my tummy..but in the end, juz wen shin

haha yeah its NAN Ha (missed out the HA :p). wow ws can sing! cool! actually, i thin because se dunno how to make tea yet hence she only sing till 爸爸不在家 ;) she is clever..she know she dunno how to she sing till that lor ;)

I tried Gain IQ for a while (as my boy along was with similac family of FM) then...change to enfa lor

normally they bounce back really fast after falling sick. soon she will be growing up fast fast fast
fairylander, wah! the princess has started on cereals! i'm looking fwd to the day bryan does. for now, he has started noticing our food and wanting to eat it. he gets angry when we dun share, in a way lah. i suppose that could be first sign of readiness... but his milk is still stuck at 120ml. hahaha. anyway we dun care anymore. as long as he is putting on weight. he is currently 5.2kg at 6.5/3.5 mths. after adding fm to bm, his weight is better. i suppose cereals will then make him plump plump later on!
fairylander, yah, wat jane said was true. I think after surgery dash drank very fast also. you know lar, before surgery they were deprived of milk, thats why after that they treasured more.

xbliss, yes yes, bryan will gain weigh fast, dun worry.

dm, wow, your gal can sing ke ren lai, hee so cute! you know lee jin mei daughter is called "miki"? I taught her before. nice gal. hee.

bloom yah hor, good idea hor, I must ask my hubby to ask guanyin on my behalf, he is more kind and eats a lot of vegetarian...

Jane, no lar, dash not high in iq. I find him du instead. My colleague's son can twist things around, but dash cannot. He is very du. Ask him what he did in school, he could not say anything, sigh. He never mentioned anything about school in fact. I think even if his friend bashed him up, he would not even know.
GOod morning mummies

Anyone read the today edition of MY Paper? on page A8 is an article of Meet-and-Knit of about a group of women who meet and knit/crocheting little yarn hats for premature babies in their spare time.... please read the article if you have the papers
there is contacts number there too (for those who is keen to join the good cause)
i think dash is just being tolerating (i read your blog abt the bites)... a great man goes a long way because of his ability to tolerate unfairness. the truth will surface one day.

think he does not really share what he learn in school is because he felt there is probably nothing really exciting about 'it' :p.
Nort East mommies, CC got tui na for bbs

I just called, they still got vacancies

jane, i saw tat article too.. so remind me of last time KKH SCN and feel like sending today newspapers pics of my bb in those hats knitted bythe nurse...

kkf, dm is right.i tink dash is more lao shi type too...
hi bloom
what an interesting idea...maybe we can all combine some efforts to let the kind soul (who is in the group of woman who knit those hats) know that our babies have really received their kind thoughts.
me loves to knit too
but can't
do you know b4 preggie, to while away my time, I went to learn bought all the yarn, then didn't continue after preggie

don't feel bad abt not able to got 2 lovely boys
me too , had lots of interests before siang came along.. maybe time we pick up our interest again (provide time allows :p)
thanks for the 'consolation' ha....ha... me toyed with the idea, actually I need knit a sweater for my dad and my hubby (bf then)
but a bit out-of-shape.
we can understand each other situation (in a way) ah. so...its not a consolation la. you really got 2 lovely boys ah. we just have to shine lights at one another so that life is always merry and happy

i desired to read and study (on all kind of topics) but time does not allow now...maybe when i am older :p and i got the time, i will pick up the books once more?? hehe

Jane Jane,
yep, agree totally, we, mommies in this thread really understand each other the best
Happy Mothers Day in advance
I love this job desription hehe
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
mum jobscope
mom_desc.doc (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

wah I would love to go tuina class! but at nite leh. Nada sleep already. That day is her birthday hehe. Will look out for next round
BLOOM, thanks for the information, anyone joining? sengkang CC, just nice! very nearby my place, and 18th May is a sunday before vesak day! great! I have signed up and made payment liao! I signed my hubby up also cause can bring dash along. Hope to see you all there.

knit? oh cannot leh, I dun even know how to hold the needle. can donate, or do other things or not?

thanks for consoling me, haha. Dash knows all? no no no...
morning mommies,
so bz at work these few days. some more gg on leave next Thurs, so more work 2 b cleared..

ytd, kinderland called me - gave me a big shock, u know la, w the HFMD now..anyway, they told me the GIRO 4 ws' sch fees failed. gave me another shock.. q upset &amp; pai seh.. then called n scolded hubby. cos he transferred most of the $ out 2 fixed D &amp; 4got abt ws' sch fees. so malu

today he's on reservist in afternoon, so not gg 2 work. i asked him 2 bring ws 2 sch &amp; pick her up b4 gg 2 his reservist. he told me something q funny. ws told the teacher, daddy not gg to work. somemore with the failed giro, the teachers must b thinking her daddy is out of job haha.

last nite went out dinner @shin kushiya @vivo with colleagues. very nice dinner. highly recommended. they hav another outlet @suntec &amp; far east sq. 4 of us ate abt $100 &amp; till very very full. we ate yakitori, sashimi, handroll, etc. tot the price was q reasonable. anyway, hubby decided to handle ws alone last nite. it was ok initially (w a little tantrums here &amp; there) but until milk time, she suddenly cry 4 mommy &amp; refused 2 let hubby go make milk. when i reached home abt 11, both daddy &amp; daughter peng san on the bed. hubby fell asleep w/o putting ws into her cot. haha.. now he knows it's so tough haha

TGIF! happy mother day in advance. my sister make reservations @marina mandarin dunno wat buffet 4 sun lunch..hope it's nice
click on the link open it. if cannot, try right click to show a pop up box to save or open it

heheh gd that hubby knows its tough
jane, not sure abt nicu,but what i heard abt scn is that the hats are knitted by the nurses there, so should not be this grp of volunteers.... not very sure...

daec...oh... nada's bd! she sleep so early so good..u can check the cc website..they got other massage coureses for bbs too at other timing...

kkf, i sign up too! i and hb is no 3 and 4.... eheheh.. see u there! hope my gal will be guai and let me stay 2 hrs in the room! any more mommies interested in joining us???

dm..ahhahaha.. hb will think its always easier for the mommy to take care....
hi xbliss,
just planning ahead in case my supply drops when i go back to work in a few weeks' time. Currently my supply is just nice for bb.. so not sure if it's still adequate if his demand increase and i go back to work. I was told by some nurses that small babies should take mamil.. similac is for normal sized babies. so just wondering if that's true and if my baby can take similac.

kkf, remember me? i bought the premature bb book from you =)

such a coincidence. my lao gong this afernoon is also on reservist...hmm i wonder haha

oh i see...

hehe nada birthday coming..any celebrations plan?
yeah lor she sleep early meansI have some free time hehe. just that it also means less time with her abt 30/45minyes, will check out other sites.thx!

not sure yet. I just know I really prefer just 3 of us go out as a family. any ideas where to go ? thkin bake cake. morning - share with my parents some birthday cake then go out. IL - I dunno yet. hoping have a early one with them this sunday but depends their shift work schedule. I want may 18 mostly to myself heheh. if they come, in the end Nada attention have to give them. I have to put on 'mask' as I am not myself with them. dun wan leh. May 18 - last yr, I didnt even get to c her. I am also mindful that we need to setup our bond/traditions as a new family. we somesort follow parents 2much since stay together, depend IL schedule when meet.c how it goes. still pending coz dunno IL schedule.
yup its at anchorpoint.....main entrance turn right..i hvnt been there though....

i must learn fm you how to hold the knitting needles, i can never hold it well and always my stitches are uneven..tts why my "handiwork" i dare nt show pple...
me can hold but same my stitches are also uneven, some tight some loose
think my knitting 'technique' return to instructor liao
are you celebrating mother's day with your mom ?, think for me, not gg out for dinner with my mom or mil, just gave my mom a small angpao for Mother's day , feel kinda of bad, but Dylan has runny nose so not going out anywhere. As for myself, just received my pressie from hb last nite, he didn't say for Mother's day but I ask 'for Mother's day huh ?' he just smiled
my sis's just told me her 4 yo dotter just made her a bracelet (made from straws) and a card

so sweet !

Mich, Costa,
you gals will be gtg cards from your darling 'bfs' too
i wld be receiving a card from my son so would all other parents who have kids in primary school...its called a "report card" hahha for Semestial Assessment.........

tink tis card lagi more scary to receive than other things......

unless the school teachers make them do cards during art lesson, i highly doubt my son wld make a card for me......

every day he wld give me a "kek" making me very "kek hei" (angry) hahah...
I just feel that Zack is a smart boy, imo. Can I know does he reads a lot of story books ? think he picks up his vocabulary from you ?
I ever heard from my ex-boss that smart kids tend to be a bit on the notti side
thanks for yr compliment, many pple told me that oso but i dun see it in his exam results hahaha

sad to say my son doesnt like to read story books from page to page...i tink he has not read any story book from cover to cover in his life....

u noe wat he reada lot of?he likes to tell me wat handphone or and mp3 player is on offer etc....i think its perhaps nowadays kids are smrter than last time..i read tt average iq of kids nowadays is higher than last time..aiyah talking no use one, doesnt translate to good essay writing....his essay writing is dem terok...
he is mature for his age hor, think his peers does that too ? maybe he is eyeing handphones and mp3s ?
sorry, boy i wun buy for him a hp now as the reason he gave me was so lame..tink i tell you the reason next time..its so lame until i so paiseh to tell u here hahahaha
hey, nowsaday kids are so mature, you know what my 4yo niece also ask her dad for a handphone
already and my hb's side all the kids from 3-11yos all own a handphone, PSP, WII.....
my son oso got psp, my hb bot but its under my lock and key...ran out of battery, i dun noe hw to charge and dun noe where is the charger haha....

the wii my hb bot and then sold away becuz machiam too sophisticated for my son...

the psp hor last time i will bring out for him to play when i go out so tt he dun disturb me whilst i m eating and catching up wif my frens hahaha....
dash's school ask him to make a card for mummy. First time receiving gift from him! haha.
posted in his website.

Hi bellybutton, oh is you! hee. How's the book? useful?

didi, my mum in bangkok! haha. so not celebrating with her. celebrated last week. Today going to makan vegetarian food with my in laws. they very amitable ones, so must eat vegetarian. will give her a small ang bao as well. hee.

so good leh your hubby gave you present. My hubby just treated me to pasta mania home delivery food upon my request.

bloom! yeah! we can see each other next sunday! yeah yeah! you staying at sengkang?

I think most prob got to take mc tomorrow as I have been having on and off running nose, and cough for quite some time. Been not going to see doctor. Think got to see tomorrow so that can recover...

Going for kooky art workshop with dash later at 330pm. its called "cookie for mummy n me", wonder if it is fun! will update in his website.

happy mother's day to all!!! (made this with dash)
btw, will be placing dash in pap kindergarten next year. Didn't know kindergarten also has to ballot!!! but luckily my father in law uses his dunno wat expired pap card to get him in. haha.

Lazy to find another school liao, since can get him will just let him go in. Think for his tots house now, will just let him stay there. me really lazy to find another school. hee
good morning mummies

me got noththing for mother's day hehe (got la, my lao gong buy a packet of pop corn chicken for me - count or not haha). for my mum, earlier last month give my brother some cash to purchase kenko massaging package for my mum to go for massage. every weekend my bro would bring her there... so we combine $ to buy package for my mum.

so nice of dash
sweet ler. oh PAP not bad ah. wow your fil also got lobang ler.
morning mommies,

last nite while packing ws' bag, found a card - a mother's day card. but i dun think it's made by her la haha.. n she didn't even tell me. purposely left it on the table this morning &amp; asked her, is tat 4 mommy? she give me a blur blur look haha.

but went marina mandarin 4 buffet lunch ytd. food not v fantastic, but was v crowded. however, ws enjoyed herself v much, cos got duck meat &amp; mushroom 4 her to eat w rice haha

then at nite went 2 eat fish head bee hoon w hubby's cousins. again, ws is the happiest cos got fish &amp; again mushroom 2 eat haha.. dunno if it's her bday or mother's day haha
kkf, i live in woodlands...ahahah! so most prob will be late for the course :p

didi, its not mature lah... i thot mature is dong3 shi4 :p

my hb only rem to go home cos its mother's day..forget all abt me.. sighhh..i treat myself delifrance b/f with bb..ahahah

jane, kenko is foot massage right? good?

yup kenko got foot and body massage. but i think they are more reputable for foot massage. my mum leg/ankle used to giver her problem (she quite big size). my bro say after the massage session, my mum always feel more refreshed. hence despite its not really cheap, we still chip in and buy the package for her to go for the massage.
hi all.
hope u all had a great mother's day. Mine wasnt so great courtesy of my husband.grrr.. but having Nada ard cheered me up.

thinkin c counseller/marriage course. another gd bk that I was thinking to get
Love Busters: Overcoming Habits That Destroy Romantic Love by Willard F. Jr. Harley
aiyah, my pressie is simple, nothing fantastic one lah

Kenko quite atas ? thot of gtg my mom to do the foot massage but hor my mom very 'kia pain' one lah
scare this scare that, not like my mil, she is game for anything kind
think will 'force' my mom to do the body massage if we happen to go Bintan ..... btw, my niece gave me a carnation for Mother's day

saw that article, shown it to hubby already !!!! give me half of the salary, make me very very happy already
