Premature babies support group

Thanks very much... Good to have friends like you who has an older child.
I definitely need to talk to you more.
Haha... My collick just told me this am, maybe it is time to buy assessments for D&E.
Then my boss added, let them enjoy their childhood lah. Please....!

My friends’ kids can read from their story books but it is through memory.
When the same word appears elsewhere, they cannot read it.
That’s why the teacher called and raise a concern.
The kids are expected to identify the words!
In the end, my friends sent their children to enrichment classes where they are taught to read and identify words.
There is improvement.
You mean PAP dun teach them how to read?
But KKF said PAP should prepare them before they start P1.
I am getting more and more confused.
Later if have time, I’ll check MOE website.

hi mich

i tell u something hor. last saturday night i read a parenting book. one of the chapter was on how to guide children on fine and gross motor skill.

it actually list down quite a number of activities that helps. most important, i came to understand learning is not only about studying. its about play and have fun :p

sunday almost whole day i did not let siang read. instead we had fun whole day chasing balls hahahha.. until late around 7pm, then i decide to take out all the books and let him wind down before he goes to bed at 10pm keke
next time bring siang to kkf house for enrichment classes :p. since...since i foresee siang may need special class
gdlah Siang like looking at books. then while he look, u read to him. bit by bit progress to reading

I c. that's what my aunt told me, she checked with the PAP at her area which is Punggol. betta check with e kindergarten - sounds like their syllabus may not be std. my aunt is active volunteer now turned teacher assistant.

so poor things our kids ah. They r doing some stuff that I did in primary 3 in my time.
hallo mummies
this wk is last wk of my maternity. so sad. the sarong at my mother in law's house malfunctioned somemore (is the motor kind) so have to go and change. poor bryan keep waking up.

fairylander, cath weight very good wor. bryan now is 4kg only.. waiting for him to increase weight until neck long long.

reading is so compulsory uh? the education standard very high leh. i think now the textbooks are already 3-4X harder than my days. i really pity the kids.
oh can i pose a question

while baby is crawling, is it common that their feet will have wounds caused by rubbing (ie friction with the tiles)?

siang have the red red wound at his toe and some parts of his feet ler...
I did a survey with my p1 leh, those who are faster in learning mostly come from PAP.

I am also not, actually in my opinion, PAP follows govt syllables more closely since they are under govt mah.

I am kiasu too! haha. I just bought a lot of preschool workbooks from pelangi spree. Anyone if you all want to get pelangi books, I can organise one spree for you, just from this thread. You can go take a look, a lot of good workbooks. Learning

Recently, I realise dash likes to ask a lot a lot of questions. He will point this and that and ask "zhe ge shi shen me?", and he enjoys pointing and asking, and hearing us answer. Dunno why. Sometimes very irritating, haha cause I got to repeat and repeat, like "glasses", then "glasses" then "glasses" again, but he thinks it is fun!

I am also trying to have more fun with dash, doing art, baking etc, although I am kiasu. hee.

Costa, my school has LEARNING SUPPORT PROGRAM also. You are right, those slower ones will go into that programs.

One thing to take note of mummies, there are more and more children with dylexic problem. Must observe.
you buy those knee protectors for siang, maybe will help? I saw it selling at bulk purchase before.
hi kkf, knee protector, nope did not buy that for siang.

wow hope he stand and walk faster... cos i see the abrusion on his feet, i heart pain but must let him crawl ler. sometime after a while, i ask him to sit down and not knee lor...

and yeah, the pelangi book indeed good. even my collegaue said so :p (i told them i got a 'teacher mum' to recommend keke). if you are holding another spree. hehe i will go and see see first haha

you meant dash was not seeing Dr YY Yip before?
Dash went to see a dr yip and gleneagles before, but just asking for 2nd opinion before operation at kkh.

Sure if more mummies here are interested to get pelangi books, let me know, I organise a spree for us only.
tks cathrina now abit pui pui liao haha.

jia you bryan sure wil put on weight gradually.i think i gave cathrina fm tats y she put on weight so pian coz i dun have enuf bm liao.
oh i see. i gues sometime...just have to pay for professional advise...

oh if our very spree is on, please let me know :p. maybe i go and bio now. then i copy my order down haha...

the 3rd spree i join, i wonder is there any specified date the book supplier quote? haha, i wonder how siang will react to the sticker book i order haha. if only pelangi have crayola item hor haha
tat cardio at glenE is dr william yip.the cost really "want my life" was seeing him wen she was still in my womb.see him 1 time cost 500 bugs then hor wen she was born he did a scan on her also 500 plus really want my life.i didnt even know he did the scan wen i was still in glenE after giving birth.then wen i receive the bill then i notice.he didnt even come to explain to me wen i was still on hubby said he is good for nothing lol.
hahaha. correct dr william yip. want our lives, cost so high!

Yah yah, I can organise one for you all if you all keen. but will do it here, not at the overseas spree. You can email me your orders yah.

Jane, dun really understand wat you mean? what is specified date the book supplier quote?

mich, hmm, you can go dash website, post pictures of some workbooks I get for him. The website got state the workbooks are suitable for wat age, maybe you can consider getting books that are suitable 3 years old? There are chinese books too! do take a look.

Mummies if you keen on the books, drop me an email. If ok, by this week (sunday) ok? anyway pelangi doing stocktake, if I submit orders now also no use, they will drag a while.
spot on dash blog the painting. is those from crayola? mich text me last night of sale of crayola stuff at tangs hehe.

thanks. this weekend i shall cheong for the sale haha :p (hope still got things left by then :p)

does any mummy know when would baby fair be coming into town? i want to buy some milk bottles (for replacement of the old ones) and maybe teats too. I am using the Prince bottles and pigeon teats.
Me not sure about baby fair.

Oh is it? tangs got sale on crayola?

I always bought crayola from tokomama website. Sometimes they have bulk purchase, and will give 10% off like that.

Not sure when the books will deliver to me, will chase after them jane.
Jane the pelangi person just told me that she has shipped out batch 1 books yesterday and batch 2 may be shipped out today or tomorrow. Expecting the books to arrive by this week.

Mummies, if you want to order pelangi books let me know, there will be 20% discount on top of the pricing of the books for other countries.
hi kkf

yeah yeah mich was there last evening hehe. she first hand text me kekeke.

oh i noted that there is BP ongoing for crayola but always lazy to join haha.

great the book is coming. wow if i buy the crayola colouring items, hehe, i can start the painting with siang liao.

thanks so much
hi mommies,
i'm back. but so much to catch up. i try & ans bellybutton 1st then the rest ok?

i delivered my ger @Mt A. the charges there are the lowest among the private hospitals. u can try & contact dr ong eng keow (tel 62526115). he's oso specializes in pre-mature bb.
wow.. so many posts to read. n i sense some mommies here beginning 2 worry abt P1?? heehee.. 4 me, i'm more worried abt ws gg to sch next wk. ytd was ws' bday. on leave & brought her ot zoo.. will post some pics ltr. now, some pics on her bday last sat.
good morning disneymickey

wow look at pretty ws. the cake is really sweet and nice! she like disney characters?

see her picture i feel like hugging her liao
actually it's the mommy who likes mickey
so i sort of 'force' her to like too. actually she can recognize the pooh & frens better cos she has books on them

hahhaa... well ws may learn to really love the characters when she more grown up ;)

ws looks a bit tan (beautiful tan)..has she been going for some sports lately? her hair is curl very nicely
halo, long time nvr chat w u. happy BD to ur little darling.
she's turning 2 YO rite? almost same as my boy. He'll turn 2YO tis April.
I'm same w u, worrying abt him entering school next month. I got another younger one to headache. head becomes bigger

all the best.
not bit tan, but v tan! haha. swimming (well, mostly play water la) alsmot every wk. but i dun care la, at least the playing w water makes her tired, so easier to let her zzz

ya, her bday was ytd. went to zoo.. tried to post some pics, but think filesize 2 big heehee..ltr then post ok?
how was ws's birthday?
hope she enjoyed herself..she really vy sporty looking and so cute, swinging fm the railing.....

the other picture shows her so demure like princess....

the cake is so nice....
kkf...yeah rem u mentioning abt ur qian last time..maybe really fated that i will be the mommy of 1 kid only...

mummylian, so today is 35+6! way beyond the gestation of my gal liao... congrats!

jacelyn, i thot pediasure is more for kids with apetite issues?

fairylander, 5.1kg is good
happy.gif does cathrina talk to pp? :p

mich, read and identify words!!!???? wah.. ihad been letting my gal just play play play :p

bellybutton, i think if we ask us, some of us have good reviews on kkh nicu/scn too... and the charges aren't so high...

disneymickey, ws is always so sweettttt loookkinggggg.... what school is ws going to?

ws tan is very nice. just nice. yeah like costa say, it make her very sporty yet at times ws is so demure (in dress). she has displayed different image at all times

i like the one she ride the sea lion
so sweet innocent looking...

i really think ws should participate in those beatiful sweet baby competition...
Thanks for the encouragement! Cath is growing well! Happy to hear tat
N hope to hear ur good news too for ur no.2

Bloom/ irene
Ya.. Tomoro is 36 weeks liao.. v happy.

U gettting ur boys ready for school liao huh?? Very hardworking mum

My little Ezann is throwing tantrums liao...
When we refuse to give her the things that she wants, she will scream.. Find her a little handful liao.. She still can't call mama.. only dada.. but she starts to walk on her own liao..

Anyone can advice??? She is still having cough le.. Been 3 weeks liao.. Not comfy to put her on medication for so long le.. Any advive??
wow! u've make it there already. i believe u dun hav the 'trauma' of giving birth early anymore. juz like wat i feel last time. when bb has reach full term, i'm kind of relief already. in fact i hope can give birth asap after full term coz very heavy

ur ws was so enjoying at her party. she looks very sweet. growing up already, look different w pics before (when u first join the thread).

i haven't plan anything for my boy's 2YO bday. His previous bday was just a simple family gathering. tis time round, i hav a younger baby n will be just gg back to work ard his bday, dun think hav time n energy to plan for a big event.
thanks 4 all the compliments...

ws is gg kinderland

i only had a small celebration, abt 15pple only. ordered some 933 curry chkn & bought some fried stuff frm old chang kee. had some canned longan & nata de coco 4 dessert. simple? grin
taka bb fair is from 9 march to 25 march.

ws looks very sporty and cute.

cathrina uses bb language to talk lor like "ang gu" etc haha i also dun understd juz keep talking back "ang gu" to her.really talkative every morning wake up ard 8am after feed she start talking at least 30 mins non stop,1 whole day at least i spend 4 talking session wif her and each time abt 30 mins really buay tahan.

hope ezann get well soon.u really jia you alot juz like i told my ger went i 1st bring her home from kkh everyday told her to jia you to put on weight hehe.good luck and have a smooth delivery
cathrina so cute.. can talk alrdy heehee.. enjoy. now ws' favourite word is "no" sigh..

btw, think there's a popular fair @expo this weekend..pop down if u r interested
hi fairylander
oh ok ok thanks. then its coming soon hehe. will make a note of it.

wow cath is talking. every night before siang sleep, i talk non stop to him for 45 mins...:p ahhahaha...

congrats! and take care
cheers. hope ezann recover soon. the haze is back (but today is so much better after the heavy down pour)
cath so cute! u know conincidentally, the older folks' language of talking to the baby is to say "ang gu gu" or something like that to the baby! hehehe. they must have derived it from the baby's talking itself! hee. bryan just entered the sunshine stage.. all smiles everyday. it's a joy to see them smile!

aiyoh.. WS so pretty!!! i do think she is going to cope really fine in school given her "outgoing" character as i presume from the photos. She is such a water baby like my bryan! once he is in the tub, he automatically stops crying and starts playing! and yes, he falls asleep after the bath so easily!

Re baby fair:
expo having mother care baby festival from 21 to 23 march, hall 6A. Wkdays is 11am-9pm and sun is 11am-8pm. cya all there! they apparently have some competitions like bb crawling.. so for those who have started crawlin can go check it out!

congrats! u have done well! remember to give urself a big treat after delivery! how about trying hou ning from eu yan sang? i heard it is very good for babies too. they have different powders for dry or phlegmy cough.

erm..actually ws is very shy. tat's y i wan to put her to sch 2 b more sociable.

u gg to enter bryan in the competition? i'll b there cos it's near my office
u can bake cookies w the oven?? give me the recipe leh..i oso wan to bake those butter cookies
oops, tot i'm supposed 2 b on diet
wah.. gathering there will be fun! but i guess chaotic as well with all that crowd! hehe. i'm in, but will need to confirm again cos may need to work on weekend.

i'm looking forward to grab lots of diapers, wet wipes, clothes and toys! i tink i might go on first day (take leave) without bryan.. easier to get things done. hehe.

aiyoh, WS looks totally sociable. but i understand ur point. Bryan no qualify for the competitions yet! heheh. must be 6 mths.. he only 4 mths non corrected.
WS looks soo pretty as always. Hope she will grow up to be very healthy everyday, and prettier.

Gathering at expo? won't it be a chaos cause all us mummies will be busy grabbing the items! haha.

Disneymickey, yah yah, though the oven is very cheapo, but can bake cookies leh. Not sure if better ovens can bake better cookies, but since I just bake for fun, so bought a very cheapo one. haha. recipe?

You need to get a small kitchen weighing scale:
butter 150g
fine sugar 60g
whole egg
sunshine plain flour 220g
vanilla powder 2g

Mix all together to make dough.

I follow sunshine delicious recipe, haha. I am also not expert in this.
But recently I did develope an interest in baking cookies with dash.

I shd be even on diet leh.

Mummylian, my boy has been coughing for quite a while too! I think almost 2 months! He has been taking medicine a lot. Anyway, he went to Mount Elizabeth to see a supposedly famous doctor there, and the doctor gave him two sprays. It seems to help. Now he is coughing less finally (keeping fingers cross), but if he still doesn't recover, I will go ask doctor to check whether he has sinus infection.

Precious one, thanks for calling me up to inform me about the sinus thing.

Jane, just to let you know, batch 1 pelangi books have arrive my house.
But with post office because I missed the postman.

I am going to see doctor late myself. I got a bit of cough, and sore throat again! sigh!!!! rat year is really nto a good year for horse? must pray more.
