Premature babies support group


Made some cupcakes (well, hope it looks like) just now. You see, books never mark, go do stupid things. Me going crazy lately.

Now, I can try letting dash decorate cupcakes.

Die, think me more and more like housiewife. how? haha.

Btw, anyone knows where to buy those icing?

maybe you would like to try those phoon huat, sun lik stores selling all these stuff..

or else the shop bake-it-yourself which is near kkh for all these icing stuff.......the shops webbie is

fm this shop, u can also borrow their stuff and when you return can get back some money...but its not really tt cheap...

u so good will let dash do some thing..most of the time, although i do some cooking stuff wif my son, most of the time the cheem stuff, i wld take over, if not he wld mess it up and waste my ingredients ahhaha....

recently, i tried making my own ice cream at home..quite fun...heh heh..
try poon huat 4 the icing? oh, so ur recipe no need those beater? gd, cos i dun hav 1 haha.

gathering @bb fair? wow so chaotic

precious, u r back?? how's ur trip?
u can try surfing food blogs for recipes etc...tts my favourite past time..haha...many food blogs hv recipes suitable for kids....
Ice-Cream, did you get the ice-cream maker ? so fun
just wondering, when you and Zack are baking, does Bern Bern makes noise and wanna join in too ?
no, bern doesnt really wanna join as most of the time hv to get my maid to take care of him..If not, he wld ka chow and i cant get anythg done

no lah, i din get the ice cream maker..too expensive investment as i only hot on smthg for a while nia hahah and dun noe hw much ice cream i gonna make

i just use normal things like mixing bowl, mixer and perhaps a whisk...and using normal ingredients like eggs, cream etc.....anyhow make..just made cookies and cream ice cream...want to try a few more like sweet corn etc...
Intersting discussion on baking.

How is your new oven?

Wah.... ice cream. Yummy.
I am lokking forward to making some cookies with D&E. First, must buy an oven first.
wat cookies you plan to make wif d and e?
does their school hv cooking lessons?

last time, my son's school got small cooking lessons for the kids..quite fun leh....

wat oven you plan to buy?a multi function one or just a simple no frills one?
Costa, Mich,
me too, toying with the idea of gtg a oven, went to Best Denki last weekend and thot of gtg the Panasonic Inverter Oven cum Microwave... one of gf bot it and it is good
but worry that it will be another white elephant
like my bread maker.

It your oven 2-in-1 kind ?
wah, u got bread maker it easy to use?just throw everythg in and then in the morning can hv nice and fresh warm bread?since u hv it, why dun just use it lah...if not wasted leh?

i saw the oven you mentioned before...but i cant buy as i still got one at home which is working well...
Yes, very easy to use
Me got 'bad' eyes
I bot it way before I gotta preggie
cause I was so bored at home, then 1 day I was roaming in Tangs basement and they are doing a demo so I bot it, make a few times, but 1 thing it take about 4 hours for the yeast to rise
if wanna use I must check out the sequence with the promoter again, ya you are rite, I should bake esp now D&D is eating bread... I also thinking whether should buy, if I get the oven then never use, will sure kenan 'nagged' by ah lao
I guess i shall start with the easiest, such as plain butter cookies?
Do you have any recipe to share?
Yes, they have cooking lessons in school for the older kids. I think it is fun too.

I think i will just get a no frills one which allows me to bake and grill.

My bread maker is also a white elephant at home!
Bought in Australia in 1999. Lug it home and look forward to some nice smelling home baked bread.
Bake once and failed. Never tried again.
Think there are 3 models, think it is S$379, S$699, S$799 (the S$799 one has a turbo fan, which I have no idea what's that)... thot of gtg those no frills kinds but that's means everytime I need to keep it somewhere after use... as my kitchen top is taken up by 1 basic microwave ....
Hey, you bake once,... me bake about 5 times and use it 1 to make the dough for pizza....
Hi mommies,
have your bbs ever on a walker ? I rem the physiotherapist mentioned that it is not so advisable ? thanks
oh costa, you are an expert in cooking? must learn from you more!

I also do the chim stuff myself, and let dash do those simple ones.

Wow you all talking about oven? if you are not always baking? a cheap one will do. I bought morries brand oven from ntuc. Functioning well, can bake too. I dun use it often so I dun invest in one.

Hi didi, I let dash use walker. It is fine leh.

Disneymickey, yes, the sunshine flour packaging got state how to cook cookies and how many mins (20 mins usually).

Wow, yesterday so quiet so few posts? me soooo tired today got to go school at 9am to mark CA. me woke up around 1 plus am yesterday cause couldn't sleep, went back sleep around 2plus, woke up around 6 plus. very very tired...
i didn't put ws in walker. i heard it may result in the kid walking on tip-toe. but dunno how true la.

today almost half the office has gone 4 sales convention. so no boss
ltr will go expo popular book fair
hi didi
I heard some parents say scared baby too dependent on walker so learn walk slower. On the flipside, hmm I guess they get more practise too though ? I cldnt decide myself. but I know my mum let my ger use sometimes when she go over to her cousin and use theirs.
me no expert, just like to play play and i oso have "san1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4" (three minutes of fever) haha...we can discuss more next time...

now is the time of CA and parents nitemares....

i put my elder son in walker last time, i was vy agst it but my dad bot one and so i put my elder son in it..

for my small one, i din put him in becuz we were advised agst it but till now, he is still not walking vy steadily and prefers to crawl....
i oso not sure whether its ok to let bbs sit..myself used walker last time and my sister also but i only walked steadily after 1 yr old..till now, i also chew kana kar (hand like leg) hahah..just kiddin'

chat again gotta hit my work now..
My pil bot one for the boys, and said that it is ok to let them sit as all the kids (those taken care by them) sit and they all are walking ok
but 1 thing, it is really useful, at least for Darryl, he can sit and watch tv and get fed also
the pd just replied me saying 'NO'
same for my dad..he bot one for my elder son despite my protests but after putting him there least my maid cld hv some rest..

maybe you can let them sit but for a short while nia...
you know lah, parents being parents ...... my father-in-law is 1 stubborn man !
yup, will let them sit for a while now and then
Have saw previously that you bot crocs for Zach and Bern, did you get 1 for yourself ? thot of gtg the Mary Jane for myself and it is kinda of big and the SA told me should get bigger, did you get the bigger size for them too
do you know other than Vivo where else got Crocs shops ? thanks
hmm..marina square has crocs where i got mine...and also i think causeway point..if not, for small departmental stores tangs

for my elder son, i think i got one which my son said fitted okay..for my younger son...i think the pair was too big..till now, he hasnt wore it yet

no, i din get any for myself...i find it too expensive and i dun really like the patterns...i see a lady at my estate wearing the normal crocs brite pink with her office outfit everyday..i find it not my style.

i prefer to buy normal court shoes for work...
ok I see, true, they are only for weekends, and sahm like me
I never used to like it for adults, but I find it light-weight lor
Can I know what time does Bern Bern sleep at nite ? (mine sleep at 1030pm, cause I want to give them the last feed for the day at 1000pm) but felt that it is too late
so got to re-adjust the time.... Later got to see my dad, he had a fall in the bathroom
my son is bad gauge for bbs behaviour..he sleeps at 8 plus and then wakes up at different times at nite to drink milk.....

not only tt, smtms he wld wake up and play at vy lazy..most of the time, my maid feeds him at nite becuz i need my sleep so tt i can work..

dun learn fm me..hp yr dad's alright..let us noe
marina has a croc shop. i oso bought a pair of mary jane 4 myself. v comfortable. but i only wear it on weekends, or fri (to work) but w casual dress-down like capri or jeans la. my BIL bought a pair 4 ws, but still 2 big, so she can't wear yet.

juz came back frm popular book fair. wow, bought q a lot of books
think hubby gg 2 kill me. heehee.. think will bring back different days heehee
u went popular sale huh.....i went when it was at alot of assessment my case,my son was gg to kill me hahaha...but must agree, its irresistable to buy books
Bern is lucky that you and your maid is patient with him

I just went to Popular sales too, actually wanted to go Watsons sale but blur me, it only starts tmr
only get some receipes books for my maid, tired of her same cooking
I'm back. Jakarta is good for shopping but the air is bad for kids. A had bad cough there and luckily we brought along medicine. We spent S$1k on shopping alone...cos everything cheap cheap so buy buy and more buy. Got to buy a big luggage to bring them home.

Food, we ate only chinese/japn food becoz I had bad cough too. Luckily we brought along rice and slow cooker cos it is so difficult to get porridge or kuay teow soup from the restaurants. So A survived on marmite bread, home-cook porridge, cereals and milk.

Flight: A did very well, she was awake and playing from Sin to Jkt but slept through when returned.

On walker, I was advised by neo nat. not to use it at all. Reason being premies might or might not have gross motor skills delay, so if the child happens to walk tip toe or not correctly and did not use walker at all, it is easier for the doc. and therpist to assess on the cause of it.

On crocs....I was told that vivo carried the most designs.
hmm, you are back
wow S$1k on shopping, can roughly share share what you buy ? so that I can make a note
I rem when I was there, I didn't buy that much, maybe more on Polo's items, maybe cause I accompanied hb on his biz trip, you went Mangga Dua too, rite ?
A did well, you can venture further destinations next time
think, most probably I won't use the walker liao
Hello mummies

didi, for crocs shoes, motherhood bulk purchase have it by subaru. I bought from there. very cheap. I bought for whole family.

Popular sale at expo is it? aiyo you tempt me liao, me thinking of going liao...but me bought too many pelangi books for my boy recently.

Me really crazy with baking cookies and cakes recently, think I crazy, but I think I will be san fen zhong re du also. haha.

Welcome back precious one. Yah lor, indonesia things very cheap one.
me also worry about myself. I just recovered from sore throat last week, now came back again. Recently read a news about a teacher who got throat cancer (touch wood), me sooo scare!!!
How r u? How's Bern? Din really have any updates on him..

Erm.. Even though the pd advise against the use of the walker, i still use it for Ezann when she was 8months( corrected about 5 months) . Cos ahe became to inquisitive n u can see that she enjoy being able to life her head n observe the surrounding.. She is doing fine but when she starts her first steps while walking, got to correct her tip toeing.. Ultimately, whether to use walker, at ur own discretion..

Am admitting into the delivery ward for induction on Wed early morning provided bb is still cooperative. I will be 37 weeks then
Full term! let's hope that i can make it there
BB estimated about 2.8kg liao. Really very excited cos can get it over and done with..Especially to my terrible itch.. Hee.. My eldest son was still worried that bb will be born today( keep my fingers crossed) cos he say then can only celebrate mei mei's birthday once in every 4 years. So cute!

May be Going for my ligation, but recently one of my fren did it and she say that she experience some pain in the uterus
Anyone got any info on that?)
welcome back & glad tat u enjoyed urself. wow, wat did u buy? $1k!! but hubby will nev agree to bring ws to jarkata la. all the air pollution. even bangkok oso hesistant 2 bring her there alrdy.

rem to post pics ok?

dun worry. though i've recovered frm my cough, still got occassional cough nowadays. n now i'm having running nose suddenly.. hope won't develop into flu again. sigh
i m okay....bern is okay...u can go to my blog to see his pictures and his update..heh heh..will text you my bloggie address....

congrats...feel so happy for you and relieved tt everythg is alright...everyone is concerned abt you...buzzbubbly texted me and asked me how u were a couple of wks back..i said you were dg vy well and bb is fine too....

send my regards to yr family..din see yr boys and ezanne for so long since the prem day last year...

hp to catch up wif you again...
mummylian's two sons vy kuai one..last time they always waited patiently for their parents when they were at the hospital..vy loving and adorable children....
they love ezanne vy much and m sure they wld love the youngest one as well...
hmm, the sisters are so lucky to have such gor gors
btw, went to bern and zach's blog, wow you have a big makan session for CNY, good leh all your family members appreciate food
thanks for yr pong chan on my blog..hp u hv one for d and d and we can see their growth..

yah, we love to eat and eat....
Went in to visit ur blog jus now.. Really feel so guilty.. Went to Hami's n dash blog too.. Wow!All so nicely done up..I jus jnow how to take pics n keep.. don know about all the blogs thinggy. Really impressed le. Me now very free cos waiting for delivery.. If u r free, we can meet up for makan before i deliver.. Haha..
There u go again, praising my boys.. u have yet to see the other side of them la.. Rowdy like most boys

Hee.. Boys r still boys.. But mayb bcos of the age gap, they know how to sayang the younger ones
Hope the kor kor don find the mei mei handful when they r a bit bigger

Wow!! Really impressed with the ways u get Dash involve with all the learnings and playings. U r indeed good at teaching. Went to view the clippings.. Dash is doing super well! U have indeed put in a lot of effort in grooming him.. Guess wat, my sis is babysitting a 26 month old gal, but she can't really talks so much like Dash.. The way u get Dash involve in all the hands on, really take my hats off u.. Must learn from u liao.
Think Dash is so much capable than his peers in his same age group. See wat u have made him into? Marvellous!Cheers to the little Dash
its true yr boys are vy boy was always grumbling at the hospital whilst waitg for me....maybe yr two boys got each other to play wif then not so bored..

the age gap doesnt help in my case although my elder son has improved alot and not so jealous as before...

i blog at work i got time..once i reach home, hardly hv time to do anythg else eat, sleep and coach my elder one...

yr elder boy tis yr psle right?
Yeah I agree, thought I felt that I have recovered but there's still traces of cough/blocked nose...not completely over...that after I saw 6 docs. continously and 5 courses of antibiotics....

We didn't notice our new camera was spoilt until we reached the airport so no photo to sad!!

Yes, I went Manga Dua, I was told this is a must visit place....My purchase at Jkt as follow:

Me: 7Ts, 3 tops, 2 dresses, 3 belts, 3 sandals, 1 pair of jeans, 1 big bag (non leather), one small bag and one small pouch, 8 pairs of shorts (with zip kind) and many hair bands.

A: 4 dresses, 4 tops (Looney characters from mall), more than 10 sets of education toys for fine motor skills, zig zaw puzzles, colour pencils, 2 drink bottles, one pair of shoes.

Hb: 8Ts (for export to US type, good material) and a shirt and some giveaways like Ts, sticky gel x 14 sets for glass with animal shapes and a luggage bag to bring our barang back.

We thought everything cheap cheap and until we compared our left over rupiah, then we realised that we spent what we brought over....but shiok lar. Hb bought Polo brand shirt at the airport but these were paid by cc. I believe there were some small items that I couldn't remember....

I have been busy packing and washing these few damn tired...!!

mummylian make it to full term. You will be an inspiration to kkf and all mummies who wish to pursue another baby...

Wow, so it really a fruitful trip for you
is your hotel near Manggua Dua ? my friend told us that is a hotel next to Manggua Dua
