Premature babies support group

Yes, we stayed at Le Grandeur previously known as Dusit Hotel. This hotel has a connecting passage to Mangua it is convenient (no need to worry about rain or shine)...But the hotel room is carpeted so it is bad for kids...A when stepped into the room for the 1st time, kept sneezing and coughing....throughout......

The downside of Jakarta is really polluted air, even their shopping malls/airport are filled with cigarettes smell, really damn smelly....thank goodness, our country ban smoking in air-con places.... really buay tahan and jialat...bad for A with chronic lungs.

Mummylian, soooo envy you. You are really my inspiration. I wish I can be like you for my next pregnancy. Got any tips to share with me? Thanks for viewing dash website.
No lar, I did those things with him only like weekends or when I am free.

Hi jane never hear from you lately. anyway,i just found out pelangi shipped batch 2 only today, so most prob getting next week.

Wow precious one, wat a harvest! haha.

Me free cause my p3 go for excursion but later lessons all the way from 330pm-630pm. sianzzz
Hi Precious_One,
Yup, that's the hotel to stay
but last time I did a mistake by booking Mandarin Oriental (when I reach there then I know Dusit is better
) I agree Jakarta's air is BAD and did you realise that the shopping centre is so nice but the outside road is dirty and full of beggars (a sad sight esp those small children), our friend told us the difference of 'Heaven' (shopping centre) and 'Hell' (the streets).......
This time round, surprisingly, I only saw one woman carrying a toddler beggar as compared to the scene I saw in 2004 and 1994. 1994, was the worst, each time I stepped out of anywhere, I'm surrounded by beggars. 2004, I saw beggars when I'm caught in traffic jams. This time round, I saw one only.....hopefully times are not so hard for them now...

If one wants to shop at Manga Dua, Dusit now called Le Grandeur is the closest and easiest but this complex closed at 6pm 9am +.

In 2004, the hotel I stayed is more nicer than Dusit (can't recall the name, may be Novotel Melia, I'm bad in this) but to go shopping, you will be caught up in traffic a lot of wasted time.

Dusit Hotel is not so clean now liao....the hotel/lift lobby also smell of cigarettes ....damn sianz....
Ok, I see .... but that's the only time we stay @ hotels, usually we will stay at our friend's place easier to travel around .....
just told my hb and maid that you have a very 'fruitful shopping trip' that makes me wanna go again, btw did you manage to go to any spa ?
Can't go spa cos my dai yi ma made an impromptu early arrival this month....and it came half an hour before I left my house to the airport.....damn sianz again.
Yup.. Eldese boy PSLE this year.. but guess due to my bz schedule n pregnancy, din really help him on that.. Guilty.. He is ok with all except his chinese, very weak... Aiya, leave it to him.. He has a mind of his own liao. Sometimes, ask him to do some worksheet for me, oso cao3 cao3 liao3 shi4.

Precious one
Thanks for the encouragement! Can see that u have a fruitful trip.. Really enjoy with A rite. Am thinking of bringing Ezann for a trip too but my sis is against it.. They say air pressure not too good for her till she is 2.. Any advice?

Actually hor, din really have any secret. Guess it's blessing
When I was pregnant, already hope for the best n expect the worst.. It was really trialing when i approach 26 weeeks.. Cautious in all that i do BUT i knew wat will come will come. So take each day that pass as a blessings
My hubby will always reassure me that all will be fine as long as it crosses 32 weeks

I oso notice from the scanning that for all the 2 elder n this pregnancy, the placenta is posterior position. Only Ezann's is anterior.. Posterior is behind and anterior is in front.. Mayb tat's y

How are things with u n Siang?

Ezann could walk without aid already for about 20 steps.. Guess she will be on her own when mei mei reach full month

Before I took A for the trip, I get double assurance with her ENT and Resp. Doc. first and she is already 3 years old now. So I can't advise you on air pressure for a 2 year old....but I guess the older the child, the easier for the adults to handle during travelling.

Glad to know that Ezann is doing so well, walking already....she is going to be a good jie jie to her mei mei.

Yes, mummylian is right, I had placenta previa when A was conceived too so I bet that also contributed to my pre-matured birth.
kkf,wahh..all of u into baking...

costa, can do ice cream with normal eqpt? how did u do it?

didi, i din really let my bb use the walker... cos heard that it will affect their walking..but sometimes put her in to let her play with the walker's toys...

precious_one, sounds like a nice trip u have...
Tks. Yeah, for me, as long as shopping and can buy w/o control....that's fun ...hehe...a great way to de-stress after 3 yrs being a caged bird...i mean SAHM..
Thanks, what I do now is put them in the walker and don't let them move around, like stationary
and play the toys on the 'table' top ...
can make ice cream without the maker..just use a whisk...and whisk the cream with if.....some recipes call for it to take out from the fridge and then whisk again before freezing it...

its kinda fun....

bo pian lah, with three kids and another one on the way, how to coach

as it is, i dun even hv much time to spend with bern becuz of my elder one...
Haiz.. got to try to squeeze in time for them if possible lor.. Wow.. my groin hurts a lot.. Will be admitting on Wed early morning to the delivery suite.. A bit scared but looking forward to it as well
Will keep u posted
i feel excited tt you wld be welcoming yr fourth addition to your family in a matter of nice......guess u wld be vy busy from now on...
hello mummylian, soo envy!
you are going to see your little one very soon!

For my case is different leh. I dun have any problem leh, no low placental, nothing! I just felt contractions and baby came out. I also dunno, even the doctors could not explain why, and what was most sickening was that I encountered twice! sigh. I really have no confidence to hold my baby for that long like mummylian.


Yah, jane, recently so quiet?

Nobody interested in pelangi books? I want to get some chinese activity books for my in laws to do with dash. But I dun want to open another spree liao, unless mummies here also want to get. I want to keep it small this time. Any mummy here interested in joining me?
Monday blues. Glad next week is school holiday, but still have to go school leh. sigh.

Yah, me recently into baking. haha. Mummies here, can tell me how to bake cake? sorry me really lousy, I tried twice, but both the cakes did not rise leh, it became more like pancakes.
can look into food blogs for some inspiration....

tts where i get my ideas from..if not just books or thru the internet..
hi mommies,

juz came in office. today's ws 1st day in sch. thank god she did pretty well. sent her there abt 7.45am, she wave bye bye to me while climbing the stairs of the slide

when i picked her up at 12+, she was crying. the teacher say she did cry a bit, n ask 4 mommy, but not 2 bad. managed to eat lunch & bathe her 2. was bit worried abt bathing, rem she was sort of traumatized abt bathing last 2 wks? so all in all, i'm glad & i asked her if she wans to go back again, she say yeh yeh

dun worry abt flying la. i brought ws to taipei when she was 8mths (non-corrected age). bit cranky on plane, which is her normal anyway

but maybe u can choose somewhere nearer, no need to spend so many hrs confined in the plane

got lots of work to catch up. write later.
i used to buy those instant cake mix in supermarket using my toaster to bake not bad the taste u can try.

jia you so exicted for u.if all mummies here free we can organise gathering to pay u a visit wen u deliver haha.

welcome back

ws is very guai i think she like school.
hee.. u are all welcome to visit if u are free.. will inform costa when i deliver..

no worries la.. all will be fine;)

thanks for the advice.
so happy for u. the big day is drawing near and all ur physical pains will soon melt away as u see ur bb's face!

instant cake mix like what fairylander say is fine. but pls always cut the sugar cos their recommended amt always turn out very sweet! my guess is also due to the oven.. cos i think ur oven may have some "gaps" when door is closed so hot air escapes? not hot enough or heat not evenly distributed cake wont rise properly. The other thing is folding of flour. U must fold in one direction and introduce air into the mixture. Do not fold too long. once the flour all folded in can already.maybe u can share ur recipe so i can see what are the areas u can look out for. i am no cake expert but i enjoy baking.. also a lot of failures. hahaha. if all fails, i welcome u and dash to come over use my conventional oven.

Re: John little sale
JL having sales on 4-7 march at their outlets. looks like got pretty good deals for avent stuff and prob children's. check out here.
hello mummies, thanks for your advices on the cake. think I shd invest on a better oven. I thought any oven will do, so never invest. haha, but I think I am just three minute re du only, if so, then the oven will go to waste.

Disneymickey, so good, ws adapt so well to school!

Mich, ok, once you got your orders, do let me know, I will combine yours, mine and jane, and hopefully can get above RM400 to get 80% off shipping!
Me too, also 3 mins re du also, that's why didn't buy, at my previous home I have also got something like yours, mine is moulinex one, my cake also turns out only, maybe it got something to do with top and bottom heat, I guessed
hi mommies,

this morning when i sent ws to sch, there's a boy who was crying. think tat scared ws & she refused to let me i quickly say bye bye to her & asked the teacher to bring her away.

ltr when i picked her up, the teacher say she cried awhile only. hope she's ok tmrw.

but ytd at home, she still can tell us she played peek-a-boo & hide & seek in sch. we were q impressed w her & the sch. the sch even managed to bathe & fed her lunch
is WS toilet-trained ? as one of my gf sent her dotter to Kinderland and the teacher told her that they will toilet-train her ?
didi, ehehe..thats a good way too, just keep the walker stationary..

costa, still a chim way to make ice cream..i think i will still buy them from the supermarts :p

kkf, i know another mommy that just give birth early, doc also duno why. but doc said her no 2 have 45% of being born premature too (she is pregnant now)

disneymickey, cool that ws love school!
hello mummies,
today i'm on leave cos is bryan's immunisation at poly. long queue there even with appt.. sigh.

have some questions for you all:
1. can i mix breast milk from 2 different pump sessions? bryan is drinking more and my bm is not enough already. can i mix the fresh and frozen bm? i do have lots of frozen bm.
hello mummies, i am here.

Last week has been a up and down week for me. siang was hospitalised in KKH for Croup. I was there from wed to friday. saturday we go home.

Today, Siang is like ok liao. just that i have to monitor closely because there is much haze out there.

Mummies, jane is tired. it seem everytime after siang fall sick, he bounce back with some surprise for me. he really like to give me surprise.

1st time he hospitalised, his first teeth came out, 2nd time he called mama, this time.....he start to walk (or show sign on it). jane can only shake head.

for the last 8 months he have been in very good health. until last sudden..

anyway, may all babies stay healthy always. every day every year.


congrats! on reach full term this wed
. ezann is know what, yesterday siang also stand and began to run..
Hi Jane
sorry to hear that. *pat Jane back* hope he already recovered fully ? he start to run already. wah cheers
hallo daec

yeah..i still can
but feel tired la.

he is like ok but sometime still like caught by the phelgm lor... i worry esp when he sleep. i intend to bring the issue up when we next go review with the lung doctor. (thou this is not a wheezing espiode but its has to do with his airway)

kekekek..i call it run because he is like flying keke.

number of days no go into nada blog liao. later if got time i go and see see...cheer myself up a bit :p
i like and love the big smile on dash handsome face when he eat and hold the pizza

its wonderful to see all the kids doing well and happy.

somehow, it brace me up
Pat Pat... Ezann is oso coughing again... Guess tat bug is back. Glad to hear tat Siang is discharged. Wishing him good health
hi mummies,

take good care of urself and siang there. and congrats on his new and amazing milestone!

excited for tmr? have a good rest after the delivery and enjoy bonding with your bb.
Jane, last time dash got croup also. The cough that got strange sound one right? I remember he was under observation during that time when he had the cough too. Then it became bronchitits and he was hospitalised as well if I remember clearly.

I understand how tiring and worrying. sigh. Really hope our children stay healthy forever. I think I may be bringing dash back to yu guo for tui na. His immune system too weak.

Haha, dash is always contended with food, like last time you saw him with his bread. He is always asking for food.

xbliss, thought is ok to mix? kkh also did the same thing one.

bloom, yah, if first time premature, 2nd time high chance. So now, I have twice experiences, I guess 3rd time probability is 90% for me! wow! that left 10% of having a full term baby! oh no!
disneymickey, your gal so smart can tell you what she did in school. Dash will not leh. He never tell me what he learns in school. Never.
(perhaps he learns nothing, haha)

Btw, I am seeing doctor ANN TAN from mount elizabeth next saturday to see if she can help me with prevent premature labor. I saw her from a magazine, she helped a lady who has given birth prematurely dunno twice or thrice to have a full term baby. The lady really poor thing, she lost her babies due to giving birth prematurely twice or thrice.

Anyway, dr ann got her own website, wow, so pro.
hi mummies

thanks for pat pat

i think lots of kids is coughing (cos of the haze la..). take good care of ezann, i think its good if we can try avoid outdoor activities and try to stay indoor...

i got reply your PM ler

you started work liao mah? how is bryan coping? now siang don't want me to go and work. he wants to follow me as and when he see me step out of the house...

hi kkf
oh dash had that before too. yeah its the cough with the strange sound scary. for siang it really happen very sudden. yes it turn into broncs after that...

i am thinking of letting siang go on TCM too. he appear to be better after i let him take TCM medication ler. but TCM also not cheap hor :p

i tell u something ler, the way dash was holding that bread when i meet up with you, reminds me of how siang is holding his food now kekeke...their hand grab very firm one hor :p

re Doc Ann Tan, she really good ah...hmm maybe after your review with her, let me know how u feel about her ah
hi Jane
maybe can try put eucaplytus oil on his chest or let him breath it. it helps for respiratory too.

tui na or TCM is gd. for Tui Na, try to see what they do then imitate if possible. I got a book for accupressure points. When hubby got asthma or flu, I try to follow the steps-its effective. He gets sick more often than Nada, since babytime like dat. can try borrow from library such books? It useful

do let us know how Dr Ann Tan is. I'm also wondering if need to go for pre-preggy checkup leh.
hi daec

oh using accupressure points, i heard its good too. but does not have much knowlege on that.

for tui na, siang went for it sometime back then i stop :p. i thinking dunno if TCM have some tonics for him to strengthen his lung and clear the airway..

oh i got one bottle of the eucplytus oil at home think i take out and use. thanks
Hi Jane
if u interested, can just borrow bk from libraries or buy. foot reflexology gd too. There will show the points relevant to e sickness.just press and hold for few seconds on e points using ur thumbs. If it pain, still ok to press but press softer hubby has asthma, he feel can breathe better after I put eucalptus and massage those points. hope e eucalptus works for Siang

Its handy learn stuff like this if tuina and TCM too expensive or just little time to go those regularly
hi mommies,

supposed to be on morning leave today, but got an urgent & impt meeting 2 attend. so i juz dropped ws @ sch then rushed to work.

today's her 3rd day in sch. & it's no gd. sigh. walk out of hse only, she told me "sch, no". all the way to sch still saying tat. when reach sch, saw tat i'm gg to put her down, cried out so loudly. i got to juz drop her there & leave her with the teachers. sigh. else hear her crying, my heart oso pain. wonder if u mommies (eg. kkf & precious) hav this experience?

on the good side, yes, she's telling us wat's happening in sch. ytd, hubby joked w her, "can daddy go to sch w u?" she say "no, daddy go work" haha. so funny.

i hope it's juz a phase & she'll grow out of the crying/sch no phase v soon.

its vy common...acdg to my son cc teacher....there are a few types of is the type who noes on the spot they kena "conned"(sorry to use such a crude word)by their parents and cry a few days

some blur blur, din noe..when they realised it, THEN they wld cry...

and others...they adjusted well

my son oso cried and cried but later okay..less than a wk he okay liao.........hv to be hard hearted

at least ws can tell u wat she learnt, up to K2 my son also dun wanna say wat he learns....everyday says he learns nothg

maybe you can ask a teacher to be her mentor and follow her around for a few days first....just my humble opinion...

heard tt doc ann tan is vy good in high risk pregnancies..she has a webbie, maybe you all can go chk it out
