Premature babies support group

ya, then get the maid got to follow him, otherwise he can't cope
Your ger look so grown up here, perhaps the pics are big enough. What's her name by the way? Who's the police/inspector in the house? Is her fringe/hair natually short or you brought her to the hairdresser? She certainly look so absorb in her reading.

The ABC floor mat look familiar too.
Hi Hi

Me excited over tomorrow event also. But will bringing dash all the way from sengkang alone to kkh, wondering if shd take MRT or take cab? hahaha.

Oh, precious one, dun worry, dash understand english, but doesn't know how to say. I believe angel understand chinese too. They still can communicate. Who knows, maybe they have their own way to communicating! heee...

Wow, disneymickey, your gal very pretty leh. Everytime you posts her pix, sure many envy.
Happy shopping tomorrow.

Btw, me will be going at 2pm since it starts that time. Dun wan to miss anything!

But may not stay for quite long, as I dun think I can stay that long with dash! You will see him running about!

Sharing with you all a photo. I was talking about his strange interest. Yah, here's the photo. He really loves drains! Like wat xbliss said, maybe in future, he will be one of those guys checking the drains for mosquitoes.

hallo all,
long day at kk for me today. I saw the posters going up at the auditorium! whose poster uses a baby blue corrugated board? that was the first poster to go up! heee. i saw sister yuen and another sister putting them up.

Osh Kosh at KK having 50% sale for selected items.. more for 9 mths and above kids.

United square got meet and greet Dora and another character (dunno wat is the name). Do check out if your kids like dora (i don't..:p)

Updates on bryan
today he is 1.645, he has grown so much chubbier cos of the MCT oil and protein i think. so irresistable to pick up and blabber with him. he is now given the bottle twice a day for him to pratice but never lasts more than 5 min each time cos he lazy to suck. sigh, my lazy boy. hehe.

wah, dash sure looks serious! lucky got pple to shield him or else he will become chao ta in no time! did u ask him to describe what he sees inside the drain?

i mentioned "sneak". hehee.. it's unofficial so i better not say too much about it here!

cya all tmr. i was thinking of giving the nurses/docs a rose each to thank them for their dedication to our preemies. But i suppose i'll go broke if there are so many and the problem is who to give to?! Anyone going who is keen on the idea and to share? maybe our preemies can present the roses to them?
xbliss, you so lucky, get to 'preview' the posters
are there a lot of posters being put up ? 5 mins a day for Bryan is a good start
Hey mummies and little ones,

All missy aunties are all looking forward to see you people coming tml. There will be a big crowd tml. I will be there helping out as a usher. The programme starts at 2 pm. If you are able to pop in at 1.30pm will be the best, can get to see the posters and the beautiful montages that you mummies had taken lots of time and effort to do it. Once again, thank you so much.

It's so sweet of you to think of that. Well, it is our job and responsibility to care and nurse them. As long you can remember us(nt necessary our names) in your heart, and bring bryan back to see us after he is discharged. This is more than anything else. This shows that our work is appreciated more than anything else, especially for the missys!!!

I am so excited to zzzzzzzzzzzzz tonite. Hope that we can take some "quan jia fu" pics tml.
good morning mummies

sob almost everyone here gearing up to attend the event this afternoon at KKH.

jane sit here *haiz*....

i can imagine all the fun and chat but can only sit here and dream...

my poster is the one with yellow board hehehe...the not nice one ahhahah!!

buzzbubbly, early morning, just want to thank all the NICU and SCN nurse for caring for my boy.
disneymickey - your gal so charming and sweet. intelligent look ler

kkf - dash so cute. looking and checking the drain. really is a picture tells a million stories
clever and curious dash
Morning to all

Pat Pat.. Will help u to enjoy the fun

Don be sad.. Festive season round the area, can always meet up if we have time.. So Siang will have a gd time too. Will keep u posted on the events when back

Like wat Jane say, really thank all of u for ur loving care and concern for our little ones! THANKS!

Daec/ Preciou_one
Hee.. Agree with the activeness of the little ones! My girl is oso very active! Crawl here and there, touch here and there.. Need a lot of energy to take care of her

But as long as they are progressing, all is worth it!
good morning daec,

me too wish i could go forum sure very quiet because almost all the mummies dressing up and gearing to go to the event...

daec - mich told me about your note on hyperactive. can i PM you or u PM me?
Not mei mei lah.... Panda eyes. Didnt sleep well.

Jane/ daec
Wish you could be there too...
We will take pics and show you both.

My gf with twins will be there....
good morning mummylian,

you are going with ezann too? wow....jane eye wet wet..don't like to miss out fun (like siang, his mummy have flower leg hahaha opps). ok ok, i will keep a look out for the message coming in after the event hehe... do take more pictures I love events photographs.

i feel a bit comforted but then hor....sob sob..i cannot go...warhhhhh....eehehehe
good morning mich,
hehe excited with the event this afternn? you on PM leave ah? oh so another mummy is joining you all there?

re to stand for my poster hor hahaha...
thanks 4 all the compliments.
my hubby is a reservist police.he was on reservist last wk, the asean summit my ger (by the way, her name is WenShin) likes to play ard with his belt, gun holder, hat, etc. the 1st pic was taken in botanics gardens. can c her hair sooo wet frm all the running ard. insist on carrying my haversack haha.

her hair q little. frm birth till now, only cut twice (2nd time only trim a bit). last cut was in sep. cos felt her fringe bit long, covering eyebrow. i prefer kids with clean/cut fringe. looks more alert. tryign to grow her hair, but waiting & waiting & waiting. maybe near CNY will bring her to trim again.

many pple say she looks like me. but frankly, i dunno how to tell haha. she got bit of natural curl (maybe tat's y so notti haha). resemble me lor. but luckily now, got rebonding haha. last time i got a terrible time w my hair

dash oso look so cute. wonder wat's running in his little head when he looks into drains haha. so cute.
morning! aiyo so sleepy. i'll drop by during lunch but cant stay long as have to meet up with upset customer at 3pm++ lidat. alamak! lucky friday afternoon. if after that not happy, can pretend nothing happen as weekend is here. hahaha. wanted to take time off at first (bargain w boss a bit lah) but decided to forget it since hv to meet this guy.

hope to catch some of you ladies and graduated preemies there. wish i can bring hami along though so that he can say hi to the missys.
tat's her favouirte book now. every nite must read tigger book. forced me & daddy to read with her - but we each read our own book. n she'll "check" if we r reading or not, so we can't pretend to lie there & zzz haha

btw, in case u wan to bring ur ger cut hair. i brought her to the new salon near the CCK mrt stn (the 1 facing the main rd). they charged me $3 for cutting her fringe. then i ask the guy to trim the back a bit, but he nev charge me more. so $3 q cheap, i think
Looking forward to see the mummies and little ones lor...

I contacted a few friends.
This morning, I asked the boys who will we be seeing later? Dylan replied Doctor Argawal. Hello Doctor Argawal!
When they see the crowd later, they will become dumbfounded.

I also think Wenshin looks like you.
She has a very nice glowing tanned look

your dotty not only pretty but very good girl. can sit down and read books. somemore will check to see whether you are reading! so adorable.
thanks. to u (& me), it's tan look. to my mom (& old pple), "aiyo, y so dark??!!" haha. but i dun care la. still bring her out to playground & swimming every weekend. of cos, still will choose the less sunny hours la.

u can start 'training' hami to read. go lib, there r a lot of interesting books. my ger loves to go lib. she'll sit & flip (of cos dig out lots of books 1st) the books. i can actually hav some (abt 15mins) of peace when she's 'reading'
ya, i went lib before. a lot of books but hmm... a bit lazy to read to him. hahah. i finally understand how precious the 15mins is. Nowadays when hami's awake, 15 mins of silence is oredi good. haha. luckily got my mum around, if not, i will end up pulling out my hair. He's becoming very noisy nowadays unlike when he was younger. last time, i can go kkh solo w him. my upcoming one on 19dec, i think better drag my hubby along. or else, i may go nuts just in case he throw tantrum. the scary thing when he throw tantrum then he will stiffen up his muscles.

he still not reaching out to touch things leh. i realli wonder when his awareness of his limbs fn will set in. most babies by now can hold rattles well oredi. sigh.
D&E all excited on this afternn trip ;)

hi disneymickey, hehe, i always received comments that my boy is like ang mo = why so white? but like you, i don't care la hahahah..

Hami grow up liao (this is what my mum told me when i say why my boy is not like when my boy is young haha) haha, i never can handle my boy alone (at home ok) but not when we are outside :p. later i PM u abt the motor skill things.
Wenshin is a very nice name. Do you know the name of the hair salon and the guy's name? I also want the $3/- deal. hehe. I have nvr brought A to the hair dresser cos of the hole in the neck previously plus she won't allow anyone to touch her anyway.....I am her hair stylist....but need the help of the hubby to hold her hands down though...

We have quite a few areas in common, stay same area, one premie gal each, btw, my hubby is also a reservist police, I also have the abc floor mat...

Here's my precious one for those who have not seen her. Hope her cheerful smile brighten your day. *wink*

Gee, talk about envious of long hair, I should be the one who is green with envy! My gal is still botak! I wonder how long she will take to achieve Angel's length.. hee hee. My gal is so chubby and she looks so much like a boy in her short crop that when I put nice girlish dresses or clothes for her, she looks so mismatch! weird!!!

Short post. Me at my mum's place and my sis labtop keyboard is so crancky.. so difficult to type!
You make me laugh, your Coco is only a few months old, sure her hair so little lar. I don't feel that Coco look like boy lei. You saw A's baby pic from my blog right, she also looked like a sumo wrestler boy....I don't even put on dress for her when she was a baby.

Luckily she become more and more girly when her hair grows longer and more importantly, she lose her baby fats. Phew..
Glad to meet you today. A bit pai say, didn't really get to know you as my gal is so very cranky. She missed her pm nap time and it also coincided with her feeding time. So she really made me boh eng.

Only saw one twin (Dylan), where's the other one?

Your gal is so sweet. She actually look and smile at me.

Glad to see you second time this year.

Nice to meet you for the first time. Luckily I chanced upon you again at the later part.

Dash is really a good boy, so sociable, can chopped or not.... hahaha

kkf, you are very very pretty in person. If you have a daughter next year, she is going to be as pretty as you.
Now I know why your students score high marks for chinese, like what I told you, if I have a teacher so young and pretty, it will capture my 100% attention.

I'm so glad that my guessing on who you are, is 100% right. Please send my regards to all the mee sees/sisters. The event is a success! You must have put in a lot of work. *pat pat*

After the event, I brought A to see the Barney show at 5pm at Marina Square. She is really anti-social, cry also.......I'm going nuts.....

I think my decision to put her in half day cc will help her in the long run.
Mommies, nice meeting-up, now I can put a face to the names already

precious_one, no prob
sure got chance to meet-up again, didn't have chance to see Angel too, oh Darryl was with my maid, he cranky lah not enough sleep, hey Angel looks very 'Xiao Jie' like Mommy
hey precious one you send me flyingggg higgggh to the sky! haha.

Cannot fight with you and mich, pretty mummies!

And a lot of other pretty mummies too like didi, mummylian, costa, lindah, xbliss, fairylander, nice meeting you all!!!

Got to rush off cause alone with dash. sorry never informed you all.

Buzzbubbly, never got the chance to see you. Anyway, all the nurses sooo busy.

Anyway, jane! I have took a picture of your poster leh.

hee.. Thanks for the compliment.. Little Ezann is very cheeky.. She knows who to win her hearts..Smile at all the aunties
Angel is very sweet too
both in person n in photo

Din really have much time to talk to u..Guess all our little ones are keeping us bz..

Wow, Dash really looks dashing n bubbly. So u trying for ur 2nd one next year? Din really have much time to talk to u cos it was a bit too crowded
We will have chance again

It's nice to see u again! D & E are growing well. A pity we din have much time to chat. Catch up again

Glad to see u in person. Will be great if can see ur little one the next rd

Ur boys are very good size! U sure have put in a lot of effort for them! Great Job! Told ur hb they look like u! So cute!

Nice to see u in person. Saw little Bryan's photo. It's good to hear that he is putting on weight steadily and growing chubbily.

Wow! The premie awareness day was a great success. Seeing all the ex premies showing off their talents, really can't deny that we need to nurture them..

Brought my boys n little Ezann to Orchard to see Christmas lightings. Just came back .. Very tired liao.. Going to zzz after my shower with my girl. Gd nite mommies and enjoy ur weekends!
hi hi!

it was nice meeting all of you and your babies just now. all soooooo adorable, leh!

kkf, precious sure chop dash lah. mr dash is realli cute! hahah.

didi, i think i saw darryl w your maid. the cheeks are soooo cute! can bite or not? hehehehe. i had to u-turn just to say hi to him before i left! haha. i took a pic of the Two Peas In A Pod pic. So postcard!!!

mummies, is it ok if i put up the pics that i took today w my hp? most are pics of your kids, lah... can or not ah?

nice to see you too! little ezann is realli frenly. likes to look and smile at pple! so clever at melting hearts!
oh ya. i meant to put up the pics on my multiply. not here. heheheh. if cannot, PM me ok. If no PM, then I assume ok and will put them up on Sunday... You can still PM me, then I will remove the pic if got rqst.
Harlo, all mummies,
KKF, so nice to meet you and I really love yr height to put it, hmm, u really gao1 ren1 yi1 deng3...sorry ah, my teng lang dun noe whether correct or not...haha....

i love dash and his smiles and the way he sings twinkle twinkle little star n speak mandarin..

he is sooooooo frenly, even the mee see standing behind us carried him to see things...he is really sociable and friendly huh...vy vy bubbly and adorable leh....

so sian i had to rush off fof my son's OT appt..sigh, shld hv arranged it another day as i was not in the mood to listen also to the therapist haha..

din hv time to take pics wif u and yr boy huh..the pictures i took for you i will email you...must give me yr tips son so skinny.....

me also took a pic of yr posters......

alamak, wasted, din hv time to catch up wif happy tt bernard and ezanne took pictures together....both of them look so cute next to each time must tell them that they shared a room together when they were young..hahaha......too bad, the other two preemies who shared the room wif them din come today..if not can take photos together....

i hv downloaded ezanne's pictures and our pictures and will email to you next wk when i go to work...take care of yr health and really glad to see you doing well and glowing.....

in summary, today's event was a success and really glad to meet every parent of our group here in person......

when you say ezann and bernard shared a room together, i laugh laugh laugh! so scandal. u want to chop ezann? hehehehehe... tx for taking the pics.
hallo mummies,

so good to see you all today. All so modest, say each other pretty.. the truth is, all mummies here have the most beautiful hearts cos our premies taught us a precious lesson on life.

today very potong steam, had to rush work and was late.. and then rush back to work too. haiz.. really no mood to enjoy. I only saw the 7 yr old girl reciting and i thought she was good.

Your hand like leg, but the poster is beautiful! how did u do the backgroun with all the nursery rhymes? share share leh.

oh yar, i think u submitted 2 pcs right? one is the one with nursery rhymes, the other is like a biodata.. they ended up on 2 different sides of the display boards if i am not wrong!

nice meeting u! yes, like what precious says, u are prettier in person! Dash is indeed dashing! Can i know what happened when dash met angel?!

I love angel's hair today. U did some curling to it? It's so gorgeous. I really think u would be very suited for beauty line.. very convincing!!

ur girl is so well behaved! she is petite and so innocent looking too. and u look young leh! impressed that u have boys so big already!

finally got to see D&E. U are a very relaxed and assuring mummy hor. Very outspoken (in a good way hor!) too, i wish i can be like u! my mum always say i have popiah skin, cannot open my golden mouth one.

And i think D&E have this precious moment's eyes! a bit droopy kind. can melt girls' hearts later on wor.

fairylander, lindah, costa,
din get to see u all today. so pity. But i'm sure there's more events at kkh to come!

wanted to let u know that wenshin has this very healthy look. I almost imagine her to be some PE teacher next time! she is very pretty too!

some updates on bryan
Today i bottle fed him. He managed about 16ml out of 24ml. Not bad considering he didnt even desat and was quite coordinated in his sucking and swallowing. Except when reach the last part, he was panting rather badly. He shall have to build his stamina! He is reaching 1.7kg soon too. Exciting for us cos that brings us even closer to our target.

how is cathrina doing? Any idea when she will be discharged?
Opps, I never ask for permission leh. Precious one, Dun mind, me put up 2 pictures of dash with angel on my blog, can?

Btw, costa, My dash likes you a lot! He kept wanting to go to you and asked you to carry.

no chance to meet bern bern...sad.

But never mind, lets organise some outing, and we can all sit down to talk leh. Over there, so crowded, no chance to talk.

Mummylian, talking about christmas lightings, yah, I want to bring dash to see too. He has developed another interest, to see nic nic niat niat. Thats how he calls lightings. He loves looking at blinking lights, and he will start singing "twinkle twinkle little starts"...

Sometimes wonders, how come he got such strange interests...sweat.
When Dash met angel, I think...they have good impression with each other but...must wait till they grow bigger first. One is more interested in balloon, and barney, the other is more interested in sleeping, and walking about.

Btw, xbliss you look very young leh. How old are you har? Must be a very young mum.
All posted liao...So my turn to write.

<font color="0077aa">Costa</font>
Dr Khoo took a picture of us.
You think we can ask for a copy from her?
How was bern's session?

<font color="0077aa">Hope</font>
Your book is with me. PM me your hp number. I try to drop by your place over the weekend.

<font color="0077aa">Mummylian</font>
I took a pic of Ezann. Will email you.
Hey... you Ezann is so sweet. Even hubby noticed that she is such a sweetie pie.

<font color="0077aa">Didi</font>
How do you identify me in the auditorium? Or you recognise my boys ?

Your D&D very good weight. Pity no chance for the 2 set of twins to take pic together. Next time!!

<font color="0077aa">Fairylander</font>
Can see the joy in your eyes when you mention your gal showed great improvement in her weight gain today!

<font color="0077aa">KKF</font>
Costa so lucky to get to sit near Dash and heard his singing!

Dash is indeed very adorable. So well behaved. I think i have one or 2 pic of Dash. Shall email you.

<font color="0077aa">Xbliss</font>
Then i will be busy screening phone calls next time. hahaha...
You look very good today.

<font color="0077aa">Buzzbubbly</font>
You very busy leh... want to 'catch' you for a photo shoot also no chance. We took pics with your kaki.

Congrats on the success of the event!

Did i miss out anyone? Think that's about all
Thanks, I didn't put in much effort lah, just feed them regulary at 3 hours interval.
Think my maid can claim most of the credit, she always remind me to feed them
more onz than me leh

Will definitely share tips with you

Thanks, wanted to see your hami honey too

Aiyah, take it easy 1st
'love' needs time to nuture leh
agree !!! Costa is a bb's and mommie's magnet....
<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">To mummies who miss the event. Some pictures to share

<font size="+2">The Exhibition</font>


<font size="+2">Jane's</font>


<font size="+2">kkf's</font>

<font size="+2">Hope's</font>

<font size="+2">Didi's</font>

<font size="+2">Costa's</font>

<font size="+2">Mich's</font>

<font size="+2">The Auditorium</font>

<font size="+2">The posters are so nice and well done!</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">Chloegal</font>
So sad you couldn't stay for the event. I have a pic of Edric. Shall email you.
Chloe is so sweet.</font>

hi all,
im really happy to see u all today.tks for all the supports n encouragements!!i couldnt have gone thru all this so easily without u ladies.u all are the best.especially costa,really duno how to put in words tat i appreciate wat u have done for me and all the help n supports u given me.tks to all the ladies here.i wish we could have some gathering in future,so nice to get to know u all.

update on cathrina,
she is 1.895kg today,i think she can go home in a few days time.she have to do another screening for her kidney in 6 weeks time and she is on antibiotics atm coz her urine seems to flow back to kidney.doc said she has to be on antibiotics for long term so tat her urine wont get infection which may cause damage to her for her heart,she got a few tiny little holes which doc said its not a major issue atm coz it normally wil seal up after 2 or 3 years.
