Premature babies support group

morning kkf,finally last day of the boring course hehe
Kangaroo = Both baby and mummy bare their top body, mummy cuddles nakad baby (with pamper only)against her breast and chest, of course in kkh, mummy still wears a big size shirt and I'm sure KKH will offer mummy a towel to shield the front while kangarooing ..... at home, no need so troublesome lor.... hehe! Am I right xbliss/stressed?? I didn't do it before, a bit regret liao hor.
Cannot call it "cot" cos long staying baby like mine eventually live in a baby cot prior to discharge. May be it is call a flat bed or something....perhaps Costa might know cos she is our very own KKH PRO....hehe
hi fairylander,
precious is right about the kangaroo. It is highly recommended for small babies as it nurtures the bonding between parent and baby and provides security and warmth for the baby. If u are game, can ask nurse to let u try. I bring along hubby's big shirt all the time. Bryan loves it alot. When i kangaroo him, he is especially responsive and even babbles to me!

i was wondering if u will be breastfeeding directly soon? U might wanna invest in the nipple shield if u are going to try breastfeeding just in case cathrina decides to get rough with u! i not expert in this area, but cos bryan may move on to bottle feeding and then breast feeding soon, i'm reading up like mad to equip myself first.. dun wan to have a shock when i latch him on.

Wah,.. u impress me again.. FLAT BED really sounds like the real thing. i go confirm with mee see tonight.. yesterday play with bryan until forget.

congrats! cheers to the end of boring course!

i'm attending the parents support group which spans for 4 sessions starting from this thurs. Any mummies here who attended? Anything in particular that u think they didnt cover and should have covered? Then i can ask more questions and be the smart student... :p haha.
that day i met u, i think the way you carried your gal already like kangaroo! except she is a big joey! heee. so no regrets k?! i dun even know if bryan still wans mummy's hugs after he grows that big!
bought the deep freezer from the normal electrical shop.
Saw little bryan's pic. Very cute!I don know how to resize my gir;'s photo too.. tat's y till now, din post my ger's photo.. COs hb is bz to help me
hi xbliss,
i have try breastfeed cathrina once but she fell asleep abt 5mins after sucking hehe.i wil go mothercare to buy both sheild n shell ltr in the evening wen i go visit my ger.i muz find a very big shirt liao in order to kangaroo her duno my house have or not hehe.
morning mommies..

so many posts..
no time to finish all, but the pics of bryan & coco caught my eyes.. wat a handsome boy & cute little girl. bryan's pic reminded me of my ger.

coco is a big ger now. did anyone commented tat she looks like a boy? (hope u dun mind, but tat's how i feel. but she looks ba-ba hor? grin) then the next qn will b, ur next child will b a boy haha

very very tired though juz back frm leave. brought my ger to botanics gardens on mon. kkf, in case u wan to go to the children's playground there, it's closed on Mon!! went to zoo ytd. so tired.

checked out 2 cc - 1 in fajar, & the other 1 in teck whye (Carpe Diem Starlets). sadly, we r not satisfied with both. the 1st 1 in fajar we not satisfied with the teachers. can u believe it? she actually snatched some toy frm my ger!! n oso, the play rm we oso felt not v safe, the curb r exposed & not cushioned!!

so we hav decided to continue to search, till we find 1 we r v satisfied in. will chk out the 1 @10-mile.

kkf, i'm back in office. let me know if u wan to collect the bag frm home or office.
I didn't check out on CC in Teck Whye cos I was told it is pretty near the Bt Batok dengue cluster previously. The teacher very giao lei, what is she trying to teach by snatching back the toy..... No good no good for your little gal. Actually for hurry....playgroup is good enough. Nothing beats home care. It seems Bukit Panjang has more choice than CCK.

I'm more or less settled for my gal. She will attend half day CC/school at The Learning Ladder.
Phew, one load off my shoulder. The next task is to convince gal gal to attend school without mummy.
I was told girls are more willing to hug and kiss parents from young to older. Don't know how true is this. My gal wants bao bao even at home sometimes. When I scold her, she will hug and kiss me. You see, she very smart right, know how to hit my soft spot.
tech whye near the bt batok dengue cluster? i din know, but anyway, we r not sending my ger there. means got to continue to search. urrgh. learning ladder is the 1 @pheonix?

my ger oso v yang oh. always wan bao bao. ytd she even made those pathetic voice & say "mama bao bao" when i look at her, she's actually smiling. notti ger.

but same lor, even when i scold her, she'll still come n hug/kiss me. but when daddy scold her, she won't go to daddy.
The Learning Ladder (TLL) is affiliated to the Canadian Int'l School and I'm no longer interested in MMI @ Phoenix liao. It is good that my gal can attend am session with TLL. TLL is opp. 10 Mile.

The other time I reported some dengue potential spot to the Dengue hotline and the officer in charge pf CCK was so sweet as to tell me not to go too near Teck Whye cos it is pretty close to the Bt Batok dengue cluster.

I think in general, girls are more yang oh cos this is their rights and priviledge. keke
where's TLL? can give me the address? i wan to chk out the MMI @10-mile. maybe can go there & chk 2. come today so quiet??
I suggest you call them to check if they have playgroup/cc for your ger's age cos I thot I heard they said dun hv but their catalogue mentioned from 18 mths....Tel: 6894 1910. It is directly opp. 10 Mile. Use the overhead bridge. The address bear Woodlands Address, a bit confusing. hehe
Teresa is in charge of MMI in 10 mile/Phoenix/The Rail Mall. So she can be very bz. You can speak with anyone who answer the phone actually. 10-mile tel no. 67664008. Suggest you also call up and ask as this centre is very popular. No point going down if no vacancy. Good luck! Have you call TLL? Do they have class for yr ger's age?
Forgot to mention, you must call TLL to make arrangement to view the centre at least one day in advance. MMI opens on Sat morning, after 0930 hrs for parents viewing only.
haven't called. cos can't confirm when gg down. hav decided will slowly find, not really in a hurry. initially wanted to put her in cc in jan. but since we still can't find 1 which we r v satisfied, & oso, we still hav some time (she's only 2 next feb).

thanks a lot!
At the end of the day, if you like MMI at 10 mile and intend to put yr ger in cc when she is 3 yrs old, you can put your ger's name down for 2009 intake cos I heard their waitlist can be that long.
Hi all,

wow, no time to be on the computer these days. Taking care of my gal alone (don't count on my husband) is no joke! I'm so tired and I'm suffering from shoulder ache!!

Didi, she is about 8kg now!! That's why I'm having the shoulder ache! Nowadays I leave her on the mattress to roll and minimize carrying her! But up and down the stairs to my mum's flat, in and out of the car and car seat is really straining me!

Sigh.. I was so angry with my hubby just now! Was so tired and fed-up with coco for not sleeping and rolling around on the mattress for almost 2 hrs and he was just on the computer the whole time! I don't mind if coco rolls quietly but when she gets on her tummy and tries to crawl, she will be so frustrated cos she can't and will scream and I have to 'rescue' her. I'm so tired and fed up... come in here to complain!!! Actually I'm not angry with Coco, how can be angry with her, she is just a baby. But I think I'm angry more with my husband. So finally, coco with all her rolling and struggling while on her tummy vomitted some of the milk and I had to get my husband to help. So what he did was to carry her and sit her on his lap in front of the computer!!! I was not happy and told him not to put the girl infront of the computer cos not good for her eyes. And then he becomes upset and say I'm unreasonable. He had pacified coco and i'm still not happy!! I don't know what i'm saying la... so irritated and angry. Think i'm either having pre-PMS or it's the shoulder ache that is getting into me!!!
Hello, everyone!

I declare, my holidays begin!!! yeah!!!

But I still got lots of things to do, 3 assignments left over from course, tidy up life skills lesson files, and check which class never hand in etc...sigh!

Congrats precious one, you finally find a good playgroup for angel! Do keep us updated.

Lili, cooool down. Guys are like that. My colleague complaining about their hubbies as well. My hubby too. He likes to sit in front of computer, or play his psp.

Yeah, looking forward to friday! Mummies going, if you see me, must call out to me hor.
Lili, oh, she is 8 kg, no wonder so ba-ba
, btw are you going to the preemies day on friday ?

kkf, what time you going this friday ?
SAHM is a very tiring job indeed. I'm aching all over everyday too. Men are men and they are really lowsy in handling kids but they refuse to admit lei.

I hope angel will love the centre as much as I. hehe! What time are you going this Fri? I still cannot decide to go or not cos I'm so so tired this week.
congrats! enjoy the sch hols with dash! i will sure try to call u.

yay! finally angel has a school. i din know u stay so far! it's near to my mum's place at cck. do they have an orientation day to start the kids off?

Friday go lah. i'll be sneaking there during lunch. i wanna see what happens when pretty angel meets handsome dash!

add me to the complainer's list. i'm just as mad with hubby.. his task is to wash all the bottles we bring back from kk, but everyday he need me to remind. and then when he washes it, does a sloppy job. And then he quickly zips back to his laptop. i highly suspect this will be the scenario when bryan is back. sigh.. they really have it easy.

hope to meet all the other mummies who can make it too.
hope, just went to your blog.. now i know why no clothes for bryan at fox sale! hehehe. (just kidding). great buys. the clothes are really nice!
I thought it is starting at 2pm? Or my memory failing again....

So far, we've gathered that the following mummies will be there:

Costa (bern has appointment at 3pm)
Hope (pop in during lunch)
Xbliss (pop in during lunch)
Fairylander (bb in SCN. Will u be there?)

Most of us have Costa's hp right? We sms her when reach.
Is it 2pm? die my memory failing also...
Hi lets exchange our numbers leh.
It will be my first time bringing dash out alone. You will see a clumsy mum.
The premies program starts at 2pm i.e. after lunch break liao, so you aren't seeing anything if you sneak in at lunch but sure you can see your Bryan. hehe

I know what's going to happen when A meets D, it will be like a chick talking to a duckling cos A understands English only and D understands Mandarin only at this stage. A will hide behind my back, I dun know about D (must ask kkf to provide this part), and the end result is both walk away in opp. direction cos A is stranger shy. hahaha
Morning and Hi all who r attending the premie awareness.. SO wat time will u all be there? Exactly 2 or??
Very excited lei.. Can see all the little graduates

See u all tomoro

so good.. So u can have more time for little Dash liao

Thanks for calling me back yeaterday. Really appreciate
add me 2 ur list of hubby-complaining. sigh. sometimes i juz tell him straight in the face "i'm v tired, u go do this do tat". my hubby is like tat 1. must tell him exactly wat to do. sigh. but again, must give him some credits la, he did put in a lot of efforts in taking care of the ger when she juz came home
wa! i am so excited for tomorrow. Pity i cannot carry bryan from SCN!!! he can be the little ambassador for the event. hehe.

dun worry about being clumsy. u should just see me change diapers for bryan - that is really call clumsy. And anyway, there is angel..

haha.. i see. The hot chick is angel hor? I'm sure with a hot babe like that, dash cannot resist! He might convert to be potato (speak english) after that!

i'll be coming from SCN too. cya again!

coming tomorrow uh? i wanna see your happy bulge! I'll tell darling girl to stay happily inside til she is due!
no pblem lah...hp u managed to get wat you wanted..

eh, till now i hvnt told my colleague 2mr i wun be around in the afternoon...hp i can get away manz...
how i wish i can carry cathrina out from scn too hehe.then bryan n cathrina can play play abit.

cathrina is 1.845kg today so happy for her.
I'm sure your little sweetie will be home before x'mas....very soon, may be next week. Excited???

A not hot chick lar, I hope she will learn Mandarin from our Prince Dash. That's why I chose TLL for her cos they have Mandarin lessons.
Want her to be bilingual like her mummy. But sadly, her mummy can't teach cos speak so fast always. kekeke

If I attend tomorrow, may be we all stand outside SCN to see Bryan and Cathrina. Then the nurse will ask me for the mummies names....oh oh!
<font color="0077aa">Xbliss</font>
I suppose you enjoy extended lunch time just like some of us.....

When my boys were in NICU, I visited them everyday during lunch time and will get back to office 2 plus to 3.
Thankfully my bosses were very understanding.

<font color="0077aa">Costa</font>
Oi! You need us to roll the <font color="ff0000">red carpet</font> for you.....

I am sure Buzz etc are very eager to see Bern again.

<font color="0077aa">Mummylian</font>
Yes... I am as excited as you too.
Already plan for the boys what to wear.
Keep reminding myself must remember to charge the cameras battery tonight

<font color="0077aa">Kkf</font>
I PM you my hp number.

<font color="0077aa">Fairylander</font>
You dun accept PM. Your princess is doing GREAT!!

so pity coco gal vomit. I'd be mad with hubby too if that happen. wah if me - I scold scold him till he cannot tahan. I'd blame him not love baby izzit not take care until cause her vomit ah? Come on bit strong but ah these men sometimes need a shock to wake them up. blow to their ego. else they deep inside their shell, think of work oni. sometimes I v hard on hubby - no choice, soft approach like bounce of his shell. if not work, at least get to vent feeling ehehe

having said that, well now he lot better

yeah me will ask hubby to do something too. better then wait for him to do hehe

wah 1.845kg ! congrats ! shld be coming home soon. getting ready ?

nada is hyperactive and my fren says so is his premmie niece. I'm curious if this is her character or as my fren say something to do with being premmie ? *scratch head*
The other time when I attended the premie parent support session, the mummy shared that her premie daughter is super active, more active than her 2nd child, a boy, who's full term. I find my girl full of energy also, other than sleeping, she is very busy moving around, dancing, climbing, jumping, pulling out drawers/cupboards etc. I bet she keeps me slim....your nada will soon helps you to lose weight naturally.
dear mommies,
juz back frm JL sale. bigger than the last 1. oso, there's this computer thingy next door. so can persuade ur hubbys to go there while u ladies shop

lots of toys. if u need to buy xmas presents. but i din buy any toy. only bought a comforter set & a box of chinese flash cards 4 my ger

DM, do you know when is the last day for JL sale ? no, no.... cannot let hb step into the IT fair etc, once he is in, 'won't know' the way out
need him to be around, otherwise I can't shop with the 2 bumble bees around
