Premature babies support group

hi mummies,

today down with food poisoning so cannot go see bryan. so sad. Anyway, bryan has graduated into room air as he is 1.5kg already. we are so happy cos being in incubator in SCN draws a lot of unwanted attention. haha. But we are more happy that bryan has adapted well to the room air. Previously, he would desat nearly everytime his incubator changed. It is joy to be closer to him now.

where u buy the freezer? my new house reno probably finishing this wk and i hope can get the fridge in by next wk.. then there is hope for me!!

u r right.. so sad the tragedy. My husband and i were shocked when we heard the news. We never thought good swimmers will get into such a problem.

Oh yar mummies,
i went to the new children's garden, "jacob ballas garden" at botanic gardens. I must say it is rather impressive for the small ones.. quite a number of things for children to play and learn, got a big playground with 2 big long slides, water wading area, suspension bridge, etc. Quite fun for the kids. And not to forget the air is wonderfully clean there! Free entry and public carpark available at Duke Road entrance (next to NUS Bt Timah campus).

And i am so excited cos Christmas is coming! i am not christian, but i love the year end season, beautiful lights and music everywhere.. plus we are looking forward to bring bryan home then hopefully
*christmas mood*

<font color="0077aa">LilI</font>
Welcome Back. Are you busy savouring the local fare? Heee....
Yes, Dr Argawal is a very nice lady.
You must be feeling very relief now after receiving the assurance from her.
Good to have all the checks to put your mind at ease.

<font color="0077aa">xBlisS</font>
Your job requires you to bring children to outdoors? So nice......
My D&E enjoy the garden very much. I was quite proud that they were brave enough to slide down the long slides.
Such a fun place for the kids.... But the chairs at the caf are too small for my big bum!!
Yes yes, I am in Christmas Mood too. Planning for my annual gatherings Menus, gifts for the kids and D&E's classmates....

<font color="0077aa">hOpE</font>
hi mummies

finally i have time to learn how to format and put up pictures. So here you go!


this is bryan after he got scolded by mee see cos he pooed all over her hands when she changed his diaper. He got quite upset/guilty about it (i think) and huddled up like for the next 1 min.. can see his ang moh hair?! hehe.. inherited from yours sincerely
Xbliss, cute cute bryan
seeing him reminds me of my D&D, 'Cute babies comes in small packages'
really feel like stroking his 'hairy' arms (oops, his arms hairy ? I rem my bbs's ones are
precious_one, tk q tk q!
i wish i can cuddle him now too! too bad stuck at home cos of food poisoning.

yes, i think all our preemies are hairy.. heheh.. i like ur description of small packages. indeed he is one small package. these few days start feeling sad again cos i wish his small brother was around too.
Hi xbliss,

I realise Bryan look like my son leh.. Dun know if all premature look the same? My hubby thought he is Craydon when I scroll to ur post.. hahhaaa..
Xbliss, please don't feel sad, hug hug, shower all your love on Bryan, his small brother will can feel your love too, he knows his mommy loves him very much,as they are twins, heard from the nurses that they can feel the emotions of each other (telepathy). Really wish you can have Bryan in your arms at home on Xmas day

Alicia, ya hor, actually now I prefer preemies, they look so cute, as if they are seeking for our love and cuddles, rite ?
Welcome back lili.

xbliss hope you gets well soon. Bryan soo cute! Wow he is progressing well!
Sometimes like you, i will wish that my elder son is around too...

I am thinking of bringing dash to the jacob ballas garden too. But I was thinking of bringing him to see thomas the train show at amk hub first. My colleague were telling me they brought their daughters to see barney, me also want to bring dash to see thomas, hmph!

Mich so good, you got your dress! I dun bother to dress up anymore. I just came back from my school's staff dinner at orchird country club. Ugly me today.
take care n hope u have a speedy recovery.bryan is so cute makes me wanna cuddle him
btw how u post the pic?i cant post coz i duno how to make the pic small lol.
didi, the magic show? no, I dun think he will enjoy. He will just cry for us to on the lights.


Anyway, morning mummies, dropping by to post a morning post. Will be going for stupid course later. That is the course I hated most!!! Its on special needs, but me really hates it because I find it sooo boring (mainly because I only have one colleague going with me, and that colleague is sooo boring). She is my supervisor to be exact.
<font color="0077aa">xBlisS</font>
Boy... Bryan is so cute!

<font color="0077aa">FAirYLanDEr</font>
I can resize the photo for you if you don't mind. PM me.
good morning, huan ying your coming back..the prem awareness day is on fri 30th nov..hope to see you there....even the day may nt coincide wif yr appt day...

agree wif mich, doc agarwal is vy nice and assuring...

hope you okay wif everythg.....

bryan reminds us of our children then in scn....soon, he wld be home liao...he got alot of hair huh...

let us noe dash's progress after he has gone for the jg class..does the parent need to be around..?i used to send my elder one for classes and would make use of the lesson time to go shopping haha
Morning mummies
Aiyo... i very forgetful leh.... miss my son eye appt on the 19 nov but lucky managed to rebook it on the 30 nov morning. Ha... Ha... also good lar... aleast still can go and see the setup for the prem awareness day.
You bring D&E to "jacob ballas garden" already?? Is it fun and is it crowded? Is it difficult to find a parking? Ha... Ha... so many question to ask... want to bring E&C there too but these few days always raining.
good morning mummmies

today gotten rush because yesterday toke one day leave bring my boy for his 15 mth MMR vaccination. then tomorrow be on one day course.


poor bryan (think scn really kind of busy place ah..) glad now he has bounce back. he is really cute ler. so innocent laying there like that...hmmm cannot really see clearly the hair colour ler...zoom in a bit for us ler keke...

welcome back home

hope your crack nipple get solve..think xbliss has a point. control the suction a little bit...oh read that now your ger is in pink ward
and out of isolation.

update on siang. yesterday weight and toke his height. he is now 10.6kg and 76.5cm. corrected is 12mths+ and actual is 15mths +
Good morning mummies,

Costa, yeah. I was hoping the appt will be this fri instead of thurs. Maybe on thurs, I will go and take a look and see if they have already put up the displays

Xbliss, yeah.. Coco looks like that also when she was in the incubator, especially Bryan's oversize diapers reminds me of Coco NICU days. Very soon, bryan will put on weight and will look like this


Coco first morning or second morning at her Singapore home. I think she likes it here. Not cold and she doesn't have to put on so many layers of clothes! Or maybe it's because mummy is happy with the warm weather so she thinks that baby is happy too!!!

Hi Fairylander, when you view your pictures on the computer, there should be an option for you to edit picture. Click on that and look for resize picture OR compress pictures and choose the available options to decide which size you want. I hope this helps

Mich, yeah.. been busy eating eating and eating!!! Ha ha... But now with my gal around, not so mobile.. have to 'ta-bao' home to eat!!! It's either too late to take her out or it is her nap time!! Hee hee... I'm sure you have been thru' the same thing.. what's more you have two!! stressed!
good morning lili

coco looks so settle down
she really cute ler. hehe then maybe u will see my duck hand artcraft of my boy poster hehehe...its one in yellow background :p
Coco looks so comfortable and settled in Singapore from this pic. Is she Singaporean or Malaysian cos your IL live in M'sia? She has a sweet look.

The floor look so clean and white, who polish it diligently? haha

Go get Bryan's x'mas present ready as he will be home for Chrismas.

When and where is Thomas show in AMK? I miss Barney one too.... so sad, dare not tell my gal, she would be upset.
i went on saturday. Though there was a family day going on there, it was not crowded at all. Don't think many people would know about the garden so still quite safe to bring ur kids there. the toilet

there was one day i walked into NICU, and i looked at bryan and didn't think it was him. I had to take a look at the name card before making sure it was him. So my point is, yes, premies look alike! heheh. bryan still small size, probably smaller version of craydon. hehe

I used photoshop to reduce the image. Alternatively, if u dun have photoshop, u can use MS Paint which is in the accessories folder of the programmes in windows. U can change the image attributes and resave it as a different file. hope it helps. For me, i resized til 2 inches.. din know it's so small. haha

how is the purelan? i never use before so i dunno if it would help. that day i overheard another mummy talking to the nurse. she also had sore and cracked nipples. Initially, before she resumed work, she pumped about 300ml a day. After she start work, she claimed she had no time, can only pump 2 bottles a day now, i.e. 200ml. So u do need to pump more often to keep the supply going. But becos of your condition, maybe i suggest pump more often but less time, i.e. 15min each time. would it help?

Also, adding onto what Jane has said, both breasts actually contain different amount of bm in my case. My left breast usually only produces 75% of what my right breast produces. So dun worry if u are not getting same amt from both cos that was what i did initially and squeezed my left breast until so pain.. :p

good weight for siang hor? keep it up siang!

yar bryan still is very hairy! hehe. but good thing is the hair on his body is blonde.. kekeke. I saw a few bb gals, err.. their hair on the body is a lot and black. a bit turn off. :p i actually like to stroke the hair on bryan's body cos they are so soft and look so "cosy". Will miss them when they fall off later, so maybe i shall take a close up shot later!

yar there are in fact so many times i wish their brothers are around. i suppose this is our recovery journey.will be really nice to hold 2 bryans in my hands.
lili and coco,
welcome back! how long would you be here? Hope to see you 2 this Friday! hope i got chance to escape from office. heheh :D

meanwhile, eat all u can! coco too! i'm sure she will eye the tasty SG food even more!
hello xbliss

bryan has very good weight too. sometime, things that we remeber in our heart is always the sweetest. Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay, Love isn't love till you give it away. bless your little one who is under the care of the wings of the angel.
yah, all preemies look like...last time my son looks like lindah's son hami also..its the cheeks lah..fattened up after gg thru kkh's nutrition plan..hahaha.....

my son was vy hairy now..faster....take pic, they wun be lidat for long...

wah lau, i read yr message i thot you are a full time card writer wif hallmark cards...hahah. are you? shi1 qing2 hua4 yi4...(so poetic)
hi costa
ya u are right...all preemies (at least for our boys) look alike some how hor. but i wonder bryan ang mo hair is what colour....he look very handsome :p.

about the phrase...dunno ler. i not poemtic la. i very duck hand and leg one hahahaha....

hi precious_one
me? no not really that li hai in phrases.

xbliss is a great mum (like all mummy here). everything be just fine.
I would like to forward Jane's quote to you:
Sometimes, things that we remember in our hearts is always the sweetest. Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love isn't love till you give it away. Bless your little one who is under the care of the wings of the angel.

Your missing of your elder boy is understandable. To love is sometimes to let go!
yes,i agree fully with precious_one. The mummies here all got ink! I am very touched by your phrase too. It is so true.

Updates on bryan
today bryan's weight skyrocketed to 1.6kg! But it's probably becos our dear boy din pass big bowel this morning. I din go yesterday so nobody to carry him out of his rice dumpling wrap, so no freedom for his to do business. So i carried him longer today and then he did a XXXXL business that overflowed his diapers! so powerful! he looked so happy with himself after that.. imagine that. He seems to like the kangaroo hug and actually lunged forward onto my chest when i tried to put him back into the cot (now, what do you call that box they are put in?! i know i can count on precious_one for the answer!). And when he is kangarooed, he will look up to see me and even tilt his head backwards if he can't get my eye contact.. aiyoh so cute. Last time i used to think i wouldn't want to carry him so much in case i spoil him, but now, heck! those innocent precious moments eyes just melt away my heart!

The docs ordered for bottle feeding today too.. think they dying to send bryan home.. hee. We tried bottle feeding him but the teat was too big and the milk flow so much even without sucking. They couldn't get a smaller teat so no choice, prob try again tomorrow or thursday. I think the nurse felt it was a bit too soon for bottle feeding. Anyway, we were quite game just to see his response. hehe. He managed to suck a little but most of the time got choked by the overflowing milk.
tks for the advice.i still cant resize it lol.have to wait for hubby come bc tonite to help me hehe.

i went to buy the medela purelan yesterday coz i feel its good tks

ur bb so chubby n cute
Fairylander, I got mine from metro leh...think avent brand or wat.

Coco sooo cute. Lili, you must be very happy in singapore. It is always good to be home.

Thanks for the words, precious one. Yes, I do know sometimes to remember in our hearts is the sweetest. But still losing somebody is not easy to get over. I will never ever get over. I will remember him in my heart, but will still wish very much he will be here with his didi and us.

The day he left us, he was just sooo small and tiny. haiz...

Anyway, not talking about sad thing anymore. The thomas train is at Ang mo kio hub 7-16 dec (1pm and 7pm on weekdays, except 14th dec will be 1pm and 4pm, then 1pm, 4pm and 7pm on sat and sun).

Costa, sure, will update with how julia gabriel is like.
Aiyoo...Xbliss. Isn't kangaroo the best? I remember my dd's weight really increase alot when I did kangaroo.

Now I want a hug from her have to beg. aiyooo. *faint*
wat exactly are the shields u wanted?is it to prevent leakage of bm,those avent type is it?

hws bb's scan?
yes! kangaroo is the best! I think it's best cos he gets to be free from his dumpling wrap! haha. he enjoys freedom so much cos he can move around freely during his incubator days. now he kena tied up, he seems to have difficulty getting into position to pass motion.. hee. when we visit him, we will unwrap the dumpling and let him enjoy fresh air, and then we watch him get started in all his actions!

ur girl so cute! still must beg her to hug? dun worry, i'm sure nothing beats mummy's hug. we shall save it for those important moments which they will sure come back for even though they dun wan it now!

there is nipple shield, as well as breast shells. nipple shield is like silicon teat to cover your nipple when your girl suckles so that it does not hurt your nipple. Breast shell is used for milk collection if you leak bm. If you are using it for comfort when not breastfeeding/expressing, i think it should be breast shell. you can get both from mothercare at kkh like what precious says.

ok, we shall call it a "cot"?! i'm just short of calling it a box.. maybe tomorrow i ask mee see.

hugz. i still talk to my ryan nowadays. my hubby thinks i'm going kuku. haha. we are determined to try for no.2 prob 1-2 yrs later cos we wanna redeem back our lost babies. by then, i would be in my own home and my pregnancy should be easier then.. cos i get to eat what i like to eat! heh.
xbliss, you are moving to your new place ? where are you moving to ? see got good food nearby...ha..ha me greedy pig lah

im looking for breast shell.i will go kkh 2molo abt evening time to visit my ger coz hubby not free 2molo,then wil go mothercare n buy.tks

nurse wil try arrange doctor in charge to talk abt cathrina condition i hope it wont be a big prob.wil update 2molo wen im back.tks all for the concern
