Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Preggie,
Yap, my hb has really been working late since he started this job...initially weekends also must at least Sun are free

so everything concerning Raine I need to handle myself lor...practice keyboard and writing, cc stuff etc...even sick oso I bring to see doc alone leh...sometimes abit tired but Raine will cheer me up by saying "MOMMY, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!"...heehee

I was on leave yday coz Raine's cc got food fair...went VC after that and bought just 1 camisole for myself and a tank top for Raine...crowded even on weekdays afternoon...

Tmr I'm gg to be jie-mei for my friend and evening attending dinner...

Sunday then can rest...think will nua ard...
Hi Mummies,

What a nice sat morning! But i was woke up by my early bird Nic at 7am! Argh!!! somehow i still managed to 'nua' in bed till 8am then step out of the room :p

And i found myself amazing!!! Yesterday met up w bbgal for shopping. We started at 10am, had lunch at 12.45pm and we parted at 1.15pm cos bbgal need to pick up Ray, thereafter i was alone to shop and b4 i realised, it was 5pm!!! i have shopped for such a long time and i was not tired! thereafter waited for hb for dinner together. Basically he was working hard to earn $$ and me was shopping hard to spend $$. so sinful!!! :p


Just a thot when i was doing some planning, and realised after we finished our parenting course, we did not continue to go out alone w/o the kids as often as we shd. We were encouraged to spend some time together dating w/o the kids for at least once a week. so post the qn here to ask the mummies and sort of remind that is impt to keep the love alive.

hope i din touch on any sensitive issue, if it is, pls ignore my qn. :p

I do hv caregiving issue problem some times and we hv no choice but to drag the kids along.

Is the ELC puzzle the same one that u gals mentioned b4? ie 28 + 26 pcs.

Hope ur back is better now.


wait till Raine is older and both of u can be shopping partner liao

I think there is no perfect answer for that qn lor. But i will ask him back more qns to find out the real reason for asking the question. Is he seeking attention or facing some problem? Got to find out more before giving better answer.

Agree with what you said abt couple time. that's y is impt to spend time together, not onli dating time but also daily, to spend some time communicating to each other.

Wish all hv a wonderful weekend with ur love ones.
hi hong, stylobb...
thanks for remembering me! hee. this thread really move v fast... hard to keep up. dunno whether can keep with it.

I like jastan's ans to your qn... it's the most frank. cos that's the truth rite... most mummies work cos they dun like to be SAHM, not really just $.

hope your back is better.

sorry abt PF's grandma.

wah you dreamt of my girl ah... have you actually seen the aurora borealis before?

are you still homemaker or u working already? last time i met u you were looking after rayna yourself.

couple time? hardly.... feels guilty at times when leave kids at home with MIL and maid. alreayd working spend so little time with them, i always feel guilty. But couple time v impt la... only when marriage is stable and strong we can have happy home for kids. Looking forward to my kids get a bit older I can have more time with hubby... esp when they can go for camp or something! ha.

have a nice weekend everyone.
Hi Mummies!

Just a note to inform that Metro Tampines is having closing down sale and it's those kind of everything must go. Just came back from there. Ladies/kids/household department all at 50% discount. Some even more. Only toys and men's department have 50% on those price tag that has a blue circle. Happy shopping!
Hi Mummies
Toys R Us is having buy 4 pay for 3 offer and 5% off UOB Card.. hb went to look for Cars cars and bot .. telling me it's for himself! haha.. (reminds me when I buy the girly toys.. it's also for myself..)

Went to AMK Hub and got jesse a cheapo toy from the Learn Thru Play shop... the saleslady is still the same, cannot sit on her box, cannot touch this... hahaha

I got the letter leh.. no choice is it? Hv to change?? I think I wl hv to change jesse's, his was macham baby face....

I still hv a bit of tseng-ness in my back...

Answer - It's the most frank but not something that we can tell our kids directly mah....

No offence at all leh...
Hb/I try to spend time along loh, but easier said than done.. .so hv to make the special effort.. I guess all of us wl want to spend time alone but prob. due to caregiving issues, stimes what we wish is not what we get. (Hence the midnite shows...haha...) That day we managed to catch an early movie cos hb left work earlier.
I found a cheaper version of the beads ... only $9.70 compared to $29.90 ... haiz...


and this is the cheapo toy .. also only $9.70 .. I kinda like it.. hehe


How was ur jie mei experience???
Hi Mummies!

NTUC in Bedok is having 5% off storewide! Oh, I forgot to ask untill when. Guess it's this weekend.


I like your jigsaw puzzle. Used to buy for Ryan but he kept losing the parts so I gave up. The cheapo toy look nice leh and it doesn't look cheapo.
Hi Mommies
How's ur weekend? These two nites busy dismantling her cot and packing the storeroom to make way for it. How I wish I can sell it away! haha :p

Masshiro, Stylobb
Yah loh, no choice but to update the photo for the ppt. I intend to go early next month to do it. Hope the photo can last longer and no need to change to the biometric one so soon..

The last time we met was at my house is it??? I'm still the same old leh

Wow! You shopped so long! But time flies when shopping right? You planning to be sahm?

Metro sale until when? I went last week but didn't get to shop at the ladies fashion. Was at the toys section but didn't get anything.

The puzzle looks nice. Do you know when the sale will end? Agree with Linda, the toys don't look cheap at all. When Ray attended the BJG last time, they got to play with the scooping balls one, quite fun, but really gotta be watching over her then cos scare she pop them into mouth.
Good morning mummies.

Weather so hot these 2 days, i on aircon but lower fan, both children still making noise and both was sweating in aircon room.


Metro Tampines closing down meh? I went last week with my mum n sister but didnt see the notice.


I have not been to AMK hub, maybe should go and explore it one of these day.
Gd morning mommies!!

Yesterday, i was so furious with Joey... she dropped one side of her sandals and didn't tell me until we reached the car. I was so exasperated with her, i cried while walking around looking for her missing sandal. I'm so upset with her care less attitude and taking things for granted. Just the weekend alone, she lost her new bracelet, a purse and then one side of her sandal.. She doesn't seem to care what she lost. It really upsets me...

KB gave her a good talking to and she seems to understand better now. He told her that for everything we buy for her, it means there's something we couldn't buy for ourselves. For every bit of food we give her, it means we have lesser to eat. We do all this out of love for her over ourselves. So if she doesn't treasure what we give her, it goes to show she doesn't treasure our love.

Do you think this explaination is mercenary? Are we imparting her the right values? haizz...

Hi Cherly,

Yah, the weekend was really hot and humid... My house is like a sauna if i dun turn on the aircon.

Hi StyloBB,

Nice toys! I like this kind of wooden toys coz they are very lasting. Can pass down generations after generations.

I understand how u feel. Hopefully Joey will be better after daddy's explanation.

The weather is really killing.
I think what KB said was right. I dun think i will tell Janelle that nicely.

Janelle doesnt like to tidy up her stuffs, or clean up after playing. How shld i tell her nicely and wun myself get too work up?

i like ur "Cheapo" toys. I must go and get it. I am looking for such toys for sometime. Very gd for fine motor skill. The BJG that Janelle attended also using such toys to try the younger kids. I wanna get such toy to train Julian. SO is AMK hub, i will make my way down. Is a gd bday gift for Julian! Am i more cheapo than u? hahaha..

We invited Law frds and his family to our place for dinner last nite, after washing up we went to watch Transformer. Janelle has no school today so take this rare opporunity.

It is a nice show, no regret watching. The effect is very gd, story line still acceptable. Infact some part are a little touchy. hahaha a robot show with some feelings.

When we are out of Grand GV car park and it show $5.35. Law was shocked but i told him still worth it cos the tic were FOC. Only thing was the seats wasnt that gd but as we were watching at the big screen so still ok.
Morning Mommies.


I oso tink KB explained it well to Joey. U really sound exasperated.


I dun hv a prob wz CY not keeping his toys. Wat I'll do if he doesn't keep them after telling him 2x, is that I will throw everything out of the house. Did that to him b4 & he knows I mean business, so when I reach for my keys to open the door, he will quickly run to keep his toys.
hi bbgal

ya.. the last time it was gathering at ur place...haha... so long ago hor.

so your girl now in cc or kindy?
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Cla,
Hahaha, Raine is already my shopping partner now... :p But she likes to shop w stroller cos she is lazy to walk plus can nap in stroller...

Hi Stylobb,
My jie-mei experience was good, not as tiring as and my fren manage to squeeze in some time to sneak to MS Zara to shop after the day's event...heehee

Night was a breeze...dinner started early and ended early too...totally knock out after shower man...Raine slept in the car thus we let her sleep in her dress till morning...:p

Hi Preggie,
I think KB's explanation to Joey is great! Cheer up ok?
Hi Trans,
I like your method...think I shall try that on Raine sometimes when she doesnt want to keep...I find that she will keep the toys when she is at our own pl but at my mom's place, she will shift the responsibility to my nephew....saying he was the 1 who took it out...
Good Morning Mommies..


Me use same method as Trans. I also threw his toys into the dustbin (not into the chute yet) when he refused to keep them. From then on, he will kwai kwai keep his toys after playing. I bought those Toyogo boxes for his toys so its actually v easy to just keep all inside, which I am glad he does it now.


Did you manage to find her missing sandal? Wassit the Betula? Aiyoh, if it is, I will be so heartpain. But KB's explanation makes sense so just hope Joey understands.


Josh starts his MW tonite. Didnt know the books so ex one. Hah.


So wat did you do with the veges on Sat????


Yup, Metro Tampines closing down but hb said nothing much. We went Isetan yesterday and I bought Josh a pair of OSK shoes at 30% off. Pretty gd deal I think. Paid $30 for his sneakers.
Hi Mummies
Yeah, hot day yesterday!!! By the time we got ready to go to church, I was perspiring all over ... so much for trying to put compact powder.
In the evening we went to Bukit Merah to eat Taiwan porridge and then hb told jesse since he behaved himself, we all could go to Island Creamery.... not bad, chara walked with me holding her hand all the way frm car to the shop. The counter gal said they are so cute and took pics of them with her...

The toys - yes I thot they are v cheap... and look ok too... of course the finishing is not as good as those from Plan toys but acceptable...

chara did put a ball into her mouth! I was so shocked.... quickly dug it out...!!!

Hope joey gets the message.. maybe it's cos she has many many toys / stuff so she didn't bother if one/two get missing. Or it could be they don't understand the concept of losing things yet. So what was her reaction after KB spoke to her, was she repentant? Hehe...
There was once jesse also left his Cars fire engine at a fast food restaurant and we only realised it after we left. Worse, it's the ti-gam kind, told him even if we hv the money, we can't get back the same one...

Yes, I think it's nice to keep them for the next generation...

I hvn't thrown jesse's toys into dustbin before...

Quite a nbr of times, my maid had to keep for him. One way I do is not to let him play with the next set of toys that he wanted to until he keeps the current set that he is playing... Another way is not to let him play at all if he didn't keep them the last time.. told him 'not tonite becos u didn't keep them yesterday.' ... not sure if it registers in his mind.

Just take the MRT to AMK and it's right at the doorstep...

The shop is Learn Thru Play... small shop... I think 2nd or 3rd floor.... near to Mums & Babes... 25% discount storewide due to GSS, so it's worth it. May be too advanced for julian but can try the building blocks.
Toys are made in China... when I brot it back, before we could mount the cloth, the string broke... haha... so I had to re-sew the corner string...

We nearly wanted to do a midnite one for Transformers... but decided not to as we had to wake up early for church and hb is sick, he lost his voice.....

What is MW?

Went to zara at VC .. but didn't get anything...
Hi Mommies
I also 'threw' Ray's toys once, dumped them into plastic bag and put it beside the dustbin (I couldn't bear to really throw cos afterall I bought it with my money). But she still leaving her toys around and will only keep when I remind her.

I also think KB explained it very well.. didn't think its a mercenary explanation.. It's more out of love for her.

So long liow, you try join us for the picnic next round leh!
Ray's attending 1/2day cc now.

I used cookie cutters to cut shapes on the potatoes for her to do stamping with paint. And the baby carrots I just cut half for stamping as well. Threw away the leafy one. But she asked me how come I didn't cook the vege for her to eat! Haha
Quite scary right cos the balls are quite big! Gotta be watchful then!

I tried telling Ray to keep her toys before taking out new ones, but she always tells me 'but I still want to play with it' even though the toys' already lying there for sometime... have to keep reminding..
Do u have another method than "Throwing the toys"? It dun works on Janelle all the times. If i do that she most likely going to give me that crying face and do it very unwillingly. I wanted some methods that will make her keep her toys willingly and happily.

Transformer really worth watching. We were glad as watching movie is quite a rare outing for both of us. The last movie was "300" and was a great show. Transformer is another great one.

Going to watch Harry potter with my sister. Must book her and ask her not to watch with others.

Julian like to pick up dirt and put into his mouth. He also like to put a big piece of biscuit in, we have to dig it out and he will scream when we do that.

I think his gum is very itchy, he can grab my MIL finger and bite it. hahaha..

We brot him for a haircut at the barber, Law said he was crying n screaming thru-out. Not very well done but is a brand new hairstyle for Julian. hahaha.. Now he look more n more like little Janelle with a very cool look. hee hee..
Hi Mommies,

Yes!! I was very very angry with her... and she knows it coz she told KB that she shouldn't be listening to happy music in the car coz mommie is angry.... even when she said that i couldn't smile coz i just feel so disappointed with her attitude... But of coz i cannot stay angry with her for long.. so today, everything is back to normal.

Minnie, yes! it was the betula! Luckily i found it at the carpark after walking 2 rounds back and forth, retracing our steps.

MW is Music Wonderland at Yamaha Music School....


I was thinking you might have cooked the veg, didnt expect you so innovative, do stamping some more... So hardworking!! Kekeke...


Perhaps you might like to use Positive parenting then, using praises? Like eg, Jan is a clever and good gal if she keeps all her toys. Basically, use praise to entice her to do a certain activity. Not sure if it would work though but it does work for certain issues when dealing w Josh.

I am using the same methods for charlene, so far so good.


Yah, maybe you try to praise Jan when she keeps all toys. My sister used this method on JH by saying wow JH grow up liao, now is a big kor kor, u see after he play toys he will sure keep all into basket. True enuf, he keep it after he play and he is proud of himself and will tell us, he is grow up liao so he will keep the toys.


Let me know the feedback of MW cos charlene keep asking me to bring her to music school.

CY is starting his class this wed. I agree e books are ex but I must say e quality is quite good lor. Hope Josh will enjoy e class this evening.


CY oso still needs reminder to keep his toys. I guess at this age, they are still gg on manual gear and not automatic yet.


U can try Minnie's mtd & see if it will work.

I can still rbr CY picking up his toys in e corridor e 1st time I threw them out. Yi1 ba3 bi2 ti4, yi1 ba3 yan3 lei4, like so ke lian like dat.
I think the throwing method may not work for all the tods. And I don't want to throw away (threaten), then go and pick it back later.

To learn a musical instrument or appreciate music?

Hmm..jesse so far never ask for any music lessons...

Fort. u found the sandal..
Hi Stylobb,
I only got those simple camisole from VC coz those no need to try as the fitting rm is so long q...

Hi Preggie,
Hehe, I agree we can't stay angry with the kids for long 1...glad you found the Betula!

BTW, my sis decided to let my nephew continued his voilin lesson coz he scored a B+ for the exam...hahaha...but my nephew told me he doesnt like voilin yday...

Hi Minnie/Trans,
How much was the fees for MW? Raine starting her digital piano lesson at Seimpi Music School this Sat, the fees is $120 per month...
Errr....sorry, so what will the lesson entail? Singing? Rhythm? Clapping? Read notes?

Wow, ur nephew did well.. it'll be a pity if he gives up.. on the other hand, he has to enjoy it leh. Hb used to learn piano, he hated it, gave up halfway, on hindsight, he wished he had continued (he has a good ear for music) .. said if only they also let him play contemporary songs instead of classical pieces.
I think it's useful to learn to play a musical instrument and if the kid is interested, lagi beta.

Why don't u let raine learn piano? I hear that if can play piano, it's easier to pick up organ... cos piano requires more skills..(???)

I give you my report abt it tom. Its music appreciation. They include a set of percussion instruments too. Yes, parent has to be inside class wif the child. Josh told me he wanted to learn piano so thats why I signed him up for this course.
HI Trans,
When Raine started the MIM, think the fees is $260+ for 10 weeks, thus I think Yamaha fees are reasonable

Hehe, we are just told that the kids would be progressing from keyboards to digital pianos for 1 yearDigital pianos are similar to piano

Hi Stylobb,
Actually my sis was thinking to discontinue my nephew if he doesnt score well for the exam but since he did well, my sis let him continuehahaha, but my sis does punish him if he doesnt play well so maybe that puts him off violin lor

Digital piano is similar to piano...The previous teacher told us digital piano is easier than keyboard??!!
I was thinking to send Janelle to the course as well but was delaying n delaying and thinking n thinking abt the logic arrangement with two kids.
The only thing i dun like is accoy the kids. I wanna her to attend some classes that dun need parent to be ard.
hello ladies
so sorry for the delay
here's trimelle pic



dun think she look like Ely leh.. the only similarity is the nose.. haha

the meaning of Trimelle is: our beloved daughter
pro-nouce as :Tri - melle ("Tri"angle) (Cara "mel")
hope u all know wat i mean
Hi mummies,

What a hot hot day! This is the onli time i wish i am working in office to enjoy the aircon.


nice puzzle and toys! Matt loves to play puzzles and Nic like to destroy his work, so he keep asking us to bring di di away when he is at work. :p

BP plaza also have Learn thru Play shop but quite scare to go in, the shop keeper quite pushy for sale. There was once after i fetch Matt from school, then i realised i din bring house key + handphone went no batt. We walked pass the shop looking for public coin phone. Matt was attracted to the toys and went in to the shop, i took the chance to borrow their phone to call hb to come home earlier from work. The lady also took the chance to promote some toys to us and not cheap leh, $30+ - $60+. Very nice but also very expensive. Thot wan to get some toys around $10+ for their kind gesture but nothing suitable for Matt at that budget. (Nic din come to my mind that time :p) The lady sort of brainwash Matt to get a set of wooden plane which was selling at $49.90, i think. Then she quickly took out plastic bag, almost wanted to pack it and charge to me! Finally i managed to coax Matt to leave the shop w nothing. Since then quite phobia and will always wan to aviod near the shop and if no choice to take that way, will walk pass it quickly.

Gd to spend time together, was thinking maybe set Fri as my shopping day and also dinner w hb. Hmmm... c if it works


ya lor, long walk but gd harvest at OG, gotten some tops and pants at gd price

May start looking for job in Aug but a little reluctance :p

Remember our date on Wed morning.


i used the same method too. Quite effective but cannot use it all the time. Most of the time is screaming + cane 'cos Nic will need some threaten to do his part in keeping the toys, he still don understand the meaning of throwing things out of the house.


Next time ur kids become musician and have concert, pls give us some tickets ok? Can give our listening ears.


nice pics of Trimelle, so cute! somehow find that all newborns look similar but also different in their own way. Her features will change every now and then. Can't tell who she looks like now :p
Hi Pooh,
Trimelle is meaningful! Nice pics! You take care ah...

Hi Cla,
Hahaha,you think too far ahead liao lah, just learning leh...

Wow, you enjoying tai-tai life ah, shopping so often...heehee
Good Morning Mommies.


The class was quite ok. Josh enjoyed it.
I find it a gd parent-child bonding session as you gotto hold your child's hands during a couple of songs and hug the child after the song too. In addition, I feel its a gd intro to music appreciation for a child.


Josh class only has 6 kids. If you wan to enrol Charlene, maybe can join us at TM? Heh.


Thanks for sharing Trimelle's pics. Ely so sweet to sayang mei mei. Josh will avoid touching babies. Somehow, he is scared of them. Hahaha..


Maybe work pt? Wan to come back? Hahahaa...
Good morning mummies.


So nice to see newborn and their smell. Take care.


What time is the class started?
nice pic of trimelle. She is so cute and chubby.

i met Eureke on sunday. If she didnt call out to me i probably walk past her. hahaha..

I scare to go back leh, the benefit not so gd for part timers + the mgr that i dislike is still there :p Prefer to look in other industry


Hee, ya, HDB tai tai, no $$ type...

Got to plan far, u never know the potential of the kids can lead them to
