Preggie Friends Since 2003

break rule - meaning bath more than once a day and only once with herbal water...
i wonder if bath with normal hot water can or not... i very scared of herbs lei.. esp ask me to consume... thanks but i dun tink i wan..

chin chow?! did ants go to u? hehe

i oso wipe clean during ash time.. but nothing beats a nice & hot shower lor..

for my mum, definitely no for no herb bath but she allowed me to bath as many times as I want.
Hi Mummies
Hmmm... kids are ok leh, nothing on them.. all clear... but hb not ok, suspected of appendicitis...haiz!!

Fort. no 'orh cheh' on me... no pain, no bruise...

I think I also cleaned myself with boiled water and with herbs. I just flwed the advice loh... anyway gotta bathe/clean what, or else so dirty, full of germs... eeeek....
Hello mommies,

After the fever is gone.. now i got LS!

May has been a terrible month for me leh... fell sick like half the time!

Hi StyloBB,

Aiyoh.... appendicitis? So is he going for an op?

Hi Hong,

I use the herbs just for the peace of mind and i also like the chin chow smell.
good morning mummies!
went for weekly chkup yday.. shocked to know bb put on 400gm over 1 wk.. now is 3.2kg already... hopefully he decides to come out soon.. very heavy for me liao..

ya i will bath too, but was seeing if can bath more than once too lor.. hehe

i rbr last time, i felt dirtier after washing with the herbal water.. the water black black one hehe...
Hi Mummies

Do keep urself hydrated... I feel alot of the problems cud be due to lack of water.
I just have this warmness on my shoulders...

Phew.. not appendicitis... but gastric related and maybe caught a viru... discharged just now...

Wow, looks like he's gonna be a chubby baby? Got a name yet??
chubby like pf? hehe

ya bb's name zachary lay

just back from manpuku.. the food so so only, love the tarts! yum!
Hello mummies,
How's everyone?

I very kiasi so i followed the rule. My mum boiled the water for me to wash up every morning and also for me to bath with herb.

Hope is just false alarm, my nephew went thru it and painful painful. U can see the lose weight very fast just in 2 days time.
Oh...changed from the initial choice!

You on ML now??? Staying at home is so hot!

Hi, DJD! Long time no hear.

Is false alarm. But the weather is so hot, all suffering... all down, chara was a bit hot last nite... can you imagine I have been up in the wee hours since last sunday! V tired physically and emotionally, no time to do anything at all. Later go and meet ex collicks to destress a bit, since hb is ok liao...
morning mummies!

ya starting ML on mon.. waiting game starts..
home still ok, can grab chance to bath as many times as i can b4 i pop! hehe

hi long time no see! how r u?
guess i hv to guai guai follow the rule oso..
Hi Chris,

Enjoy the countdown..and the kicks b4 you pop

I enjoy quite like the herbal bath leh..the smell quite nice. But yah..the water very dark colour. so i play cheat. after herbal i will wash with water again..but only for short while.

Hi Hong,
See you at the photography class. I haven't paid yet..very lazy. Saw the nice pics you took with your portrait lens on facebook.

Hi Stylobb,
good tat your kids and hubby are alright. With so many virus everywhere..i dunno where to bring the kids.. planning to go genting again but quite apprehensive.

Hi Preggie,
May over soon..hope jun a better month for you. get well soon.
Good Morning Mommies!
School holiday liao so planned some holiday prog for Raine before my mom goes mad with 3 kids at home...hahaha

Thought you wana name bb Ashton? =P

How are you? Long time no "see" here!

Glad it is just false alarm.
Hi all,

u coming? Yah see u. My collick just told me there is a new flash for 1000D. A much more cheaper version for abt 100++ but we need to upgrade our camera firmware. I gonna get one else I kept borrowing from my collick. Hubby encouraged me to get it as well.

glad that it was just false alarm. Take care.
Julian is down with cough and running nose too. Have too keep him indoor and no school. Teachers say they missed him.

u still have some time to catch some reading before bb pops.
pf just sold his camera to upgrade to 500d.. kns.. and he bot a tamron lenses for 600+... he has started his class ard 3 wks ago.. seems like when he start the class, he got more and more things to buy.. faint..

hehe.. that time just thinking la.. i tot a & z, cover beginning and end liao.. close shop liao hehe

reading and shopping hehe.. imagine i still went myphosis sale and squeeze with the crowd last fri..
PF is fast ah... which class did he attend?
He has photography kakis har? Beautiful pictures worth is priceless... hahhaa..

Wow, u so garang ah. Did the pple give u prority?
Good Morning Mommies!

Haha, A and Z thus signal closed shop! Good idea!

PF faster go brush up his photography skills then next time I can engage him to take pics for my gals...heehee...must charge us cheaper hor?
Good morning mommies,

Aiyah.. today i feel sick again.... Must have caught the flu bug from Joey and Jamie. Both of them seems to be well now. I'm a firm believer that in order to get well from the flu bug, you need to pass it on to someone else! hahaa

Now, i'm thinking if i should wear the mask coz i dun want to infect my colleagues.. but hor, i also dun want them to think i'm trying to DRAMATISE my sickness.

So if you were me, will you wear a face mask in the office?

I hope i recover before thursday... otherwise i may be denied entry in Sabah!
Good morning mummies.

I am on MC today too and i hope i will recover by tonight cos i am going to genting tmr morning.
passing the flu bug to other... Wat are u thinking! I will KICK u out of the office if u are my collick.

No mask. Take MC and rest.
Hi Hong,

You free tonight? I wanna come and visit you.. hahaaa

Hi Cherly,

Aiyoh.... better rest well and recover. Must be murphy's law leh.. everytime before a hol, sure must fall sick one.. haizz..
Hi Hong,

You free tonight? I wanna come and visit you.. hahaaa

Hi Cherly,

Aiyoh.... better rest well and recover. Must be murphy's law leh.. everytime before a hol, sure must fall sick one.. haizz..
I have flu bug at home now. U want a new strain ah... hahhaa..

Rest lah.. u didnt have enough rest? Tat is why u keep getting sick.
Hi Mummies

I think quite difficult to avoid esp in the same flat/house... sure kena.
Best to sleep and hv plenty of rest.

U down too?

I am also quite wary, esp before trips that anyone might fall sick.
Hi Chris, Hong, all so on. I hardly have time to play aorund with my basic camera. With 2 kids, quite tough to play around with camera. Flash sounds like a good investment. But b4 that, must learn some basic skills first. Maybe after the course, Hong and I will go mad also.

Hi Cherly,
Hope u get well soon.

Just saw SIA promotion for bangkok tix at $198. Very tempting leh..but dunno what to do ther with kids. I still thinking about Genting..
haha sure! i hope he get some returns on his investment too!

pf is the on one.. hehe.. i too lazy. imagine last sat he pulled me from bed at 5.30am to take sunrise photos.. if i am not hungry at that time, i wun entertain him also hehe..

hope all the fluey mummies get well soon..
Good Morning Mommies!
Hope all unwell mommies and kids get well soon!
I also have an irritating throat and had to ctrl myself from coughing in the trains coz pple will stare...

On har! Tell PF my gals are his 1st customers.

There is a great improvement of PF photos. That mean the class is useful. I told Law PF upgraded his camera. He asked me to do the same. hahaha.
Anyway, he can reuse the len so not much of a waste.
Good morning mommies,

Still fluey!! Dun think i will recover by tomorrow.

Hi StyloBB,

I told my maid to disinfect the house with this eucalyptus spray which KB bought. I want to rid my house off bugs!

Hi Chris,

If KB pulls me out of bed at 5.30, i'll probably just kick him out of the house. My weekend sleep is very impt and precious to me.

Hi Hong, Chris, Masshiro,

Seems like photography is an expensive hobby
Good Morning Mommies.

Such a nice morning to sleep in... Wishing all unwell mommies a quick recovery.


Yes, photography is really an expensive hobby but the result of good photos is priceless. I dun have the patience like my hb though.. He can go around taking photos of buildings, flowers, insects...


Have you settled the school registration yet? Can you enrol on the earlier date?
good morning mummies
still waiting at home...

pf said he wanted to learn bcoz he wanna take gd pics of our kids.. i told him i am contented with my compact digcam hehe..

i will ignore him too if i werent feeling hungry and feeling like having mac bfast..
i told pf u gg sabah and 1st thing he said is sabah there can take beautiful pics..

u saw his pics on fb? he asked me if can see the diff with the new cam & tamron lense.. i said no.. haha
Hi Minnie,

Not yet... Now we are considering Tao Nan again coz we may be moving to the East Coast.

I have to submit a form to HKHK to indicate our interest in registering Joey in Phase 2B. I hope we are not too late.

We are now stuck in this situation becoz of bad planning... should have been more serious with our house hunting earlier

Hi Chris,

With my nose so red now.. i dunno how "beautiful" my photos will turn out. sobz.

If you wan to try TN under Phase 2B aka HKHK, you gotto make sure your new place is within 1km of TN so that you will not need to ballot. Last year for Phase 2B, there was balloting for those living within 1-2km. You can call the school to check if your new address falls within the 1km radar. Then again, this was last year's data, not sure abt this year but should be quite safe if you follow the above.
Yah I cant see the different. hahaha....
So u tell him either the lens or his skill. hee hee..

Why he go and get such exp len? Canon lens not good enough meh.

Usually the person who are into the interest will not feel the pain.
haha santa's lost reindeer in sabah?

tamron lens are third party lens.. he said canon lens at same specs is 1k+... he showed me 3k+ lense at canon b4.. and i tink got more ex ones...
Hi Mummies!

Because of the nice weather, I kept Ryan at home to sleep in with me!


We won't be going for St Stephen cos we decided that we want Ryan to have a stronger chinese culture implant in him. So it's either Ai Tong or RS for him. We will only give up Ai Tong if the balloting chances for RS is more then 80%(which is near impossible). I also found out that Ai Tong only have SA2 at the end of year and that they have this exchange program with China at upper primary. They will spend 8days studying in China with their students. I like the idea of the exchange program as I feel they will know how foturnate they are after spending 8 days in China's school!
Good morning mommies...

My nose is still "glowing".. sigh!!

Hi Minnie,

The agent told us that it's 0.9km from TN... BUT.. we have not agreed on the price. Am still looking around. I might just register at Radin Mas first, then later do a school transfer.

But being kiasu... KB is running down to HKHK to complete the form and get more info on TN.

Hi Linda,

I like such exchange programmes too! But hor... must make sure that the school they go to in china is not made of TOFU! hahaa
hi mummies
visited gynae yday nite and bb still no sign of coming out.. his weight is 3.3-3.4kg already and i am getting too tired and heavy of waiting so booked a date for induce next wed.. still thinking whether i shd do it.. even if i wait, no guarantee bb will come out on or b4 edd.. how ah.. just hope he co-operates and decide to come out the natural way these few days...
When is your EDD? Mae is 3.45kg at birth too! Who know, Zac might decided to come out these few days. I understd the anxiety of the waiting game...
Any dilation liao? No prob pushing Mae out ah...actually her head was smaller than Raine by 1cm...heehee

You shd salute Hong who pushed out 4kg Jan leh! =P
then u took M leave so early? Who is heavier? Ashley or Zac?

Jan and Jul is 600g difference + all the fluid in the stomach so Janelle is really heavy that time.

M2B, Chris,
just before the critical moment. I told the nurse I felt the pain, she didnt check my chart and give me full blast of pain release so when they asked me to push, my lower body already numb. Janelle shld consider assisted birth cos gynae using the vacumn.

AS for Julian - it was a C-section. hahaha..

oh btw, there is another mummy in July thread who bb is 4.5 or 4.8kg. She really push the bb out hor. When she sms me, i thot she key in the wrong number. I really salute her. SO Janelle 4kg really bo la sah. hahaha..
gynae did VE yday, no dilation lor... oh ya 4kg jan! hehe..

i too tired to drag myself to work liao.. just take lor.. zach is heavier.. ash was 3.25kg on delivery.
how come julian is c-section?
4.5kg can deliver??? omg!
Chris, Oh then better rest at home.
Julian breech baby, he turned down then up again and I think no time to wait for him to turn anymore. If I dilated and he still in breech and I will have to go for E C-section so gynae said better to be safe. Anway, Julian already reached 39 weeks when I go for C-section.

Do u think Zac will be heavier when he is born? Usually is 200 - 300g more than scanning result. Oh that mean 3.8kg bb? hahaha...
good morning mummies!
asked pf to get raspberry tea leaves for me today hehe..

oic.. ya breech usually hv to c-sec. gynae predicted 3.5kg during my chkup on wed.. next wk dunno liao.. 3.8kg?!!! faint...
Good morning mommies!

Am back from Sabah. It's a beautiful place so unlike peninsular malaysia. I wish i had extended my stay for 1 more day.

We went on this jungle sunset cruise which felt almost like the disneyland's jungle cruise except that this is for real! We came up close with wild water buffalos, saw probosis monkeys and fireflies. Best thing - the whole place is so clean and there are no mozzies!!

We'll love to explore other parts of east malaysia. Anyone been to Sarawak?

Hi Chris,

Have you popped? Decided on zach's birthdate yet?

Hi Hong,

Not all gynae accurate hor.. Mine told me jamie is 3.1kg, came out 2.6kg nia.
Good Morning Mommies!

Yaya, you popped?

Yaya, I agreed! My gynae kept saying Mae's head is big but come out smaller than Raine's...then said Raine will be big bb but come out only 3.165kg nia...

M2B, Preggie,
ok both ur gynae not accurate. hahaha..

Mine underestimate...

so u recover ah. Sabah is nice? My gugu is there. May be I can explore sabah, how is the weather?
