Preggie Friends Since 2003

I brgt Raine for The Act 3 show "The Storyteller" at The Arts House yday and passed by the Living Courthouse but then we were putted off by the crowd thus didnt go in.

Wana bring Raine & Mae for the Disney On Ice but coz hb not ard, logistics-wise abit diff so didnt go...will go to the next show.

Hi Mummies

He will return and he will make ultimately make it.

The parents of the boy were not around?

Heard from my gf that the Times sale was v good, too bad we didn't go to check it out.

Tried the yoghurt at Frolick at Holland V, then tried GelatoSole at United Sq in the evening on Sat.
Sunday, we went to the pool and I did my laps.
Not too tiring a weekend but I'll be v bz this week....
good morning mummies!
back from desaru on mon, took mc yday bcoz tummy upset..
desaru was ok, ash enjoyed the pool everyday. ate yummy seafood and durian there too. fireflies tour was interesting too.

u enjoyed the trip? u looked tired hehe
hope julian's hand is ok now..
3 main objectives and only 1 was met. I dun really enjoyed it. We found yummy food beside seafood. Julian hand was so badly bitten by the MOQ but he is ok now. Think I have to standby some oral medication if we travel to msia again.
Did u visit the fruit farm? We met my SIL's aunt at the resort and we met them and joined them at the fruit farm tour.

I got a box of jambu and some mango for my MIL and my mum.

The hotel toilet is very dirty but the staffs were friendly.
wat r ur other 2 objectives? wat kind of yummy food. we passed by a cake shop and bot a lot of ma ti su back.. they are nice! wat kind of oral med u need, never ask me.. i brot the whole pack hehe
we wanted to go on our way back but it was raining so we went back jb for lunch and some shopping at pelangi instead...
ya lor the bathtub quite dirty, ash dun dare to 'swim' in it hehe
3 objectives
1) beach play - didnt do
2) firefly tour - didnt go
3) educational tour (fuirt farm, ostrich, crcodile) - did.

I think only law and I find the educational tour interesting. Janelle was complaining of heat, dirt on her feet. She is just another city kid, must throw into kampound for months.

there is a coffee shop at the seafood center. Not very crowded but the Ba kut teh is not bad. I told u the kids enjoyed the noodles more than the breakfast and seafood lunch.

I only let the kids sit the bath tub for bath. I used the shower head instead.....

I dun think u have the oral medicine for Julian moq bite lah but Julian really really very sensitive to MOQ.
i tink the only thing that we wan to do but din is the fruit farm.. pf wanted to go back sg rengit for some more cheese lobsters on sun nite but i worried abt road safety at nite.
ash was complaining abt the sand at the ostrich farm too... ash loves the milk tea at the hotel buffet.. she told me nicer than hokkaido's! *faint*
i ask ash to stand at the bath tub hehe bcoz i cant squat for long...
ash oso got 2 big bites on her leg but the spray managed to stop the itch so she dun aggravate it more by scratching..
there is only passion fruit, jambu, mango and rosella to buy from the fruit farm.

Look like pf enjoys the seafood very much. Do u know there are ferry service from spore to Rengit? Dun have to drive hrs to go for seafood meal. Yes the road is pretty dark at night, alot of pot hole on the road too.

Janelle is a coffee person but we didnt let her take too much.
huh take ferry from spore to rengit for seafood.. nothing much to do there except eat lei..

we happen to go on the same dates...
Yah bump into chris then i also met my collicks, my SIL relatives... Walk along Orchard rd also not so lucky. hahaha..

hahha.. yah lor but I do hear my contractor mentioning this place. My mum also said that but then to travel all the way for seafood is quite tiring. The little town has nothing too.
What did u order? Did u order lobster?
yes pf ordered cheese lobster.. yummy! and it quite cheap, we ordered that plus codfish, herbal chicken and tofu only paid ard S$70+! shd hv taken the photo... forgot!
Hi Mummies
No activity here... me still bz..

Did you watch Ninja Warrior? Aiyah another nearly-made-it attempt by Fisherman Nagano... hahaa
Not to worry, he wl soon make it.. when he turned 34... I just rewatched our podcast...

Btw is ur tummy v big now???

Went to Grand Copthorne the other day and had seafood buffet...lots and lots of seafood... too much....!!!
If you can tell me, why wud I wanna ask hong? hehe...

Tired liao... been a bz week.... just took the keys to the new office unit...
OIC...maybe you feel more tired...

Still lah, expanding, took up one more unit besides existing one...

Everyone's missing...
biz must be gd... still expanding..

ya lor.. where's everyone huh? a lot of pple flu in my office.. mayb mummies here got the virus too?
Hi mummies,

Stylo, chris tummy look compact when she wore a black top. She looks good and slim. hee hee..

I didnt order crab, due to some reason. My cod fish cost more than my lobsters. I paid RM90++ for cod fish, lobster, sweet sour pork and a soup.
a good deed to make a pregnant lady happy. hahaha...

We went lucky seafood restuarant. I find the food normal. We have garlic steamed lobster and I told Law that garlic must be free.... too choking....

I have to ask the lady to add more mushroon in the soup as the kids love mushroom.
wah. gd deed.. so its truth or just to make me happy nia hehe
we went the one with chan u banner with adrian pang and michelle chia. that is nice.. the 2nd one oso got chan u banner, the program is 'dou shi da fa xian', pf said kena cheated hehe
anyone saw those carts recently which we can order personalised name stickers & stamps for disney characters? i wan to order some for my bil's niece for ash's trip to melb..
Good morning mommies!!

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was ok... except that the kids are not very well. Joey has bronchitis, Jamie started whizzing and coughing.

Sat, i attended a seminar on Primary school math. It's quite interesting how the professor taught us the ways to teach maths to our Pri sch going kids.

Hi Min,

Yeap Ban Har is really good leh! Someone from the audience even asked him "Eh.. do you teach tuition?!" I think it's a ridiculous question lor!

He's really very good with kids and told us that when he was a kid.. he didn't do well in maths but now in his own words "I'm not too bad in maths"... haha.. I'm so inspired by him! hehe...

Do you still have the monkey scale you bought from BP last time? I wish i bought it!! Coz can use it to teach maths in a fun way! Now i want to run to Growing Fun to buy manipulatives to teach Joey maths

Hi Chris,

I think carrefour has a stall inside selling these.

I feel like taking a ferry to Desaru for seafood now! haha...

Oh yah.. and thanks for the lobang on Gap... I manage to get a lot of winter stuff for jamie! KB and I were so pleased with our buys

Hi StyloBB,

Yesterday, we went to isetan scotts and they had a kyushu fair... and finally we bought our first pkt of japanese rice! haha... Joey tried it with some jap seasoning and loved it!

This supermarket is very generous with their samples.. after sampling soba, sardines, meatballs, jelly and honey drinks.. we felt so full, we didn't need lunch! hahaa..... opps.... i hope i didn't sound like some cheapskate singaporean!
Hi Preggie,

My weekend was good. Sat, I attended the SSO concert staged in TPY central wz CY and both enjoyed it tremendously. Pity the rain got heavier in the last 15 min and we had to leave (it was open air). Just before leaving, we saw a nice rainbow in the sky!! CY asked me where does the rainbow end, I said, it ends where there is a pot of gold. Felt so blissful, good music, good company and nice rainbow. After dat, me & my fmly went for nice steaming bak kut teh.

So YBH was good huh? Can u imagine I worked here so long but hv nvr attended any of those toks the profs here deliver? Mayb I shld go the next time he speaks. Do u know when is the next one?

Yes I still hv the Monkey fun maths thg. CY just took it out to play yday.

Did YBH show u all how to teach maths with those manipulatives? I've been tinkign of buying those from Growing Fun but not sure if I know how to make use of them fully.
Where can I know when such math seminar is hold? I wanna go and learn too but didnt know when n where to look for such talk.

I made pizza for the family on Sat. It was a success! Kids love it and I didnt know sardine in olive oil taste so nice always have it with tomato sauce. Brot kids to a friend place for gathering and swim, they have a great time.
Hi Hong,

It was joey's classmate's mom who signed me up. I must say it's really good! I dun like to attend seminars but this prof is so humourous!

Hi Trans,

YBH didn't teak us how to use manipulatives.. but he showed us videos of how he use manipulatives to help those kids who are poor in maths and these kids can grasp the math concept very quickly...

He also demonstrated how to encourage kids and make learning math fun for them.

He has written a series of books teaching math through fairy tales (i.e. 3 little pigs, etc)

I wanted to buy but didn't bring enough money. Can you help me check if you are able to buy them for me? NIE staff got discount or not ah? hahaa
Hi Mummies
I went for a jog on Sat morning, then had a quiet bkfast at Mac's reading the papers...

How do mummies with 2 kids cope? We are finding it really tiring at times and really need a lot of energy. Last week we napped for 3 hours but after chasing after them for 1.5 hours, we were flat out.

Yesterday was worse, julien and jesse ran all over the sports shop and she toppled the boxes of shoes (which hb had predicted wud happen before the incident!)..

Sounds like you all ate a lot...

Jap rice - glad that joey enjoys it... my gals also like it a lot, maid says they wl finish all the rice, seaweed, I guess it's rather tasty and the texture is nice.

I have to cut down cos been eating a lot past week as we had a major mtg at hotel...

Maths - mil's been giving jesse tuition.

Hey we were there too! but didn't stay long as it started to drizzle and we were hving friends over at 8pm... the kids took their umbrellas with them... agree that the music was nice.

You went to the aircon bak kut teh shop? How do you find it? To me, I'm not too crazy abotu bkt...

Talking abt rainbow, I saw one at our area in the evening, managed to snap a shot of it as I had my camera with me...

Forgot - did you finally get shoes for CY?? Think you mentioned before... we have stored up 3 pairs of shoes for jesse, and 1 pair each for the gals. Really dislike looking for shoes when it becomes an emergency.

I mentioned to hb maybe we can stay home on weekend evenings, he said it will be a riot with all three runing all over the flat!!! and things all messy!!

Did you catch the last episode of Perfect Cut II?
I have already planned my weekends. hahaha.. Will be going over to friends place at Bukit Batok.
We gnrlly will go out.. but I sense jesse misses some time to be at home to play with his toys... when we return frm his Berries, he wl quietly play on his own when the gals are still napping.

If u hv titles of the books, I can chk if our bookshop stocks them. Not sure if we get discount though.


We sat in the rain with our umbrella. The performance was so good CY said he wanna go again. He enjoyed it better than the SSO Baby Prom.

BKT - Yes, we went to the air-con one. 2nd time i'm there & i find the std has dropped. Its decent but not marvellous lor.

I think its the same rainbow we saw. I took a pic of it wz my handphone.


I made pancakes wz CY 2 Sun back. Jus let him help wz stirring the mixture & it made him happy enuf.
Oh Stylobb,

I watched Perfect Cut last fri. The ending ah, sooo disappointing. The plot was copied from e HKG drama - Heart of Greed. I was pretty turn off when Kelly started sending sms-es that starts with 1st day without Alex... 2nd day without Alex... It was so so so unoriginal lor. Otherwise I think e show is not bad.

Shoes - I got a pair of reebok for CY. This is e oni pair of shoes he has now.
Hello Mommies.


We also saw a nice rainbow after church on Sat.
Maybe its the same one? Around 7pm+. Hehe...


I have no idea how to teach Math to Josh. So he is now attending MPM Math enrichment classes 2x a week. I think it helps him to think out of the box when he is doing the worksheets.


So funny!! Shoes also fall under the emergency category?? Haha.. Did you put back the toppled boxes? We saw a couple with 5 kids and 2 maids on Saturday too. Their age gap is around 1-2yrs between each child and we also wonder how they coped when the kids were younger. Guess they truly love children.
halo mummies!
ash is back from her cruise.. she said its fun.. mayb the pool itself is fun enuf for her.. i asked her wat she do all day, she say go pool... hmmm... then i ask wat ah gong and ah ma do.. she say watch her play at the pool... lagi hmmm... haha
preggie & me were just talking abt MPM b4 lunch! there is a branch at the same place where ash attends her ICR.. how's the fees like?
I didn't catch much of it cos I walked to get cakes with the twins. jesse was with hb. But I heard a bit of the music, very nice.

BKT shop - don't know how long it can survive..

Ending - Huh? is it?? Haa, I didn't know that.
Actually I'm more interested in the cases rather than them... found Edmund Chen's character rather irritating and not really needed loh. I dislike when they have to introduce this kind of third party storyline...

Anyway I find the scriptwriters are v unoriginal ... the other day we were at coffee shop and they were showing Rhythm of Life or sth...aiyoh... so ridiculous. I lost count of how many times they have to have this scene of a character leaving the airport....

Oic -it's reebok..... forgot...

Hmm..reminds me, I shud make jelly w/ cocktail with jesse... hehe..
shld get the kids to prepare their own food. Janelle helps me to top up the pizza with ingredients then she started eating the cheese away.

So many courses that the kids can attend, sometime dun know wat is more impt.

Math - I hope I can teach the kids myself so hope to equip myself before teaching them.
Hi Minnie,

Any feedback on MPM? I saw the worksheets and thot it's quite similar to the assessment books you can find at popular. But i know they use manipulatives to help the kids grasp some mathematical concepts.

I read that MPM do not return the worksheets... Then how do you know what Josh learnt? How do you gauge the effectiveness of this program?

I will definitely need to find help to teach Joey maths coz i can't count to save my life!

Hi Hong, Trans, StyloBB.

Any recipes for baby porridge?

Josh enjoys his MPM alot. He went for the assessment and told me he that he wanna attend again. Dats y I signed him up. After every lesson, there will be homework on wat they have learnt. They have to complete and bring back on the next lesson. 1 book is introduced per lesson. Child has to complete 7 pages in class and after dat, 7 pages at home. Parent is not supposed to teach but instead guide the child on how to do. So we will get to see wat the child learnt in every lesson whenever he comes back with the book. Cost is $440 for 12 lessons of 2hrs or 24 lessons of 1hr each.
Oh, just to add.. MPM uses visual and manipulatives tools to each so its not so boring. I think visual is very impt to enable a child to grasp the concept of Math.
Cos I cannot imagine 'wasting' my time to go and look for shoes...

Yah, hb put everything back. We scolded julien and I smacked her legs but less than 5 mins, she went to run with jesse again! Haiz...

Wah lah!! So many classes to attend... no end to them...josh attends berries, art class, and this class, swimming, what else??!

From the discussions with some mummies at other threads, one impt thing is they need to master reading and English well, then it will help with understanding Maths too... mil is drilling jesse with reading too and I will make him read to me (tho not v successful due to time constraint... haiz..)

Children - the other day one person at the place that we were eating asked me if I will want to hv a 4th kid, I said No Way!
5 kids and 2 maids means the maids will always be around to tend to the kids. Pat our backs, my hb and I handle the 3 ourselves when we go out.. no need for maid. We do things as a family w/o any help outside, as we don't like to have a maid following us around...

Why you ask me and trans about baby porridge?? hehe...

Math, Art, Berries, dats all. He wans Taekwondo too but I said see how. If not, will be so busy. Thankfully, all his classes are on weekday afternoon/evenings, except for art on Sunday mornings. Anyway, if no classes, he will just be wasting his time playing at home!! Might as well put his time to gd use for an hr.

Yup, a child has to be able to read well to know how to tackle problem sums. But certain concepts like addition and subtraction/multiplication take a while to master and I rather just "outsource" it. I teach Josh Phonics and reading at home and so far, quite alrite.

Hah.. 4th kid ah!! I will really salute you!!
How old is Jamie now? What food do u want her to try now? Has she past the pureen food phase? U can add pumpkin to her porriage? Or try sweet potatoes + normal potatoes?

Try bake potatoes with mashed carrot/mash fish topping.

I burned my weekends with Janelle classes cos we want the kids to rest on the weekdays and we have difficult rushing back to bring them to night class. It is hard to find night class too. Luckily Janelle enjoys and learn well in all her classes. At least I know my $$ is well spent.
OIC. At least they enjoy.
jesse tells he looks fwd to his art classes... but every time he finishes, he will ask me "How are the sisters?" Quite funny...

jesse's doing addition now... mil's teaching him. He can read but still not so 'smooth'... asked him if he wanted to go for classes and he said no. Last nite he read a paragraph of his homework to me.
When we are on the road, he does surprise me when he can words on the vans, signs, etc....but I feel at times he needs to concentrate more..

4th kid - No lah, you think I'm mad ah!!! haha!
I also prefer week nights but also not many nights, one or two nights the most. I don't like to hv classes on weekends but due to schedule and logistics, it can't be helped.
But yes, if too late on weeknights, it'll be tiring for the child esp for jesse as he has to wake up early..
Halo Mommies!

Yap, I caught the last episode...find the show nicer than Little Nyonya though...heehee

You starting Jamie with porridge? Can try sweet potatoes or pumpkin 1st...sweet and nice!

Raine's enrichment classes also on weekdays...only piano on Sat...I stopping her ICR and signing up for CMA in Apr.

Mornign Moms, its pouring in Jurong now.

I oso prefer weeknight classes like stylobb but stimes due to scheduling, no choice gotta hv class on weekends.

CY oni has 2 classes, Yamaha & Berries. Wed is my fright nite cos I gotta be home on time, hv dnr, get changed and leave hm by 7.20pm for 8pm class. Sat Berries ends at 11am so we still hv almost the whole day to ourselves.
