Preggie Friends Since 2003

here is a pic pf taken with the new lens.

nice picture. I was going to use the len for the beach but no chance cos raining. Haizz..
I never tried 717 cake before but my place have a 717 cake stall.
Hi Mummies

Think you shud already know, bb fair at the Expo.

Nice pic!

You had bk at Rider cafe?
The bk at Coastes is the best.. try it next time. I don't mind Sentosa if it's not crowded and weather is cool. Not a sunny day.

Hv you tried emicakes before?

He likes to snack!

Vpost - I think there is a way to calculate but I never bother. Frm feedback, vpost is the most exp for shipping but now UOB has discount, so not so bad.
Mummies, any suggestion where I can get a wallet for jesse, the waterproof velcro type?

Maid is trying another method which I got. Hvn't tried the one you gave.
yes all pics at flickr.

we wanted to go coastes for bfast but chked from web from they only serve bfast during weekends.
yes tried emicake durian b4.. its better! 717 is available at bpp so just got it from there.
Have not tried out the roast pork cos don't have oven.

I tried the 717 cake, don't find it nice either.
Mummies, any suggestion where I can get a wallet for jesse, the waterproof velcro type?

Seems wallets are also not cheap, saw one that I like = $16, no folds for banknotes.

Sorry, recommend what?

Some of us use Borderlink (if you have Citibank cc). I have tried it before, it worked fine.
Go where to find ah? Prefer plain ones if available..
John Little's?? Need to go and find.
I guess those sports /tracking shops wl hv but exp...

Did you go to Four Seasons durian stall as well??

You were telling me you used to like chips but no more, I realise I have not been eating mee gia for a long time!

No fold means there is no compartment for dollar notes..

I'm not leh... that day hb brot us to Serene Centre (I think) to try out this place called Basil sth.. (can't rmbr) but it does not open for lunch on Sat! So disappointed..

This blog is good hor.. I think that's where we found the satay at Old Airport Road..
I think Timberland is still having sale, they have some kids shoes, 30% or more... take a look if interested... we bot a pair for jesse...
What a heavy downpour after a very hot afternoon!!!

Nice bumping into's quite hilarious that both of us were sans kids and we went shopping!! hahaha...
Thanx for the voucher - I used it to buy Nuk bottles and Avent bottles at Robinson's.
Got 2 pairs of Clarks for the gals at OG..

The Jap rice...

good morning mummies!

i was at robinson's on sat too. bot some bb stuff.. went carousel for high-t after shopping, spread was so so.. their dessert variety not much.
went OG yday.. not all brands on 20% discount so just bot some pigeon stuff.
wallets - i tink dept store kid dept will hv, if u wan those cartoon ones.

thanks for showing me the Jap Rice. How much did u pay for it? 5kg?

did u visit the bb fair during the weekend? Why not getting pigeon from msia? I thot cheaper there?

Weekend - as usual bring the kids to classes then back home cos Law on duty on weekends. He has being working for 24hrs now and have not reach home. Not sure is he going to work striaght after his site work.

Janelle has a shaky tooth for weeks and has final came off last night.
i find pigeon clothes cheaper in msia.. stuff like wipes, cleaning stuff still cheaper in spore after the discount.
which tooth did jan drop?
The front bottom tooth. She told me she "hurt' the tooth after trying to bite on an apple.
Nice bumping into you too.. Can consider twice. No problem on the voucher, at least it is not wasted. I got nothing to buy from Robinsons and needed to rush back.
Hi mummies

Actually I don't want cartoon ones, I want plain ones..hehe..

Got nothing to buy from Robinson's except the usual tods' stuff..haiz...

It's $23.70 for this 2kg pack - from Isetan. No need to rinse. Maid said the gals enjoyed eating it very much.

I hvn't passed maid the soup link you advised ... rather, I asked maid to do another one which one mummy recommended, boil the pumpkin with pork and wolfberries...maid said she added chix bones, ended up the soup was v tasty and the kids like it v much!

You rmbr the korean shop near amara which sells korean stuff? Got a this ptr brand of seaweed which was nice.. went back and tried another brand.. jesse took one bite and told me it's not nice! haha.. Will hv to get back the previous one.

I find our weekends also v siong like that... hb/I will end up tired..!! But we were saying also lack of exercise again.. the weather's been weird, and he has been working late. jesse goes for art on Mondays, so ends up I also didn't jog.
Hb's work is also a lot lately...

Hah? Jan's tooth came off! I thot jesse wl be on the early ones whose teeth wl drop off.

Intend to go to Glace this weekend to get some cakes.
Hi Stylo,

Oic, think is a bit hard to get plain wallet for kids cos they need the cartoon to attract the kids...
Glace? What shop is that?

Korean SHop - yes I rbr but dun really have the chance to visit the shop as Law no longer work ard there unless I attending courses.

Rice - 2kg for >$20. That is quite exp.
Seaweed - Janelle likes seaweed too. Julian doesn like it at 1st but we saw him eating rolled sushi with Seaweed happily and we are quite surprised.

Weather - yes, very weird these few days. I thot of bringing the kids for a dip on sunday but the sky just turned dark and was pouring after that.

Tooth - Her teeth are quite wide apart.

Oh yes, in think instead of scientist which I hope she will be one is not going to come true. Janelle says she wants to be a TEACHER.
Yes. The green tea cheese tarts are yummy!

Yes, the rice is exp, that's why can only eat once or twice a week. But it's good that they love it!

Yah, I think only those camping stores may hv...
Hi StyloBB,

I make KB walk there to buy me the tarts all the time! hahaa... the earl grey is also not bad. The other day, he bought me the Mont Blanc and it has a chestnut in the center of the cake.. yummy!

Are you into char siew and roast pork? There's a charsiew stall at Keong Siak called Fong Kei that is very good!
Yah, wanna let my friends try the tarts.
Anyway it's opened by my ex-colleague and his brother in law (the baker?).

Yes, I know that one, went to try recently with colleagues.. but not the best I have eaten...

There is 20% after 5pm.

Discount - no lah, never thot of asking... haha.. actually I didn't know it was him until I saw him/family there.

My throat hurts today. Hope I don't fall sick. A few collicks were down the past week.
take care. Julian is running a fever in the mid of the night. Luckily the temperature went down in the morning but we sent him to MIL. Hoping the fever dun come back again.

My nose was really itchy and i keep sneezing.
Yah, a few of my colleagues are sick....
The gp asked me to maintain healthy lifestyle, I said my lifestyle is healthy but lately hv been surrounded by sick ppl, what to do?
I drink 2L of water everyday.
I try to sleep earlier tonite.

Is Jul ok now? My mom said six kids were absent from chara and julien's class...

Anyway it can be so hot one minute, and then it pours the next.

Most of their stuff look nice, I tried one choc one -- is good too. I wonder if by 5pm, are the cakes sold out? They say they don't keep their cakes overnite as they use fresh ingredients...
Hi Mummies,
Back from India last week but suffered food poisoning. Luckily i only get it after i landed in spore. REally bad. Vomitted and diarhhoea non stop and was on drip for dehydration. Sigh..this year like quite suay so far, first my eye, then this. Hope all mummies and kids are well or get well soon.

I finally got the lens. But not after they've increased the price. I managed to get at $120, though most now charged at $125.

Busy this week prepping for my baby's 1st birthday. Quite fun but a lots of stuffs to prepare cos we getting stuffs for kids to play.
Hi Masshiro,

Welcome back... Is life in Mumbai back to normal? One my of ex-coll also had very bad food poisoning after coming back from india.. he claimed that it's the milk he added in his coffee

So fast! You #2 turning 1YO already. Is he starting to cruise?

I started giving Jamie brown rice and she loves it.. somehow i feel that time passes faster with Jamie.
welcome back. Nvm the bad luck has passed and the good one is coming.

So u got the len, rbr to show some photos ok.

cos busy with 2 kids so the time seem to move faster lor.
welcome back! my boss needs to travel frequently to india last yr, and he always kena this food poisoning prob too. now he sticks to hotel food only.. but even hotel food is not 100% safe lor.. terrible rite
i just got 2 wks ago at $110 lei..

i oso asked pf to get the cakes for me.. is it near to ur office?
Not considered near but can walk there leh...
hahaha... you beta don't eat cheese hor, since you are preggie.. just to be safe.
Hi mummies,
thanks. I suppose I'm lucky to be back safely. At least I'm ok after 2 days. Some people got to be hospitalised. I did stick to hotel food and bottled mineral water throughout the trip although I did take a pizza at the airport b4 flight back.

Hi Stylobb,
Thanks. I know of the site. I got most of my stuff from overseas spree and the party shops at Middle road. Cost a bomb these party ware. Never mind lah...won't do parties very often. As long as kids are happy, esp my elder boy. My birthday boy won't remember anything.
I hv phobia of food poisoning, if kena and is at home is still ok, but if overseas, yucks!!! Once I went pataya with my mom, she kena food poisoning, we had to call for the hotel doc, and had to change our flights and go home. So scared she cannot control on the way, but fort. she was ok..

How are you on DRIP for dehydration? Sounds so serious.
Yah..i can't imagine getting jabbed in the hospital there. No lah..the drip is only to hydrate my body after losing fluid.

This year so far really no good. Some policy change at my company and I got to lugi $500. Sigh..this $$$ could have been spent on 10 tins of 1.8l milk powder....

I see a few mums signed up for the hort park mosaic..i very keen leh..but that day bringing my son for concert
Hallo Mommies,

Long time didnt come here already.


Glad you are fine now. You mean you were kept for observation in the hospital, thus on drip? Wat you mean lugi $500? Pay cut?


I will be gg KL next week for work again. Is there a sale on now? Hope there is no strike in the city though.
wat kind of policy change? $500 is a lot lei..

i read from papers that msia is having GP sale.. but i cant rbr from when.. tink mid mar.
I think sale months are Mar, August and December (right, Cla??)

Did your hbs buy the cakes? Suddenly I have a craving for them...haha is for blackberry subscription lah..they cancel suddenly so now i got to pay penalty to the telco loh...still fighting on this...

2 more weeks to my melbourne trip..looking fwd to it..was initially worried abt bush fire but seemed everything stabilised already (fingers crossed).

After this trip, i think i will plan for genting to cut genting best lah...i got "indoor" park and kids got their theme parks.

Hi mummies,
Long time didnt chat. Was coughing for sometime and seem doctor for few times, abit better but still coughing. whole family are coughing, started from hb. Hopefully recover in time for my trip to HK next week.

My boss n colls also travel to india very often, apparently each they came back also with food poisoning. Few months back, my boss went to a Japanese restaurant for sushi and he came back with food poisoning, went to doctor direct from airport. Last week, went with my colls, both them very kwai took food only at their 5 star hotel, also landed with food poisoning + fever. I told them, their stomach don like india.
