Preggie Friends Since 2003

good morning mummies!

india - i was thinking, mayb its the water? our tummy too used to clean water?

i heard hk hotels are very cheap now.. i oso tempted to go but tink now too late to plan any travelling

no lei.. he say if i wan just order & ask them to deliver.. so far i too lazy to action

bushfire shd be ok liao.. let me know the weather when u are back.. so i know how to pack for ash..

Good morning mommies,

Do some work here.. hehe..

For mommies who signed up for the Mosaic for Kids workshop organised by NParks. You have to be there early coz it's first come first serve.. Only limited to 50 kids. So if you suay suay is the 51st, then they may turn you away hor..

More details of the workshop here


I'm organising a private group for "Fun with Maths" - suitable for kids from K1 to P2. Anyone interested to join me?

Date: 20 March (Fri)
Time: 10am -11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's garden
Fees: $6 per kid and $6 for accompanying adult

Have fun being a little Mathematician and learn about plants at the same time in this tour. Learn and practice on your basic math concepts of colour, shape, size and number using leaves, flowers and other plant materials. You will discover that Mathematics is fun and interesting!

Seems like really depends on heng 1st trip..i came back alright..just need to stick to really freshly cooked food and bottled drink (not with ice). that way, can minimise risk of food poisoning..lucky cost cutting..i only due for 1 trip every half year.

Hi Minnie,
I'm staying at friend's place in Melbourne city itself..but in this Fauna Australia Wildlife Retreat off Great Ocean Road for 2 nights. Like farm stay just that they have koalas, kangaroos, etc. From there, I will tour around Great Ocean Road, just a short drive away.
Hi Mummies
Nothing much to share today.. tkfully recovered from throat infection thru antibiotics. Had light lunch and hope to call it an early day today.

Hope you get well soon, whole fmy going to HKG?
Hardly hear from u nowadays.....

My maid will be back for her home leave 1-16 June..

How many days will you all be in Melbourne?
Lots to explore in's one of my favourite cities...
Lotsa nice food too..hehe...

So will you and ur hb take turns to drive?

India - so far my collicks who went were ok. I think also depends if tummy is 'tough' or not.. I only drank bottled drink/coke the one time I went cos I was forewarned...

Anyone following Perfect Cut II?
Apparently they do 'kerbside' delivery for their cakes...

Cut cost - I have to do that every mth! hahaha....!
Masshiro & Minnie,
We are thinking to bring the gals to Mel in June/Jul too...hoep can go.

Wana watch yday but tired so went to bed at 10pm liao...may stay up to watch tonight...I watch all episodes in the 1st series... many mummies going Melbourne. I luv that place...very cosy and got nature place outside city.

Hi Stylobb,
I will spend a week there. Actually can spend longer, but thot better not use up all the leave by first quarter of the year, rest of year gotta suffer. I don't think I will drive. Gotta take care of 2 kids. When only 2 of us went last few rounds, I did drive a bit. But I drove so slowly tat the big trucks were overtaking me on the left and right..quite scary!!

Hi M2B,
Got 2 cities promotion by Qantas now right?
I also watched the first series.. found it interesting, so will tape and watch this 2nd one.
One story last nite was this mommy who has terminal oral cancer so her face is scarred, she wanna go for plastic surgery cos she want to be able to let her gal see her and kiss her gal...aiyoh when I watched the part, my tears just came down....
(But I don't quite like Edmund Chen though...
Thomas Ong and Michelle Chia has chemistry..)

Hmm... wl be good if can spend more days there huh.... are you taking QF?
ya i saw the kerbside delivery.. wat is nice? i eyeing the strawberry shortcake again..
i realised ash is gg for a hai,lu,kong (sea, road, air) holiday for the next 4 wks.. next wk desaru, wk after star cruise, 2 wks later melb.... wah!!!!!
Hi Stylo,

Ya, i remember M'sia Mega sales as Mar, Aug and Dec too. :D

Yesterday radio 1003 promoting the show, they invited Thomas Ong and the Director to talk abt the show, sound very interesting but i forgot to watch it last nite. They are showing new episode every day, will try to catch it...
I think all shud be nice bah, I hvn't tried all leh...

ash so ho mia...!!! She will miss school for 2 weeks??

I like the show cos it is not the draggy kind, the stories are individual ones and I find majority of the actors/actresses who guest-starred put in good performances.
good morning mummies!

mid mar is sch holidays so she not affected for desaru and cruise. for melb, she will hv to pong teng sch for one week plus. its a gd chance for her to travel now b4 she goes pri 1.
Good morning mommies,

So no one interested in the Fun with Maths program ah?

Wah.. so many of you going to Melb. To families going on a holiday, bon voyage

Hi Chris,

Oh yah hor... that means ash gotta miss school for quite long. But nevermind la... these 2 years must travel as much as possible.. coz when they go to P1, travelling will be restricted to School holidays only.. and then gotta go and "squeeze" with everyone..

Hi M2B,

You like Melb too? Are you also considering other places?
I wana bring Raine & Mae to Mel and HK this year leh...dun know got $ or not...hahaha

I hv been to Sydney and Brisbane but not Mel so thinking to bring the gals there.

The Fun with Maths program thought its on 17 Mar, Tue? I'm on leave that day coz bringing Raine for the Aesop Tales...
ya i calculated she will miss 8 days... june is squeezy and ex too...
weekday difficult lei, got to take leave kind.. i int in the mosaic one, but that weekend gg desaru.
Hi Mummies

I'm also watching "Happily Ever After" by Jack Neo... it will end on 8 Mar. Not too bad, although I feel quite pek chek at certain parts. It really shows the problems that present couples face.

Yah man, once they start school, quite difficult.

Thanks for promoting.. not participating, as need to take leave for other matters: bring jesse out, and also to register the gals in his school. Also maid wl be going back on leave, need to arrange the logistical/caregiving schedule.
Hi Mummies,

wanna catch the Perfect Cut II but missed it.
Staying home with the kids yesterday. Julian fever has gone, but Janelle developed some rashes on her hand.

will try to make it for the event.
Seems like Melbourne popular choice with Mummies. Good thing is easy to drive around in Australia. I somemore brining my pram and infant car seat along, cos after trip going to pass the car seat to my friend. Compulsory in Australia to have car seat I think. Dunno can manage or not. We renting car from airport, so will check in car seat. After arrive, just in the rented car..shud be ok hor??

Hi M2B,
Not Qantas. I going by SQ. I can redeem one tix and my hubby and kids joining me on SQ. That time got promo. Not say damn cheap but ok lah.

Hi Mummies,
Ytday got this documentary on Channel 5 on hospital - show c-section operation, chemo, pre-mature babies in NICU, wah..i see already damn heart pain..the baby so small, abt 800g and full of tubes..poor thing got needles here and there...good thing the baby discharged in the end. We very blessed to have healthy babies. I never fail to thank God (thou I'm not really religious) for my 2 healthy kids. Nothing is more important than that.
When is the "Happily Ever After" show? Yday we were watching "Don't forget the lyrics", very funny...

We are gg Mel with my sisters and families but yet to make any booking as we are lazy to go squeeze last weekend Natas fair...

Yap, I also feel blessed for 2 healthy and normal kids.
Hi StyloBB,

I not promoting leh.. no commission one... Just that I find it interesting and i thot of organising a private session and i need 20 kids to form a group.

Hi Hong,

If you wanna go, must let me know earlier leh...

Hi M2B,

Yes!! The natas fair was indeed crowded! No need to go natas to book.. the travel agencies also will give you the same discounts at NAtas
Gotta arrange.. you don't come down to my office area anymore, right?

No lah, I mean that it's good you are doing this for the group loh...

My hb ever rented a car in Melb..

It's every nite till 8 Mar.. okto 9-10pm, I tape via mio, and watch later so that can fwd the commercials...

Aiyah I missed that programme, had wanted to watch.

Yes, I'm tkful too, so long they are healthy and eating and growing well...
good morning mummies
anyone gg isetan sale next thu? my gynae appt happened to be on that day, so will most probably go hehe

i saw the trailer for that documentary. but i dun dare to watch... see the short clip i already feel so sad lei.. better dun affect bb..
Yes whole family going HK, would be first trip by plane for Clarence, think he is exciting. Everyday telling mickey mouse will sayang him and he is so sweet to "Jiao Tai" me buy biscuit for popo when we are in HK. However, he said he don want to bring daddy along. I wonder who bring who..hahaha.

You can rent the car seat from the car rental company too, when we was in perth for self driving, car rental company did show charlene few one b4 we rented it. Easy to drive around but got to be careful.

You are rite, the hotel in HK is cheaper than last year. All along the hotel there is quite exp, to my surpised, this time i find it quite reasonable.
Good Morning Mommies!

Caught the "Happily Ever After" show, its nice. Yday last episode right?

I may be taking half day off this Thu to go...wana get new milk bottles for Mae.

Have a nice family trip to HK.
Morning Mommies. Was on leave last Fri to cho boh. So shiok...


Saw u this morning wz Jesse walking along the road infront of my plc. Where is Jesse's pick up point?

Watched Slumdog last Thu. I find the show sad leh... Like a child's life is worthless like dat... Then watched Unexpected Access last nite, there's a kid who has got 90% burns, need to go hosp to change his dressings 3x a week. My heart nearly broke man, when I saw him crying in pain for mommy.

Tmr gg to watch Departures. Tink its another cry cry show?


Enjoy your trip. I'm sure the kids will love Disneyland. I love it too!
good morning mummies!

pf is a fan of unexpected access.. being the scaredy cat, i chased him out of the bedroom to watch it outside every sun hehe..

i shd be there in the morning ard 11am after my gynae visit.

somehow it sounds funi to me that taiwan is much more ex than hk.. i guess now pple will flock to hk instead.
Good Morning Mommies.


I watched Unexpected Access last nite too. Aiyoh... My heart also felt so painful when I saw the boy. He is very brave to endure all the pain 3x a week. Li Lin was so emotional till she cried but if I was there, I prolly would too cos we all have our own children. Sigh..


I wanted to go to Isetan sale but cos I will be in KL, gotto miss this. Maybe I will shop in KL if time permits.
kidstyle having promo for shoes now, u trade in ur old shoes and get $20 off any shoes under kidstyle brand (osh kosh, adidas, levis, etc), sandals is $10 off...
Good morning mommies,

weekend is always so short! when's the next long weekend?

speaking of TV shows.. i'm glued to My Dad is better than your Dad on tue and Ninja warrior on Wed.. I like this kind of shows.
Hi Chris,

$20 off seems like a good deal... i should go and check it out.. hehe

Hi Minnie, Trans, Cherly,

If i were Li Lin, i think i would have fainted!
Hi Mummies

hey hey hey, m2b/trans/cherly/chris/preggie
chris, i can shake hands with pf leh, i like to watch the Unexpected Access show.. haha.. but after the abbatoir episode, pork just does not appeal to me that much now! hahaa...
1st episode was the mortuary...

Yeah, last episode liao, beta, otherwise my heart palpitate... I think the main problem for 1st couple: Ix/Ng Hui is lack of communication.
Must say Ng Hu's English is good!
For Randall/(dun know the gal's name) - blinded by love? haha.

Yeah I watched the little boy ..he is v brave.. and yes, the therapy rooms are like that, cos chara used to go to the one with big balls... and smalle tables and chairs.

The boy with the Pfeiffer disease too.. sigh...

Actually I cringe more when the doc operated on the heads.

Slumdog - hmmm... I guess the human spirit is strong, able to survive through the slums too.

I wanna watch Departures leh. Just watched Watchmen...

It's the bus-stop... we walk there every morning...

Do you know after LL mentioned that it was becos the aircon was faulty and dropped off or sth that hurt the little boy (and he accidentally grasped the wire or sth) I kept staring at my flat's aircon units??

Hb likes ninja warrior.. I am not crazy but wl stimes watch cos the good ones are really fit!! like the fisherman and the sanitation worker.. sil and I said if only ours also look so cute..hahaha

For those who like to cook (not referring only to you, hong!) "Ways of the Matriach" is back tonite.
Actually this is the first time I hear of Pfeiffer disease... recently also heard of Tourette in kids... and the other day I read an article of a tod with hydrocephalus and the head is really big.. ... sigh...
Hi Mommies,

I found another event for kids to go to.. the living courthouse...

I'll be going on sunday after berries... fingers crossed it won't be too crowded.

Hi StyloBB,

I would have loved to watch the morgue episode... I wonder if they will convert this into dvd and sell at Poh Kim.

Ninja warrior.. KB said.. let's train up and go! hahaa...

Yah lor.. the gabbage man also so handsome.. the least handsome is the teacher and comedian... thank god they din make it to Round 3! hehe.

Same same... I also stared at my aircon units immediately after LL finished her sentence. My colleagues who have small kids all said the same thing too.

There are all sorts of illnesses nowadays in kids, quite worrying when we learn of a kid who has it. All we can do is hope for the best I guess.
Yes i think Taiwan is more exp than HK now.

I dare watch the show, only for few mins then i told Ben i go to bedroom for show. Ben said he tear when he watched it.
Ops... look like i missed some good show...

I have being doing some baking but not much cooking.
Hi Mummies
Me bz leh...

Oops yeah I meant the garbage man when I said sanitation worker....

Quite morbid leh... they cut open the body and took out all the insides and put into a glass jar... they drained the blood... later they put into a black plastic bag and put back into the body... and sewed it.

Anyway 8 Days reported that it's the top programme, flwed by Ninja Warrior!

Oh! Your collicks are mummies too?? See lah, mummies' intuition.... I even didn't switch on the fan, cos don't wanna imagine the fan cover dropping off as well!!! Haiz.
Maybe that's why I keep hving a headache past 2 days!!!

You didn't watch K-20?

Nope, din watch K-20. My fren asked me but I no time leh. Got too many movies to watch lately.

Watched Departures last nite. Tears jerker, can hear a lot of ppl in the cinema sniffing.. At the end of the show, a lot of the women in the cinema leave with eyes red red.

Will take one day leave next week since its sch hols, intend to bring CY to watch either Panda Diary or The Tale of Despereaux. He wants to watch Dragaonball, but I dun wan leh...
Hi Mummies,
Finally had baby's 1st birthday party. Think it was fun for the kids. Taking leave tom to spend time with kids. Tom baby's 1st birthday actual day.

I'm also thinking of catching a movie, decising between departures and boy with striped pyjamas or something..think both sad ones.

yippee..less than 1 week to melbourne kinda erratic. See the temperature surging and dipping
Ninja Warrior - wanted to tell you that the fisherman did eventually make it to the top....I rembred my hb ever showed me the segment from iTunes...
no one ard?

Janelle is with me, going to work with me today cos there is a dept event in the afternoon to Kranji farm but it was pouring outside.

Hopefully there is some indoor activities.

Good morning mommies..

How was everyone's weekend?

We went to the living courthouse on sunday and the crowd is so off putting. We also witnessed something terrible.... 2 Cisco officers handling onto a austic boy very roughly like as if he's a criminal.. the boy was screaming and jumping. I could hear he wanted a gift and look for his lost parents.

Sat, we went to watch disney on ice.. it was not bad... they've jazzed up the costume and music...
