Pre-Final Judgement and MSS


New Member
How can i effectively enter evidence into my affidavits or MSS evidence if the judge don't accept it or my lawyer thinks it is out of scope?

I am currently still under going a divorce case and in the midst of it I had to take up MSS as my finances were not able to sustain the children without the other party paying.

The MSS judgement was not in my favour as the other party claims he is unemployed and bank account empty.

Now that the main divorce case is going to trial, my lawyer told me issues of maintenance cannot be discussed anymore as MSS already settled that.

Not that I am questioning the lawyer or I doubt him, but I believe the ex-spouse transferred all his money to his family members and that he is actually self-employed (hence CPF statement would show no contribution). He is currently staying with his parents and claims parents are supporting him. I don't believe this as he is an accomplished partner in a well-known accounting/auditing firm.

My problem is that MSS don't seem to be very flexible with documents, they are only interested in the last six months and the current employment status of both parties.

I actually hope I can admit evidence prove all his past earnings, share sales gains, big amount transfer out to his siblings, more over I have newspaper adverts put up by him offering his services, but the MSS judge did not allow them admitted. But at the same time the main divorce case won't allow it as MSS is settled so the issue about maintenance is no longer a discussion matter.

my lawyer told me i can apply to vary the MSS judgement, but knowing how inflexible MSS judges are, i don't think i can get anything so long if he can keep showing $0 CPF balance (implying no income).

I was even chided by the judge for claiming against an "unemployed" man.
U should hv done it earlier. I think your lawyer is not good n unprofessional

Not unprofessional, there were other considerations. But I can't elaborate further here as the ex-spouse can read this forum too.

But question is, is it true once I take MSS and there is a judgement, then matters regarding Maintenance is considered resolved and can no longer be considered in the main divorce even though evidence presented by him during MSS does not show "true picture" of his finances.
