Pine Close Mummies

didnt actually look into the snoopy design...

the zojirushi have two size one with 2 containers and the other with 3, had bought the one with 2....
coz the small size is good enough.

dreambabyd & JasTan,
I luv the saltish pork dumpling with lots of chestnut!! JasTan, eating is not a sin, so why not indulge the yearly event! Somemore u 2 so skinny.... can afford lah... kekeke.... *Now very hungry liao.

I got the Tiger Porridge food jar. Think can store up to 6 hrs, but so far I never keep that long.
Hi mummies,

is Joel better now? U check on Joel shoes? Stime the shoes are the factor that they tripped and fall.

I love saltish pork dumpling too! I love chestnuts but my mum doesnt like it cos she said very hard to predict whether the chestnut is gd.

I havent deliver, still can eat dumpling.. hahaha..

I also have Tiger food jar. Very gd can keep more than 6 hrs. I learnt from the other thread that we can cook porriage using the food jar. I tried last weekend cos i broke my slow cooker lid and the rice turn into porriage 1.5hr later.
I skinny? What gave you this impression? Me is definately not skinny....

I think is few hours too, but maybe is not as long as those tiger brand.

thanks for asking, Joel is okay now. But suddenly yesterday he don't want to drink milk. Also don't know what happens... seems like he is going to stop drinking milk altogether.

He tripped that time is because of the slope curb. Actually I should have hold onto him... sigh...
Now I know MGTeo is skinny... It's true that I am not skinny mah... I belong to those big size group... hee hee...
Were you at the multi storey carpark last evening...I saw someone like you but don't dare to call out...there was a maid carrying a child on sling...

2 or 3 containers inside better ah ?

Mummies gathering updates :

1) MGTeo - Any dates
2) dreambabyd - Any dates
3) jastan - weekends except sun evenings
4) cat_tail - Weekends
Mine is the steeless stain. No container.
I am due in July

dun feel bad lah. There is a few times Janelle knock into a wall before i can hold her.
Hi mommies,

I'm staying very near to Pine Close. Jln Tiga, the new block. When you gals have next gathering? Can I join in too?
Hi gen,


infact i am scare leh.. So useless right! This gynae do not favour epidual and want me to go without it. I dun know if i can do it.

Baby is 1.5kg at week 30.

Mummies gathering updates :

1) MGTeo - Any dates
2) dreambabyd - Any dates
3) jastan - weekends except sun evenings
4) cat_tail - Weekends
5) gen
6) hong - weekends
Hi gen

Welcome..welcome..the more mummies the merrier..are you a SAHM or FTM ? The next gathering yet to confirm..keep checking this thread ok

Don't be scared...Me extremely scared of pain but still go through it...if epidural is needed must point avoiding it if you can' is meant to be a nice process too...hope it helps
Thx dreambabyd. I'm a SAHM with 2 daughters. 31 mths & a 9 mth old baby.

Yes. I agreed with dreambabyd. delivery is meant to be a nice process too. Relax lah!! Lots of Hugs.
Wha thats boy boy now 8mths you bring your gals down for walk ? sometimes I bring my boy boy down for evening walks sometimes walks at the beach..i can actually walk to your place and meet you
dreambaby, gen,
My 1st delivery lasted me 14 hr so i asked for it when i endure for 7 hrs. Fair enough cos is a long labour but my current gynae is very confident that i can do it.

OK i give myself another chance again. I feel like i am a 1st time mother again.

U all bring ur kid for walk very often? Stime i just wondered do i know anyone of u. hahhaa..
Any kind mummies is a Isetan member ? There is a private sale and the promo for Tiger products very cheap..can tong pang a not ? Appreciate that ..
Welcome... you staying in one of those yellow coloured blocks? I used to bring my boy to the payground next to the carparks there to play on sunday morning, but now seldom liao.

Every pregnancy and delivery is a new experience for mummies irregardless of how many child she had before. Treasure the times of each stage...

Seems like my mum is a better caregiver than me, almost 90% of the accident Joel kena is when he is back with me... sigh...

Any of you tried GIGA baby products before? I am using Aromababy shampoo for my boy now, but was thinking to try GIGA

I saw this product in one of the exhibition last year but didn't get it then coz I just bought Aromababy. This year was thinking to get and try their soothing lotion and moisteriser in the coming Motherhood exhibition.
i am using Aromababy cream on Janelle.

Not sure abt GIGA, do Joel need such special wash?
i am using Aromababy cream on Janelle.

Not sure abt GIGA, do Joel need such special wash?
Ai yo why throw wasted..I will go and check the exact model and let you know tonight can ? But convenient to help me get ?
if i can find it, hope that tomorrow will not be crowded, coz last time have to q 15min inorder to get in

The BB massage was quite ok, my session was abt 8-10 mummies in the class, not too bad, they gave some notes and 1 Cdrom and even 1 bottle of bb lotion, bb oil and 1 small pack of bb wipes! So it is quite a fruitful trip!! hee hee!!

I also prefers weekends... (lunch!)
I was thinking to try the soothing lotion, coz sometimes Joel will have heat rashe around the neck esp when weather get hotter. Currently I am using Calamine lotion, but I heard from somewhere that it will dry up the skin. Morever, I find Joel's leg a bit dry too, so thinking to get the moisteriser for him.
i have found the coupon,
UP.98 NOW 29 ONLY 100PC
is this the one you referring to
Hi JasTan, dreambabyd, & Hong,

Yes. I always bring my girls down for a walk, mostly to the playground behind the multi-storey carpark during earlier evening. Want to join me? my email is [email protected]. You email to me so I can give you my HP no. Dun want to reveal my HP on this forum lah.
I went down to Isetan just now..and decided to get the snoopy one coz I ask the staff there about the promo for actually not much of difference ... I already bought at the sale price..I saw the promo you are referring to..100 pc sure very fast gone..coz 2morrow expecting super long queue..

Thanks for offering to buy...
Hi everyone

Didn't have time to come to this thread. Was quite busy though.

I'm not skinny lah....the skinny one is dreambabyd....You haven't see my big bulging tummy yet. Hahaha....

Every pregnancy and labour is different so have positive mind. Normally 2nd labour is easier, thats what I heard. If really cannot tahan then epidural lor its not as scary as the 1st labour cos you more or less know hows the process already.

Me not scared at all during that time. Mine was induced and then emergency c-section cos baby too big. Even when dr told me to c-sect I'm also not scared leh...don't know why...maybe I'm too eager and anxious to see her. Like what others said, relax and enjoy.

I saw this GAIA from my email seems like is good yah...thought of getting them cos my girl has slight eczema but currently she's using Cetaphil.

A big welcome to this thread. Hope you can join our gathering. Since you're a SAHM any plans for #3?

I was at Parkway just now. Were you at Parkway Isetan? Think Jennifer mention she can meet up tomorrow leh. You call her leh. Hehehe...

I'm going down to Parkway Isetan tomorrow as well, not a member though. Will be there in the evening when hubby knocks off from office.

Suppose to get Avent bottles and teats then happen to ask one of the staff whether any promo anot so she told me tomorrow there's 20% discount thats why got to take a trip there again.

Aiyo just came back ah... Just now I went down to Scotts Isetan...I will msg her 2morrow..then confirm with you...but if she not coming..u can pop over no problem....
OIC. May be worth to give the product a try.
Do u have the habit to apply lotion on Joel body? We did that to Janelle all the while. I cant say she got gd skin but not really dry.

Cetaphil is also gd, can give it a try.
Hi Mummies,
Very bz these few days with work, so no time to check out this thread.

Not me lah, I stationed at AMK from Sun eve to Fri eve..keke..
Hi May,
Thx for the welcome.

Anyone wanna join me for the evening walk to the playground behind the carpark on Monday? We would be going down these few days.
Hi any mummies have Desitin nappy rash cream on hand to sell ? The BP is too long of a wait coz my boy boy's butt is so red from too much of poo poo.. or any suggestions to cure this ?
i'am getting the desitin creamy from one of the seller this lunch time,
you wan me to ask her whether she has extra?
Early evening you will go there? Around what time? normally my boy napping time around 3 - 6, and I am on in Pine Close on weekends.

You looking for avent teats? Last time I bought extra, and now no use. I got no. 2 and no. 3. I also got a pair of drinking spouts (green colour). Am thinking to let go at half price. Let me know if you are interested. Note that some don't have casing coz it is taken out from avent new bottle.

Actually me don't have habit to apply lotion on Joel, but he always like to take ours and apply whenever he saw us applying.

Most of the weekends, I will bring my girls out. Seldom at home leh. Until you want call me first. I can make arrangement to meet up with you.

Anyone want to go Library on Monday?

Tried the airing method already...ok for a day then back again...I'm using nepia diapers on him, pampers at night..but i don't think is the too much of poo poo..

Anyone can sell me a tube of Desitin creamy ? Thanks...
