Pine Close Mummies

your bb is 7.5mths right,
u can chosse ikea high chair (cos $ 27 + tray $6 / $8 cant remember)
or you want more expensive, can chose fisher price, lucky baby etc

i saw your high chair thread, i've the blue one it is around 125,
if you have time you can come to my place to take a look
Hi Pine Close Mummies,

I'm also staying in that area too, Blk 28.

I've a $3.00 Similac Follow-on voucher to give away. Those interested can let me know ya.
Hi all Pine Close Mummies
Actually we can meet up at Kallang Macdonalds. There's a small play room for the little ones so that the toddlers can enjoy themselves while we can watch them, eat and chit chat. What do you all think? Any other suggestions?

dreambabyd, Carmen
Me also using IKEA high chair cos cheap mah.

Now I finally recall who you are. Wa...time really flies ya...I remember you as a shy girl who doesn't talk much. Heard that your mum moved out with your bro, isit?

Welcome to our thread....! Hope to hear lots of postings from you.
I think Rubbermaid high chair also not bad leh. The one at macdonalds.

Today I was at my mum's place thought of looking for you but Claira is having cough, too bad...
Hey why don't we upload some pics of our little precious...
Here's mine: Claira is 15 months old.

Taken on Sunday at Hush Hush, trying out hats for her just for fun.

Hi MGTeo

Kallang sounds good..but got to be next week ..My Boy Boy down with false measles..

I've got Similac, Enfa, Nan and Promil sample tin..thats y so confuse lor...

Maybe I drop by next week when my Boy Boy is better..but whats your comments on this ? Izzit the vista model or the prima model ?

Welcome to the club...

Mummies how to upload pic...size cannot fit leh

Oh no... Think is the weather. My girl also having cough and phlegm. Hope you two recover soon.

Thanks for your compliment. So is your boy now in any playgroup?
Yes got to be next week. My girl also not well. She also got fake measles when she's 14months but don't worry lah with the fever and the rashes it will all be gone within a week.

Try Nan lor heard that its very close to breast milk.
No need to worry lah. As long as he can listen and understand what you say its absolutely fine. Normally boys are slower than girls. So give him time but don't pressure him.

Actually you can consider putting him in the playgroup for like few hours. At least they get to sing and play, very good mah.

Sometimes I'll stay up til 2am+ but will try not cos my girl always wake up middle of the night one.

As for FM, I chose Friso Gold cos it has 5 types of nucleotides which is found in BM and its important for immunity. If not try Similac since its the most commercially used.
<font color="ff0000">dreambabyd</font>
You can try to click on your program and go to accessory then click on paint. From there you can to shrink the size of your photo.
you can come during weekend, coz weekday not at home

Finally you remember me,,, my mom stop her prawn mee stall and stay with my bro,, therefore we bought over her unit (like this place so much ...

This is my gal photo
Can't meet up on weekdays coz am a FTWM and my boy is with my mum at Tampines on weekdays.

xiau ling
don't worry about your boy speaking, my boy also the same, can't speak in sentence, only one word type. Most of the time still baby language and only he knows what's he talking. He is 27 months liao...

The idea not bad. Maybe can arrange for one session.

I went to check the websites on formula information..and apparently the nucleotides is needed and Similac doesn't have..only friso and enfapro so far..

Hahahha now i even more confuse..

Similac advertising good many ppl using

I started a thread on voting for formula milk hahhaha
Your gal very chubby leh unlike you. Yes my told me about that. I also like the area very much. Now planning to look for 4rm flat at that area.

Since most of you are FTWM, maybe we can organize during Sat around 11am?

Similac have...only 4 types you see carefully. You so funny leh...don't confuse lah...all 'sama sama' one lah...Try Friso Gold lah.

Since most of them FTWM, can you make it on Sat?
Hello, I didn't know there's a thread for Pine Close mummies!

I have a bb gal coming to 5month, I am staying at Blk 7, 19F!!

Here's a pic of her!
I wonder did i meet any mummy when i go market on sat and sunday.
I saw so many couple with baby ard the same area.

why not we wait till all children have recovered. I am ok to meet up too.
Hi mummies...

Since most of mummies can make it on weekend maybe we meet up then but got to skip this week coz a lot of babies not feeling good...


Saw the details after I post it hahahahh..

LiewLian Soh
Welcome to the more &amp; more mummies on this thread thats good..

I just went marketing at the wet market (1st time after so long) I very lazy to go down so early..always sleep until very late hahahah

Since you are staying at Blk 11, who knows we may have bumped into each other before!!!

Anyway, I am happy to see a thread in here!
Cos I think I can get lots of information from the experienced mummies here!!
LiewLian Soh

Yup..maybe we have bump into each other...have you any bring your baby downstairs with a pram before..

Coz I talk to a mother who happen to be on leave and she 1st time brought her daughter down to the spider web.. and she was taking pictures for her..
Sure!! We definitely count you in.

Hello hello...just replied you in another thread and welcome to this thread...
Hope to hear more postings from you. Nice pics of your girl. Whats her name?

Yes i agree. Will meet up after all children recovered.

So decided on which brand oredi?
This thread is going fast! So nice to see so many Old Airport's mummies here..heehee..
Btw, I am from Blk 1.

Re: Gathering
Count me in if u all are organising one during wkends.

I join in the fun, here's my notti gal, Edna~
may be u wanna ask chin Leng to move ur thread to the correct subtitle.
Now the thread park under marketing.

I will go to the market on sunday. Sat we are bringing my daughter for her lesson so a bit rush for me. Next time u see a preggie going to market, may be is me. hahaha.

Edna really very sweet! I love her hamburger cheek.

This is my daughter. She is coming to 28weeks old.

I seldom bring her to the playground, but my mom pushes her to the mkt in the weekdays...


Her name is Fybie Lim, pronounced as "Phoebe"!

Shortlisted to Enfapro &amp; Friso I guess.. waiting for Friso to send me the sample tin.

Will definitely count you in...your daughter so sweet..

LewLian Soh
Hahahah weekdays I never go marketing..lazy..last sat is becoz my dear husband ask me to go and experience marketing in the wet market...

###Mummies do you prefer me to move the thread or just leave it here ? ###


Robinson having nursery sale I'm going to check out later for my high chair

Will check with the rest of the mummies..thanks
I noe wat u thinking abt! Poor Edna's cheeks.. haha...

Hey, Janelle oso got similar feature of Edna! Both got hamburger..keke..

I think better move the thread to correct place.
Hi cat_tail
Where do you suggestion we move to ? Do we choose or Chin Leng will inform us ?

I call Friso and spoke to the nutritionist, quite please with her answer..

Decided to try Friso...they very nice sending me 2x900g of Friso Gold...
Typo error??? Jan is 28 weeks old???

I am fine with meetup on weekends. If Sunday will be the best so I no need to cook.. hee hee.... Agree to have a gathering when all the kids are well again...

Pic of my boy, 27 months
You have to inform Chin Leng to move the thread to either Motherhood or Temporary Holding Place. Whichever u think more appropriate.

Your boy sure look like a active kid.
Yah shld be coming to 28 months old. hahaha.. so blur.

Joel is getting more handsome!
You bet. Indeed he is very active... everyday can't stop playing, eating and up to michief. I told him that his stomach is becoming more and more like daddy's one...

Think maybe you miss when Jan is 28weeks old too much liao. Jan really look so much grown up and so tall... wow... and still as sweet... yum yum...

Robinson sale so so only...anyone went to Cheong Choon store and bought a mamalove / babylove high chair at $85 recently ? Any feedback ?

I went to check out the Lucky Baby already..thanks
Will definitely count you in. Your girl so cute...!

Such nice sweet smile from your girl...looks cheeky though...kekeke...

Good that you finally made up your mind. Hey I also think that this thread should move up.

Yes...from the pics of your son can see that he's an active and mischievious boy. Boys are after all boys.

Hi all mommies
Hopefully we can meet up next Sat. Isit ok for you all?
Tat's good! I like active &amp; playful boy..haha.. see them so energetic really enlighten my day. Oh, he can eat a lot?? Really can't see..heehee.. lucky the extra calorie he eats can burn off easily..

Thanks MGTeo,
U made my day.
the meetup is next sat morning? Breakfast? I cant make it for nite or lunch cos may be celebrating Mother's day.

Janelle also have hamburger cheek. My collick said her hamburger cheek like never go away. U know my Miil feed so so well that she is forever in gd weight. If my daughter stay will us longer she will lose some weight. FIL will complained that his precious granddaughter lose weight after being with us.

Janelle also have big tummy, especially end of the day and she didnt poo. Is Joel taking milk well?

yes i have a very cheeky girl!
Breakfast at Mcdonald on next Sat sounds good for me. I think can come only after 9am cos am a late waker..keke..

Looks like u got a very nice MIL &amp; that's a treasure!! She's staying near? My one only like to play but when come to babycare, she knows nuts. I dun noe why everytime I hear her super loudspeaker voice, my head starts to ache.
My ILs dun stay ard our area. They stay in Eunos. She is my daughter main caregiver, actually she didnt really take care of infant or toddler before. She told me her two sons were given to her mother or babysitter. However she willing to start learning everything again for us. I guess mother are forever so "Wei da"

So she took care of Janelle and learn along the way. Pretty tough for her cos she have many many sleepless nites but she seldom fall sick! I dun know how she did it but sometime she also make me very "fan"... Overall she is nice and ok. I cant denial that Janelle is under very gd care.

She also taught Janelle well just that the old folks cant speak english and Janelle cant really converse in english. She understand simple english instructions but cant reply in english.
She is better in mandarin, very oriental... kekeke..

However, my girl like to bully her grandma. She will make her wake up in the mid of the nite for milk althot she never do that to us back home. kekeke.. that is wat my MIL always complained.
Hi all mommies
Since everyone is fine with next Sat morning, shall we set to meet say 11am or earlier?

Is fun to have a cheeky girl!

Wa your MIL so nice ah...but when you correct her will she get upset?

Your MIL also loudspeaker ah? Mine also leh...Wa...cannot take it man...somtimes I'll ask her to lower down her volume.

How about you?
Not bad for your MIL, and at least she's willing to go down to your level &amp; learn.

Hubby already told his mother that she talks too loud, but she dun want listen leh. Yet can still claim "I am like that". *faintz
Hi MGTeo

Next Sat 6 May should be ok..but the timing is my boy boy nap maybe i go without him hahahhah..

How do i ask Chin Leng to move the thread ? Me not very pro in this
MGTeo, Cat,
actually i didnt really tell her off. I'm not gd at that. May be she done so much for us. I feel very ungrateful to pick on minor issue.

if i really cannot tahan i asked hubby to talk to MIL. I know myself too well, if i am not happy my tone will sound very hostile. May end up worse.

ur MIL really talk very loudly? She dun live ard our area right?
Tentative, I am fine with the meetup on Sat but I need to confirm again next week coz not sure I need to go back to vote or not.

Maybe age catching up with me liao.. sometimes I just don't have the energy to entertain him. In few more years to come, think I will run lost to him liao...

I think at my mum's place he can eat more stuff. When back at IL's place, he doesn't snack often except the 3 main meals. Could be there's nothing much at IL's place for him to eat... hee hee..

Seems like you got company. My boy is also a late-waker but he sleep late as well. I can't be there too early either.. hee hee..

Jan where got tummy??? Joel intake of milk is the same, twice per day of 200ml dulited each time - early in the morning and before he sleep.

Jan cheeky? To boy or to girl huh?

I do agree that you have very good MIL.

Cheeky to family only lah. She very shy infront of guys leh..

Janelle intake of milk still alot.
