Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?

I rent from M2000, coz after rec' all quote, M2000 is still the lowest. I dont rent GPS, as hubby and me more used to traditional type of route check, MAP. hehe....
Then my collegue was telling me Oz route at perth is quite straightforward, so ask us to save on GPS.

About booked via discoverwest, not neccessary will get the free airport transfer for Mont clare. It depend on hotel and nbr of days. For me, i dont get free transfer, so i'll be collecting the car before heading to Mont clare.

Thanks. Then maybe i need to prepare some small pack of chilli sauce and bring there. But is it easy to get chilli sauce at Perth supermarket?}

Hidora - Are you referring to the Cotton On, Best and Less, and Pumpkin Patch factory outlets? They are at Habourfront rite? If dun buy from the factory outlet, is it still consider cheap? Cos I will be travelling straight to Albany after landing, so no time to go to the factory outlets. How abt those at Target? Thanks!
u very can leh! both hubby & me rely alot on GPS, map is our back up
but your colleague is right, perth route is really easy to drive, practically straight.

i booked thru discoverwest on my last trip & was provided FOC transfer so i thought it applies to all hotels.

i also agree M2000 rate is good but too bad they dont hv the car range i need.
Opps, just realised that the factory outlet place in Perth is Harbourtown.. haha... any idea wat time the shops open there? e.g. Pumpkin patch and Cotton On? I've emailed harbourtown to ask as well, dunno if they will reply.
Hi Mummies
I know u guys r so excited and at the same time afraid cos u dunno wat to expect.
Dun worry lah, Perth is not so bloody ULU!
OF cos rice,chilli and watever not is easily available in the supermkt here.
Every supermkt got it . Singapore ntuc no fight . hahahaha

Sputnik >> NOPE . i dun think hidora is talking abt Factory outlet. She is refering to NORMAL shops.
Oh ya. the Ang Mo here loves to eat chilli ... so sure hv lah! Else u wanna come to my place pluck some? i grow them , i can sell it to anyone of u here
In case some of u are wondering, what's availabe in the supermarket... you can imagine is like carrefour in singapore. Except i think the range of dairy stuffs here are so much more.

There are also different grades of beef, different types of eggs and chicken (free range/normal).
There are different types of yogurt for kids.
Lotsa snacks. Huge bottles of softdrinks and a lot of oil (grapeseed oil, veg, sunflower, canola, olive, extra virgin olive, light olive, etc etc) which are considered GOURMET in singapore.

There are a lot of types of bread loafs too and they are huge! At least double singapore's pathetic bread loaf. You will get to choose from plain white to rich white, then multigrain, wholemeal, linseed, soy etc etc.
hidora - thanks for the info. I also went to the website, but i remember seeing somewhere in the website that the opening hrs also differ for different shops. I've emailed them so hope they will reply. Thanks!

mngo - yeap, love the supermarkets in Oz. So big and spacious! And the variety is wonderful! Me and hubby will go to supermarkets at least once a day when we go Oz.. haha..
ya, the car collection is abit ma fan for M2000. i'm still sourcing around, maybe will just use back avis again.

your accommodation at MR looks good! i'm looking at MR hideaway as i want it to be a farm stay for my kids.
Yea .... however a lot of people thought that many things are not available, not easily available here.

If you reach harbourtown at 10am except for Sunday, I'm sure most of the shops are already open. Esp for the main boutiques. People here start work early, unlike Sg. Having said that, they close early too...

Cos Perth gives people the impression it's very ulu mah... :p Maybe they won't assume that way if they are going to Melb or Sdy. I know someone who brought over a carton of Da Hua light soya sauce when she moved here.... becos she thought here no sell. Imagine the look on the custom officer. :D

It's at times like this you wish we could shout out to the whole world, or rather to Sg "Perth is just like Sg!!! What you have there, we have it here. And what you don't have it there, we still have it here!" Hehehehehe

Of course the above statment doesn't apply to all brands of infant milk powder and cereals. I'm talking about generic product types and not brands. ;)

And when I meant what Sg doesn't have, I'm talking about products from the other country such as middle east and etc. Sg is made up of 4 races, but in Perth we have more than just 4 races/ nationalities.. So things you can hardly find in Sg, you can find it in here.

To conclude, Perth sells more things than you can find in Sg.
Sparkling crystal,

If you only have baby food/ medication, it's easier to pass through the custom. From my experience, they gave us the shorter queue. If you brought other food stuff/ medications along, then you have to go through the long queue to declare items..

Do we have to check in the stroller or do they allow us to bring aboard the plane with us?

BTW, any nice and reasonably priced fish and chips that you can recommend in Perth? Not those in Fremantle. Thanks!
Hi Sputnik,
It depends on which airline you're travelling with.

If SIA, you can bring your stroller all the way to the gate, where the crew will take it from you before you board, likewise, when you land, it will be waiting for you at the gate when you exit.

If Jetstar, you have to check it in at the counter, and pick it up at the baggage belt, along with your other check-in bags.
Oh, and for fish n chips, you can try Kaili's at Leederville.
Their main branch is of cos the famous at Fremantle, but they have another restaurant in Leederville, which is near the City, if you want to try.
Although the price is on the high side, cos it is a proper sit-down restaurant.

Other than that, any food court / cafe that you might find sure to have a fish n chips one.
athlete - thanks for the info! I'm flying by SIA, great that can bring the stroller all the way to the gate cos mine is a overnight flight so most likely my gal will be sleeping when we board.

hidora - hmm, i thik i ate at sweetlips last year when i was at fremantle...haha....
For those who booked through and receive the discount vouchers,how are the vouchers delivered to you? I am booking my accommodation via discoverwest on my last day of holiday, so if i am concern that if i receive the vouchers upon my check-in then not useful to me already.

Another question, the free airport trsf can be either way right?

Harvey is a beautiful town. I enjoyed my trip there. Lots of orange trees to see... but I'm not sure if they are in harvest now.
the vouchers will be sent by email, u hv to print them out. as for free airport transfer, i cant remember if its for either way, i took mine upon arrival fr airport to apt. u may like to check with discoverwest on the transfer.
Hi all,

Need some advice here.

I read here that many of you choose to visit Perth in Sep. But what abt July? Heard that it will be very cold and rainy. Is it that bad? Will it be safe to drive? I have not travelled for quite some time...can't wait to fly!!!

Thank you.
Red Ruby
If you come in July, yes - it will be cold.
And sun sets quickly so your day is very short.
When rain comes, sometimes it comes in form of drizzle, sometimes it's a storm.
Also it will be difficult for you to do outdoor activities given the wet and cold weather
The wet and cold weather - Is it same for mid June as its beginning of winter? Will sun rise by 6am? Need to adjust clock to wake early sleep early liao.
Winter is the season for citrus food. Do you know if picking of orange is available in Harvey? I'm still thinking where to stop while enroute to Pemberton.
Hi Xuan,
As per what Chloe mentioned, they'll email you the voucher. Is a 1cm thick of papers if you print all out.
Got valid period for the Voucher.
But as you only booked with them on the last day, i'm afraid the voucher only effective from your last day. Coz i see my voucher is only start effective on the 1st day i reach Perth.
For Free Airport Transfers in their bronchure is stated as Transfer to your property ....
Might not able to use for transfer from hotel to airport.
U better check with discoverwest. Their email respond is very fast.

Will let you know how it is when it hits mid June. Every year's season is different, I'm not sure when will the rain starts falling.

I also cannot remember if the sun is up by 6am since we don't wake up at that time and we use blackout curtains. My room is as dark as night even at mid noon.

I'm not sure if Harvey allows orange picking. The orange harvesting season varies from state to state. Different species of oranges mature at different time too. Best to call them and ask.
chloe, sparklingcrystal,

thanks, I now hv a better understanding of how the vouchers work. Yes, I hv also emailed discoverwest to enquire abt the hotel trsf. Pending their reply.

Am planning my itinerary now. Tentatively, it's something like
this, dun kno should I stay 2 nights in pemberton or 2 nights in Albany? Is it too rush?

Day 1- Perth
Day 2- Perth
Day 3- Fremental/ bunsbury ( overnight bunsbury)
Day 4- bunsbury/busselton/MR (overnight MR)
Day 5- MR/Pemberton (overnight pemberton)
Day 6- Denmark/Walpole/Albany (overnight Albany)
Day 7- Albany (overnight Albany)
Day 8- Perth
Day 9 - Perth
Looking at your schedule, you are only touching the grounds of the place .

There are spelling errors here.

1) Fremental : It should be Fremantle
2) Bunsbury : It should be Bunbury
Hi hidora,
Thank you for your reply regarding the orange picking.

Hi all,
If u plan to go for orange picking, here are some information to share with u. I hv got a reply from Harvey Visitor Centre.

Usually the orange season starts approximately at the start of June and we have been informed by one of our local farmers that by the start of June her mandarins and passion fruit will be ready to pick. Generally mandarins are ready before oranges so at this stage it is hard to tell, but by the looks of thing oranges will be ready mid June-start of July.

As for picking you cant actually pick the oranges unless you have permission by the farmer.

Happy Holiday!
Tks for info. Do you know along perth to pemberton, which place is worth stopping? How about Donnybrook? I read that there is a huge playground.

Thanks for feedback. Are you going orange and mandarin picking?
Hi Jun,

We shall departure to Perth tomorrow evening (28/04) until 06/05, by Jetstar. Most likely I'll drop the plan to visit Harvey, as the season is not here yet. My kids are so excited now
Hi Xuan

R u going with kids? If yes, the schedule may be too tight, a lot of travelling involved with little time to sightsee. I know becos last yr when I went my schedule was similar to yours, but cos only me and hubby so still quite ok. But with kids, may not want such a tight schedule cos a lot of travelling involved. Pemberton is very small, in my opinion nothing much to see. More things to do and see in Albany.
Did you try the tram ride through the forest in Pemberton? That's my objective of gog there as the kids like tram ride. If 3 days 2 nights, I go to both MR and Pemberton is it too rush? My initial plan is to wake up v early and travel to Pemberton, take the tram ride and explore the town. Then drive to MR where we book 2N farm stays. Plan to visit Augusta, Yallinup and Dunsborough during the 3 days.
Hi Jun,

Nope, did not go for the tram ride, cos was only me and hubby so not so interested in it. From what i remember, Pemberton town was pretty small, only 1 row of shops? Haha, wonder if that is the town or just the outskirts i went to. U are going to drive to Pemberton from Perth? Not sure if that may be a pretty long drive, u may want to check it out, cos u still need to drive to MR after Pemberton. When u going? If in May/Jun, remember that the sun sets by 6pm, so must target to reach yr destination before that.

This time for me I will be landing in Perth very early so driving straight to Albany for 3 nites at a farmstay, followed by 4 nites in Perth. Skipping the MR/Bunbury/busselton area totally cos i did not find it so interesting last time I went, and my gal too young to go lighthouse anyway and the Observatory at busselton will probably not be opened yet when I go. So taking my time in Albany and Perth instead.
Sputnik,Hidora, Mngo,
How long is the Perth to Albany drive? Planning a Southwest trip as well but want to see some things at Denmark, Walpole. Not sure if Denmark and Walpole can be day-trips from ALbany or if I should plan on one night at Denmark/Walpole.
Any suggestions for accommodation at Albany/Denmark or Walpole? Prefer 2 bedroom self-contained apartments but NOT Holiday Villages (hubby don't like!).

sctan - Perth to Albany is abt 5 hrs by the Albany highway. Very easy to drive along this highway cos it is straight. Of cos also depending on how often u stop along the way. Can't really remember how far is denmark/walpole from albany.
