Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?

superbb, not rent a stroller from the shopping mall, rent from a company for the duration you are here. I rented my carseat and stroller from this company, and there are other companies.

Joy (esterlla), it can get cold especially in the night during winter, I encountered it going to below 0 degree during the night in winter. Driving in perth during winter is the same as during the other seasons as there is no snow here, it will just rain more during winter.

Average Winter Temperatures for 2007
June: Daytime 18-21C Overnight Minimum 9-12C
July: Daytime 15-18C Overnight Minimum 6-9C
August: Daytime 18-21C Overnight Minimum 9-12C

Your son eats outside food already?
Heated pool dat's nice
Dun say silly to stay in big apt. Guess men dun c it dat way. They rather spend $ n stay more comfortably. My hubby told me spend more n stay in better apt. But I told him 2 rm apt under-utilised 4 us Besides City Waters provide daily hse keeping @ no additional chrg

Cook porridge easy Too bad for my 2 boys dun like porridge Elder boy still ok let him eat wat we eat. Infant will b a prob
Wat did u cook for bbq?

Do u hv to book the stroller b4 u go to Perth?
Where to collect n return the stroller?
They chrg by week. I will b in Perth for 5 days. Do u know if they rent for 5 days?
Thanks for your info.

My son has been eating outside food with us. I am working and he goes to child care, so cant cook everyday for him. You are right, guys just want convenience and comfort. I don't want to argue with him, cos I want this trip to be a relax one, so let him decide.
All meat

U hit the nail on the head "guys just want convenience and comfort. "
Which co did u book your car wif? How much?
Hi all, I just came back from Perth holiday in late Dec08 with my hubby and 3yr old girl. We did F&E. At Margaret River, we stayed at the Margaret River Hideaway (farmstay). We like the place very much but its a bit more pricey, comes with fully furnished guest house (new and hv jacuzzi too). We stayed for 2 night and would like to extend for 1 more night but we have already booked another hotel for that night.

At Margaret River, we visited some of the vineyards and the one we like most is The Voyager vineyard as its very beautiful. Its next to Leeuwin vineyard (which pales in comparison). Hope that helps!
Joy (esterlla): It's not any harder to drive than normal weather in SG or there but IMHO it's hard for me to say whether it will be difficult for your hb or you cos it really depends on the skill of the driver, if you know what I mean

Foreverfriends Honey, yes I emailed them from here regarding the availability and then the reservation was also done through email, however I got my BIL to help pay the deposit once I confirmed my booking. I am sure they can rent it to you for 5 days but I don't know how they will charge you for it. You can just email them to check, they answer pretty promptly
I also corresponded with but babyallsorts had the type of car seat i preferred.
here in sg is not that 'hot' but cos it's humid, it does feel much hotter than perth
We went to eat at Voyager and the food was good!
We also tried one dinner at Arc of Iris, and it wasnt disappointing too!
Hi Mngo, we went there 2x to try to eat at their award winning restaurant but both days they were fully booked for lunch and dinner
I guess also becoz Dec is the peak season for tourists.
gobabyhire replied my mail They chrg @ weekly rate. Awaiting reply from babyallsorts
Where did u collect stroller fm babyallsorts? Did u rent their car seat as well?

Does Bayswater allow return at the airport?
Does $290 incl excess reduction n car seat? For wat type of car?
My hubby got quote of $233 for 3 days exclud excess reduction but incl 2 car seats V x hor

Doesn't sweat when the whether is not humid but fee the sun scorching n get burnt easily
Foreverfriends Honey (shook), for me it was easier as I had stroller and carseat delivered to my inlaws place the day before i arrived.
I rent from Perth City. The one near airport is closed on Sunday, so we are not able to rent from there. $290 incl excess reduction and GPS. We have not rent car seat.
Your in law stay in Perth?

How did u contact Baywater? Do they allow u to return car at the airport?
My husband do the booking, so I don't know the procedure. We will return the car at Perth City. We didn't check if can return at the one near airport.
gobabyhire is v prompt in reply but still no reply fm babyallsorts

where did u collect n return the stroller n car seat u rented fm babyallsorts?

Bayswater's website indicated hv to return to the same plc where car is collected
Will u b going to perth airport for your return trip by taxi?
Mont Claire provides washing m/c n dryer v gd
foreverfriends, that's odd as I had prompt responses from bb allsorts and eventually went with them cos i preferred the carseat they had. They may have gone away for the easter weekend, so i hope they do reply to you very soon. there was free delivery to and from my inlaws place and free installation for the carseat by a qualified person.
We have not decide whether to travel by cab or rent another for 1 day so that we can return at d airport. My hubby is checking on another car rental company.

Anybody has any idea how much is GAIA baby bath selling in Australia store? I check online, it's AUD11.50 for 250ml, AUD17.95 for 500ml.
superbb, i didnt buy any gaia when i was there so didnt check on the prices but a quick search on the coles website turns up the same price as yours. The only thing is if there is a sale for that product when you are there, or you can try priceline, when you are actually there, their prices for some stuff is cheaper than other places eg i saved $2 on a certain blistex lipbalm
Juz got the reply fm babyallsorts. My mail went to their junk folder Thx for your patience

The weather forecast in Perth is still closed to 30 degree n 30 degree n abv
That is pretty hot. I am expecting a cold weather. You are travelling soon, rite? Enjoy. I am counting down to my holiday, seem to be so far away.
cos you only getting a stroller? they have minimum order amt for free delivery cos perth cbd will be free if above certain amt
Hi ladies
I am also goin to Perth on May 14th.. Just curious, y u need to rent car seat from a babay speciality store ? The car rental also offers those right ? On car rentals, anyone have experience with Hertz or Budget ? Interested in a bigger cc car.. 3.5 litres?
Hi Nicole
For me, Bayswater dun ve direct rental for car seat (This is what my hubby tells me). So we have to rent from other store. For Hertz, per day is about A$8. If you rent for a longer period, rent by week from these bb specialty store is cheaper. I think also have to depend on the type of car seat that you want to rent.
superbb, btw this was my charge from them for 2 weeks for a hipod- madrid convertible $40.00 (bond $25.00) and a Steelcraft - Phoenix Stroller $35.00 ($20.00). I didnt inquire exactly how much for free delivery as they just told me that I qualify. I chose the hipod because I did some research and it is one of the safer toddler age carseats available in oz, better than safe & sound type for toddlers as available on gobaby.
Hi ladies,

Any recommendation for apartment? I will going for 11days, with my hubby and 2 children(age 7 & 8). Dun wish to book too expensive apartment. I read through these threads, most mummies recommend Mont Clare apt. Are there any other choice? Does children above 7yr old require booster seat in Australia?
Thank you
I will b travelling to Perth tmr. Yours early May right. V soon too.
The weather is getting cold. I check the weather forecast everyday. It's going below 30 degree n 21-23 degree towards end of next wk
Tell Babyallsorts your exact location.
Initiall they quoted me A$20 delivery chrg for < 10km Perth CBD. After I told them where I will b staying, they quoted me A$10.
Bayswater provided 2 contacts for renting of car seat. Did u check wif the 2 contacts?

I want to rent stroller only. Wanted to rent car seat initially coz thot of renting car fm Bayswater which dun provide rental of car seat Now we renting car fm Budget which provides rental of car seat. So not renting car seat fm baby speciality store Besides, I only renting car seat for 3 days. It's cheaper to get fm car rental co

I hv not stayed in Mont Clare b4 but the reviews n the pic looks gd. If u want Mont Clare hv to book early Their rms sold out fast. They hv washing m/c n clothes dryer in every rm.
I din manage to get a rm in Mont Clare I booked apt wif City Waters. Location gd n they provide daily rm svc w/o additional chrg but can't comment abt the svc,etc since I hv not gone there yet. It's a v old apt n only 3 levels tho
Read dat Goodearth is another value for $ apt Din wanna rent fm Goodearth coz they v inflexible wif rm size. I travelling wif my hubby, a 13mth infant n a 4 yr old tod. They insist I hv to get a 2 rm apt. 1 rm apt can accomodate 3 adults but not 2 adults n 2 young kids. Infant doesn't need a single bed wat. Dun make sense right. Inflexible n poor customer svc I feel So I give it a miss
If u will b driving u may like to consider apt outside city area.
hi, anyone stayed in settlers farm at swan valley before? i have been to perth numerous times but have never been to swan valley! is it something like MR? the MR choc factory in MR itself is also in swan valley right?
Hi, thanks for the so informative sharings.

Can I just enquire if anyone knows the weather towards the end of may? We'll be going there and I just need to know what kind of cold wear would be neccessary for a 4 year old.

Please advise, thanks in advance!!!
Juz back fm Perth today. My holiday wld b more enjoyable if not for the weather. The sun wz scortching hot My entire face got burnt Got worse bcoz of the dry weather My face is like 80+ old lady wif wrinkle
My elder boy n I wz dwn wif fever on the 2nd day So 3rd day rest almost entire day. After dat changed plan no visit to open space plcs like Caversham Park, The Maze, Macadamia farm which I planned earlier.

I m v impressed wif the parent's rm in big shopping mall They r v big Comes wif facilities like microwave oven, a little play corner, toilet for toddler besides bf rm n changing station Can't understand y the parent's rm in the International Airport is v basic, juz changing station n a toilet The one @ at the check in hall stinked when I wz there I can't bring myself in. Wanna puke

Fremantle is a muz to visit.

If u wanna do outdoor BBQ Hv to do it early as the sunset ard 6:30pm n food turns cold real fast

City Water apt is v old but clean. I think they r upgrading now. They brot in many new mattresses the day I left. Happened to pop into a lower flr unit. The wall r covered wif tiles, not bricks The recep is v friendly n helpful A value for money apt

The rm in The Vale &amp; Breakfast farm stay is v nice Like a 5 star hotel If u prefer host who leave u alone, tis suits u. I only met the host thrice - check in, ask for breakfast to b served n check out. She hurriedly end our conversation n close the dr all the time

Thx to everyone who ans my queries esp mngo
U may refer to for weather forecast. It's hard to tell how the weather will b. I wz told when I wz there the summer seems longer tis yr. Still v hot now tho shld b autumn. I checked the abv website even on the day I leave. Day wz extremely hot, 9 wz cool chilling when there wz wind when I wz there

Best is layered your child
I received many brochure fm Australia tourism board after I left for Australia They r brand new not used at all. Anybody need them can self collect fm me at
Tiong Bahru (wk day)
Pasir Ris (wk day)
Rivervale mall (wk end)

pls pm me I will keep for 2 wks b4 I throw them away
shook - so sorry to hear tat u fell sick during the trip. the weather was really terrible. Now hoping tat the temp quickly drop as I will be going in 2 weeks time. ;p

could you share with me ur day to day plan?
did u drive down to MR/Albany etc?

The Vale &amp; Breakfsat farmstay sounds gd.
hi mummies

i'm planning to go in june with my 2 kids, (2.5yrs &amp; 1 yr). not sure if shd drive as we are there for only 5 days. isit easy to drive there? i hv never attempt before.

would like to include MR &amp; farmstay or maybe albany in my itineary, is 5 days too short? not forgetting fremantle. would appreciate any advice. TIA!!
A local I chatted wif said summer for tis yr seems longer Cross my fingers for u dat the autumn arrives when u r there
My initial plan
Day 1 - Fremantle
Day 2 - 1/2 day Perth City tour, 1/2 day shopping @ Harbor Town
Day 3 - 1/2 day King's Park, 1/2 day Macadamia nut farm
Day 4 - 1/2 day The Maze, 1/2 day farm stay
Day 5 - Edgecombe Bros, Oggie ice-cream cafe, MR choc factory, shopping at Westfield Carousel till 9pm (they opened till 9pm on Thu) b4 heading to airport
As I said, if u like host who doesn't care abt u, doesn't chit chat wif u, Vale &amp; Breakfast suits u BTW, the breakfast is nothing fantastic. It's cold breakfast
I din drive to MR/Albany Only in Perth n Swan Valley

If u dun intend to go far out fm Perth, it's ok not to drive. There r Free CAT service within Perth. Can take train to Fremantle.
Many said it's easy to drive in Perth. My hubby drove not me so I can't comment. My hubby rented GPS. Waste $ Sometimes "send us to Holland" It can't even detect where is Woolworth in Swan Valley. Me being a map idiot can find the way there
I dun think 5 days is sufficient to cover MR unless u head st to MR
replied your pm
<font color="ff0000">foreverfriends</font>
hv replied your email.
i guess will change to Swan valley instead since its much nearer compare to MR. u stayed at the Vale, so did u go to the cuddly animal farm?

<font color="0000ff">mngo</font>
is 1 day enough for caversham pk, MR choc factory &amp; oggie ice cream cafe? as i'm not sure if shd include 1 night farmstay at swan.

shook - thanks.
ooh GPS is "not useful"? I have book my car with GPS but the person says can decide again at the counter :p

I drove down to albany before.. but tat's like 10yrs ago! haha tat time we depended on the gd old map. so not sure if this time wan to depends on the hi tech stuff or not :p
