Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?

Just wanted to drop a note to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. even though my hb is from there and we go there regularly, this will be the first time going back with our son and we have never bothered going to many of the tourist attractions that are more suitable for going with kids so I actually have to do research.

Hi mngo

Thanks for your advice. You mention that May is cold, how cold? I mean roughly what is the lowest degree. I am going on 1st week of May and will be going to MR. Thanks in advance.
Hi superbb
now, is cooling. at night will be 22 degrees.
but this friday, the day climate will sore up to 36.

enjoy your holiday here

1) AQWA - i personally have not been there, but pple say is like our sentosa one. haa

2) Bunbury Dolpnin Discover centre - Mmm.. sorry i cant help cos i've not been there too :p
mngo, he just turned 20m, but it's ok as I have already jotted down a list of places for him and also those usual places that we always go when back there. This thread has provided me with info for swan valley that I was not aware of, on top of those places I had already intended to go to like caversham/ whiteman, hilarys/ aqwa, zoo, various local parks/ playgrounds, etc. We're not bothering to go down south this time round since we already have places to go to in and around perth that we haven't been
U r the consultant here

Perth 3rd world country
Never thot my q made u think of dat
Wanted to bring condiment coz only staying 5 days dun wanna buy 1 whole bottle/pkg. Besides dun wanna lug whole bottle or pkg of all these wif n infant n a tod on hand when there r only hubby n I. Wanna bring cereal n biscuit coz will arrive @ 11pm. Scared next morning not in time to locate where is the supermkt n tod may b picky wif food. Biscuit he's eating is a safe bet Anyway, I dun think I need to buy condiment. Plan to cook pasta, pizza. Get pasta sauce n butter in Perth. Save the trouble

BTW BBQ in Perth use charcoal?

Happy Bellies multigrain is bb cereal

I will visit Perth fm 18th-23rd Apr. Will b staying in City Waters in 118 Terrace Rd. Haven't book tho but more or less settled wif tis 1 Any comment on tis apt?

Wow so extreme 22 vs 36 degree

any recommendation for farmstay in Swan Valley?
Hurray!! Dun need to bargain. Save the trouble n time. I v scared countries like China n Thailand dunno how much to bargain. If dun bargain, being chop chop chop

Need to declare medicated oil or not?

If opened bottle of medcine can bring in to OZ or not?
Forever frens .. .no lah. i am not consultant.
just try to help in anyway i can lor. and hope u all enjoy stay in perth

oh yea... if u arrive late, better bring cereal and biscuit. ensure biscuit has no milk content. and if there's milk content, it's better to be made in australia :p.

BBQ in perth? err u mean at the park one or at home one? at home , we use gas. heee.

Swan valley farmstay? check out cuddly animal farm

Medicated oil ah - tat time i declare. cos chinese medicine lor. open bottle of medicine is fine to bring to oz

where is city waters? which suburb ah? And u hv not book? oh ... i'll be in singapore the time u are here actually
Everyone here consult u on holiday in Perth mah

Booked cubddly animal farm aka The Vale & Breakfast. No cooking facility in there. They hv BBQ so wonder if use charcoal or gas

Read dat u stayed in Windmill farm. Dat one v v x but the programme v rich right

I wanna bring Digestive made in UK Shld b ok hor

Can bring Chinese med like pi pa gao, cooling tea like instant Luo Han Guo, Chrysanthemum or not?

City Waters is at 118 Terrace Rd. I oso booked tis apt y'dy. Wanted to book Mont Clare but no 1 rm in Discoverwest. I need the transport to hotel so hv to book fm discoverwest

U coming back to Singapore for holiday?
1) Pi pa gao shld be ok.
2) Luo han guo? Like dried fruit ? i am not sure cos it's fruit related.
3) that one err u can try. but not sure if u can bring in , cos it's plants related.

Oh terrace road is at city. yea coming back for holiday , shopping and eat lor. haa
Forever friends
tat windmill farm - was fun. but i think it's expensive - over priced. but its good experience for the kids.
$136 per night for 1 bedrm 3 single. The thing I like abt tis apt is in v gd location, most impt daily rm svc @ no additional chrg. Dunno May rate same or not. I plan wrongly. The wk I will b going there is school holidays in Perth. Many accomodations sold out liao. Think OZ not affected by recession
Hv u booked airticket?
U going to Perth for how many days?

Luo han guo instant one, in cubes, not the dried fruit itself
Instant Chrysanthemum in crystal form
Like wat u said they r fruit n plant related dunno can or not hor. Err.... pi pa gao oso made fm plants
I look @ the map n reviews agar agar the location is gd. .92m fm Woolworths @ Murray st

R u studying or working in Perth?

I go holiday shopping n eat in Perth n u come to Singapore for those

Know how much Windmill farm quoted me? $145 per adult, $115 per child

Anyone stayed in The Vale & Breakfast b4?

I been to the Bunbury last Oct, nothing to do when you waiting for the dolphine. Only shop for Souvenir and some pictures of the dolphine. By the way, when I was there I waited for 1 hr+ but see nothing.


Those places you booked with cooking facilies usually come with condiment (oil, pepper, salt etc) so dun have to bring those.
Forever friend

Thanks for your info. I have check the rates for City Waters, plan to stay 3 nights also. It's about the same price you are paying. I like the location too, very convenient.

I have booked my air tickets. Now finalising accomodation. Will be going 8 days 7 nights. But I touched down ard mid night, so it's actually 7 days 7 nights.

Bindon windmill farm was my 1st choice initially. But really too ex. I was quoted the same price as you too. So in the end I booked Sunflower farm.
i'm new to this tread, planning to go perth this coming July.

Dont think want to self drive as abit lazy, would like to check anyone have book any local tour with the tour agency at Perth?

and which hotel is convenient in Perth city?

Thank you so much
Really ah. Thanks thanks. My colleague told me last time the apt she stayed doesn't hv condiment. How abt washing detergent n sponge? R they provided?

U dun want the complimentary 1/2 day Perth Welcome tour?
U going to MR?

U may like to check for accomodation n local tour
i am working here. i paid 125 previously for the farm stay. and i brought my in laws there, and they din enjoy it. so waste of money for them.

Is there complimentary 1/2 day Perth welcome tour? I din know abt it. I am going to MR. Staying at Vintage Margaret for 2 nights. Initially plan to go Albany but 7 days is too short for that. So will go to MR.
U posted there permanently?
How many of u stayed in The Vale n Breakfast? Did u stay there yourself? Y your in laws dun enjoy?

Complimentary 1/2 day Perth welcome tour is for booking accomodation for 3+nights. U want 3 nights, dun think will get the welcome tour. Hv u booked your accomodation?
R u going to book accomodation at MR wif Discoverwest?

Sorry can't really help u coz I m not v sure which hotel is convenient. Only look at a few -Mont Clare, Good Earth, City Waters which r near the CBD. I read reviews fm U may like to check fm there
My hubby not keen to drive so I choose City Waters which is near CBD, can take free CAT bus ard n walk n take train to Fremantle. We drive to Swan Valley
Mont Clare nearer to the CBD but no 1 rm apt at discoverwest. Oso 1 rm sold out in another website. I dun wanna pay for 2 rms as I will use 1 rm only If u want, gotta book early wif Mont Clare. The rm sold out fast

I don't think I will have the complimentary 1/2 day tour. I book Vintage directly from their website.

I also tried to book mont clare but fully booked for the 1st 3 nights upon my arrival, only manage to book for my last night stay. Now trying my luck with asiarooms. If really no choice then I will book City Waters. Cos I read some reviews saying that City Waters is a bit old.
Forever friends
I post there myself :p . my family migrated.
we din stay at vale. we went to bindoon one lor.
I checked a few websites, their rate is abt the same except discoverwest provides some perks like the bonus voucher, free airport transfer, 1/2 day welcome tour, etc
Oh yes, City Waters is a v old apt.
How much u booked for Mont Clare?

How nice migrated to OZ.
Y your IL dun like Vale?
Check wif u if stay in Vale, is it worthwhile to visit Caversham wildlife park? R they abt the same?
Do I need to give the host a present?
Hi Mngo,

Thanks for your advice on going to Swan instead of MR.
Yes we are doing that and staying at settlers cottage. Anyone tried this farmstay ?

Also anyone stayed in Aarons All suites before. How come tripadvisor ranked it so low ? but the website looks so nice; thinking of bookinh between that and Ambassador hotel

I have checked discoverwest, find it more expensive. I book Mont Clare for 140 per night. Agree that City Waters is old. So now I am looking at Regal. I prefer one with washer and dryer. Plan to wash some clothes along the trip. Very scared my son will run out of clothes due to spills and etc.
I think miscommunication between us.
We've never ever stayed at the Vale.
We only did 1 farmstay at Bindoon Windmill farm.
Which website did u book wif to get 140 per night at Mont Clare? 140 per night is for how many rm apt?

V pei seh. I misread your posting Thot u meant u stayed @ Windmill but your IL @ Vale
Check wif u if stay in Vale, is it worthwhile to visit Caversham wildlife park? R they abt the same?
How's the weather right now?

How nice dat the apt u stayed provides condiment washing detergent n sponge.

OMG the reviews in tripadvisor for City Waters r v bad I read reviews in hotelclub quite gd leh. Aiyo, I booked liao can't change unless wanna forgo the $ I pd
I would like to thank all the mummies who have contributed to this thread. I have gained a lot of info from here. Will update on my trip when I am back next month.

One of the mummies stated that we can try to get brochure from Australia visitor centre. I requested last week and received maps and brochure in my mail box this week. Quite informative. I emailed them to request for maps and brochure for Perth city and Margaret River. The officers are friendly and helpful.

If your kid are too young, you should bring stroller if not you will need to carry them. I bring my stroller the last trip I was there for my son.
superbb, am here in perth now and even though I didnt go to caversham as my son is quite scared of animals so didn't want to waste $ after going to the zoo and cuddly farm, you can bring your prams anywhere and everywhere here. These aussies have huge prams too, so dont worry

I am planning to go perth in sept, how is the weather then? Not sure if 7 days is good enough or too much. Any hotels to recommend along the city shopping area? Need some advise.
Lucky u manage to get 1 rm appt @ Mont Clare. Actually I enquired @ dat website but they dun hv 1 rm appt for the date I wanted
. They only hv 2 rms appt. I find dat it's a waste to pay for 2 rms appt when I dun need it.
Thx for sharing the info on their Visitor Centre

Actually I wanted to bring stroller but worried my hubby may not b able to push stroller n luggage. My elder son is the one who always sit in the stroller I carry bb can't carry luggage. Hubby gotta carry everything else

R u looking for hotel or apt?
Sept is early Spring. Not sure if will b v cold or not
Hi Foreverfriends

Thinking of apt. But i am travelling with hushand and 4 year old son only, should i stay in hotel or apt? Is Mont Clare near the shopping area? Is 7 days alot if visiting swan valley and MR? I thought sept is about 20degrees?
now? i m in singapore now.
heard that morning now can be 15 degrees. noon is 29.

prams are ok anywhere in perth
it's a pram friendly city. and on some buses, you dont even need to carry or fold prams. they will just lower the ramp for you to push pram
7 days may or may not enough for MR and Perth and swan Valley. Swan valley is a subset of MR :p.

People spend 3-4days in MR. so much things to see and visit
Hi sunnyling, sleek & mngo
Thanks for your advice. So glad to hear that Perth is so stroller friendly.

My son is 2 n 1/2 yr old. He loves animals, always urging us to bring him to big big farm. Hopefully he will enjoy himself next month. Lately he is pretty lazy to walk, so we decided to bring stroller along.

I book Mont Clare 2 bedroom apt. Till now I still feel it's a waste to book such a big place. But we are too lazy to source around. We have tried to book other places but full. Wonder why early May is packed. Only the last night of my trip I manage to book 1 bedroom at Mont Clare.
If u intend to cook, stay in apt. Apt comes wif cooking facilities
Mont Clare is near shopping area
Read in tis thread dat Swan Valley is a mini Margreet River. If u visit Margreet River, u can skip Swan Valley
I hv not been to Margreet River b4. Dunno if 7 days is sufficient or not
U may let to c tis for suggested itinerary

Welcome to Singapore

I read the weather forecast 32 degree Tue 34 degree Wed. Hotter than our Lion City man Faint.....

U booked Mont Clare 2 bedrm at $140. Wow dat's dirt cheap. I enquired the website u booked, they quoted me A$165 for 2 bedrm apt. If $140, I sure book wif them
So May still peak period in Australia Looks like there is no economy recession there

I book 1 bedroom at AUD140, 2 bedroom at AUD165. I wanted to try Alderney (also 2 bedroom), but fully booked.
superbb since your son loves animals, the zoo has discounted entrance fee on wed but not during their sch hols, everyone pays child entrance fee. you can also consider renting a stroller here instead of bringing your own unless you want to use it in changi airport, I just put my son on the baggage trolley.. hehe. perth & oz in general is very child-friendly; every restaurant we've been so far has high chairs, shopping malls have those cars you can rent to push your kids around, etc etc. oh btw if you want to chk on the weather, just go online and google for the weather forecast just before you arrive, their forecast is very accurate unlike SG, do be prepared for it to be quite cold in the nights though
superbb and foreverfriends,

you are welcome. Perth is really child friendly much more easier than in SG.

Booked apartment with cooking facilities is really better with small kid. I cook for my son every meal when was there and me and hb can just eat whatever we like and sometime we buy from supermarket and have BBQ in the apartment for dinner.
Still prefer to bring own stroller. Cos walking on streets will be easier too. I believe not all places can rent stroller, rite? Thanks for your info.

For clothing, I have bought for my son. Even bought gloves and hat, just in case too cold.

Admire your stamina to cook every meal for your son. Don't think I will do that. Hee.

Very easy just cook in the morning for both meal and put in a thermal jar. Cook some fish, chicken or pork for his side dish.
Hi all,

I am planning to visit Perth from 7/7 - 17/7. Will it be very cold during the period? And easy to self-drive around given it's winter?

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
OIC A$140 is for your last day stay in 1 rm apt.
I will b going wif my 4 yr old son n 1 yr old infant. Dun need 2 bed rms coz both my sons wanna sleep wif me.
Y dun u prefer Alderney over Mont Clare?

Is Perth's environment breastfeeding friendly?
Is the BBQ using gas? Does the apt provide skewer?
U cook rice for your son?
My infant doesn't wanna eat porridge I plan to bring bb cereal or cook vege for him or give him breakfast cereal
I see. But I dun think my son will like my cooking. He will be so curious and fascinated with our food. Hee.

I prefer Alderney bcos there is an indoor heated pool. I thought it will be fun to let my son play indoor in the evening since it's pretty cold outside. Too bad, it's fully booked. It's silly to book such a big apt but hubby say it's ok.


Yes their Kid changing room is so big and with Sofa usually.

ya I cook porriage for him cos easy, sometime I will buy fish & chip or chicken fillet for his side dish but usually cook all the meat in the morning for him cos deep fry very oily.

The BBQ is using Gas, I cant remember did they provide skewer cos we didnt use but they do provide us with Thong etc.
