PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi all,
Just wanted to update all of you.
I just went to the G ydae. The baby is fine and G dated it at 6 weeks. Can already see and hear the heartbeat.

A big THANK YOU to all of you for the kind words and support throughout this time.

Hey ruggles, congrats!! Now you can sit back and enjoy the pregnancy. I couldn't hear the heartbeat at the first ultrasound.. was so frightened.
ruggles, good to hear that!
must be a wonderful experience. Do take care and have a safe 9 months!
hi ladies, my fren was diagnosed with PCOS and is pregnant. She told me tat her pregnancy will be a complicated one.

As I'm not too sure wat this is abt, I've come to search for some answers.

Is is true tat the pregnancy will be complicated? Will docs advise to abort? wat kind of complications will there be? Is it a type of hormonal disorder?

Apologies if i sound rude.

Thanks for your advise.
hi pup pup,

pcos usually only makes it more difficult to get pregnant, not necessarily more complicated. are there other issues that she may have?

and pcos is a group of symptoms that can be due to a hormonal malfunction. most pcos patients usually have ovulatory problems, others have acne, obesity and insulin resistance.
Hi catz, chatz and hello to the rest
Been so long since i last logged, no more internet pc at home, gotta go my mom's hse or mother inlaw. anyway, i am coming to 6 mths, i am sooo excited, mine is a boy, i just cannot wait to give birth, can anyone help with the list of things to buy for a newborn, gosh when i went to mothercare, kiddy palace, there is soo much! i am thinking of going to JB to buy, coz it is cheaper

take care and keep in touch
Hihi Faridah!!!
Wow, 2nd trimester already! So happy for you. There is A LOT of shopping to be done for your little darling. Basically, I recommend most accessories from Pigeon (wait for those 20% discount) and Avent bottles. I detest anything from Tollyjoy, ESP their breastpads. Actually JB is not very much cheaper you know? Those cheap clothes are really ugly. Can find quite nice ones here in S'pore.
hi all,
just wondering if anyone of you had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous and started vomitting?
that's what happened to me last night, and i was up all night nauseous and puking. I am a little worried. is it normal?
Hi, Faridah,

6mos, huh? i remember being at 6mos & wishing to see my dd - my wishes came thru' - she was born at 7mos! *wink*

anyway, babies need v little at the beginning. juz day clothes (I got like 12 sets of them!) and PJs. somewhere to sleep on and bathtime stuff. If u're bottle feeding, will need bottles and sterliser. If breastfeeding exclusively, then no need. Like Catz, I recommend Avent. For engorgment and sore nipples, I found Mothersmate and Purelan to be very useful.

For bathtime, I like Mustela foaming shampoo and bathgel. I also used Mustela diaper cream. Creamy Desitin, only available at docs, also good barrier cream.

Aside for the bare minimum, shop as ur baby needs. The one thing I did before I gave birth was to initiate my DH to Kiddy Palace and Mothercare. So he was my expert shopper during my confinement!
hi, ruggles,

i'm one of the lucky ones who vomitted once and then never again during my pregnancy, so I can't help u.

But fm what I read, morning sickness can happen anytime of the day. and will usually stop after the 1st trimester, usually at 4mos.

also, old folks say that the more nausea, better 'cos that means more hormones and therefore the pregnancy is more stable. dunno true or not, har.

anyway, if u're worried, call ur gynae! i call me gynae all the time - gotta make my money's worth. hee!
Hey chatz,
yah i went to see gynae the next day. he gave me anti-nausea pills and 2 days mc..(haha.. 2 days leh.. stayed at home and slept).
the thing is that now i dunno if that vomitting episode was a one-off or what... ={

my gynae also say " vomiting.. good good.. good sign" ....
hi all, tks for yr advice and good wishes, usually at 6 mths, is the tummy big? mine is not so big, i wonder when it will become big? anyone knows? tks
My aunt is going Jakarta, and she says they sell cheap baby clothes and cotton some more, she will get it for me phew! and my frds are giving me baby cot and playpen, saves a lot $$$. I am think of buying a fetal heart beat dopppler, anyone used it before? tks
Hey faridah, I didn't really get big until the final month! So don't ask for a big stomach hor.. you will regret! Haha
You are so lucky to have free cot and playpen but one word of advise, PLEASE CHECK FOR SAFETY!! Loose screws, loose slats etc. I didn't buy a heart doppler but I bought those baby listeners. It's worth it for peace of mind.
Hi, Faridah,

I also didn't have a big tummy. I notice that it happens to most of my galfrens as well. In fact, one of them got so worried that her tummy wasn't showing much at 5mos, she actually asked her gynae about it. Her gynae said that people with loose stomach muscules will show faster and bigger! So, that means u will very strong tight stomach muscules. good thing leh, u shd get back into shape faster also In any case, most of my galfrens will suddenly balloon in their 3rd trimester.
Just happened to read this forum. I also have PCOS and have been taking metformin since May this year as the same time I'm seeking chinese medication as well. Hope can have good news soon. Good luck to everyone here who are still trying
Hi Siew Lei,

I also started my metformin since mid May...what chinese medication r u taking right now? can share?

I also hv PCOS, just start taking metformin yesterday. May i know what is the side effect of taking metformin?... my doctor told me there is no side effect.

I have been TTC for 2 yrs, just confirm that i hv PCOS, and doctor advise doing drilling next mth. Now quite nervous to the operation.
Hi Sharon

My advise to u is not TO DO THE OP AT ALL. I DID AND NOTHING GOOD HAPPENED, STILL WAS AT SQUARE ONE. that was 5 years ago i did the op, then later on when i tried to conceive without any med, i couldnt. so my new gynae at Gleneagles, a professor, gave me metformin and i conceived immediately on it. so pls dont do the drilling, waste of time and on top of that u suffer the pain!
hi chatz
tks so much for the advise, guess wat, due to all the walking and eating for hari raya, my blood pressure increased and so did the swell on my hands and legs!!! so my gynae gave me a week off from work! he said no walking, just relax and eat good food, esp no salt!!! oh ya, my wedding ring cannot come off!!! what do i do? must u take off yr rings during delivery??
Faridah, oh dear, you have bad oedema! Better try to ease your ring off your finger with soap or oil.. if not it can cut off your circulation lor. Better rest well!!

Sharon, I have no experience with ovarian drilling... some doctors claim that it can kick start the ovaries into functioning normally. Maybe you should give the metformin a chance to act and perhaps try Clomid before going for the op?

no serious side effect for metformin except for diarhhea. I also agree with them try the metformin for a few cycles first b4 going drilling.
Hi all,

Thanks for your advise. Actualy i hv try abt few cycle of clomid + injection. and also did IUI once. But no good news. So doctor advise me to go for drilling. At the moment he also prescibe me 2 mth of metformin.
One of the reason, my doctor advise me to do the opp is also to chk is there any damage to my ovary during the opp that i do for removing ovarian cycts 3 yrs ago, which the opp is done by my another doctor
Hey Sharon, if you trust this doctor, then I guess it's the right choice to go for drilling? Do you ovulate with injected clomid? Should at least see if you are ovulating with metformin and clomid before doing anything invasive..
My reaction to clomid is slow, need to do injection than can see better result. My menses is always very "zun" every month, so i thk i did ovulate ba....
sharon, Yah I heard injection works better for some people. You're lucky you have regular menses! My menses machiam playing 4D like that.. haha
) So when will you be going for the drilling?
Hi everyone,
I haven't been back here for some time. How's everyone?

Everything's been quite good for me here. Baby's growing pretty well and I'm approaching the safe 12 week mark soon! =]

I'm going off to USA for my holiday in 2 weeks, and I really hope to do lotsa baby shopping there. keke.. (of cos' and shopping for myself, can't fit into some of my clothes le..)

So meanwhile, take care and talk to you guys soon.
Hi Catz,

My appointment for my drilling shld be next mth. Doctor ask to call bck to fix the dated after menses.

Btw, hv y try Everning Prime Rose Oil to regular your menses?

I remember my mum last time after birth, her menses will like 3 or 6 months 1 time, and is very heavy flow every time. She try Everning Prime Rose, than her menses regular liao.

May be u can try it.
Hi Sharon, good luck for your drilling. Hope it works for you! Ya I've tried EPO before but it doesn't help. Oh well :p My mom also used to have irregular menses but after giving birth to me, it was OK. Don't know whether my period will be regulated or not.. Have only have one period since giving birth as I've been breastfeeding all this time and only stopped recently.
Hi catz, dn't worry you will get yr menses regular, since yr mom also hv the same case as u b4.
How many month of yr baby now?...is that very tiring to take care a baby? I always heard my friend complain abt how tiring to take care a baby especialy at nite need to wake up to feed them.
Hey sharon, erm, my menses really not regulated still.. so I'll be going on Yasmin (birth control pill). My baby boy is 10 months plus already. Yes it's tiring to take care of a baby, esp for the first 2 months when they feed round the clock but if you train them to sleep through, it's quite manageable. Of course life will never be the same again - in a good way
Hi Ladies, I'm new here, have been ttc for 5 yrs and this year saw lady sinseh at JE and she said I've PCOS....not sure what's that. May I know do you have any dr. that could recommend me so I could do some tests to confirm it...very worried....I'm already 35....btw, is blood test good enough to check if I'm PCOS? what is drilling? pls help, thank you
hi ttc.. I don't really trust this chinese sinseh.. how would she know you have PCOS if she didn't do ultrasound or blood test? Go to a good gynae.. if you want, my gynae is Dr Yvonne Chan at TMC. She can recommend tests and so forth.

sharon, yah, my boy is already 10 months.. time flies. Prev I can only envy those with babies.. was very sad to hear all my friends can get pregnant so easily. Don't worry, your turn will come.. this way, you have more time to prepare!
hi gals, i am going to try IUI next cycle...so waiting for my AF to arrive at the end of month. have been losing quite alot of weight, prob due to the metformin. anybody else have this experience too?

long time no chat..
hows yr baby?

I hv something to ask you.. dun mind cld u leave down yr email address?

rgds, elle
Hi Catz,
you were in the US for a while right? Can I ask what is good and cheaper to buy for baby (e.g. sterilisers, breast pumps etc) over there? I am going there for holiday on Friday. Was thinking of buying the stuff if they are cheaper.
hey dawn, wow, losing weight on metformin! Wow wow wow!! I need to lose weight man!!
Good luck for your IUI dear! Must let us know how it goes!

Elle, I'll try to PM you.. if not, you can PM me?

ruggles, OK, for one thing.. go to the clearance racks at the stores like Target (MUST GO!), Babies R Us and all that for clothes. For breastpump, if you are looking to get the Medela PIS.. it is A LOT cheaper but you need to get adaptor lor. Hmm.. Toys are ALOT cheaper! Go for the good stuff- Leapfrog, Lamaze.. Lucky you.. can 'tar pau' some stuff for me or not? hehehe..
catz, haha...yah, lost about 5kg over these 5 months...my colleague even asked me if she can take metformin also juz to lose weight.

thanks for the good luck, will keep u all updated!

ruggles, enjoy yourself at US, 2nd trimester right?
hi dawn,
realy that effective lossing weight by taking metformind ah?.. i just start this month leh... i hope i can loose some weight too...hehe
hey ttc 5yrs

I have been ttc for the past 2 yrs but so far no news until i was recomm to see this chinese sinseh in JE (cld she be the same one?) I was diagnosed with PCOS by her last yr. Thereafter it was confirmed by a gyne via ultrasound. Since then I have been taking her TCM medication and have done 3 times accupunture by another chinese sinseh from china(she has flown back already). After continuing ttc , i am preganant in aug this yr!
I swear by TCM medicine if u can get a realiable sinseh.. and i think the accupunture helps improve my egg quality.
Hi everyone
i'm new to this thread. i was wondering if any of you have recommendations for accupunture? i am thinking of trying it.
hi all, i've just started taking CLomid pills for 1 cycle, on the 22nd day went back for blood test and shows no ovulation. My hubby's sperm count is 3%..sigh...any advice? Should I go ahead with laprascopy?
hi ladies..

went gyane check up and my PCOS has worsen, but expected lah.. coz my AF didnt report for 70 days.. and i know there must be sumthin wrong.. nw takin med to induce my AF after that will take metformin and clomid lor..

hi bird, congrats

strawberry, sorry, I don't have any experience with TCM.

Mei, what do you mean PCOS has worsened? As in more unreleased follicles? My period also wonky liao.. came once after I stopped breastfeeding. heavy until changed 1 pad every 2 hours.. shack.. now 2 months haven't come yet. :p
