PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

ruggles...very cheem...always tot PCOS always comes with polycystic ovaries....
maybe u have to check with ur gynae

catz...hope ur PCOS will also disappear !

I hope my metformin helps me to ovulate properly this cycle and have a normal cycle...i normally have a 40 to 50 days cycle....*sigh*

Everybody jia you!!!

hi ladies,
heard about chinese physician in jurong east who is quite good in treating fertility for women. Saw quite a few times discussed here in this forum. Does anyone have the exact address, contact no (telp/email) and the name of the physician? what time is the opening hours for that clinic? Anyone with personal experience with the physician? What kind of treatment he/she offer n how long is the treatment?
Quite desperate now.. today I just got my AF coming, really frustrated, disappointed n really tired of taking clomid so want to give TCM a try.
hi welcome elmo

Mum2B, I find that Jurong Chinese physician is quite fishy 'cos seems like she will always cross refer to a certain gynae and the diagnosis is always PCOS. Just my opinion yah? I guess I just don't really believe that much in TCM :p
hello babes

after gynae's check up on sat and so glad that my PCOS is gettin good nw.. think left only abt 2 cysts in there :p

catz.. hw r u and ur prince huh??

elmo.. i dun wish to welcome u here leh.. :p PCOS is not a good thing... BUT DO HOPEFULLY WISH U TO GRAD ASAP AFTER "BU" hor...
Hi Mei2, I know... esp after this incidence.... I've decided to seek out other opinions on my conditions... hiaz!
I also wish. :p
hi Mei2, I'm very happie for you that your PCOS is getting better.... I think I still have some small ones... but will talk to my gynae about it in my next appt and see what he says.
I'm gonna see the sinseh for TCM liao leh.... but I'm going to the one in Changi....... I dunno if it will really help but I wil give it a go.... cos a bit desperate liao...cos I think western medicine has it's limitation in helping me. :p
Dear all

Has anyone taken the nuchal test? i went today but my baby was not in the right position to take the test sigh, have to go again, anyway i am only 28, geez wonder why i have to go for these tests, it is just a scan but still..... sigh
I am 3 mths now, can someone pls respond to me regarding the nuchal test? tks
Hi Catz & Dawn,
I am due to start my clomid on the 2nd day of menses, which will probably be in few days time. Do you know when ovulation will be when one is on clomid? will it follow the average day 14 of menses with incr temp thingy?
Hi ruggles,
everyone respond to clomid differently. You may not get the "Regular" 28 days cycle so to speak.
It might be better for you to test with OPK or monitor your temp to know when you Ovulate.
Is your gynae monitoring your follicles growth in order to ascertain how you are responding to clomid?
Hi faridah, I think I did not do the nuchal test but then I was in the US so maybe diff procedure. But I did go for the triple test... regret going for it 'cos I realised that even if baby was 'tested abnormal' I still would not consider abortion lor.

ruggles, you should start testing during the window which you think you will ovulate. My gynae did work it out for me.. think I ovulated on Day 12 or something like that.. kind of late. Tested with OPK. Go get 2 boxes so that you can test away! Unless your gynae is scanning for you, like elmo says
thanks elmo.
he's asking me to take temp. anyway it'e the 1st time i'm using clomid. and I've got my opk ready.. haha =]
I m supposed to return to see my gynae after i start the clomid i think. Have to call back and fix an appt.
Hi Catz,
Yah, i bought the OPK already. Bought 15 tests from www.testforless.com (quite fast delivery btw).
so when should I start testing? Gynae didn't say anything. Just ask me to take temperature then go back to see him (if I din remember wrongly, shld be about 1-2wks from now).
Hi ruggles, make your gynae fees worthwhile - give him a call and ask roughly when you should start testing!! For me, the temp thingie didn't work out (too mafan 'cos you gotta take it when you're still in bed, calm etc etc).. I think I tested from day 10 onwards but it's diff for everyone lah. Be KS! 'Cos you also need to plan ahead.. hubby needs to save his swimmers 'cos cannot bonk everyday. Best is to 'clear stock' about 2-3 days before the big ovulation day then go for it.
Hi Faridah,
I have taken the NT test. They use ultrasound to measure your bb neck thickness & calculate the chances of getting down syndrom. If they think your probability is high, the DR will perform the aminocentesis test.
Hi gals,

Can anyone tell me how suceesfful it is for PCOS patient to do IUI injection with Dr. Fong? Clomid n metformin does not seem to make me ovuluate, so he suggested IUI. I have been seeing the JE physician diligently for the past two months too.
Hi, gals,

Am really stressed. Not preggies, despite trying utmost and taking all my medicine diligently. Thinking of giving up TTC.

On top of that, am totally overworked... uuurgh!

Very upset! Nothing seems to be going well for me this period.

Wish I could run away for a long break!
Hi Chatz,

I have been through your frustration for more than 8 years. Nowadays I am more relaxed to TTC because there so many kids who are really problematic. Hee, I am a teacher so seeing these agony, I told myself I rather remain childless than to have some types of kids. Me spent so much time and money but nothing works too....haiz.
I already have a DD. But she's really lonely, leh. So we think it'll be good for her to have a sibling. If I was childless, I guess I might be a little less kan cheong to TTC. :p

Unfortunately, nothing seems to be working for me now.

Hi Chatz, don't stress lah! Actually I opposite, if I were childless, I lagi stress. Now got one already, thinking of closing shop. Haha

Sorry can't help you rgd IUI, moonriver. I would've been my next course of action if I hadn't unexpectedly ovulated on Clomid.
Hi moonriver,

I didn't manage to ovulate on metfomin and clomid.... my next course of action was SO-IUI (super ovulation) ... using injectibles to stimulate ovulation and then IUI and I succeeded. My son is now 3 mths old.
Dear all, tks for the advice, everything is ok, gynae said i am out of danger zone, i am now 12 weeks plus, i really cant wait for the baby to grow, gynae said baby is very active, moved a lot. so now i am just waiting to know whether it is a boy or girl :} Tks once again for the responses.
Hi PIcnic,

This is really encouraging and I am so happy for you!!!! Thank you for the little hopes. Did you do at KKH?
ha ha...i am also a teacher....

*sigh* is the teaching job so stressful nowadays that we all having problems conceiving? *sigh* When will it be our turn to be preggie? Maybe should let the government know huh?
Hi Moon River,
I'm worse, I've PCOS, endometriosis & adenomyosis. I'm also seeing JE sinseh since Apr 05 & taking her medicine diligently but till now no good news. I had a child 3 yrs ago, also under the JE sinseh's medicine. Took it for 8 mths, almost wan2 give up & I strike that time. So juz trying my luck again....

Btw, my gynae is Dr Fong Yang. He had suggested to do laparoscopy on me to clear up the cysts but I scared. So I didn't agree to it.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Sharon Chang,</font>
I wonder if JE sinseh has warned you on this. Pple like us with PCOS, adenomyosis or endometriosis, please DO NOT TAKE 'Ba zhen', 'Dang Gwei', 'Bai Fong Wan'. Cos it'll 'bu' the cysts &amp; the cysts will grow faster &amp; bigger. My gynae also confirm on this when I saw him in June 05. He said dun take Royal Jelly &amp; EPO (evening primrose oil) too... I dunno how true, but pls be careful when taking chinese herbs cos those herbs are meant to 'bu xue' - nourish the blood. But I was told not to take. You may check with your sinseh / gynae again.
qwer, oh dear...i am taking EPO and Bai Feng Wan and my multi vits contains royal jelly and dangwei. didn't know they will feed the cyst.
good morning ladies,

can i join here? yday went see JE sinseh oso...i was dignoised with PCOS too..so sad, i felt so down, even my hubby has his worried face...how har, gt to do so many test, she recommend me to go to Dr Fong Yang too...

really at a loss...=(
Dear ladies,
My gynae prescribed metformin (2x daily, for my PCOS) and duphaston
(2tabs daily, to get rid of 2 cysts on my right ovary) on last Wed.
I've been feeling awful since 3-4 days ago. Loss of appetite, sharp
tummy pain that come and go so frequently, diarrhea, nausea,
and recently back pain. Wondering if this has anything to do w/ the
meds? Since the dosage of the metformin still low, why do I have all
those side effects? What should I do now, continue the meds or stop?
Hi dawn,
I will check with my gynae about the multi-vits and stuff next week when I see him.
anyway, i'm getting anxious and excited as I've finished the clomid and if everything goes well, the ovulation should be at the end of this week. (i hope). Got my OPKs ready. However, I read in a book that OPKs are not reliable for people with PCOS??
Hi gals,

this is my first time in this thread and have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and mild endometriosis, sigh. Today is CD15 and just came back from my gynae where i did a vaginal scan. It shows that my follicle has reached 20mm and probably ready to ovulate according to my gynae and also i tested with opk this morning (test line slightly darker than reference). WHat is puzzling me is that my gynae had advised we start to bd starting tomorrow night, thurs AM and thurs night. He then told me to continue monitoring my LH level with the opk and said that by tomorrow, i should be seeing a faint line. What i don't understand but didn't feel comfortable questioning him was should we bd so late i.e >24hrs after i detected the LH? I thought it is advisable to bd before ovulation so that the spermie have a better chance of meeting the egg? Now, i'm in a dilemma because i don't know we should start bd tonight or tomorrow night? I know it is too siong for my hubby to do it for 3 consecutive nights! hehe. (doc advised at least must do twice).

I hope you gals can advise if i should wait till tomorrow night or i could start tonight? (doc actually said don't do it tonight, haiz). Not sure if i wanna follow!

Thanks much for listening!
Hi Jen,
from what I have read, the LH surge that is detected by the OPK indicates ovulation in the next 24-48 hours. So I guess by asking you do bd (i assume that's intercourse, cos i'm not familiar with these terms =]), u are definitely sure that the egg is there and the sperm is not wasted? Did you tell your gynae that you want a boy? boy chances are higher if u bd after ovulation cos the y sperm survives for a shorter period of time as compared to X sperm. ;>
watever it is, don't stress lah... stress kills everything. =]
Hi ruggles,

Thanks for your reply! I think you're right about the gender stuff, strange that i never once talked about wanting boy or girl. Oh yes, bd = intercourse, hehe i picked up this term from ttc thread. (bd=baby dance). I also like to just say something about what you asked. I think basically for pcos because of the presence of cysts, we tend to detect persistently high levels of LH in our urine and hence it is not so accurate to use the opk on us to detect ovulation. Best if you could go for a scan.

Thanks ruggles...tomorrow I am also seeing my gynae...will ask her too.

Jen, my gynae told me usually ovulation occurs 36 hours after the LH surge.....so BD tomorrow lor if u want to catch the egg! hee hee
Dawn, ya guess it will have to be this way because my hb was totally knocked out last night! haha.

Ruggles, can let me know your opk results? Cos yesterday and today i tested positive so kinda frustrated now. Usually we can only test positive on 1 day right?

btw gals, i'm not taking any supplements at all. Stopped believing in them because i don't find them making a difference to my health...right now I only take nutrifresh beverage from E.xcel. Great tasting nutritious stuff!
Hi Jen,
this is the first time i'm using OPK. Got negative for yday and today. until i get the positive i'll let you know k?!=]
btw, will get negative all the way even tho on clomid?
Hi gals, today just checked with my gynae....she agreed that EPO an BFW cannot be taken for PCOS patients cos of the high level of estrogens. *sigh* and i have been taking for 1 1/2 years liow.

will be starting clomid with metformin next cycle!

ruggles, which CD are you at now? nowadays i don't use OPK liow, cos very frustrating and heard some gals say PCOS patients have high level of LH in their blood, so not very zhun to use the OPK? I find using the CM easier. once u detect your EWCM...can start to BD!
Jen, jia you for your BD tonight hor!!!! *grin*
hi Jess, basically nutrifresh is a blended beverage of many fresh vegetables, fruits and soybean. My thinking is that i want to get my vitamins and minerals from real foods instead of chemically synthesised vitamins from a single multi-vitamin pill. It is my daily nutritional drink :)
ruggles, for me, my experience was that when i was on clomid, my opk was positive throughout the whole week until i was so sianz i gave up testing. Anyway no hope for me this cycle, couldn't bd cos hb was too tired. So sad but i will look forward to a brand new cycle.

Go for it gals!
Hi dawn &amp; Jen,
erm, I'm on CD 13 today. what is CM? wat is EWCM????? Cervical mucus?? I dunno how to see leh. literature all say egg-white mucus etc, in all my life I dun remember seeing something like that (not that I actually notice it in the past.. ={ ) I'm really v new to all these lor. I am taking temp now but v haywire one.

jen, can still try today!! with luck the eggie is still there!! =]

btw, can O NOT occur even when on clomid one?

hi ruggles, you're right. CM = cervical mucus and EWCM=eggwhite cervical mucus. I think most girls experience this stretchy eggwhite like mucus few days preceding ovulation so it is a sign for them. For me, i have never seen my CM as white , the best was pale yellow and not exactly stretchy (i heard can strech 10-12cm!!) but rather more fluid in consistency. Hence i'm not the best person to advise you! Its ok we're all here to learn from each other, i'm not knowledgeable too ....

Wow, so you're taking temperature huh? Its a tedious task! I hope you do get the expected temperature shifts....Are you using fertility friend to track your temperature?

hehe, i'm not sure if i will have a chance tonight cos last night quarrelled with hb over his lack of enthusiasm.
If you have read some of the previous posts, i think it's possible that ovulation does not occur even on clomid at high dosage? Thats probably when an intravenous intervention is required. I have yet to learn about what fertility drugs needed to be injected in such an instance.

cheers gals
