PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi Ruggles,
Do you still give your Kieran total breastfeed or you have started including some formula milk?

My girl drink alot and my breastmilk still not alot. I pump 3 hourly and 1 pump is only like the most 4oz and my girl sometimes can drink 3 to 4 oz at once go? Did Kieran drink so much too? U know if my girl she is not full, she will cry and cry and will not go to sleep but I think she drink too much with 3 to 4 oz hmmm...

ruggles.. SO ENVIOUS!!!!!

Siew Lei, don't worry about no bm.. the reason she drinks more from the bottle is 'cos she can suck more milk from the bottle but DO NOT worry.. you have enough BM for her if you do not supplement. Demand = supply so if you keep supplementing, u will hv less supply than baby needs.. don't worry okie!
siew lei,
still on TBF.
I think I will only start giving him some formula (mayb 1 feed a day) after he turns 7 mths.

dun worry abt pumping. it is very common for TBF mothers to be only able to pump ant 1-2oz in between feeds. I was crazy over pumping last time also and it stressed me up. The easiest way is to let go and keep latching. They WILL feed every 2-3hr. It is so easy to just latch. Now that I'm on holiday, I dun even pump. Just latch all the time. So go shopping no need to bring anything at all!

was ning xuna given formula during her jaundice period? when kieran had jaundice and warded, he was given formula in the hospital (he only came down after 6 days so it was too ex for me to ward with him) and he was fed like 90ml of formula!! so it was really hard for me when i brought him home after the 2 days cos he drank so much and my supply cldt meet it. the only thing to do it to keep latching and latching and latching.

just think of it this way, if she doesn't get enough from 1 feed, she will simply feed more often that's all. A little tiring for you but after abt 2-3 days, you will see your supply go up!

btw, pumping gets less than the drinking! oh, she may actually be sleeping and just sucking (no milk). Kieran was like that last time. ALWAYS fall asleep suckling.

ask catz for anything, she was like my BFing guru that time.. keke.. just persevere and ignore what people say abt "why baby cry and cry? is it not enough milk? etc.. " just watch out for signs of dehydration. if she looks ok, is pooping and peeing then she is fine!

dun envious.. hehe.. but it is really quite fun with Kieran here. we have do everything at a much slower pace, but quite a different experience. Also the weather here is gorgeous (ok, SF is a little cold tho') So how's the move and the baby and all? btw, people nvr come to you and say you cannot move bcos your are preggers? heh..
Hi Catz,
Thanks for your encouragement. My friend told me she keep pumping every hour during the 1st month, although nothing much but the 2nd month she told me at once she can pump out 20oz and can stock up the milk supply for 1 week. Wow lao so envy hopefully I can have that supply but I can't be like her to pump every hour, I very tired recently leh, don't know why.

Hi Ruggles,
I decide to pump out cos too tiring liao. I have a confinement lady so thinking maybe at night I pump out she can feed her so I can rest during night. Now my girl sometimes drink 4oz of milk leh so if at night the milk save for her is not enough she will make noise. Headache.

Yes I did do latching too, pump and latch sometimes cos need to train her both way, so once I start work, she willing to use bottle feed and if I go outside she is willing to latch.

So far my girl did not take formula cos I extend 2 day stay in the hospital and give her total breastfeed. I stay in 2 bedded so my hospital bill is quite reasonable. Total up is around 3K+.

Now you start work liao right, so did you pump out your milk during your office hour? Did you store any milk so your in-law can feed him?

I hope my milk supply will be more soon.
siew lei,
but pumping is also quite stressful leh. cos must warm the milk up for baby to drink. for me, i like to latch cos i feel that when i feed ebm is like doing double the work. spend time pumping then spend time feeding. with direct latch, it's like only 1 block of time spent. Actually i love the feeling of kieran needing me for his sustanance, the closeness that i feel when he is next to me. heh
i think it's whatever works best for you.

I started giving ebm for the bedtime feed since kieran was abt 1 mth old and he does take abt 4oz (give and take) during that feed.

btw, the fastest way to build up milk supply is actually through the night feeds. cos when the baby is hungry, they will wake up to feed and that's when the supply really builds up. We decided to cosleep with Kieran so that it is easier for me to bf him at night. I gave up the crib after abt 1 mth.. hehe.. it was much easier to pick him up, feed him then just go back to sleep. No need to stand up and walk to the crib. Pros and cons to this lah.. Kieran will probably sleep with us for a long long time.

yes, I express in school, so Kieran was still on breastmilk even when I started school. I realised the my pumping suppy is actually quite good. I will pump in the mornings and return home in the afternoon to latch him. but now that i am on holiday, i never pump at all so i think the supply has readjusted to his drinking demand. I think it's a little lower cos the 1st few days after i stopped pumping, I actually got a bit of engorgement, now is normal, no hardness or anything. Also, I've started feeding Kieran solids, so sometimes the feeding timing is not very correct so he doesnt drink as much.

The part about pumping every hour can actually be very stressful. I read that if you want to pump just to incr supply, pump about 1 hr after a feed and no more than 10min. or pump for 5 min right after a feed to simulate insufficient supply for baby.
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for your advice, ya when the confinement lady go off, I will latch her during night but I think I will still pump a bit to stock up so when I start work there will be enough supply to feed her.

Enjoy your holiday
siew lei,
dun b too crazy abt the stocking up yah. i was like so kiasu and scared not enough milk when i go back to work so i stock up quite a bit in the freeaer, but when i rtned to work, i DIDNT even touch the milk in the freezer and they are now expiring liao man. you only need enough to last for the first 1-2 days of work cos you will pump every 3-4hrs at work and that will supply all your other days!
Hi Ruggles,
You are right. I think for the 1st 2 days only when I go back to work, just make sure got enough milk. Then the rest of the day should not be a problem liao
hey siew lei
how's your confinement lady? great help to you? did u bath or wash hair? im not sure whether i can tahan when its my turn...mrs wong from my antenatal class said those are just myths.
it's whether you believe or not lor. for me, i bathed everyday, sometimes 2x a day.. hehe.. initially tried the wash hair once every 2 days, after like a few days, cannot le.. so wash everyday or everytime i bathe i wash. you'll feel very hot and sweaty after delivery, especially when BFing baby, quite urgh.. but when i went to a chinese sinseh about my injured wrist (from carrying Kieran initially), he actually did say about the cannot blow wind etc.. but i still turn on aircon to about 22C in my room with baby, still turn on the fan also..
hi ladies,
long time no see....
just received some bad news. although my NT test results shows that i'm at low risk of having a Down's baby, my blood test (triple test) shows a high risk (1:70). now we are faced with the decision of whether to go for the amnio test (which has a 0.5 - 1% chance of causing miscarriage). sigh, it's really a dilemma for us - (1) not sure whether we should subject the baby to this kind of risk when there is a probability of 69/70 not having Down's; (2) not sure what we'll do if the amnio test confirms the baby has Down's... after all, he or she is really a miracle from God
jam - i'm sorry to hear tt.. i heard tt accuracy of triple test is 70%.. maybe u can make ur decision based on whether u will keep e baby if s/he has Down's?
Hi jam,
really sorry to hear that. triple test is a risk analysis, not a diagnosis, so baby may still be fine.

it's really a dilemma, how about talking to other mothers who have such experience? just remember that whatever decision that both of you make, it will be the best decision for your family.
Hi Siew Lei,

Read abt yr progress....seems like you are coping v well.


I have a question to ask. Normally, which day do you test for your "O" using the strip after finishing the course of clomid? I am in my CD10 and heard from some mommies that shd start testing on CD11. But at the moment, I dun feel it seems to work on me, No EWCM still... And which time of the day is the best to test? AM or PM or nite?

So sorry to hear abt that! Hv u consulted yr gynae on his opinion? Hv to tink carefully.... I know its hard but tink positively, ok!
Hi Jam, agree with ruggles that this is juz a risk analysis. I remembered my colleague also had high risk for Down Syn, cant remember if she took the amnio test, can check for you, I remembered she was very very worried then..... but in the end the child turns out well and healthy.

Tweetie, when u take clomid, around what time will you 'o'? i know even if i take clomid, i will still 'o' around CD 17 or 18, so i will oni start testing around 15. But again, different pple may reacti differently to clomid. what ur doc say leh?
thanks all for the encouraging words.

have been reading up on all these tests on the internet since yesterday. i understand that this is just a screening test and the possibility for the baby is to be normal is still very high. but it's hard not to worry after getting the test result, especially when we have to make the decision on what to do next. really hate it.

hubby is more inclined to do the amnio test just to be sure. but he also said that he would give up the baby if the test confirms positive. i just pray that whether we decide to go for the test in the end, God will perform another mirable by blessing us with a healthy and perfectly normal baby...
Hi Dawn,

I am not sure also coz this is the 1st time I m takg Clomid. Dr say will O ard CD 15 to CD 17. He didn even ask me to test using the O strip. He juz say many things are unpredictable. Just try... So I tot mayb can put my O strip into use now. Normally wat r the symptoms to show we O? Temp dip?

Jus go for the test and decide it only when you have the results. Dun worry 2 much, ok!
jam, will pray for you....do stay positive.

tweetie, can also go back to scan to see if the follicles are mature. I remembered when the private gynae gave me clomid i was supposed to go back on CD12 or 13 to measure the follicle size. yes temperature dip also shows we are Oing, anyway if u got the strips juz try.
Hi Dawn,

Gynae nvr ask me to go back to scan, only ask me to go back after a mth, then he will prescribe me another mth of clomid if nvr strike. His reason is coz whether scan or not, it is good to try, rather than spending $$ on the u/s, which I tink is quite true. So that's y i nvr persist on anything.

Hee...hee... okie, will try...so far temp nvr dip yet.
Thanks very much, Dawn and Tweetie. Am giving ourselves a few more days before making the decision. But feel slightly better about taking the test now. Will just continue to pray and trust in God.

Just to share my experience with Clomid. If you read my earlier posts, I also went back to the doctor on CD12 after I first took Clomid. She then said that I didn't ovulate and concluded Clomid didn't work for me. I didn't want to believe so went to another gynae on CD17. He said he saw a follicle might be forming. In the end, I didn't strike the first time. For the second month, I went back to the doctor again around CD17, he said I still didn't ovulate (although I had a temperature shift and OPK was positive before that) and need to increase my dosage for the following month. But 2 weeks later, I found out that I was pregnant! Even the doctor couldn't confirm when the ovulation actually happened in the end.

So I agree that tracking may not be so accurate also (after all, God always springs surprises to us). Just pray and BD as and when possible! I think some ladies here (like cody) also had late ovulation when they conceived after taking Clomid.
Hi all, sorry i think i post here b4 but iam really busy so no time to check. I have thyroid and cos mensus always Not regular my doc suspect i Got PCOS can i know are u all having this prob?

Hi all

i know i disappeared for a long long time, attached is my baby's pic, tat was 3 months old, now he is 10 months
Hi Jam,

Thanks for sharing your story. Seems like PCOS seems to ovulate later after CD17 when on Clomid. Some dun even ovulate.... I dun feel any difference at all, but hv to feeling that I belong to the latter where it doesn work on me at all.

Anyway, I will try my best to BD as much and tink "+" ve.....
hi tweetie
i ovulated really late like CD30s...u can test the strip once in 2-3 days afetr CD11 as well as taking your temps every morning, at the same time, BD at least twice a week, nothing can guarantee when we ovulate but just try.
Hey jam
sorry to hear about that, i heard a lot of ladies went thru the same thing and bb turn out fine after the amnio. personally, i will go for the test, rather than to keep worrying for the rest of the months.
I only ovulated on CD35 when I was on clomid that time. From what i understand, clomid only induces ovulation but it doesn't necessarily make the luteal phase (i.e. earlier ovulation) shorter.
I tried using the O strips last time from CD14 onwards and couldn't detect the LH surge at all but still we conceived cos the ovulation was so late.

trust in God as He always provides.
think positive.
Hi thewife & ruggles,

thanks for sharing.....

At least, now I get a better understanding abt how Clomid works. Yeah, must BD as much as possible during this time frame.

Wish me loads of luck!!!
Hi gals, want to collect some opinions ...

Yesterday went to see a TCM dr, showed her my ovaries scan and blood test report and she said i probably not full blown PCOS (but gynae said PCOS) and that i shouldnt take the clomid gynae given for next cycle. She said clomid will raise my already high LH level of 7.5 and that metformin is better. Any comment on this? I thot usually clomid is given first, if not responsive then metformin or combine both? But she is not even letting me try clomid. And if as she claimed clomid will raise my LH further, wont my gynae who already kno my LH level kno better not to give me clomid? I am confused. Shd i not take clomid and take metformin instead?

She also study my hubby SA and he has low morphology (high defective sperms). We told her hubby started eating more oysters but she said oysters doesnt help. But isnt oysters supposed to help, give more zinc for quality sperm production so that hubby can improve on morphology?

Hmm ... conflicting advises from TCM and gynae. Anyone can share expereinces/ advises/ opinions?
hi maple,
from what i know, clomid and metformin actually works differently. clomid induces ovulation while metformin actually controls insulin pdt (PCOS is linked to insulin resistance) I think most drs tend to give clomid 1st to see if ovulation can be induced. cos if clomid works, then there is no need for anything else.

zinc, selenium are all good. but i think stress is the biggest killer of sperms.
eliminating the stress factor is the most impt (imho).

how about getting another opinion from another TCM practitioner?
Hi Ruggles, ya i thot so too. Thats why i was quite hesitatnt when she ask me not to take clomid. You conceived with clomid on 1st try rite? See, i think clomid still works. I want to try and see if not responding then take metformin or both. Maybe i will ignore my TCM and just take clomid secretly.

I am trying to seek another TCM opinion. Do you have any good recommendations? Esp one who can also help with male infertility? Hubby needs help in his spermie quality.
Hi Mango, i will PM you, dun later the TCM angry that i talked behind her back.

Actually, not that she is not good, i have seen cases, preg with her herbs in less than 3 months so i think her med may be good. Just that her advise conflicts what gynae and most websites say about clomid so i am abit skeptical in trusting her fully.

Maybe will just see her for her herbs and still take clomid.
hi maple,
yeah, conceived on the 1st round of clomid. I never saw a TCM so can't recommend any to you. but I think siew lei did. so maybe you can ask her.

as for the sa? did you do more than 1 time? cos i read that sa is not accurate based on just 1 analysis cos that one time may be affected by many factors, i.e. stress, diet etc..
Ya, prob can go to Siew Lei's recommended TCM next.

Oh, SA did only once. Ya, you've got a point. My gynae also say should do another SA after 2 months on his multivits. Ok, maybe should do next mth. Thx.
Hi thewife,
I just PM you about my confinement lady, I have a horrible experience with her so I don't recommend you.

Hi Dawn,
Last time your friend use her, how she find her. I'm sorry that she is horrible cos I never use till now so I don't know she is so bad.

Hi Gals,
Very busy cos my husband is away for business trip and will be back on this coming saturday. Home alone with the baby and she is a difficult baby not easy to handle cos she has quite serious colic problem. Went to see the doctor last Friday.

Talk to you all again next time
Siew Lei, i did asked my fren a few times how was the Confinement lady after she returned to work, she juz told me she find her quite rough with her baby....my fren very nice gal, maybe dun want to scare me. How bad was she....oh dear, i better go and apologize to my fren...
Hi ladies,

Can I ask you a BBT qn? My BBT for the past 4 days was:- CD15 36.10, CD16 36.50, CD17 36.10, CD18 36.45, CD19 36.03C.

Was wondering if I gg to "O"? The strip tells otherwise.
tweetie, seems like your BBT fluctuating alot hor? but heard PCOS patients usu have quite eratic BBTs one....juz try to BD since it has plunged to the lowest temperature liow. is 36.03 usually very low for you?
Hi Dawn,

My BBT fluctuates a lot like stock mkt share like tat...sometimes v voilatile, sometimes straight.

Since I oredi on Clomid, might as well try lor... almost every alternate day until AF comes.

36.03C is not my lowest, I have hit lowest to 35.8C. It has gone up by uniformly after takg TCM for abt 5mths. Prior to tat, my temp is always 36.1 and below.

Thanks for your feedback anyway.
Oh and what are the signs of O?

I start to have bloating esp my lower body and slight stomach cramp yesterday. Wonder is this signs of "O" coming?
tweetie, i have heard some gals do experience ovulation cramps, but i have never felt it b4....
Usually i see abit of EWCM and use low BBT to confirm lor. I oni got positive OPK twice for the past few years.

yah, since you taken clomid, don't waste....hee hee...BD away! who knows, may be like ruggles, strike later in the cycle...
did you try using Fertility friend to help you chart? it's quite good cos they analyse it for you.

hey, long time to see..
How have you been?
Hi Dawn,
Help me to apologise to your friend too. I told my colleague not to recommend to anybody. I think she see situation one. Cos only both of us young couple and no other elderly so she has lot of freedom. We also don't dare to provoke her cos at night she help to take care of the baby. So most of the time she want to do this and that we don't dare to say no at the end she abuse it.

The most extreme case is she told my husband she want to go downstair to have her hair highlighted cos she scare later we have full month celebration her white hair look horrible. My husband don't dare to say no to her and allow her to go and we are very frustrated how can you do confinement use the time to highlight her hair.

She has 2 mobile and always on her mobile talk no stop on 4D issue. Always buy my girl number I very angry with her. At night she suppose to take care of the baby but the baby cry she can just throw back the baby to me and said let the baby suck your breast leh. I told her that there is lot of milk store in the fridge she can let her drink. U know the whole afternoon I take care of my baby cos I don't dare to let her take care as in the afternoon she can watch TV non-stop so not good for my baby to be with her infront of the TV

Lot of story to say and can non-stop, she is quite lazy and spend lot of our $$. U know at the end we can't stand her we talk nicely to her and let her leave 1 week early. Of course we din say we don't like her. We told her that our relative is coming over to stay and no room for her and we still give her, her full month pay, I think she very happy cos to her is good. 1 thing I can't stand her is she talk very loudly and talk non-stop, sometimes I watch TV she keep talking to me I find her very annoying.

My colleague's sister-in-law say her good, I told my colleague she is horrible. My colleague also surprise that she go and highlight her hair. My colleague told me cos her sister-in-law is in early 40 and her brother also look quite fierce so maybe that's why she don't dare to be extreme but our situation here is difference. When my relative come, see her pattern also complaint about her. Aiya is a major mistake that I ever make to hire her as my confinement lady
hey siew lei
she really sound terrible, i think we have to set some rules when they first come in. My MIL also said must ask my hubby to follow CL lady for marketing so that she wont overspend. And they are not supposed to talk on the phone or watch TV all the time..$1800 a month is not cheap! i would have asked her to leave without giving her face.
oh dear, Siew Lei, she sounds quite terrible. But my fren says that she is a nice person basically juz that she finds her too rough when handling her gal, so she heart pain......
Must be quite bad that you had to let her go 1 week earlier on full pay! post your gal new photos lei....

ruggles...hi, long time no see. luckily hols now...can relax...but oni another 2 weeks more. How's Kieran? also post his handsome photos lei.

yeah.. holiday is ending liao.. sigh...
dun want to go back man... sure miss my baby again. now i am trying to prepare my next year's stuff man.

try it. it's actually very easy to use and easy to understand!!


This was taken when we were in the US 2 weeks ago. He really loved the weather there man!!
hey ruggles,
kieran so cute, here he looks like japanese boi boi! chubby cheeks, feel like pinching him! i will 'book' him for my girl girl.
ruggles...yes he really cute man....lady killer. aiyoh what u feed him, got rosy cheeks leh...... If i got daughter will also book him, hee hee...then he got lots of choices!
