Obsessive cleaning?


New Member

I started having contamination fears after my first baby had some complications at birth. This has led to excessive cleaning that adds a lot of stress to my daily life. Cos I'm really scared of my kids getting any chronic illness in the future, like when they are older/ adults, so I do everything I can to prevent that. For example, everyone must bathe, including my kids, before sitting anywhere in the house. And I will wash my hands after touching anything I brought back from outside e.g. my handphone, before touching the 'çlean' things in the house. Can anyone identify, or perhaps share the same fears for your kids that lead to being very particular about hygiene?

Hi ocdmum,

Are u still having the OCD problem? I am experiencing this now for a year after I gave birth. Hope to seek some support from people going through this. I realize not many people know this, looks like I'm the unfortunate one who is having the symptoms.

Ithink OCD is a very serious disorder and we should not label anyone as having OCD...sometimes it is a fear of germs or simply wanting the best for your kids.
It is a mummy fear.
I clean my house alot too and after giving birth i was very particular...i still am...which mother would want your child especially those still crawling to crawl on dirty floors? OR to have ppl visiting your child to put their dirty hands from being out all day on your child's face?
we have a habit of washing our hands and feet once we get home...OCD? No. Basic hygiene cos we cannot all run in to shower at the same time.

but having said that, if yo do feel you need help, do seek ot th helplines available.
Yes I'm sure every mum wants to protect their child. Unfortunately, I become too protective till it disrupt my daily life functions like using the toilet and bathing. In such case when it disrupt yr normal life, it has cross the line and become a mental disorder.
I think you do not have OCD since you can clearly draw the line and know what you are doing. Good for you mimi
I know a handful of people with different variation of OCD. One of them likes to organise plastic bags, tin foods, etc. Everything must be in order. If you have moved anything in particular, she MUST put it back in place. Another person told me that she used to be a clean freak. But she fell in love with a Jack Russell and has since learn to let go, live and let live.

My SIL and MIL are both germaphobic in slightly different variation. Having dinner with them (and my children) is usually a big embarrasment. They would scream and shout and make all sorts of remarks about how my children eat, dirty mouth, hands, etc etc. Probably wipe my children's hands (and the table and utensils) 3 times before meal, and 20 times over by the time we are done with the meal.

If we even THINK or SUSPECT we have OCD, we are already halfway there - acknowledging the problem itself, is usually the biggest problem. The other 50% to recovery is seeking external help. I believe it would be beneficial talking to a counsellor, or a phsycologist. Perhaps the local GP or polyclinic can refer some help.

Again, I think there is no right or wrong about how anyone feels. People react to things differently based on their experience. But sometimes, external help from a professional can help us to recognise the triggers and identify ways to keep ourselves in check.

Good luck, mommies!
