Mummies staying at Fernvale

i have a tin of promil gold step 2, anyone wanna exchange for nan 2 or dumex 2? let me noe k, else i juz post on WTE le

hi sea8,
m keen in ON spree oso...pls keep a slot for me..

juz 2 chk, any extra charges for bb shoes n bb denim pants??
ya, you didn't read wrongly. They are suggesting going by train.

no lah, normally Fi & me will bring our maids along. Cannot 1 person handle 2 lah unless I just bring one of them. But then me + maid bring 2 of them take train also a challenge leh.
evening mummies,

wah ! never log in over the weekend, already got so many plans... i tried to log in this afternoon, but think something wrong with the server...

Fi: i saw u @ the playground this evening, with your hubby right... i tot of dropping by your plce one of these days... how boleh tak?

Irin: will give you a call tomorrow.. hope it doesn't rain.. so can walk to your place...

Sea8 : can i join in..i dun mind go jalan with my girl and boy to vivo with some company.. normally i go take train all the way to vivo juz the 3 of us..quite boring..

was thinking if the gymboree thingy got age limit.. my gal already 3 yrs boy too young?

oh ya sea8, will PM you my small orders for the ON.. let me know wats your rate for the USD and ur a/c no..
hey fi: happi b'lated b'dae to your prince and princess... moga panjang umur and sihat selalu and murah rezeki.. Insya'allah... Amiin...lotsa hugs and kissses from auntie hani and anisya and aqeel.
I'll be out in the morning, will probably be back by 11+. Then out again after 1+. You gotta catch me tomorrow.
Irin- im brave enuf to try tht... i hope.

Hottiemama-yup, u saw us but we nvr c u... u can cum ovr anyday and time.. Juz sms me. Thank u for ur wishes.. U gt my no rite??

Gymboree-3 yr old still can lah. BB oso can juz lie down and stare at the colourful surroundings.. Or mayb mummy can bring bb down d slide. Hehehehehehe...
Morning Mummies,

Thks for ur concern. My grandma is out of ICU.. but still hospitalised.


I'll be at my mum's place the whole of this week.. so I'll visit ur babies next week. Paiseh..

Gymboree on the 12th.. count me in 1st.
Will ask hubby to take leave.. i'm not confident to bring my boy out alone.. hehe.. me scaredy cat. :p
Hi mummies,
<font color="ff0000">Good Morng</font>

BB shoes, demin pant, jacket- 1.5units
other bb items -1unit
kids- 1.5units
ladies top- 2units.

Try not to have bulky items, if not the vol charge will be high.
I will not start if i dun have at least 10 spreeist by this friday cos the shipping will be high. Usually i will organise ON & GAP together so as to save base charge but too tired to coordinate both, so only thinking of doing a small private ON spree. Somemore dun have free shipping code, so got to pay another USD$5 for ON domestic shipiping lor....

Right now only have 5 spreeist (including u, Fi, hotimama) 3 still pending.

Exchange rate: tentively 1.56
International Shipping : vpostUSA
ON USD$5 shipping charge to be either shared by no. of mummies or by no. of items (which ever is fairier)
Base Charge to be shared by no of mummies
Shipping Charges (weight) to be shared base on No. of Units

Bank Account : POSB Savings acc 014-17018-9
Email your orders to [email protected].
here's the order format:

SMH Nick:
Email Address:
Hp no:

Item #1
Item Name:
Alternatives if OOS :
Price in USD: $XXX

Total in SGD: Price in USD x 1.56 = SGD____
I will use the additional 10% disc code for shipping.

I can imagine how difficult it is to handle 2 kids even with a maid around.

sure, u can join us on 12 nov.
We are not going for the lesson, just pay to play the playgym so there is no age limit. any kids below 7yrs old can use the playgym. The price for an hour playgym is $15 for non member and $8 for member. hey, how many mths is ur boy now ah? (pai seh...lazy to refer back to the old thread...keke)
good morning mummies,

Sea8 : my boy now is 3 montghsold this weekend.. will PM u my orders shortly.

Irin : Will try to catch you if I can and if its not raining.. kkekeke.

Fi : Okie dokie, should be by your place after adlyn's nap around 2-3...

Ok so confirm then will join the Fernvale mummy outing to vivo...

Crayonmum: my prayers go out to your family... you stay strong and your granny will get well soon k..
good morning mummies,

Sea8 : my boy now is 3 montghsold this weekend.. will PM u my orders shortly.

Irin : Will try to catch you if I can and if its not raining.. kkekeke.

Fi : Okie dokie, should be by your place after adlyn's nap around 2-3...

Ok so confirm then will join the Fernvale mummy outing to vivo...

Crayonmum: my prayers go out to your family... you stay strong and your granny will get well soon k..
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies, I have a tin of NAN 2 400g to exchange for Mamil Gold 2 or Friso 2. PM me if interested. Tks!</font>
received ur orders liao. Most prob the spree is ONZ....

Carmen and Fi,
you can email ur orders too. Tks.

Any other fernvale mummies keen?
SK mummies-

Can I check for those of u who was with Dr Adrian, any of u went back for post-natal checkup after more than 6months? Can get MC for the post-natal checkup?
Sea8- will PM u orders by tmr latest. Promise.. Having a headache on wat to get.. Sigh...

Hottiemama- im waiting.............
sea8 : you've got PM..

FI : it was nice finally meeting you and the little ones.. macam mau bite bite the cheeks and all.. chubby chubby... let me know if you want to cum by my place..

i sometimes go out and house the very the messy you must kemas and prepare before guest cum.. kekekeke
like real like that...
Hi mummies,
anyone good buffet caterer (halal) to recommend? Need to find one for my ds's bday.

u went to fi hse last nite? is it around 6plus? ur boy is sleeping inside ur sling? I am guessing in the lift if its you. keke.
I'm keen in the spree too. Can count me in? But where do I go & see the items? Abit lost in the posts. By when do I have to order?

you sure you want take train with the "monsters"? I'm not quite confident leh. I'll see how when the date gets nearer. hehehe.
Irin!!!! Got shop at Tagore Lane... near our place.. Free today? Wan go look see. Many bb tings... hehehehehehe Spree, go to old navy.
Tagore lane is at Thomson. Not really that near lah. Mummy wants to shop, everywhere is near. Think tell you Tuas got warehouse sale, you'll say near also. hahaha.
Got what bb things?
old navy ... can give me website? :p
Hi irin,
sure, u can join. here's the website
let me know asap, if not latest by this fri ok? Tks.

Hottimama, items starts going oos liao......ur gal's Jersey-knit legginghs dun have size 4T liao.
there are further reductions for the things? Cos the prices don't seem quite cheap leh. The sale's for how many days? I'm not sure whether I can make it today or not.
I don't think I can make it today. If you want go today, you better go ahead cos sale 1st day always more things. You go see then let me know? hahaha.
hi sea8 ; ya around that time.. i cannot recall if you're in the lift... kekekeke.

which block were you in the lift with me? i think 413b izit..kwang kwang kwang...

anyways, watever items is oos juz drop it lor.. wen you closing the spree? i go look c look c..again..

Fi ; wah! shopping spree mood ya..
It must be you lah...keke. u r really a hotti mama.

yup, blk 413b. Fi stays same blk as my mum.

hope to close e spree by tmr or fri nite. U let me know again if u have more items to add. Will sms you my hp.
hi sea8,
hv emailed u my order for ON Spree and hv juz trnsfrd amt to ur a/c as well..

thks 4 organisg..

hi guys,
am currently staying at Fernvale too...
got some items to sell / for exchange and I wonder if anyone is interested..
they are 2 boxes of nappy liners and a almost brand new palmers stretch mark cream.
Do sms 9694 0854 if interested...
afternoon all mummies,

wah! really quiet today...

sea8: i have sms you on additional order to replace the OOs leggings, hopefully nothing else go OOS...let me know the difference , so I can transfer the $$ to you.. thanx i a .
Hottiemama, add in the item liao. Fi, ur items in too.

I am waiting for another friend to confirm her orders and I can go ahead ordering. Total no of spreeist: 9
hi mummies ..

Anyone here interested in Mamil Gold Step 3 .. with Immunofortis?

I've got total 12 sachet of 40g - total 480g to sell @ $10

Any mummies interested can either post here or PM me ..

Thanks ar ..
hi sea8 ..

i've have to join the spree next time .. as i just joined my sister in law in her old navy spree ..
hi sea8,
think I'll join the spree next time round too. Can't make up my mind what I wanna get.

Mummies with maid, can recommend me yr maid agency?

Thinking of employing a maid....

oh ya, can also teach me some tips on how to choose a good maid esp. taking care of baby and children.

Understd definately will not have a very perfect one, but at least a good one.

Doraemon-I don't have maid so don't know how to recommend but I know of someone who opens a maid agency, PM-ed u the details.

My parents' maid is from the maid agency at Hougang Green Mall... opp IMH.

When u go and choose a maid, u will get to see their "profile sheets"... and usually there's a rating on what duties they prefer to do. So if u r looking for a maid to look after ur kids.. u shd look for 1 who states "look after kids" as their 1st choice.

So far... of all the maids my parents had.. we realise that 1st timers are the best... more innocent I guess... and they r young and easy to teach... but language can be a barrier. We had 1 indonesian maid who knew very little english and I find it hard to communicate wif her..but luckily my parents and grandma can speak Malay.

Also heard that Mynmmar maids are getting popular in S'pore. U may wanna chk them out.

Always see this maid agency being advertised on TV.. but not sure if they r gd.

Hope that helps..
enne / crayonmum,

Thanks alot, will check thru....

Cos I maybe going back to workforce, and my boy will be in P1 nxt yr so hoping to get one to help me look after my children, esp. my gal.

Once started to work, will miss those shopping days....

Doreamon, yup check out the agencies fr Hougang Green. gt mine from JPB. Like what crayonmum says, freshies are always gd.. Mine so far is gd but she's still human lah.. Make sure u get after service fr the agent too... Eg, if u need them to intervene, etc..
I can't help on this. The agency I got my maid from has bad service & attitude. I was lucky that my 1st maid from them is fine. But my colleague had so much problem with them & hasn't even got her refund back yet after 5 mths. Think those few at Hougang Green are quite ok. Talking about Nation, heard that their agency fee quite ex & they actually has the same biodata as some other agencies who charge lower agency fee.

<font size="+2">GOOD MORNING MUMMIES.....ITS FRIDAY!</font>

Hi Veron & Irin
Have to cancel the ON spree cos some mummies drop their orders due to the increase in price. Only have 6 spreeist and the shipping will be high if too few spreeist lor...

If i organise again, will try to organise Gap together so as to save the vpost base charge. Let you gals know if I organising ok?
