Mummies staying at Fernvale

hi enne,

Good morning to you... ya i havent logged in for awhile cos busy with hari raya and all the jazz..

but dunno wat happen to the rest of the mummies??
mummies @ Fernvale,

I have the following net bouncer to sell becoz baby didnt like it.

Bought from another mummy in the forum too now selling @ $11

Condition: 9/10 (the 1 being taken out from box and baby has sat on a couple of times)

Interested mummies pls let me know.

Ya I'm very very busy recently,(dunno busy with what???) cos my FIL suddenly had an swollen legs after the opt, so busy going his place too and my neighbour are short-handed with some take-home works, so ask me for help too........ that's why no time to login like before, even there is, also only a quick and short one, but sure will click onto our Fernvale thread to read read and see see.

Hi doreamon,

Hope that your FIL is feeling better now.

When we start having kids hor, we will be starting to be very busy .. same .. dunno busy for what hahah .. just busy lor.

The milk BP hor, the price not attractive. My fren recommend me to buy at a medical hall at her place, so much cheaper. so i might go there and buy. However, just want to check mummies @ fernvale see if they got cheaper lobang.
hi hottiemama-how's ur hari raya??

Doraemon-hope ur FIL better now too.

Veron-my MIL also help us buy FM from chinese medical hall think is cheaper but must double check the country it came from. my MIL help me buy ENFAPRO for my boy and FRISO for my SIL, yesterday realized enfapro-netherland ok but friso-malaysia no good so my MIL going back to the chinese medical hall this weekend to check.

Talking about FM, any of u mummies using FRISO? I called FRISO to get a free sample for my SIL and it came in 900g, other FM came in 400g for free samples only, to what I know. SO IF YOU ARE USING FRISO, MUST CALL MUST CALL.
hi enne,

hari raya is very tiring... lotsa place that haven't visit yet... so this weekend second round to all the aunties and sil...
Hi mummies-- its been awhile.. Busy wif bday party prep tis wkend... For a 3hr event sure needs alot of fine tuning..

Milk powder- got mine frm a distributor i tink, Gain IQ at $40. So far, her price cheap.. I tink so lah.. Anybody wan anything, sms me then i check out the price for u..
veron / enne

Thanks alot for yr concern. He's still having the swollen legs, so almost every alternative days have bring him back to hospital for checkup, so maybe that explain why everyday very busy with!


will sms you to help me chk for Gian IQ growing up milk and other brands as well.


Btw all mummies here,what's your advise?

Pediasure are for at least 1yr and above children. And understand that it for picky eaters and children not eating well.

What if my children are not a picky eaters and are eating well, can I still give them Pediasure?

Cos my 2nd SIL's PD told her its fine to give and she ask me to switch to Pediasure when my gal turns 1yrs old. But I'm worried there maybe some differents in the nutritional & ingredients.

Anyone have any good advise?

Doreamon, my bbs juz turn 1 n r on Gain IQ. I actuali thot of putting them on pediasure but PD says nt necessary. Pediasure's caloric content is higher..Coz when they were NB, as premmies in the hospital, they were given Neosure to be added to my BM till they reach 2kg or so... But u can try ask ur PD for advise.
hi fernvale mummies,
I cant catch up with the thread, it's so long and no time to read all. keke.

Anyone intersted in the gap sneaker shoe size 6? Still with tag. bog it in my spree. If anyone of u'll interested, me can let go at $15.


Fi & Irin,
me wanted to bring my boy to gymboree-playgym at harbourfront this sat, too bad, this sat got bday parties, so will be bringing him to parkway centre on sunday. I will let him go to the playgym first to get him farmilarise with the eqiupments before letting him try the trial. if the trial is good, then might wana sign him up with package.

Fi, ur 2 darlings know how to walk liao? they just turn 1year old rite? I remember they are excatly 1 mth older then my boy.

Irin, ur twins 7mths liao rite?
Hey u, long time nvr c u ard.. Yup u wer d one who sms me.. hehehehe.. Ur boy also 14th rite?? I tink Carmen was interested in the shoe but dunno wat size.. Me n Irin normally bring them for playgym only..My bbs still cruising, refuse to let go n walk yet. Sob sob sob....

Any mummies thinking of buying an exersaucer or jumperoo for ur bbs? Am gng to let go mine liao.. Let me noe..
ya, its me. my mum stay same blk as you. keke. Ya, my ds nov 14, urs oct 14 hor. just went to see the previous achieve thread, ur 2 darlings so cute. they look quite alike.

my boy's crawling is still army style, and he is not learning to cruise yet leh....

Here's his lastest pix.
ya, long time never see you around. Mine's 7mths+ liao. Havn't start to crawl yet but they enjoy the playgym. Rolling, flipping & sitting around. hehehe. I just thought it's a good place to bring them out to & they can get to see more children there too.

Here are some of the things they do there:

More things for the slightly older kids:

What you don't see here are the tired mummies carrying/following them around. hahaha!

Fi, hope you don't mind me posting pixs of your Dan & Yaz here.
Hi Irin,
that's what i tot too. bring them to socialize with other kids. I am so excited about sunday's playgym, keke..... hope my ds will enjoy it.

Hey, my friend told me the staff at parkway friendlier then harbourfront, she been to both places. Hmmm...although the gym area at parkway is slightly smaller compare with harbourfront.
Selamat hari raya to Fi and Hottiemama, mohon maaf zahir batin.

The playgym looks really fun. They had great time there ya?

Doreamon, if your child isn't picky eater and she eats well I don't think it's necessary to give pediasure. It's more pricey and it's actually meant for those who don't really eat well. Normal formula should be sufficient for her.

Sea8: your baby is a handsome boy.Love his smile

Giant Hypermart at Tampines has portable DVD players.


I brought my boy to Gymboree at Vivo yesterday.. actually it's at Vivo rather at Harbourfront.. walked the whole of Harbourfront and realised that it's at the open area of Vivo, beside Planet Fitness and opp Marche. :p

It's actually more tiring for the parents. My boy was quite scared at 1st.. after he warmed up...very active. hehe...

Heard from my fren that the Parkway one has a ball pool.. the one at Vivo dun have.
hi sea8-cute boy smile! how old is he??

hi Irin-ur twins seems to be having great fun, ur boy looks bigger then ur girl hor?

hi crayonmum-so what's ur plans for today?? hehe.
Hi Hashisan,
tks for the compliment. my boy also got hao lian look everytime he accomplished a task (like clapping hands, waving gd bye, giving gd bye kisses etc)

Hi enne,
my boy is 11 mths old. He looks like 1yr plus hor. measured him lately, think he is like 76-77cm tall, like his daddy..... but he lost so much weigh ever since he fall sick last mth.

ya, gymboree at harbourfont is actually the link way in between the vivo and harbourfront. Me cant find it initially too. keke. my friend didnt say parkway outlet got ball pool leh, maybe they changed some of the equipments. Heard they will rotate or change every 2 weeks? hmm..did u sign up the membership?

No... din sign up for membership.. coz not sure if I'll go often. I can't handle my boy alone leh.. so gotto go wif my hubby. :p
hmm...actually we can arrange to go together too. time if i on leave during weekdays, can jio you go together can? We can try taking train there and take cab back.
hi crayonmum-Pls update me after u see Fi and see if she had changed since she "shave her hairs" and did "plastic surgery". thx.

hi sea8-I understand fully coz my boy "shrunk" after falling sick for couple of times too, but hor jian kang zui zhong yao la hor. hehe.
Hi hashisan,
there's a shop near Yishun dat sells rather cheap appliance..they hv portable DVD player as well, ranging fr $70+ to $100+...wl giv u add if u keen..

Hi sea8,
i hv gottn pair of ON canvas shoe for my boy liao...

saw ur postg, like ur Gap shoe, bt tink size too small for my boy..he nds at least sole length of 15cm... :p
hi hashisan,

terimakasih, salam raya to you too and Fi selamat hari raya..

your boy is soo cute, his b'day is thesame as my hubby, cool boy he will be... kekekek

me still thinking went to go and get the tablets from you... haiz busy and raining and tired..your twins so adorable...maybe i'll drop by ur plc nxt mon or tuesday.. hw can ?
Hi Carmen, no problem.

Hi Hottimama,
Wa, so jiao, keke. if my boy come out 1 day later, then he will share the same bday as my mum.

U r funny... :D. I din manage to visit Fi today... my grandma got admitted to hosp this morn... in ICU now.

Yah.. we can try going by MRT. It wld be a challenge for me.. hee.. as I told Fi.. the furthest I've brought my boy out is to her place.. hehehe... When u on leave, we can go together wif Fi and Irin if they r free.
Gd evening mummies..............

Enne- since u didnt wan me, i depression liao... hehehehe went every plastic surgeon they say cannot help me alredi.. Refer me to psychiatrist.. Hehehehehehahahahahahahahahaha...

Crayonmum- I'm sorry to hear tht u grams is in Icu... Will keep her in my prayers... As for meet up, dun worry, thrs still nxt wk...

Hashisan- Faintz!!! Ur melayu veri powderful....... Wah not bad eh........... Errr, xie xie ni... Hehehehe.

Irin- wah piang!! saw my bbs in ur post.... Hehehehehe thot u got anthr set of bbs... HAhahahahha.. Eh, re ur pic tht u gave me ah, hubby n maid oso say the same ting... U grew younger... Hahahahahaha.

Sea8-ya go get ur leave, then we all can go play together... Ask Enne to take leave oso.. Say Fernvale gt epidemic.. D gymbolee epidemic... hehehehe.Btw, ur boy gt nice smile.. Gt dimples har? or i need new glasses???

Hottiemama- Selamat hari raya... Datang lah rumah i... then can get to noe u.... n c ur childrens BIG BIG eyes....
hi hashisan,
i got the ON shoe dat u posted the link for me to chk...m nt sure isit the same person,cos whn i chkd the link she alredi closed the auction!! And i found anthr link in Yahoo Auction, and bot fr her!!Anyway, it looks cool whn my boy wore it..heheee tho abit diff to wear for him as its "lace-less"...hahaa..

Juz in case u nd the add for the electrical shop : <font color="ff0000">No.9 Transit Road</font> -there r 2 shops side by side, one of thm i tink its call "Lucky".. anyway, both shops cn bargain prices...

Thks .. my grandma still in there.. old already.. we just hope that she goes peacefully..

oh.. i think why hashisan's bahasa is so powerful coz she mentioned b4 dat she's indonesian.. rite hashisan?

carmen, hashisan,

The other shop at Transit Rd is called Parasilk... yah.. can bargain one.. Parasilk has another shop at Holland V. But for me... i'm very bad at bargaining so i always go to big electrical shops when they have sale. hee...
u so funny....LOL

well, congrats to u, guess ur eyesight is 6/6. my boy got 1 dimple on his right side. keke.

hey, I have took leave on 12nov-14nov. Hmm...if u'll want lets fix our outing on 12nov (monday)?
Enne, u go take leave too lah, hummm...can prevent u having monday blues....keke.
Any other mummies wana join too?

I understand its not easy to bring our kid out all by ourselves esp he still dun noe how to walk....if they throw tantrum, dun wana sit the pram, thats it man.have to sling them and push their pram.
Hey, the furthest i bring my ds out by myself is only compasspoint lor.
Morning mummies- i pray for sunny skies today.. My bbs will b having their bday celebratn.. Hopefully all goes well....

Sea8- 12 nov is great!! Count my troop in..

Crayonmum-hope everything is well wif ur grams...

sea8-You all going where? I want to join too but I need to check whether I can take leave anot.
Actually if got time we can all just bring out BBs out together to COMPASS POINT, I like to bring my boy to kiddy palace.
Hi enne,
we going gymboree-playgym at harbourfront. U go check if can take leave on dat day ok? We take train to and fro. Wow, so excited about e 'Mummy's day out wif baby'. Keke.

happy bday to ur little prince and princess.
u celebrated late becos of hari raya ah?

hope ur grandma is recovering well.
Crayonmum: yup I'm indonesian mix mix hehe..
How's your grandma? hope she gets well soon

Carmen, Doreamon,crayonmum: thanks for the info.

Carmen: the shoes are really cool
glad you manage to get them. I think the ebay one closed
automatically because of the time frame (eg: 1 week), not because it was sold.

Fi: happy birthday to your little darlings. Hope the b'day celebration goes well.
Kiss from me muachhh
Enne- thank u for ur wishes.. If cant take leave oso can go CP when u r free.

Sea8- thanks for ur wishes.. Yup late coz of Hari Raya..

Hashisan- thanks for the wishes n kisses... hehehe.. U wan to go wif us to gymboree??
your wish come true, yesterday was really a sunny day. So sunny.

Hi fernvale mummies,
Me might organise a private/small ON spree. Let me know if anyone of you keen to join ok? If can get at least 8 ppl, i will start. I shld have additional 10% disc code on top of the sales items.
got a tin of similac infant formula 0-6month
expiry : 2009
Collection of course at fernvale,keke
anyone interested,pls PM me.
good morning everyone..rainy days and mondays make me want to zzzzzzzzzzz..
Fi: would love to join you all. but wait till my son's school end next month then can go.
Sea8-sure count me in..

Mummies, i wanna get those name stickers for my bbs.. Minimum order $15. I oni hit $10. Anybody else wan?? Pls see Sms me hor if wan then we order together and they will post.. Doesnt matter to my addy or whoever who is interested.. We r all in Fernvale.
I'm in for gathering on the 12th Nov too.
Be it gymboree or CP. But going Harbourfront by train might be a challenge for Fi & me.
Not sure whether the SMRT people will ban us after our 1st ride or not. hehehe.

sorry to hear about your grandma. Ya, the gym is actually in Vivo but misleading cos of the address.

no prob. Just sms me when you wanna come get it.

will count you in for the ON spree. You wana go browse the web and email me the orders? You can refer to my previous ON spree thread for the format and details.
Hey, we taking train to harbourfront on 12nov leh.

u alone bringing ur twins? got maid to help you?
