Mummies staying at Fernvale


Talking about maids, haiz as i told u before i'll never have maid anymore after the last one. My last agent also not very good so dun dare to recommend. I believe it is pure luck.

But i do heard that the JPB one not bad. Nation charges a very high agent fees. I feel that it is all the same so dun have to pay especially high $$ for agent fees. FYI Garden Home charges $888 tat is very very high.

Sure .. let us know again .. see if got nice things to buy. itchy hand .. keep buying.

~ A day tour to Gymboree @ Vivo ~
Date: 12/11/07 (Mon)
Time: 2pm (going for 3pm slot)

1) Irin + maid & 2 kids
2) Fi + maid & 2 kids
3) Crayonmum & kid
4) Sea8 & kid
Hey Irin, if not many, shall we squeeze them all in the car?? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Ya, ya, ya, gt spree must let me noe................. So many clothes, buy more oso for wat i dunno... Hehehehe.
that's what I'm thinking too. My gal can go w/o car seat, my maid can carry her. So my car can take 2 additional pair of mummy+kid. How about your side?
Hi Irin,

~ A day tour to Gymboree @ Vivo ~
Date: 12/11/07 (Mon)
Time: 2pm (going for 3pm slot)

1) Irin + maid & 2 kids
2) Fi + maid & 2 kids
3) Crayonmum & kid
4) Sea8 & kid
5) hottiemama & 2 kids

Irin and Fi : tot want to try the train?? hehehehe...

My hubby can't take leave on 12 nov.
so i'm still thinking whether i can handle my boy alone. Oh... just to ask... r u gals bringing strollers? R we just going to Gymboree and back?

my boy usually naps until 2 plus... hmm.. i let u gals know again... i'm still mulling over it..


Which day next week is gd for me and my boy to visit u and ur babies and ur cats?
Timing shd be between 3pm to 5pm... that's the window period when he's had his 1st nap and his feed. Mon is out for me though.
I'm really not too confident in bringing them for a "smooth" train ride leh. Let me consider seriously over it 1st. hahaha.

normally we'll bring one on stroller & the other one carry in arms or carrier. If we are going for coffee or anything after that then perhaps it'll be better if you bring along a stroller. Not to worry about handling your boy alone. Think we can still help out abit.
Hi Mummies,

Actually wanted to post and ask, when will be the nxt gymboree session, cos thinking of bring my children along with you gals.

But I had an offer fm my ex-company, so maybe will be starting to work on 1st Nov...(not confirm yet)

Crayonmum, the company that I mentioned to you, "Secure Email"......!

Too bad, I shld hve join the very 1st session.

Will chk it out. Thanks.


No worries, cos I also don't want to go back to my previous maid agency as they also have bad service & attitude.


Agreed with you, employing a maid are by pure luck.

My auntie previous maid, be with her for 2yrs, but still don't know this don't know that. So my auntie didn't renew her contract aft 2yrs.

So she chose to get a new maid and she's currently with my auntie for few mths only, very flexible and alert.

Doesn't needs my auntie to guide her etc.... My auntie only told her once when she jus started working the 1st day. And she can handle her children well, eg. what time to ask them to bath, to ask them study, to prepare 3 meals for them and to make them sleep without my auntie asking her to do so.

And she does all the housework by her own timetable.

My auntie just relax only.

So believe it is pure luck.

Also agreed that Nation charges a very high agent fees as I make an survey today over the phone.

Will chk out JPB and Enne recommendation.


replied yr email already. Pls check. Thanks


1 more quesion, wat's the difference between those agencies charging at high agent fees and some agencis charging at S$1.00?

For those S$1.00 agent fee, any idea is there's other hidden cost?


Crayonmum- re gymboree trip, dun worrie thr r lots of hands to help... Im sure ur boy will do juz fine.. If its juz gym, i normally carry them but if gng shopping or kopi aft will bring stroller. if gng by car, dun worry u can go wif me. I have a maclaren single as well so u dun have to bring urs.My bbs also usually nap till 2 plus then poor Irin n her bbs will b waiting by the road... Hehehehe.. The session starts at 3 if they dun have class aft, we can stay on..Re nxt wk, anyday is gd for me.. Bbs dun have any dates yet.. hahahaha

Doreamon- wanted to ask u but keep forgetting, did u get the milk powder in the end?

Guess what after sending the maid off about 1 month pkus .. then I realised that she is "stealing" our moneies (coins) and kept inside a container below the basin in the kitchen!!

That day HB and I went to pack hse .. and to my surprise, saw a bag of conis hidden in a hand sew pouch inside a metal tin!

As i say maybe i am just too suay to encounter with all these problem maids. Hope that you are not as suay as me .. and really can get a good maid to help u.

So far I know of agencies they charged $88 etc. Never heard of $1 agency fees.

Do check ard .. $1 sure got hidden cost, like test entrance fees, insurance, permit, transport .. etc etc.

Good Luck ya!
hey Fi :

Wow! it must be a blast for all the kids that day...especially with the sesame street theme... Dan & Yazmin so cute onthe invitation card... very inviting... cutenye...

So Cute!!

Where did u do the studio shots wif ur kids? Me also tinking of doing... saw that there's 2 popular studios that mummies like to patronise in the Business Thread.
Hottiemama-blast for the kids, headache for the mum. Macam buat kerja kahwin.. HAhahahaha... enuf, dun wan do summore till their wedding!!!

Crayonmum- went to Yew Kwang, his charges reasonable and we got back all our pics. He was very patient wif my gal.. Love his attitude.. But the whole thing is a lot of hard wk.. Have to get the bbs attentn, stop them fr crawling, make them smile... Exhastive, even more so wif 2 monsters.. The whole shoot took 3 and 1/2 hrs...

Ya, got her. Thanks

yr children really very cute lei....

I recalled backed the time when I brought my boy(abt 1 yrs old) for the shoot, also took almost 4hrs for the whole packages.... very headache cos had to keep getting his attentions.

So this round will wait till my gal older then go for the shoot.

Brought my boy for the shoots again this year, but cant remember its b4 or aft CNY 2007.., heeee heeee heeee without any headache at all..... Would like to share too....


Hmm, fi, the invitation cards are done by yrself or by the studio?

Cos I'm planning to do something like yrs, with my gal photo on the invitation cards or on the gift pack bags itself.(hven decide which to get)

Wow, hottiemama, you bought so many Sassari fm Subaru har??

Actually wan to get 1 Sassari also, but no time to go and try for the sz. Let me know aft you try it on, so that I can quickly standby for the
nxt BP.

Would like to get yr help, if I really start working in Nov and cant collect from Subaru, can you help me to pickup and I pickup from you?


Also may need yr help for the Sponagebob products too if I cant go for the collection at TPY. Can?

hey doreamon,

i actually bot my 1st sassari from subaru from her bp#7 oready.. tat time I ask my mum if she wants 1... she say not nice lah full of excuses..after she saw mine, tried it on then she go how cum never buy for me... haiz... fickle...

now she ordered 2, me order another 1, sisters orders 2, best friend 1...

anyways its very comfy juz like my beach crocs... i can use it for the whole day walking and not feel too tired on the calf area...

Sure I can collect for you..but ah.. if you collect late from me ... I use 1st can... kekekeke joking yah...

Fi: keje kahwin must have lotsa people rewang rewang kekekeke... then you tak penat... hehehehhahahahaha..

Oh ya,, doreamon, your boy soooooo handsome...
Fi: wow.. nice birthday ya.... hehe

Doreamom: u got such a big boy already ah... :p

Veron: is ur step 3 FM sachet taken?? if not can i have them from u???
carmen-did u bring ur bb go register? I missed the registration.
hopefully Compass Point will organize one soon.

Fi-very nice family picture and birthday party you had, the cake so big and looks delicious! BTW u look different, u dun look 'shaved' neither do u look like the last pic u showed me of urself. haha

Doraemon-wow handsome boy u have, he looks japanese/korean with his hair and eyes.

Thanks alot for helping, cos when I went for interviewed, I was been told, its a new project, so may have to work late esp. the billing cycles.... so scare cant collect from Subaru on the collection date. Thanks anyway..

Hmm...., tik when I'm out, will go and try on my sz for the sassari. So you got the 1st pair alreadi, which colours are nicer?

Infact, found tis "celeste canvas" not bad,like the Ruby Red/Cotton colour, but abit ex aft converted to SGD.


Ya he's 6yrs old already....


Maybe he jus woke up not long and had the photo taken...Tis was taken fm the makeover studio at Meritus Mandarin when we spent a nite there.

Here's my gal.... 5 mths old. Jus taken recently when going for an invitation

Good Morng Ladies....

ur little ones are so cute....your boy got a very cheeky look and charming smile. Ur gal looks a but like my niece leh. I like ur family portrait, nicely taken.
Hey,did u order the 2tier cake from pine garden?
Btw, are u going for classes after the playgym at gymboree? me have to drop by my office after the session to collect my zoo pass. Office is at outram, so quite convenient, can always join u'll at vivo again after that.
hmm...anyone of u interested to go zoo during that week (12-15Nov)? I can lend u the pass. keke
Hey, think u and irin can drive there. If cant accomodate all, I can take the train with my boy.

ya, dun worry u'll be alone taking care of ur boy, we can help out each other, that's y organise this trip together mah....

wow, ur boy so big liao. u must be a young mummy.
ur gal is cute and chubby. so so guai sitting there and pose infront of the camera.
Doreamon-invites done by me.. Hehehehehe, but using the studio's pics. Alot of effort n hard wk for juz a miserable 3hr party.. sigh.Doreamon, gd looking boy, very photogenic. N ur gal, wow can doll up.. Try my Yazmin, she will scream her head off. Not very guai like urs.

Amanda-Thank u.

Hottiemama- wah ppl buy many many shoe har.. hehehehehehe.. shoe mood huh.

Sea8-many thx for ur compliments. Yup cake fr PG, despite the many comments abt them, it turned out gd. Except tht they spelt bday wrongly.. Hahaha, had to ask them to redo for me on the spot. We gng playgym oni.. No classes, or not tht i noe of.

Thanks. Ya.... She's guai sometimes only la... I got a few photos of her, also sitting and posing infront of the camera.

Me bring my children and nephew to ZOO tmlo, cos my husband's friend wife is working with DBS, so she got the pass for us.

Hope its a fine weather tmlo....


Even thou alot of effort n hard wk but at least, they had a good memorable of their 1st birthday.

Fi ..

Ur kids are nice leh. nice shots too. How much is the package? We took 1 from Foto U last year when my Faith is 1 yrs old .. tot of retaking it again with Mildred. What's their price range ? Good or not?


I have to endure a couple of years more to lun my daughters to be 6 years old. haiz .. long time long way .. ur gal hor very "princess" look hor .. cant imagine mine wearing those dress .. hahaha
Fi-ignore me?
I hope to make as good a job as u did for my boy 1 year old birthday next year.

Doraemon-ur girl looks so dolly, she and her brother don't look alike, do they?? inherited different genes?
doreamon - aiyo! your girl so dolled up and chubby too... cuteleh..she like going for a princess gala dinner ... so cute..
anyway, its ok...if can help y not...

Fi - as usual, wen go trying nobody wants to buy, but wen they see the real thing and tried it on and shiok already....everybody starts to hubby can oni shake his head.. kwang kwang kwang...
Hi enne,
No, din regstr for my boy, as he's 18mth juz tis 25th, duno stl qualify nt??!! anyway, was oso bz on sat, so din go...
Any mummy brot ur kiddo for the contest?
Enne- not ignoring u lah.. Dun wori... U still my favourite.kekekekekeke... Juz now read too fast then post then saw tht i missed u, tried to repost then moderator say board busy, try again aft 5 secs but still cant. When i replied Veron nvr see ur post.. Dun b mad ah...Wait i nite time go ur place n hehehehehehehehahahahahahaha at u..

Not to worry, very fast 1.... that time me too, kept telling my mom, haiz.... dunno when my boy will grow up, now, so fast 6yrs old liao.... jus like blinking of yr eyes a few times....

Or maybe bcos he's not taken care by me since he's born, so tat's explained why he grew so fast like blinking of eyes.


Her looks are exactly like my boy when he was a baby that time.

They had inherited the father's genes cos my hubby had a photo taken when he was abt 5 or 6 mths old, I took out all 3 photos,(my boy, my gal and my hubby), its jus like the "Ang Gu Kueh" mould, 3 of them looks exactly the same.

I really fainted liao!!!! Tik, I shld send in their photos to participate the looks alike contest.


Thanks a lot.


Had email her. Thanks. Totally forgotten abt it.
Fi-my heart suddenly feel warmth again. hehehe.

Doraemon-haha ur HB's genes are STRONG, u shd sign up for the parent-lookalike contest held by mediacorp, did u join??
<font color="0000ff">I would like to thank an Anchorvale mom who sent me the Mamil Gold Step 3. I've already received it yesterday. Sorry I forgot your nick. I'm from Rivervale. THANKS!</font>
hi doreamon - forget to let you know that the colors for sassari, the best that suits all kinds of clothings and colors are choc/gold, black/black, black silver & black white..

Others are funky and pastel colors which i personally find that its too light and easily get dirtied.. it alos depaends on your preference... my 1st pair is red silver...

I totally forgot abt the legging aft saw you posting on the thread here, then I email starlight74, but believe she didn't rec'd my email. So all legging sold.

Had causes inconvenience to her, very paiseh..... as tmlo going to report to work, so this few days went for the job training and aft that bring my gal to my gm and aunt to let her get use to it, so forgotten that I had asked abt the legging.

Luckily you alreadi got yrs, if not will even more paiseh.
hi doreamon
saw ur postg in the Legging thread..was surprised it turned out tis way!!

cud b due to sum technical prob dat she din r'cve ur email lor...
anyway, i tot sellg the legging cos realised the matl abit thick, dun tink my gal wl feel comfy wearg it as she veri active n perspire alot!!!! :p
4got chk w u, r'mbrd u tellg me, one of our neighbourhood child care ctr nt so gd, ur neice had bad experience there...And u were sayin, anthr one is i noe the names of both the child care ctr and locatn??cos tot of sendg my gal to play sch...


Ya, Very paiseh to her. But I had chked my 'sent' folder, the email was sent! But dunno why she didn't rec'd?

Regards to the childcare, personally, I found my boy's childcare at Blk 409B Fernvale Road are not bad.

As at 1st Oct'07, they had changed their management, and now the centre are run by and known as Moriah Schoolhouse(Previously are run by Little Cottage, they do hve other branches as well, but only know 1 which is near to Rivervale Mall).

Maybe, you can also get some advise fm Amanda, cos her gal was there since 2mths old till recent Aug'07 promoted to toddler on 13 Aug'07.

As my boy are K2, so maybe the teachers are diff and they also handle differently.

Now, I still cannot decide whether to get a maid or to put my gal into infant care? Very very headache!

As for the other,(bad experience) is located at Blk 405B, known as Smartie Cottage. My nephew, experiences alot of bad experiences. But understd that recently they had jus empolyed a new centre in-charge(abt 3 to 4mths liao), hmmmm, the centre seems to be abit change and more systematic and had improve quite alot.



Anyone hve any advise for Mynmmar maids?


Not able to access internet anymore in the day time, cos reporting to work when the sun rises today. Will only chk and reply during nite time.

