Mummies staying at Fernvale


Most likely will be buying Fisher-Price as both my children's toy are mostly fm Fisher-Price and I also like the brand.

Furthermore, had seen Crayonmum's researched, so will be getting that.



takes for the invitation. i juz arrange a trial class for my 6mths old ger next mth n will decide if wanna take up their membership.

dats my tot too, since crayonmum did research liaoz, sure gd de

Irin,Fi-xie2 for the invitation but i working cannot ler.

Kris-trial class is free de? Dumex person 'pian ren' say yesterday will reach but still don't have, see how today.

Fi-haha after u shave off ur hairs, now u go plastic surgery izzit?

crayonmum-haha, me is FTWM.
hi all mummies,
Anyone noes where cn i get tis converse shoes besides Gap website??Cnt find it in Spore Gap Boutique/Converse shop...


hi hi all mummies,

Fi> you busy like a headless chix and now jadi crossed eyed cat pulak... kekekeke u funny mummy dah finishj your hari raya prep?

me running arnd like chix run... the very tiring... never ending story, raya or no raya same...

crayonmum > SAHM like me lor... but i more happi than sad... very hapi cos get to see the developmental growth of my kids.. not hapi cos dun have own paychck...kwang kwang kwang...

So when are we goin to meet up 4 kopi?

anyways, Fi> i'd like to join u & irin for the gym thingy...but must wait til hari raya finis can? my girl 3 yrs old can not? boy oni 2 n half.. wats the cost like? expensive?
hi all mummies,

i have 3 $2.00 voucher from Sakura international buffet. Expiry date 31 oct 2007. anybody interested let me know.. collect from my plc @ 412B
Enne- ya did the plastic surgery, Dr say tis is the best he can give me.. How? Can accept me liao??

Hottiemama- I jadi supir to my mama.. Unpaid one sumore!! Kuih, mum make and buy some. Baju, last year give birth so no chance to use, use tis yr. Hse forever not clean coz everytime mop, when my son crawl, he will leave his saliva all ard.. So i surrnder liao... Hows ur prep gng on??

Gymboree- sure u can cum along.. Till 12 yrs old. but ppl like me n Irin still play oso. hahahaha... Playgym is 15 per hr if non member. Membership is 50 for whole family per year and playgym is 8.. Let us noe when u free lah..
hi hashisan,
tink the ON canvas shoe is SOLD!!

hi all,
m desperately lookg for a pair of shoes for my boy...Any recommendations??
Hi Mummies,

Heard fr my neighbour that there's a molest case last week involving an 8-yr-old gal in our fernvale cluster of blk 403a - 405c. The molester is still at large and the CID has installed a surveilance cam near the entrance of the provision shop. The molester was alleged to have brought the gal to the shop b4 molesting her. He was last seen wearing a cap wif sunglasses.

Pls be careful urself and ask ur kids to be careful if they r going home alone after sch....
Hi Chris,

Thanks but on 2nd thoughts, tik that i should pass it on to other mummies who needs it more. Coz im still partial breastfeeding and hv 2 tins of step 3 on standby =)

Duno when he'll finish them =)
nice meetin u 2dae, was a bit blur when i met u, juz woke up not long ago

tink we can arrange for kopi sometimes at CP wif other mummies.

Re: Formula Milk
anyone did any research on NAN, Dumex and Similac? which is better?
Kris-No wonder u din stop for a chat, maybe you are still in a blur state and me in a shy state! Yes pls let's find a time for KOPI.
Irin-i take it that's a compliment? hehe, i am 'guo lai ren' ma.

crayonmum-haha good one, a slave to the home and kids. hehe.
Enne and Crayonmum- u two ah, hilarious........

Today me went compass pt Posb, teller ask me to update particulars.. Ask me occupation, i said housewife.... Then i felt so weird, use to wk, then now 'promoted' to home maker... Sigh.. Still nvr get use to it..

Kris- my bbs took similac after weaned fr bf... So far ok.. now im proud to say they have converted to Gain IQ as of yest!!! HAppy belated birthday my darling monsters!!!
Hi Fi,

yah lor... i also not used to it.. but having "housewife" as an occupation is very useful to ward off credit card telemarketeers. Everytime I tell them I've stopped working and have become a housewife.. they will immediately say, " oh ok... thank u for ur time then."


Just wondering, did Abbott call u to give u free 400g of Gain IQ? That time when my boy was 4 mths + old.. they called me and said he shd be switching to Similac Follow On soon and arranged for delivery of the free 400g... so I'm wondering if they will do the same for Gain IQ..
Crayonmum- yup yup they did... received the Gain IQ a week b4 their bday.. Urs also on Gain? Whr u usually get? I juz gt mine yest cheap!!.. Will sms u... Hey since u SAHM, u wanna go for coffee sumtimes?? Or bring ur boy ovr n play again... Then u can play wif my cats too... Heheheh
Morning Fi!

My boy not on Gain IQ yet but soon coz he's turning 1 end Dec.
Usually I get my formula from NTUC.

Yah.. wld be great for our babies to play together..
What time is gd for ur babies in the afternoon? Maybe we can arrange 1 afternoon sometime this week if u r not too busy wif Hari Raya? Ur cats r really cute! Told my mum abt ur cats and trying to persuade her that I can bring mine back. :p
Crayonmum- anytime aft 2.30 is great... Not busy!! had enuf of visiting ovr the weekend.... Hehehehe... Try harder to persuade her.. I find tht since mine r home bound cats, shud not b a prob... N i bring them to Vet for check ups once a yr and their jabs... My mum was also worried abt the fur, but i got mine groomed regularly so not too bad.. N the bbs have gotten use to their frens or rather the other way ard..
Hi Fi,

So unlucky today.. I just left my lift lobby and it started pouring again. :p U free on Friday afternoon? Hopefully it doesn't rain.
hi crayonmum,

about the molest case, it is not reported in news? did the gal parents make police report? Our place there really quiet at night.

I remembered once i could hear 2 indian couple downstairs shouting and quarrelling in the middle of night.

Mummies with bigger gals who return home themselves really got to becareful.

Milk Powder

So far my gal is drinking Nan .. she is @ Nan 3 now .. her motion etc all quite good didnt have constipation.

Any mummies buying Nan 3? What is the cheapest price u buying now?
Hi Veron,

Not sure if it's reported on the news... yah.. our place is very quiet...and my blk.. 405C.. always have foreign workers and uncles drinking beer at the stone tables..

haha .. she is big gal but not so big to the extend she can go out herself. She is stuck with me 24 hrs .. !
