Mummies staying at Fernvale

Doraemon-my SIL employed a Mymmar maid, she don't take initiative to do housework and she even claimed she came Singapore to see see look look only and ask for my SIL help to look for her brothers in Malaysia. my SIl going to change maid coz this Mymmar maid got conflicts with my SIL's MIL and she herself say she won't work here more than a year. Looking after kids-wise don't need say, she don't have the experience coz she only got brothers/sisters, no kids. I think she don't need money to send back that's why she don't work as hard. my SIL going to change to a Indonesian maid, hopefully no problem this time round, FYI her recommendation was from the agency Li Nan Xing advertised for, I forgot the name. Just FYI.


I heard that you cant do phone interviewing for Mymmar maid. So again it is luck, if you can get hold of those who is able to speak mandarin then good luck to you but however, if the maid tat reaches spore do not understand mandarin then u will have problem. Heard their english std is poorer than indo maids.

I was about to ask you if you have cfm the maid,as i have an extra mattress to give .. used to sleep by my ex-maid. You interested?

Ai yoyo, the maid so jia lat and still dare to say she's only here to see see look look!!!!! Cant stand lei....


No worries, its ok.


They are taken care by my husband when its his not working days. Otherwise, my gm and aunt will take over if he's working.

Cos my husband are on 12hrs shift, 15 working days.

Still ok! But I'm sure I'll be hving lots of white hair coming out soon..... cos the billing services had increased a lots, compared to 2yrs ago when I'm still there.


Ya, hope I'm lucky to find 1 that suits our requirements.

Pray hard Pray hard......
any mummies wants to exchange Dryper pull ups with me? I've got Dryper pull up size L to exchange.

Can exchange with mummy poko tape diaper or dryper tape diaper.
any mummies wants to exchange Dryper pull ups with me? I've got Dryper pull up size L to exchange.

Can exchange with mummy poko tape diaper or dryper tape diaper.
Crayonmum-much better as fever has subsided.. But still clingy n cranky.. Brought my other monster back home today... hehehehe

Doreamon-nice mit.g u!! Let me noe if u wan to order, can order together.. My bbs go thru their milk like water.

Enne- wan to cum ovr n play too?? Let me noe when u r free!!!! My hse always open.. Hubby say playgrd.. HAhahahahaha.
order what? milk ah? Got Enfapro? I also want ...

Fi's house is open 24 hrs a day & to everyone. hahaha. Joining us to gymboree?

nice meeting you and Ian.
Hope to see you for the gymboree session.
hey hey everybody,

Fi- order milk? from where and wat are the brands available? wat telah happen to Daniel? Is he ok now? i saw u @ playground juz now, but was too tired cos i juz came back from amk hub..

Doreamon- I've informed subaru tat I will be collecting on our b'half. anyway i've asked for delivery cos i've got too many sassari and it cums in a box..
juz imagine me with an infant and toddler and 6 boxes of crocs ......worse than a clown...
Will let you know once its delivered to my place. I need your hp number for subaru verification.. pls PM me. thanx
hi mummies ..

i have just bought a carton of Nan 3 from the provision shop @ Blk 409. (izit B409 or 408?)
and she charged me $24 per tin of 900g.

Mummies who are buying the same milk may want to consolidate your orders and buy from the uncle .. perhaps can get discount.
Irin, Hottiemama- I order fr distributor. Got my Gain IQ for $40 for 1.8kg.. Have been ordering fr the lady for awhile.. By far her prices are the cheapest.. Fernvale mummies who wan, normally i order fr her mthly, as she is staying in cck, she will get her aunt to mit me either in toa payoh or jalan kayu(when she has supper). Anybody who wans can tompang order wif me and i can collect then we can mit. I tink she has all brands.

Hottiemama-Danial fever lah.. now better. Yup we went down to get fresh air, he cranky lah... Wah amk hub!! Njoy life huh...
Irin-I will skip this time, got to work but I think can find a day go to Fi-7-11(since opened 24hrs). hehehe

Fi-how much is Enfapro Stage2?? hehehe.

Doraemon-my SIL din inform her maid she going to change then last night she go home to find the maid packing up and requesting to be send back, make my SIL's blood on fire. my SIL immediately bring her back to the agency, don't know what happen after that liao, my inlaws feel that this maid she don't feel she is a maid coz she is quite fussy abt food and stuffs, coz she once tell my MIL she don't like too much work. haiz don't know la now my SIL headache. got maid also fan no maid also fan.
felt so funny talking to you here & in Mar thread about different things. Women can really talk about everything anywhere. hahaha. I'm checking with Fi about the Enfapro also, see got even better deal. *feel like an auntie ...*
Let me know when you going over Fi's place then I can pop by too.
Enfapro is 28.

Ling- i sms her butr she nvr say yes or no re me giving out her hp no.. Anyway gain is 40 for 1.8kg, i noe coz i buy fr her. hehe. Will ask her again.. Hope u understand.. Not nice to gif out hp no wifout permission.
Irin-haha, 38 is our natural instinct ma. haha.

Fi-$28 is even cheaper than the lobang I given Irin which was $31 per tin!!
Irin-we buy together want?

Your Highness Fi-how may I be of service to u to un-bore u??
Hi Fi Hozali,

Thks for helping me to ask her. No pressure. Pls PM me if she is willing to pass me her contact. Can? Thx in advance.

It was nice meeting u and Reyes (hope I spelt correctly) too!


Why r u bored? Weekend leh.. nvr go out? I "deposited" my boy at my mum's in the afternoon and then rushed around to run errands... so tiring. :p
Enne- hehehehehe now unbored liao.... after a gd nite sleep!!!! no bbs woke up last nite.. hehehehe

Aiyah tht means me aunty liao oso ah....

Crayonmum- yup gng out.. to buy diapers!! Sigh.... now my shopping is for diapers, milk and bb stuff.... boo hoo hoo

Yah lor... shopping is for bb stuff now.. no more leisure shopping wif girlfrens to buy clothes, shoes, bags, etc... now being a SAHM.. i realise that all these things r collecting dust... and also i still can't fit most of my pre-pregnancy clothes... boo hoo..
Oh fernvale mummies.. i was at Top Kang Supermart at Fernvale Point just now.. saw that Mamil Gold step 4 is having offer.. buy 900g free 400g.. but it's the old one.. without the immunifortis one.
fi- i hope daniel is ok more crankiness.. anyways, y you bored....i saw you agian yesterday @ playground whilst on my way for've got relatives with you izit?

oh! does this distributor have nan-1 and dugrow3+? if ada wats the price that he's giving? let me know can ..

crayonmum - i agree so much with you, now shop on line or off line or window shopping.. always think of children.. diaperslah, shoeslah, clotheslah... everything also for babies...
not like wen working ...juz shop no need to think expensive or not ... juz buy.. kekekeke

doreamon - your crocs is with me now.. let me know when you want to collect from me k.. my number i think you have it...
Hi Fi,
Do u mind 2 help me chk, if ur distributor got Progress Gold??If no, its alrite..

juz tot wana chk out prices...hehe typical mummy..:p
thks ya
crayonmum-I totally understand the woes of not fitting into pre-preg clothes and yesh naturally now keep looking out for BB clothes. hehehe.

Fi-how's ur diaper-shopping today??
she brought her kids out cycling today. Think she KO liao cos she was the "bicycle driver" today.
Good morning all!!!!!!!!!!! I slept like a dead cockroach!!! Wah piang, tis morning got bum ache!!! Yest me n hubby so gung ho bring bbs out cycling at pasir ris park. Like wat Irin say, we were the drivers n bbs njoy life at the back... Go back home everywhr aching... Im too old liao... Ever since bcum aunty alreay!!! Hahahaahahahahahahahaha................ Yest morning went cp for bf n supposedly gng to buy diaper, end up went to best to look see. At the entrance, the sales person ask if we want to ballot for lcd tv gng at 799, usual price of 2999, ok lor juz try oni mah... So nicely write down our names thinking wif our luck, sure wont get... No 17 person, they called out hubby's name. HAhahahahahahahaha..... Ended up buying tv instead of diapers... hehehehehehehahahahaha... Wanted to buy one all the while but since bbs arrival hubby say wait lah, dun nid. BB more impt.. Yest bb diapers kena sacrifice liao...

Crayonmum- dun say abt pre pregnancy clothes lah, i gt 2 boxes inside store room filled wif my clothes.. sob sob.. Didnt noe i was sooo small last time.. HAhahahhahahaha.. Nw got BIG BUM everything oso cant fit!!!

Hottiemama- Whitehair old man my papa, letting Yazmin scream the whole playgrd away.. Fat big guy my beloved boy cousin and his girlfren.. Danial is ok but today gt PD apt n gt jabs, so mayb later bo ok liao...

Enne- now my kids got no more diaper liao.... hubby say use plastic bags for the time being!! HAhahahahahahahaha... Jts, pampers active gt promo at ntuc and cs...

Mummies- will check out all the milk n post the price.... C u later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Side track abit, i wish im brave enuf to try tht subaru thingy happen.g at taka nw...
Fi-haha my brother was one of the subaru contestants but 2 bad he out this morning around 5am due to the thunder, lightning anyhow strike, I feel quite wasted la, he endure till 3rd day liao. my bro say got many old birds who keep trying year after year and those still stayed despite the lightning strikes, not easy, 6hrs break 5mins for u to eat/drink/pee/poo.
Juz wonder hor if identical twins, mayb can cheat hor... During break time they can switch... Heheheehehehehehehe.,... Then aft win they can cut the car into half and drive.....
good morning mummies,

Enne - Wah! good ah at least ur bro lasted thru the 3rd day.. envy him man... never mind, tell him try again nxt year then he too can join the old birds kekekekekeke..

fi- ya man !always wonder if brave enuf t go try the cahllenge.. maybe brave enuf but dunno whether can tahan the 3 days thingy... 6hrs and oni 5 mins break quite 'chialat'...if want to poo poo where got enuf time...

you're going for the jabs today? oh! no ! he juz recover....hopefully he won't get fever lor...

crayonmum, enne, fi, all of my pre-pregnancy clothes all hands down to nieces and some friends... Was in size XXS, then go up to XS n S, then got married go up to size S n M...thereafater is history...M n L...

now trying very hard to exercise and to lose out some of the excess weight whic is so very the difficult...still got 2 cargo bags of clothings sitting nicely..tot of selling it off @ flea market with my gf..
Hottiemama- maybe nxt yr we fernvale mummies shud try... HEhehehehehehe... Yup gng to NUH to c their pd.. If u wan to sell off ur clothings do let me noe, i oso wan to get rid of mine.. My mum keep saying, keep, nxt time sure fit in.... I tink its not nxt time, its nxt life!!!!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Fi, could you pls check how much Mamil Gold 2 & 4 is? tks... would like to order if it's cheaper!

Hi crayonmom, may I know how much Mamil Gold 4 is @ Top Kang Supermart? Tks!

Milk powder is really getting more exp! tks for the good lobang!!</font>
Fi ..

Can you also help me to check the price for Nan 3 ? As mentioned i am buying @ $24 per tin of 900g now .. if cheaper .. maybe i can lobang u next time if u dun mind ..

Gd afternoon mummies....

Fi, me got my milk powder from cck too. wonder is they are the same ppl.
Bog my enfapro at $25 for 900g but think now the price increased. Stock up 2 tins of 1.8kg enfagrow too. She selling it at $38. Its so much cheaper then outside. Enne & irin, you both giving enfa milk to ur bb too? wonder is order more from her will have better price or not.

Me brought my boy to parkway centre last sat for his free trial lesson, quite fun and he enjoys it. Yet to try out the playgym area at harbourfront on Mon. So are we still taking train?

Think my boy ate something wrong, he keeps poo-ing. can poo 2 times in the evening, 1am, 4am, 7am early in the morng. the stools are soft bur not very liquid type, still not sure if its diarrhea or is it becos he eat and drink alot.... brought him see doc on sunday. The doc just gave him some beneficial bacteria for his stomach and adivise to switch him to soy base milk for the time-being. yesterday still poo around 6 hrly. This morng 4plus soiled his diaper again.

Btw, does any one of ur baby eat a lot? mine eats a lot leh I have just increased the amt of milk to around 7-8ounce but he still not enough. He still wants to eat if he saw us eating food. Now I need to feed him 2 times in the nite (1am plus and 4am plus). Tot as they grow older, they can sleep thru the nite w/o any feed, but mine apparently cant leh.Anyone having this problem too?

u just started work again? have adjusted to working life again? Think its really more freedom to be a FTWM than SAHM. Well, maybe if they are older and starts to go childcare or school, then maybe SAHM will have more free time.

I am celebrating zaviers 1st birthday this thurs at my place. keke. hope everything turns out well. Still finding shop to pump up my balloons. Any lobang?

Anyone interest in nepia L size diaper? I have another BN pack, can sell at $13.
Mummies- will get back to u re price of milk..

Sea8- vivi rite? the milk lady.. Hw u collect normally? Ur boy not eating much lah.. my bbs have min 3 milk feed a day. Usually ard 180 to 240mls. Nite feed at 7pm will be 300-330. They eat 3 main meals and a snack.. So hw? is mine alot? Brought them to PD today, for 11mths old bb their growth is at 90-97th percentile... hehehehe.... I have giants..
Fi, u mean u gave them 300-330ml of milk during their nite feed at 7pm ah? wow, then have to up change him to the bigger bottle liao. keke.
Me so scare he over feed, but after seeing what u wrote....think still can increase him slightly. keke.

My bil will help me pick up from her at TWL, then I collect from him at his place or my mil hse. that time she cant meet up, so i went to her place to pick up lor.
hi Sea8
Fyi, my gal alredi 30mth old, stl wakes up for nite feed!! So imagine, sumtimes both my kids wl take turn 2 wakeup for nite feed 1hr aft anthr!!!And there goes my sleep......

by the time i doze off, its alredi am!!!!

To all mummies
Cn anyone advise, at wat age shd we stop our kids fr drinkg Formula Milk?? Or shd i cont let them drink til they start 2 refuse????


sea8-I interested, $25 is very cheap, JIO me if u want to buy in bulk? which part of CCK, I used to live in CCK, my mama place.

Any mummies want the free drypers sample for newborn?-from motherhood magazine
