Mummies staying at Fernvale

Here's another toy and fashion sale at United Sq:

Doreamon - Oh, so sad!
My son loves it but it's under the blazing sun at 3pm. Now he has becomes darker n darker.

Crayonmum - May b going to Giant today, hope they still hv the rompers.
Hi Vivienne,

Did u see the rompers? Wah... big shopping at Giant ah? Doreamon needs Giant stickers.

Me prob stuck at home this weekend again.. Ian is down with fever again.. and abit of cough.. :p
Crayonmum - bought skates for my boy so hv the stamps. Saw the rompers but not much choices so din buy.

Doreamon - U want the stamps?

Yah.. saw the doc yest at his usual PD at SBCC at Mt A. Will keep Dr Saw's in mind... coz the SBCC dun at Mt A closes at 5pm one.. and the one at AMK is always super crowded.


U haven't recovered ah? I think I'm coming down wif cough too.. :p
Reyden's also sick. We even sent him to A&E on wed night cos his fever didn't come down for the whole day. Diagnosed with croup - viral infection of airway & vocal cord. And he don't even have voice to cry now.
hi Fi,
Sori 2 hear dat..
Hope u recover soon..take care!

Hi crayonmum,
Hope dat Ian is alrite nw...

Looks like alot viruses arnd ya?!
my gal has bn coughing for 2 wks liao, seen doc 2x, stl coughing badly esp at nite!!
Oh dear, sad to hear that so many babies are sick. My baby also hving running nose. Hope all babies get well soon. Mayb trying boiling barley water to drink. Cos nowadays, weather v hot.

Fi - Ok will pass to u if doreamon pass it. Hope that u get well soon.
Hi Carmen,

How did you know there's a PAP at fernvale grove? I'm glad that'll be one at fernvale, so that I can send my girl there when she's older. Sometimes I drop by at yr thread to see what's happening at fernvale, thanks for the info.
Crayonmum - I went to Prime at Blk 263 yesterday, they dun sell any Sealer diaper now. I used to buy from there. Mayb, can try Sheng Shiong $15.80.
Hi mummies,

It had been a tiring weekend.. ian was warded at KKH for croup on Sat early morn... yah.. same as Irin's boy. But he's much better now.. we were bk yest.. wat a relief..


Thks for the info on sealer.
Oh.. i also boil barley for ian.. but now that he's coughing.. i dun... scared too "cooling"..


There's a big banner abt the Fernvale PCF Kindergarten hanging in the field beside Koufu.
Oh mummies,

I wanna ask whether any mummies here use 1st Teeth toothpaste for their babies? Do we need to rinse off after brushing? Packaging said totally ingestible..but I'm still abit concerned abt 'eating' toothpaste. I have been using Spiffies Toothwipes for Ian since he was 5 mths old.. thinking of switching to toothpaste now...

PM you.

Oh dear.... It really sounds bad. Hope you recover soon.

Take care and wish Ian will hve a speedy recover.

I'm also using Spiffies Toothwipes for my gal and now I also intend to switch her to this Baby Toothpaste too and had just join the Drugstore spree.

hope this help,

100% Ingestible Baby Toothpaste
Recommended by Dentists and Pediatricians

Contains Milk Enzymes...The Best Natural Protection for Your Child's Teeth
Fluoride Free
For Ages 3 Months to 3 Years
Real Apple-Banana Flavor
plus comes with Soft Infa-Dent® Finger Toothbrush and Gum Massager
The sweetness of baby's breath is the result of a healthy balance of oral bacteria.

First Teeth® Baby Toothpaste contains a unique natural enzyme system to protect your baby's mouth against harmful bacteria much like the way a mother's breast milk does. Physicians and dentists recommend gentle cleaning of babies teeth and gums to remove sugar and food starches. Plaque-like film on babies teeth is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Brushing your baby's teeth everyday with First Teeth® Baby Toothpaste is a safe way to reduce odor causing bacteria - helping to prevent early tooth decay.

We use only the finest natural ingredients to assure you the highest quality and extra gentle cleaning.

Compared to Other Toothpastes, First Teeth®:

Contains No Fluoride or Saccharin
No Artificial Preservatives or Colors
Made with Natural Fruit Flavors
<font color="ff0000">Totally Safe if Swallowed</font>

Naturally protects, like Mother's Milk.
hi pingping,
i heard it fr those mummies whn i sent my gal to Appletree...
it wl b startg nx yr...
For mummies who r keen to regstr ur kids nx yr :
u cn go to Blk 303A Anchorvale Link #01-82 to collect the Regn form liao...
Regn Date : 17 May 9am-10.30am
the Levels avail :
Nursery -2hr : 8.15-10.15am, 10.30-12.30pm, 1-3pm
K1 - 4hr : 1-5pm
K2 - 4hr : 8.15am-12.15pm

Hope tis helps
Crayonmum - Yah, no Barley water for him at the moment. I use the First Teeth toothpaste for my baby too, then i clean it off with a wet hanky.
sick &amp; tired of the virus around. Reyden's fever went off, left him with cough. Then it's Reyes' turn now.
She was vomitting like a merlion on Sunday then fever till now. arrrgghhh!!!!
same thing here. He seems like quite heaty cos of the red lips &amp; bad breath but having cough so I also don't know should give cooling stuff like barley or "ling yang" or not.

Ian also got red lips and bad breath!! That's why I tot of changing to toothpaste... hehehe.. din know heaty will have bad breath.

Since Reyden is coughing, better dun give cooling stuff.. I've stopped feeding ian cold stuff like yogurt and fruits (scared will have more phlegm) and chicken (coz he's coughing) for the time being...

Gosh.. wat did the doc say abt reyes?

Sigh..u must be damn stressed.
hi my boy also having cough, initially when he was having fever, my MIL gave him barley water but now no more lo..

SAYANG Irin, Fi, crayonmum, Vivenne... and myself.
all our bbs so poor things, sick sick, hope they all get better soon...

my boy no more fever but still having cough/lotsa phlegm, on cough medi and antibiotics.
I've not brought Reyes to the doctor yet cos her fever not as high as Reyden and it seems like had came down since yesterday afternoon. Think it's another type of viral attack. I was telling Fi I had kind of accepted the fact that everything comes in twos or twice for us. :p So Reyes' fever was within expectations. No stress, used to it liao.
Irin-haha. thx hor.. heee..

my boy was diagnosed as having throat inflammation thus his fever previously. sayang R&amp;R hope he gets well soon too.

crayonmum-Yeah.. unexpected and unplanned god gift.
expecting a mickey or minnie mouse, hopefully is minnie la.. but had some bleeding(as cfm by gynae) 4 1 day last mth which I mistakenly thot was menses thus feeling worried, coz still can't see heartbeat yet, be going back to see my gynae 2weeks later, hope everything be fine for my little one inside me.
think Reyes' fever is caused by teething now some viral cos it had went off liao &amp; she stopped being cranky after I got her teether which reaches to her incisors &amp; molars. And she had been happily biting on it.
Vivienne-haha Yeah hope so..
but u can still try again?? hee.

Irin-which teether can reach so inner? I also suspect my boy teething coz he keep reaching into his mouth coz normally he don't have the habit to put finger inside his mouth one lo.



Which teether u bot? The one I got for Ian is in a shape of a hand with 5 fingers.. but he still prefers his fingers. :p
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies, I would like to give away 2 boxes of Nestle Vegetable flavour cereal for 8-24mths as my 9-mth-old baby doesn't really like the taste.

Pls PM me if interested.</font>

Is your letterbox panel lock?

Haiz... the blur postman again forgot to lock the whole letterbox panel. I didnt see whether yours affect anot cos its quite late yest when I went home and that drunkard man was sitting downstair, so I quickly open the panel and go off....

But I think someone had been messing up those letters already....

Very worried, what if we have Confidential letters.
Hi Doreamon,

Hmm... my hubby is the one who opened the mailbox yest.. he din say anything.. so i think my side shd be locked.

Those men drinking downstairs.. one of them stays directly above me one.. :p

The drunkard man that I'm referring to is short in height, usually wearing a moving company t-shirt, sometimes going ard asking for money if not will drunk until slept on the void deck. If you happen to wait for your hubby at the void deck or what, if you see him, walk to someway further abit, if not, he sometimes will go near to the children.

Oh ya, rite, that guy is staying above you. Her wife skinny skinny with long hair rite....? Also very jia lat wan la they....

oh dear!! y dun u call up Post Office to complain abt the postman? like wat u said, wat if ur hv confi /impt letter , den hw if got messed up by others..??!! hw cn the postman b so 4getful n irresponsible?
Evening mummies!! IM better now.. Thx for ur well wishes n concern...

ENNE- CONGRATS!!!!! Hopefully it will be a smooth journey for you... Hope Legolas is feeling better nw..


Think my upstairs neighbour separated from the wife liao.. he told us that his wife and son stay in Jurong... he's been renting his unit to china students and indian nationals. The tenants are usually quite noisy... but has been quiet this whole mth.. maybe he stops renting liao.
