Mummies staying at Fernvale


Gain IQ 1.8kg is on promotion at Giant selling $48.39. promotion period fr 24/4 - 27/4 (4 days only).

welcome jess and ichigo!


for me.. i change when the bottle looks old and is full of scratches.. prob abt every 6 mths or so?
Fi - I hv sold my Mamil Gold, thank you.

Crayonmum - Is it Gain IQ or Gain IQ kid?

Welcome Ichigo! For me, i will change when the bottles hv scratches or old.
me & Fi decided we should all avoid seeing or having contact with each other till the Toysrus & Fox sale's over.

Bye bye ... till we meet again ...

Hi mummies, pop by this thread again... so interesting TOY R Us SALE.. Anyone wanna go with me Tue since i get the Star Card & UOB too hehe meet up Potong Paair MRT timing bet 2-3pm? I drive there.

Fyi, today till tmr METRO 20% storewide sale. Bot 3 FP toys there

Crayonmum, whr is Wing Tai?
Apple Cheeks,

Wing Tai's add is 105 Tampines Rd but it's actually near to Kovan MRT.


U have no choice but to meet me every sat! hahahhaa.. :D

Yasmine is very gd today! Ian is still uncooperative.. :p Hopefully it will get better. I wonder if the other gal is too scared of us (or our kids) to come today! kekekkee...
Hello mummies, thinking of changing my skincare but dunno which brand to choose? Any advise or which brand r u currently using?
Evening mummies!!! Weather super hot today!!! Vivienne- have been using lancome for the past 6yrs.. BUt now courtesy of hubby so cant anyhw buy... So using the basic wash n moisturizer oni.. Hubby say no diff still ugly... ask me use his biore... hmmmnnnnnnn....
nite crayonmum,

indeed a very labourious job we have ... thats y no off, cannot mc, no annual leave, no child sick leave,
seelah, even labour day still got to work...keekekekekekeke
Hi Carmen, saw u at Koufu jus now with ur son. Buying b'fast? Hehe! kaypoh kaypoh!

Crayonmum, i bought the 900gm Gain IQ cos my baby alone cannot finish all of the 1.8kg within 3 wks. Hehe!

Ian also dun finish within 3 weeks.. but the 1.8kg one has this additional metal lid that closes really tight.. so the milk powder dun turn "cakey" as fast as the 900g one... i feel.

Some of my frens transfer half to another airtight container 1st and store it away.
Wah!!! Vivienne n crayonmum!!! 3 weeks???!!!! n still nt finish? u wan my kids? they can help u finish in 5 days or max 1 week..... Bankrupt liao.

how i wish ian will drink more milk leh.. he drinks 180ml per feeding.. max 210ml... and only 3 times a day.. sometimes he dun want his afternoon feed somemore. :p
180ml, 3 times a day total 540ml, 1.8kg cannot finish within 3 weeks?
Reyden & Reyes drink 2 feeds per day total about 480ml each and they take only 10 days to finish the 1.8kg tin leh. How come your 1.8kg can make more milk than my 1.8kg tin?
hi vivienne,
oh yes!! was hvng bfast aft sendg my gal to Appletree...:p

Hi fi, vivienne n crayonmum,
my kids finished 900g within 10days!!
Agree w Fi, gg bankrupt liao...lokkg for cheaper milk powder nw!! hahahaaaaa...

Hi all Mummies,
M lookg for PLASTIC Cup w Handle, preferably w Disney characters for my gal...cnt find it anywhere in Kiddy/supermkts...mostly r small plastic cups...
As m tinkg to switch my gal frmilk bottle 2 cup, thus the cup size has to b big enuf for her milk...
Anyone has BN pc to sell/ noes where cn i find it?
Kindly PM me..

Hmm.. i dunno leh.. but i dun rem having to open 1 tin every 3 weeks..more like every 5 weeks open 1 new tin leh.. or maybe i'm wrong! hehe..

in fact i still feed him cereal for lunch.. and i use 180ml of milk to make the cereal... so it's actually 720ml of milk per day.. which is 12 scoops of milk per day.

reason why i still feed him cereal is that he dun like to eat meat.. so still giving him iron fortified cereal.. and he has been refusing to eat porriage ever since he was sick that time.. so now he eats mee sua for dinner. :p

oh... happen to drop by united sq just now.. coz i was at TMC this morn..attended a baby 1st aid course... wanted to see whether got gd buys at the members' preview sale at toysrus.. yah.. today got another preview sale.. wierd.. but the queue was so long to enter the sale at the atrium at B1... and from the 1st floor.. the toys dun look very gd .
me & Fi were at the sale this morning!! We queued for half an hr to get in then I only got a Vtech toy. Fi got a motorised bike, ride-on & a drum set. The place was very messy and chaotic. There are so many pregnant women around, so scary. The items also not all in working condition, must queue up to test and the queue was ...
The mattel sale still better.

Think you counted wrongly lah. My kids don't drink as much as Ian and yet my 1.8kg tin finished faster than yours, can't be ...
anyone wants a kitchen set? It's this set. It's still usable though quite a few items, nuts & bolts missing. Can just get some small items to get on yourself. It had been passed to me by another mummy so I'm passing to whoever wants it. Let me know if anyone of you interested.


yah.. maybe i counted wrongly.. hee.. but hor.. u got twins .. maybe that's why twice as fast?
nowadays i also lost track of time... not working.. time like not so impt... hee..

fi told me just now that u gals were there this morn.. tink the situtaion in the morn shd be much better.. when i was there.. i saw that most of the shelves were empty already and toys were lying ard the floor... very messy... yes.. mattel sale is much much better.
Hi mommies,

wanna check something with you. Anyone engage a confinement lady before? can recommend me a good CL?

There's 1 Cl that I called yesterday, recommended by my hubby's friend. and she asked me to pay her downpayment $400 . Is it common to pay that much for down payment first (she's a malaysian). I'm supposed to see her on mon. But I havent decided on her/ anyone yet.
And she asks $1800 (after I told her I have a maid at home who'll do all the house work). usually her charge is $1900. What do you all think? thanks very much
I know mine's 2 kids drinking but if calculate based on their total consumption, you know?

eg. Reyden 480ml + Reyes 480 ml = 960ml per day X 10 days is 9600ml
Then Ian 720ml per day X 3 weeks = almost 15000ml???

How come my 1.8kg only make 9600ml and yours can make so much more?

ignore me, I know I'm getting silly with these calculations. :p

hmm.. this current tin i'm using is opened on 23 Apr.. abt 2 weeks ago.. left abt slightly more than half a tin leh... so 1 tin can last me abt 1 mth leh...

r u using gain IQ also? maybe other brands use more milk powder??


yah lor.. same.. assuming the scoop is the same size... 1 scoop makes 60ml.. hmm... okie.. i keep track how long this tin lasts .. hee..

weather is very hot.. dunno where to go... sianz... outdoors too hot.. indoors.. scared he kenna virus again.. :p

hi hashisan,
i had a confinement lady wich i engaged durin elisha's arrival...She's a malaysian and she's really gd!!

$1800 is mkt price nwadys!! its really ex lor..
And fr wat i understand, if u hv an elder kid dat nd them to look aft, they hv to add extra $100...
wich happend to u hv maid, cn tell her no nd her look aft ur boy...
B4 i engaged tis lady, i had anthr recommended by my fren whom i was told she's really "GOOD" i "FIRED" her aft 2wks!! Reason being, she's always on hp gettg more bz for herself!!

Anyway, cut story short, i got tis 2nd lady, so by calculations, 2wks shd b $900, bt my fren helped me bargain, and i managed to get her at $800...and i was really happy w her...

if u keen, i cn giv u her contact...u call her to chk dtls...
Re abt deposits $400, tink its individual practice...
