Mummies staying at Fernvale


happy to see your flickr updates. so you have 1 more cloth book huh.

do you have any board books for 4 mths up as well?

Morning mummies ,

So sorry I couldn't make it for the breakfast , my son has been having fever these few days , come and go ... high and low ... hai~

After taking medicine , stomach upset , keep saying tummy ache and soft stools for 2 days le , today better le then can go school ...

Headache for me too. Hehe !
How have you mummies been?

haha...yah lor.. coz i always take the chance to sneak out when my mum comes over for 1-2 hrs to see ian.. :D

oh vivienne,

did u rec my sms asking abt dr saw's opening hrs? anyway i brought ian to fernvale clinic coz it was dr joanne on duty.. not the relief one. so suay.. both the PDs that ian goes to close on wed night... was abt to bring him to Kid's Clinic at Rivervale Mall... then I thought try downstairs and see which doc on duty. Ian has fever the whole day.. highest recorded is 38.6... have to monitor closely these 2 days.. :p
Ian is not well? lately a lot of kids sick hor? hey, u need Dr saw's opening hrs? I have the card. will sms you in a while. Take care.
Crayonmum, is Ian ok? I hope he's better... Take care you...

Sea8, did you check out the webby abt kinder? Hehehehehe.......... The more the merrier..
thks sea8 and fi!

yah lor.. ian is down with fever.. no other symptoms.. just fever whole day and whole nite.. i think i only slept 2-3 hrs on and off last nite.. he was very cranky. brought him to the PD just now.. chked his urine.. nothing wrong.. so she said cld be some virus in the tummy coz he had loose stools yest.

fi, ur babies recover liao?

sea8, u joining kinder 2? join leh!

hmm...there's some cricket competition at the field across the rd fr Fernvale Pri... ACS vs some other sch..coz can see the ACS banner... feel so nostalgic.. and so old! ahahhah..
checked out the website liao. Think shld be interesting. might wana try out a trial at tanglin but i guess not much time're saying lesson starts in April..... which is next week rite? keke.
hey, the space at fernvale pt seems small hor, have u'll been inside?

btw, u sms me saying there are 10 sessions rite? hmmm...but this morng i went to the kindertots at fernvale pt, the notice they put there states 8 sessions, the website also state 8 sessions.

When u gals going down to register?

ya, lately the field there very happening, always got training and matches.

I've peeped in.. yah the space is quite small... lessons start on 19th Apr.. me so blur.. din even know how many sessions.. but the lady told me they r doing a special tailored class for 15mths to 2yo... coz actually My Time is for 18m onwards? Fi, correct me if I'm wrong? Was carrying Ian when she called me so I din ask much also.
poor thing Ian... hopefully he will recover soon and you too can rest well after that..

hey! ya last weekend i saw the cricket training too, we wer in the taxi and adlyn was asking me wat game is that.. cool ya fernvale.. got cricket training and @ pei hwa sec schl field, almost every weekend will have a soccer match..

kekekekeke if you're old.. like i told Fi, then i will be ancient....
oh i forget, getting ancient now... the kinder musik @ fernvale point actually got 2 floors.. if you peeped through you can only see that small area..
i saw there's a staircase wen one of the mummy brought her gal there and door was opened wide and saw the steps.. hope to help.
Crayonmum, Sea8,
don't rely on Fi for fees/details. She can never remember. :p
It's $477.22 for 15 sessions (once a week every sat so duration is almost 4mths) Starting on the 19th Apr. Registration msut be done 2 weeks prior to starting date on 1st come 1st serve basis.
Dr Joanne's quite ok leh. I always see her for my kids' sickness or vaccines. How's Ian liao?

yah.. dr joanne is gd.. dr jenny is also gd...
but i dun like the male relief doc... and today afternoon and evening is the male doc.


u where got ancient? so hot now.. can't imagine how hot u were when u were younger! kekeke...

yah.. fernvale is quite happening... not like the usual HDB estate i feel... it has a very suburban charm.. wif jln kayu nearby and not so many flats ard.

ian's fever.. aiyoh...went to the doc twice today! morn.. went PD... took urine test.. nothing wrong wif ian's urinary tract... temp was highest at 36.8 then... doc said to continue giving paracetamol and brufen... but at abt 3pm.. his temp shot to 39.4... aiyoh.. so scary.. i called the PD's clinic and they asked me to immediately bathe him to cool him down and give him brufen... but the temp still hovered around 39+... so called my hubby to come hme and we sent him to KKH at abt 4 plus.. his temp was 39.5 and the nurse let us see the doc almost immediately... took blood test... normal... so doc concluded shd be viral infection... just came hme abt 8pm only. :p

his temp was still 39.2 just now.. hopefully will go down... have been chking his temp like every 15 mins... until he covers his ears whenever he sees the thermo!! hehe
hi mummies ..

sorry has been MIA for such a long period of time. Guess I must have been missing alot. Saw many new mummies ard too ..

I think i need a few hours to go thru all the posts above to really do a catch up.

How's everyone? Got meeting?
Good Morng....Mummies!

keke, i also very forgetful type, so cant rely me to convey msgs. keke. 15 session ah? alot leh...the notice they put is for 8 session, think around $200plus. Dun wana commit for so long leh.

glad the blood test ok. just hope ian get well soon. Lately HFM also increasing, so quickly wash hands, legs, face after playing at the playground yeah.

I also cant imagine how hot is hottimama when she is younger. keke. hey, Fi also very hot when she is young, her wedding photo so beautiful.

As for the dr at lifeline (fernvale), I also find Dr joanne good, the medicine is good too but the price also not cheap. keke.
Hmm….me also dun like the relief male Dr. keke.
huh? They have the 8 sessions @ $200+? They didn't tell me. Maybe we can go down personally to check?
their website also state 8 sessions for Village group (0-18mths). hmm...but crayonmum was saying they r doing a special tailored class for 15mths to 2yrs. maybe that's y it's 15sessions lor?
irin, sea8,

yah.. i actually enquired abt the 8 sessions one b4.. they have the leaflet outside their door.. but she said... must be 18m old and be able to walk then can join.. so i told the lady ok lor.. will come bk when ian is 18m.. and i left my contact no wif her.. that's the day i told fi abt their class. then 2 days later.. she called me to say got specially tailored baby class for 15 m onwards.

Kidermuzik is just using their premises to conduct the classes. Kindertots actually hve their own programme for 1yo onwards.. more academic kind.
Helo mummies, guess who is the blur one? I actually forgotten the password to log in, so have to reset my password. Hahahahaha
Evening mummies!!!

Crayonmum, Sea8, Irin- ok, was at fp juz now to hceck on kinder... Fees like wat Irin say, 15 sessions, no trial here oni at tanglin.. Sat 4-5pm.. Start duno when... Forgive me... Me sotong.. Go thr n c the place then ask approx hw much muz pay n left.. wahahhaahahaha... Didnt ask anything till crayonmum ask me hw many sessions then i had to call her n ask... I trialed at tanglin already, kiddos liked it so since fp nearer n timing good, i will go....I trialed the village one, it was fun.. Not sure abt our time one...

Crayonmyum-hope Ian is better soon..........
crayonmum - I dun log in everyday only as n when, n also the password will automatically appear when i key in the username but dunno y that day it ask 4 the password then i can't remember loh! Hehehe!
<font color="0000ff">hi all SK mummies, I have a computer table to give away. it is still in very good condition. just that i do not need it now as i'm using notebook at home. if u r interested, pls PM me. collection at Rivervale Crescent</font>



Aiyoh.. today ian woke up wif rashes all over his body... 1 big patch on his face.. that's the 1st rash i noticed.. and then when i took out his sleepsuit... my goodness... the whole body all have. Brought him to Fernvale clinic immediately... Dr Joanne said it's viral rash... just gotto let the virus go away and control the fever.. phew... i tot he so suay.. kenna rubella coz actually he's supposed to have his MMR jab last week... but didn't coz he's sick.

And Dr Joanne is very nice.. she never charged me for consultation! hee...
hi crayonmum,
i believed Ian got so-called "False Measle"..
both my kids gottn it b4...its veri common started w high fever for few days, and followed by rashes for anther few days aft fever subsided...All tis takes 5-8 days to b fully recoverd...Nothg threatening, nt 2 worry..

Dun hv to apply anytin to his rashes, it wl subside aft few days...

Crayonmum, that's good. Hv u heard of "hon mo" ? Is there any renovations going on? Cos some children are allegic to the dust created so they get red patches called "hon mo" in Hokkien. My kids also like this, i dunno is it the same in Ian's case.
hi vivienne,
my gal nw got "hon mo"...due to allergy 2 the cough mixture prescribed to her!!

She was suspected to get HFMD las wed whn i picked her up fr sch...Went to doc, cnfmd it is...Sumhw, no fever/blisters/ulcers...oni few rashes on palms..til sat whn my hb bac fr biz trip, i went for 2nd opinion...The 2nd Doc immediately says, its NOT HFMD n issue her Clearance Cert to go bac sch..!! So, up til nw, i duno did she kenna hfmd nt????!!!!!
Bt nw she got " hon mo" tot let her stay hme 4 few days b4 sendg her bac sch...
Carmen, my son was suspected of HFMD before but the doc told me must hv at least 3 ulcers in mouth then is confirm lor! As for "hon mo" can applied calamine lotion.
hi vivienne,
As mentioned, my gal oni hv eczema-like rashes and sum red-spot on palm, other than dat, no ulcers or fever lor...So, was surprised whn 1st Doc cnfmed almost immed whn saw her palm!! i evn asked her few times is she sure? and cud it b juz skin allergies, wich my gal is v prone she juz say, YES its cnfmed n gave her 1wk MC...And she told me its juz initial stage for her, thus nt much i waited for few days, no other outbreaks, and her rashes n red-spot subsided...All the more, m nt convinced its HFMD...dats y went for 2nd opinion!!

But cos of my gal's case, we created big "chaos" in Appletree...there were rumours saying, Appletrees has got 10 over students has had HFMD!! the teacher was so upset n called me up!!Actual fact was, 10 over students din go to sch aft learng my gal got HFMD!!
So paisey!!! :p

Anyway, din giv her Calamine lotion for her "hon mo" cos find it veri messy apply prickly heat powder instd!!
dun think it's hives aka "hon mo".. coz i dun see ian scratching.. so i think it's not itchy.. hive is very itchy one..

gosh... becoz of the 1st doc's wrong diagnosis.. ur gal and 10 other kids missed sch! :p eh... which doc did u see.. just curious...

when i was preggie, i had chicken pox.. at 1st there were only a few rashes.. i went downstairs to see doc coz it was sunday and my gynae was not open.. and told the doc that i suspect i had chicken pox.. but he said it's not.. and he said even if i had chicken pox.. i cldn't take any medicine. I had this nagging feeling that he was wrong i read on the internet that can take medicine if within 72 hrs to reduce the outbreak... so the next day... went gynae to seek 2nd opinion and it was chicken pox lor! and she gave me the medicine the reduce the outbreak.. so sometimes when i trust my instinct and if i dun believe the doc.. i wld seek 2nd opinion. hee...
crayonmum,carmen22,Vivenne-so long din come in.. so sad to see so many sick bbs.. hope ur kids get well soon, my boy got cough and got phlegm arising, he shd be taking his pneumo jab this week or next week but think need to postpone liao.
Good morning all mummies,

Carmen, Crayonmum - I also like to know which blur doc har? Hehe!

Crayonmum - OIC, it's called hives. pai say! Hehehe!

Enne - Hope ur boy get well soon.

Any mummies know what does ds mean? I saw some posting referring ds to their children, is it?

Hi all,

My gal recovered liao...
2day went bac to sch, she's so happy!!

Hi Doreamon,
Hw r u...?? Long....Long time din hear fr u ah??
