Mummies staying at Fernvale

Hi mommies.. how are you all and your babies?
carmen n crayonmum: glad to hear your kids are recovering.

Ryo also had flu and cough for 3 weeks. today he looks better no more running nose. But now his father got it

I went for detail scan yesterday at TMC but baby refused to open leg wide so we still dont know the gender yet. (according to dr adrian it could be a girl tho ).
I'm so cant wait to shop hahah now must wait longer til we're sure whether its a girl or boy.

Anyone knows whether there are many people got HFMD in sengkang area? I still send my son to his playgroup becoz his teacher said so far no one got it. (thank God).

Goo.n diapers: I also got sample from them.. its quite soft but looks like it's still too small for ryo (XL size), will let him try later.
hashisan-HEY when's ur due date??
Glad to know things are ok for u and ur little one, hope ur Ryo gets better soon

hope my boy too.. nowadays seems a lot of bbs sick. all so poor things.
Good morning everyone

Don't know what virus going on, so many babies and mummies not well.

Megan also not well.. sigh.. like every month also go say hello to the peds.. see till my pocket big hole
Fi, u r sick ah? so poor thing.. take care. Ur kiddos recover liao?

Enne, Eliz,

yes... my frens' kids also sick.. think the hot as hell weather plays a part too.


ur bb is shy... dun want to show his/her private parts.. hehee...
Hope all bbs n mummies get well soon.

My bb recently doesn't want any food jus milk only. Make me worry, dunno enough or not?

Hi Hashisan, yup the G.oon diaper is v soft n reasonable pricing too.

U gynae is Dr Adrian Tan? Mine is Dr Caroline Khi fr same clinic.


Ian was like that also when he's teething... he refuses solid food.. but still take cereal.

I tried Goo.n diapers but I still prefer Sealer.
Cheaper or same price.

U gynae is Dr Adrian Tan? Mine is Dr Caroline Khi fr same clinic.


Ian is also like that when he's teething... he refuses solid food.. but still take cereal.

I tried Goo.n diapers but I still prefer Sealer.
Cheaper or same price.
Crayonmum - My bb doesn't even wants cereal. I bought different types but then ....haiz! Sealer is the one with the animal prints, rite? So cute. It is also good but the dun hv pants type.
hi crayonmum,
During my 1st preg, i was w Dr Adrian Tan (who was formerly at KKH)...then he went privatised at TMC...So, i din cont w him n chnged to Dr Christopher Chong at KKH...who noes, during my 2nd preg, Dr Chris Chong oso went privatised at Gleneagles...!!! tis time round i stick to him , bt chose to delver at Mt A instd..

hey mummies,
wats tis Goo.n diapr / Sealer abt??
isit cheap?good for using at nite?
any pic 2 shw??
paiseh, abit suah ku, nvr heard/seen b4... :p

U r preg ah?? Congrats!

Goo.n diapers.. a jap brand can only be bot online fr

Sealer is a taiwanese brand.. can be found in looks like this:


Yah.. sealers are the animal prints one.. hee.. i also find them very cute.. i used to use nepia.. but it leaks many times... so i switch to sealer.
I only use the pull-up type when changing ian is outside.. using Drypers now.. but I find it very rough... can't wait to finish them... maybe I'll try Goo.n then.
NO LAH.....m talkg abt my previous 2 pregs lah...heheeeee
i CLOSED SHOP liao..told my hb 2 monsters enuf liao...hahaaaaa
Haha Carmen,
Tat's funny abt the HFMD rumours @ appletree.
My daughter also din attend class following day aft teacher called to inform us. Actually, my 1st tot was "ei, Naomi has ezema, could it be that?" Anyway, glad to hear tat she's fine.

Crayonmum n Vivienne,
My bb also use Sealer smetimes, but only sold at Giant n Sheng Siong to look out for possible offer in the coming motherhood exh in Jun. And Vivienne, how old is your bb? Mine 5mths today, gg to let her start on bb food soon..

hashisan, when r u due? how's Adrain? still as busy as ever?
Hey Carmen,
Me also Dr Adrian Tan but he was already at TMC lar.

He very funny and long winded hor..
Always calls me the vain mama.
Coz i had some bad breakout after a bad "puking session" (during my 2nd trimeter lar ) and went to him for treatment. Hee.
Hi apple how are you ? I'm due in early aug. Dr Adrian is still" mr cool guy ".and busy as ever
. Btw did he handle both of your pregnancy and delivery? both natural?
hi crayonmum,
No worries..

hi apple,
i heard fr some mummies dat, the nx 2 days oni 5 and 4 students went to sch!! i got a shock!!! and felt bad cos it all started w my gal!! :p
btw, where do u intend to send ur gal to nx yr??
Do u noe dat at Blk 436A fernvale grove, there's gg to hv PAP w Nursery class there?
Registratn wl b 17May at Blk 303 anchorvale, bt u cn collect the regstn fm on 21Apr...
Juz fyi, in case u r keen..

hi eliz,
yah, and find him abit "untidy" too... :p
few times spotted him wearg shirt w holes... :p

hey all mummies,
Anybody interested??
Hv BN pack of Mammy Poko Pull-Up Pants (24 pcs)for Gal to let go at $14 only
Sz - XL
Self Collect at my place Fernvale.
As my gal alredi toilet trained, so dun nd liao...its BN pack, not open yet...
let me noe if any1 keen..

Does the PCF kindergarten at Fernvale Grove have pre-nursery class? Any feedback fr any mummies who have sent their kids to PCF kindies? Good? My fren told me the fees are very affordable though.
Afternoon mummies!!!

Carmen- I WANT!!!!! Pls reserve for me. can sms me at 97918231 to arrange mit up?

Crayonmum- yeah was down wif flu after kiddos.. am better nw.. Thx.. have u reg for kindermuzik? Btw, wats pcf?
Hashisan, both my pregcy were normal delivy, but 1st by Chris Chong (at KK), then 2nd by Adrian (at TMC).

Carmen, tat's good news! I din noe & was still having headache abt where 2 send Hanhui to next yr..Will u register too? Let me discuss with my hubby 1st..
And tell u wat, just managed to toilet-train my girl,hee, but she still wear pull-up pants when gg to class..mayb I can buy fm u..but dun noe if she can wear XL..cos she is wearing L size Nepia pants now.
long time never visit here already. Reason, busy with my 5 wk old bb. She was born on the 28th feb and now its one week since the confinement lady left. Next week my hb will go back to work. dunno can cope or not.
hi crayonmum,
they dun hv pre-nursery class for the branch at fernvale grove..else wl b easier for me...m nt sure abt the branch at Blk 303 anchorvale...
nw i hv to regstr my boy at appletree n my gal at pcf!! And i hope to regstr their timing both in the 1st session...otherwise i wl hv prob fetchg them both!!

Hi Fi,
m always hme during the day...if u want, u cn sms me any day whn i send my gal to appletree durin the wkday fr 9am-10.30am..i wl bring it along w me...
u let me noe lah...

hi apple,
yes!! wl want to regstr her for the 8.15am sessn, so dat aft sendg her, i cn send my boy over to appletree at 9am!! :p
Crayonmum - Oh, then mayb it's the promotion price when i bought fr Prime the other time. There's a provision shop at AMK near blk 628 always selling at $14.80. I like the cow print most.
Oops.. i just realise that I typed wrongly.. i meant I bot $16.10 (48pcs) at Giant not Prime...hee paiseh.. Maybe I'll go Prime and buy next time.
hi apple,
I hv a small pack of Mammy Poko Pullup pants -XL (12pc/pck), opened used 1pc, left 11pc..If u keen, cn let go to u at $6..
let me noe...

Carmen- meet u tues aft u send ur gal to apple tree ok? at 9 is it?

mummies- have a pack of l size drypers, unopened, i only use the sample pack, to sell at $12. Its the jumbo pack. 48 pieces.
Crayonmum - u always do ur baby stuff shopping at Giant? Too bad, i din get a chance to shop at Giant for the romper dunno if they still hv it?

My boy was with Blk 303 Anchorvale PCF Nursery few years back.

I found it quite good esp. his chinese teacher Mdm Quek.

His sch fee was abt $105 per mth but now i'm not very sure liao....

How's your son Bing Yang coping with his P1?

My son told me very stress, too many homework....

But lucky, he still able to cope.

Ever since Tampines Giants start operating, I have been buying most of my groceries there.

What romper are you looking for at Giants?

Maybe you can MMS me the pics see whether can I get for you when I go to Giants today as very tired dun intend to work late….. Heehee

Yah.. I go Ikea for dinner sometimes.. then will drop by Giant.. usually I go Giant just to buy sealer lor.. hee.

Oh.. the romper rite.. the sizing abit small leh.. i bot 18m... and it's just right for my boy now... he's 15m.


PCF nursery starts at 4 yo rite? I just found out that even for PCF pre-nursery.. need to be at least 30 mths old. Anchorvale blk 303.. very near to my in-laws.. hehee.. dun think I wanna send my boy there.. later i whole day stuck at my in-laws' place! :p

I told vivienne got $1.99 Okunishi rompers at Giant.

I aso hve 1, think from MIM. I also dunno how to use until now my gal coming to 1 year old, also hven use once!

But I remember I went to the Motherhood fair last year, the MIM staff told me its works the same even thou the brand is diff.

Do you hve the instruction book? If not I think I hve, can email you.

Let me know....

oh ya, congrats on yr new born.
hi doink,
its rather easy once u get the hang of it...
we hv bn using it since my gal was born...and nw my boy coming 2yo, stl using it whn we r out n he wants to sleep...

oops, 4got 2 add, mine is fr MIM... :p

MIM is open nx sat, they do Demo on their sling...u may wana go chk it out..

Chk out their opening hr :
Hi Carmen,
I want the pull-ups!
Can I go over to your place tonite aft work?

Doink, congrats on your new born!
I also use the sling a lot, now using for my 2nd gal. Maybe u can practice with a doll/bear at home 1st..I was afraid too at the beginning, but it is easy now as already got the hang of it.

but i scared later i suffocate her or twist her neck. now she just 5 weeks only. then she like to move alot.

doremon -- i have the instruction book. i also looked through the mim website instructions. its all in the head just dun dare to put into practise..haha.

apple -- doll/bear abit different leh. they dun move one.

would it be easier if i practise on the bed?
hi mummies,
anyone knows where to get nice Winnie The Pooh Birthday Figurines to deco the birthday cake?
Crayonmum - O I C

Doreamon - Thanks, anyway i haven't seen it b4 so hv to go down n choose.
My boy so far still ok with his work. Hope he can keep it up. Did ur boy join the inline skating class?
