Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Kidz: I went on Sat after lunch... went to Poney Warehouse sale before lunch... not that crowded at both places... Poney was quite small, but able to shop leisurely for a preggy... cos think there were less than 5 groups of pp when I was there... lots of stuffs for gals... I got dresses for each of my gals at Poney, really pretty ones... *grin*... actually they already have plenty for CNY, but too pretty to resist...

At Gimill, I got more for #2 & #3... got 2 pairs of shorts for myself... for home ware during confinement... cos nothing to wear... usually in PJ if I dun go out... hee hee... but during cfm, & part of which during CNY, pp may visit... so can't wear PJ all day... hee hee... plan to pass the shorts to my mum after my cfm... hahaha.. very happy with my loot!

Pet: A bit kwa zhang la... I only make everyone wash their hands & feet after coming home from outside... so bad? Need to shower? Dunno le...

Anyway, CSI, do take care... will pray for bb L's recovery so you can enjoy x'mas... =D

emq: eh.. i do lah. when i go shopping, i'll bath immed upon return home. not juz change clothes.. cause u take bus, mrt, walk.. all the dust and germs u catch frm rubbing shoulders etc..
i m niao to tat extent. so i'll shower and wear home clothes b4 i carry my son. unless he go out wif me. then we'll shower then go to the bedroom.
neither hb, me nor baby is allowed on the bed if we dun shower.

when my hb comes home frm work, he dun carry our son until he showers... this rule is rather permanent in our hse. of course outside, friends carry is ok. cause baby will shower when we get home.
washing hands n feet is very very basic. even no baby in the hse, we shld also do tat.

my thoughts only.. no offence
Pet: Hi dearie, no offence taken la... good to be extra careful... I think I'm just not as careful as you... hee hee... only insist that all must wash hands & feet when we get home... same applies when we get home from work lor... I'll try to wash hands before leaving my work place or wipe with wet wipes... then upon getting home, will wash again before carrying baby...

Thankfully my kids have been ok so far... hee hee... my HB a bit on the side of la sap jie la sap tua... hee hee...
oh no!! all these poor babies getting sick! CSI, must be really bad, the poor girl..

but if things are too sterile also no good for babies right? my hubby thinks that's why there are more cases of HFMD and such, but i think the viruses are also getting stronger...

then also you can avoid dirt, but you can't avoid people who are sick who don't have common sense to keep a distance.... tsk.
emq: yeah.. my hb family also tat type of mentality.. i've been nagging for 9mths then it kenna drilled into their minds abt cleaniness.
cause i'll be the ultimate person who suffer wif the kid if our kid falls sick. so i dun wanna take any risk.

iso: yes. can't avoid ppl who r sick and still wanna kiss our babies. but we can avoid bringing home germs by cleansing ourselves b4 touching our babies.
not so much of visible dirt. more of rubbing shoulders wif collys/strangers, handling money, touching outside places, bus/mrt handles, etc..
try to keep those invisible germs away frm our babies will help to a certain lvl of extent.

csi: did u bring baby L to the doc's yet? is she any better?
hi mummies,

thanks for your concern. L is ok already. She was really weak over the weekend, but now she's back to her usual self. But the virus was so strong, it hit both daddy and mummy too. hahaha. We thought we were already very very careful with how we handled her poop and vomit...but still, we fell to it. I guess it was also the lack of sleep lah...that brought our immunity down.

well, I prefer to look at it this way...

the earlier bout of fever / roseola...I can't help that. It's like chicken pox. Can't prevent. But once they get it, they are unlikely to get it again next time. So...also good lah. hehs...

as for this round, despite her daily dose of probiotics, she still came down with stomach flu. And I think it's a rather bad case of stomach flu, probably coz everything around her has been very, the body seldom come into contact with dirt etc (no chance to mah), or even if it did come into contact with dirt etc, it was able to fight it off...such that this "super stomach flu bug" came about to hit her.

Dunno where it came from also. We went botanic gdns with a few friends (and their kids). One of the friend's 5-year old also came down with the same symptoms and had to be hospitalised.

actually, we're pretty much clean freaks too. hahaha. We'll always wash our hands when we get home, before we carry baby. Then when outside after handling $$ (or at church, after giving the donation during offertory), hb will insist on washing / wiping with wet wipes first before carrying baby. ( I haven't been giving $$ to church for a long time. It's always hb. heehee...coz I'm always the one carrying baby L! hahahaha).
CSI: i noe ur n ur hb r clean freaks too.. hehe
i juz thinking abt ur maid.. cause she's new, so she may not be that clean.
anyway, glad that it's not rotavirus.. lucky she still has u as a human pacifier.. otherwise she'll prob be more cranky. ahha
csi: haha.. nvm lah.. baby L not cranky, in replacement u sore.. if she cranky, u lagi tired..
so doc said it was stomach flu ar? u still on leave or back to work?
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

yup. doc said stomach flu. back at work on the eve, but it's half day. hehs...
look like everyone's been busy with xmas

do any mummies have the pikkolo carrier? am thinking of that because it has forward facing (which E likes), as opposed to the beco or ergo ones... he's growing out of the babybjorn fast!
pikkolo is not purchasable in sg. u need to spree for that... perhaps u ask angel. she is also looking for something like tat
cause most of us already has ergo or pikkolo from the start... we dun use bjorn
Hi Mommies -- hope you all had a good Christmas break!

Went to the Isetan sale on Boxing Day w Angel -- queue was right outside the Thai Embassy @ abt 10.15am. Funniest thing was two ladies had a slight scuffle coz the one behind dunno pushed or stepped on the one in front. Once inside it was too bad. Though I never had to queue outside when I was @ their other member's sale. Managed to buy quite a bit of Barney and Elmo's VCDs for B1 -- she's into these two characters now

Baby carrier-wise, was actually wondering if I should get a new carrier. B1 was in a 3rd hand Baby Bjorn Original which is now fairly worn out coz I washed it regularly in the machine. It had come courtesy of my younger sis who got it 5yrs ago. After her boy was out of it, she passed on to her sis-in-law before it ended up with us.

I was able to use it from when she was 2.5M to about 11M. Then it became a strain on my back so I just carried her in my arms. After that stint with us, I think it can retire now

Or maybe I should see if I can borrow one (other brand) next August to try out before really investing in another brand...
hi kidz!
i'm still enjoying my well deserved break, so glad i didn't have to go back to work yesterday

same with E, he's approaching 11M now and the bjorn (air) is straining my back! can only use for short distances. was thinking of getting one that can be front and back (like back pack) use, which would be handy for travelling. let me know if you have any friends who have feedback on the carriers, hee.
I have both bbbjorn and pikkolo. HB likes to use the bbbjorn, I like to use pikkolo. hahaha. I love te prints on the beco, but beco is quite ex lah, plus no front facing. I find both quite easy to handle...

I like hte pikkolo for its front carry, back carry and hip carry. Sometimes, when I'm playing with L, I'll just change the "style" of carrying her, and we both have fun running around in the "new style of the moment". hahaha.

Pikkolo is easier to fold up etc when travelling...i find. coz my bbbjorn (synergy) has that back support thingy, which you can't fold.

wow, you 2 went to the Isetan sale? I went too! But I gave up upon reaching Isetan. It was waaaayyy too crowded. HB drove me there (so rare that he was willing to drive to orchard, so I let him...haha), and it was jammed all the way from Gleneagles! It was abt 11am when we reached. Finally got to Claymore road to turn into Shaw carpark, and wah, from a 2-lane road, it became a 4-lane road packed with cars that were not moving. We changed our minds, before we joined that queue. Otherwise, dunno hb would have been stuck in that jam for how long, just to get to the carpark. And on the other side getting into Claymore rd, it was jammed with cars trying to turn in as well. So, hb and I ended up going Kallang Leisure Park to spend our day together. It was quite fun. heehee...

But strange lorh, at the other Isetan member sales, I never had to queue to enter. the Boxing Day sale was just wow....

Oh, mummies,

I have 5 S&amp;S Dec stamps. Looking to exchange for 2 local postage stamps each. Know of anyone who needs? Meet up at Raffles Place (lunch time) / Bt Batok / Clementi (after work).
oh you're just the person i'm looking for then, haha. do you find that the pikkolo can be used for longer, i.e. for until they're older? my bbjorn is the air one, so it folds pretty well, just that it's really becoming a strain!

maybe becuase of the impending "times are bad" situation next year, people are rushing to get good deals now? i'd have gone too if i had some time, haha.
yup. I find that the pikkolo can be used till they are heavier. haha. bbbjorn is until 12kg I think. Pikkolo is until 20kg. But, law of physics cannot carry baby/toddler in that position for long, or the strain on the back/shoulders will be ouch...but for me, I find that I can handle L in the pikkolo for longer periods, than the bjorn.
We actually have a stroller that is meant for NB-3 but it was easier to just bring out the BBjorn. B1 thus had little experience in the stroller. But for Christmas we got her a doll and stroller set and she's been "threatening" to sit in it quite a few times. I think it's about time I clean up her stroller and let her use it a bit. We also got her one of those kid's bike with a long handle bar for parents to steer the child around. She absoluately loves it and it's quite fun to put her in her bike and steer her to the shops to get groceries -- she's very co-operative.

Now @ 22M, her doing even more pretend play. Y'day she picked up a story book and pretended it was a camera. I also caught her making her Pooh &amp; Lumpy soft toys sit with her and "reading" a book to them. It's really so interesting to watch all these developments.

But the "terrible two" is rearing it's head. Brought her along to my gynae appt earlier and at one pt she threw tantrum, sat on the floor in the waiting area and refused to budge... Sigh.
<font color="0000ff">Before I forget...</font>

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Wishing all of you a Blessed 2009 -- may it be filled with many special moments with your loved ones that you can treasure and draw strength from for the days ahead!

kidz, u still keen on the toothbrushes? i have been giving them away as small emergency xmas presents :D

CSI/kidz, thanks for sharing. i'll think over it for a while first.. what happened to sleek ah? she like disappeared. i know she has an ergo or beco and wanted to ask her about it.

kidz, those bikes with the handle looks cute! think i'll get one at a later stage
Iso: Yes, still want to toothbrush. Gotta teach my girl to brush and rinse soon...

Iso &amp; CSI: Free to lunch next Tue or Fri? I'll take leave
Iso &amp; CSI: Will have to be this Fri, 16 Jan. Coz I need to standby for a meeting just after lunch 2mr and timing's too tight. Pls let me know which timing's best and where's good to meet and eat at RP and I'll meet you there.
ok!! i have to go home and see what colour/design toothbrushes i still have, but still got a lot lah...
i should be ok with any timing, i'm at far east sq.
CSI where did you say your office is?

I didn't have time to check back into this thread the past few days...hehs...

This friday, 16 Jan is ok. Timing wise...any time between 12pm and 2pm (my lunch time). I guess if we meet between 12pm and 12.30pm would be good...

My office is above the MRT - Ocean Towers (the one they demolished is Ocean Building).

Where's good to eat? hmmm...far east sq got lots of eating places...oh! Beef noodle! but long queue...
ya! beef noodle got long Q!

i got some bad news, my boss just called for a team lunch on friday... and i would tell her i'm not free but recently she mentioned that i should have lunch with the team more (although i only have appointments maybe once a week!). sigh.

sorry sorry....
Iso &amp; CSI -- Let's change to next Wed, 21 Jan? I gotta collect my CNY goodies from Mkt St

2mr PM I got a free 3D scan -- thanks to the info posted by Chobeemama
okie. can...

most impt thing is u and iso can meet up...coz u wanted to collect toothbrush from her right? heehee...

are you ok for next Wed?

free 3D scan? wow...that's good...
Hi Mummies,

Anyone knows where I can purchase Nan 1 at a cheaper price (than NTUC) in Clementi? I used to patronise the shops in Jurong West when I was still staying there... now need to look for new source for my newborn... inconvenient to go back JW... also often oos there...

Or for that matter, what abt Gain IQ? My toddler is taking Gain... but I've been buying in bulk whenever there is a promotion... =D
have you tried sheng shiong? i think they're pretty cheap. got a big one at clementi west, although it's got a bit of the market feel to it :p
think i'll be graduating to gain too, so will share if i see any discounts

kidz, CSI
omg, so sorry! i didn't see the earlier posts.. wed is good! i was thinking it's today and brought the toothbrushes, but will keep it in the office.

kidz, sorry i dun have the yellow/red pooh anymore, only got yellow/green and blue/green. do you still want? and do you want anything else on top of that? let me know
Iso: I dunno le, other than Gardania Bread, I've not really bought any food from Sheng Shiong le... not really sure abt where they get the supplies from... I've the impression their goods are parallel imports, hence so cheap... &amp; if parallel imports, I wonder how reliable their sources are...

Gain IQ, very easy, plenty of promotions most of the time (cos not stage 1 milk)... Giant, Guardian, Coldstorage, etc.... just keep a lookout... will share info here if I know of any.. =D
Iso &amp; CSI -- Okie, see you 2mr. Wl pm my HP no. I'll be at Raffles Plc MRT by 12:15pm. Then you gals lead me to the good food or good seats :)

btw, i haven't met either of you, feel like we're going on a blind date :p

EmQ: think for brands like GainIQ should be ok lah, Abbott is a very reputable company. If it's some cha-pa-lang brand then maybe more dodgy. haha.. but overall other than SS, i think NTUC is the cheapest, and not NTUC finest! things there can be like a few cents more ex than other places...
Went for my free 3D scan last Fri @ Ritz Carlton. Got a DVD with one shot of B2 but he was a bit shy and had one hand partly over his face
Hubby and I haven't settled on a name yet for B2 though I liked Elliot, Ethan and Sebestian. Problem with 'Ethan' is my colleague says sounds like "eaten"? Sigh...

Btw, as I was pouring over this baby names book, found out that 'Brendan' actually means foul smelling hair... 'Brandon' is safe though.
my cousin's boy is called Ethan. He's now 9 yrs old. But when he was younger, most of the older aunties in the family used to disturb him..."hey ethan, have you eaten?" or "eaten! (and he'll respond and they'll say...) no, i didn't call you..." toink!

Brendan = foul smelling hair? hahahaha. so funny. Got a colly by that name....but no, I'm not going to try and smell his hair.
my son's called ethan, and he does get a bit of "eaten" jokes, but aiya, i think whatever the name is people will make fun of it. worst still if it's some name that parents have thought up themselves.

Elliot's nice! I wanted Nathan but everyone started pronouncing it the way they say the President's name. grr!
hi mummies @ Clementi!!!!

i nid some advise on some childcare recommendations ard Clementi or West Coas area...
anyone can help??

thanks!! :D
wah these days the thread a bit slow hor.

EmQ - not sure if giant still have but they had about 50cents off the GainIQ on CNY eve - sorry so long ago, no time to post, heehee.
Iso, if the others are like me -- still sluggish from all the CNY goodies.

Juz say gynae today and my weight has ballooned since last visit 1M back. Baby is huge too. Think I need to stick to soupy dishes henceforth -- still got 2M to go...

Btw, my hubby and I have kinda settled on Sebastian/Sebastien/Sebestian/Sebestien. Juz look at the different variations -- so headache to pick a name rite? We're still cracking our heads over the Chinese name...

Oh, Iso &amp; CSI -- I realised we were just talking and never take out HP to show photos of our darlings... we are such terrible mommies hor?
kidz, iso,
yah didn't even occur to me that we didn't show photos. hahaha...but also means we're past the "showing off" stage...haha. and more looking for "me time". hahaha.
