Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

really really appreciate for checking out for me. I'll maybe call them up and see if i can arrange some other day to go down and take a look...

<font color="0000ff">sandy,

i think my 'fringe' if too long will make it look very heavy, not sure if you get what i mean that's why all along i've been having layered hair so look 'lighter'</font>

<font color="aa00aa">lup,

oh so sad that you're leave not approved but it means that you are indispensable which is good! =D

you can call up &amp; look for ANN. tell her you're a friend of mine cos i enquired for you today so she should be 'know' you hehe...

i'm sure they can work out anpther date for you! they're VERY nice people

today just went to attend an enrichment program talk about analytical thinking that the kids were having or going to have &amp; they said cherrybrook kids were the best kids that they have ever worked with cos they are so sociable &amp; that we parents made a great choice sending them there!</font>
<font color="#C25283">snow_luplup,
no other person to 'look' after the new person meh? say u need to take leave to bring yr boy to sch loh.

better to clear yr leave fast or else last yr leave forfeited again.</font>

<font color="0077aa">Sandy,
old folks say ppls with high folks head gd cos very intelligent person. like our forefather.....

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
oic..KFC egg tart also not cheap mah..but I like the egg tart at the arcade, raffles plc there. I remember I ate the crispy egg tarts...yummy.

yeah to come and zoom cos the last time, I met u is yr ang there. yeah, scared u give me "电". :p.

btw, think gg to dispose the given boots cos think longer time never wear, leather a bit crack and sole errrr......anyway, ah lao manage to buy fr camp at $29.xx only. he tot it is $100++ (got a boots selling that price).

Hmmm...tot u sahm alway stay at home one seldom go out cos does it matter?
anyway, fringe very fast grew back mah. bt for me, afterall, I still prefer slant kind. my gar also cut her fringe that way. sigh, but she 'forever' mistaken for a boy since infant.

layer hair gd for those with lot of hair cos can make one hair look lighter and lesser. I also cut layer. if not, wind blow, look like 疯狂的女人.

yeah loh...must scratch sratch or beat beat.

<font color="#F88017">Joo,
yeah. but that day, not hm so early.
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

why my ang there you scared ah?! hehe...anyway i think you need to zoom go home so never chat longer with you hehe...

hehe...that pair of boots very long liao lo...think got 10 years ba hehe...anyway shoes cannot keep too long whether new or old &amp; especially in our climate but that pair is brand new, never worn before. lucky the boots only cost <$30 so not that heart pain but learn your lesson &amp; keep the shoes indoor in future.

i SAHM but i not "huang lian po" hor...must still "ban mei mei" one lei if not later got sluts "song shang men" how?! LOL...i always tell my ang if people got "ben shi" then go ahead &amp; seduce cos i full of confidence in myself so not scared *gives smug look*</font>
morning mummies!

yeah...will call them up and arrange...

cos the team only 3 of us... if boss not ard means 2 of us only...sigh...that's why no one else is ard to 'look' after him....

arcade got egg tarts?? which store?? i always go there for lunch but nothing looks tempting to me...
<font color="ff0000">anyone wants the skippy water bottle &amp; blank flash cards?

Still have 1 set that I've self written the alphabets...</font>
the hawker center there has good food! if that is not open yet...go to the hawker opp OCBC i nice malay chicken rice.
I love jurong west fish soup with their special chilli. lOve Bt Timah market eat porridge cause its sticky enough, especially when sick and also the chee quey.
Beauty World 4floor Tomyam soup-change to chicken if dont want seafood. $4only

Miss eating satay at clementi and the tau po with stuffing(got to cross the road to go to NTUC that store).

now salivating away at all the mention...
today, co retreat. had eaten the buffet so full, can consider my brunch and dinner. then we went to mindscafe for games. now, tiring...cos down with little block nose. gg to slp soon.

<font color="#C25283">snow_luplup,
dunno the portuage (dunno how to spell) egg tart stall is still there.</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
CL ctr got lot of nice food. eg: mixed veg rice and 'ke ai ji' at coffeeshop near NTUC, blk 325 claypot rice, rojak opp the OCBC bank and the peanut soup tang yuan opp blk 426. if next time, the hawker ctr opened then can go and try the yong tau foo (provided it is still there cos that couple sell yong tau foo for long time since I was pri one). the chicken rice (2 stalls fr yong tau foo) and duck noodle,fishball noodle, wanton mee at hawker ctr also super nice. sigh, I forsee after renovation, price of food sure increase.

3-4 wks ago, I went to bt timah try the G7 frog legs porridge. the taste ok wor...I also shun bian buy 32 pcs of the muffins too. here are some yummy food:

1) you tiao and fried carrot cake at bt timah hawker ctr
2) boneless mutton soup at lavender hawker ctr
3) mutton soup at hong lim hawker ctr (dunno still there or not)
4) 'ke ke xue' (ice-coco) at chinatown hawker ctr
5) fried sotong mee and fried oyster at bt batok ave 6 blk 154 coffeeshop (best is chilli, if add more chilli charge 50 cents)

6) duck mee at west coast market blk 7xx.

<font color="#F87431">any one try the dian xian at guilin restaurant at cck staidum? any reviews?</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
yeah hor, but that one pending for u to add on mah....

Would like to review and add on to my list:
1) you tiao and fried carrot cake at bt timah hawker ctr

2) boneless mutton soup at lavender hawker ctr

3) mutton soup at hong lim hawker ctr (dunno still there or not)

4) 'ke ke xue' (ice-coco) at chinatown hawker ctr

5) fried sotong mee and fried oyster at bt batok ave 6 blk 154 coffeeshop (best is chilli, if add more chilli charge 50 cents)

6) G7 Frogs Legs Congee at Geylang blk 1xx(main branch) or sub-branch at bt timah (opp beauty world)

7) Chicken rice at blk 37x coffeeshop (near to prime mart)

8) wanton mee at blk 4x hawker center busno vista (when one go up the stair to the hawker ctr, turn right all the way. stall is managed by a couple)

9) rojak at coffeeshop opp clementi OCBC

10) Roti Prata - Jalan Kayu or the Alif Restaurant cum coffeeshop , Bukit Gombak opposite Gombak MRT (long queue wor).

11) Nasi Lemak - Changi Village or Chong Pang, Yishun or near NUS bus interchange there.

12) Rocher original beancurd

13) san rou he fen/XO Fish Head Beehoon at west coast coffeeshop (Bao Gong XO Fish Head Bee Hoon 包公XO鱼头米粉) 713 Clementi West St 2 #01-115

14) Lor mee and Chwee Kueh at Tiong Bahru market

15) Amoy Street food Centre got many nice food

16) Bedok hawker centre blk 85 got nice ba chor mee

17) ba chor mee at Kovan hawker centre

18) Laksa at katong

19) Ah kun roti

20) Barbecue Seafood,Crabs Speciality,Cuttlefish Kangkong at Pasir Panjang Food Ctr

21) Claypot Rice, Herbal Soup at blk 328 Clementi Ave 2 #01-220

22) Peanut dumpling (tang yuan) soup at 445 Clementi Ave 3 #01-181 (Time: 1200 - 2100, Off on Tue)

23) Cheese Prata at 18 clementi RD

24) you tiao,Chwee Kueh,Ipoh Hor Fun and Fried Kway Teow at blk 20 Ghim Moh Rd #01-08

25) Vegetarian Food (gd lor mee) coffeeshop at blk 359

26) Claypot laska blk 1xx coffeeshop bukit merah
near defence tower(Blk 108 Depot Rd #02-22)

27) Curry Fish Head at 33 Dover Rd #01-128

28) mutton soup at Dover hawker ctr (by lunch time, will sold out)

New Bridge and smith street at chinatown and 6 (ABC Brickworks Market &amp; FC)Jln Bt Mera also have lot of nice food.

<font color="#F87431">Happy halloween to all.</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
hmm....tot jalan kayu one crispy liao (only tried once before have kid). u mean roti prata at casurina instant cook? for roti prata at gombak there also instant cook will be hot hot and crispy.

<font color="aa00aa">afcai,

Not all roti prata cook when you order. Some like Alif will have extra kosong or telok ready cooked in advance so when you order either one they will take from their already cooked stack for you some more it had been a long time since you've been there so maybe you should pay them another visit to see if they still make it to your list hehe...I used to patronize jalan kayu &amp; alif but after I tried casurina's the rest all became history...</font>

<font color="ff0000">anyone tried the new softlan ultra? I tried the spring fresh &amp; found it a bit too strong for my liking so wondering if the rest of the fragrance is as strong...</font>
Morning Mummies..

lolx... Afcai.. wow.. you have been moving around makan ya..

For rojak.. I prefer the one inside the hawker centre de...

Roti Prata at Jalan Kayu.. not crispy de...

HF.. where exactly casurina? Got full add? I also like crispy de..

Sweet dreams..
<font color="0000ff">sandy,

I don't have the exact address but it's near the dunno upper or lower pierce reservoir...there got 1 whole row of eateries...</font>
<font color="0077aa">Sandy,
aiyo...where's got time to go ard makan when u have kids? that's before my marriage and before having kids days.

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
wow,casurina so far.what is softlan ultra?

u miss everyone?

<font color="ff6000">afcai,

Softlan ultra is the clothes softener brand but this ultra is more concentrated than the usual softlan...

Of cos miss everyone la...all go hide then thread so quiet...
Below are the events available for Nov school holidays

1) Colouring Contest @ Nee Soon South CC on 28 Nov’10

~ Prizes &amp; Goodie Bags worth > $500 retail value.

2) Crafts Classes @ Alex (Vivo City) on 20 Nov’ &amp; 27 Nov

~ Let ur kids have the opportunity to have fun with Mosaic Art &amp; Making different designs of friendship bands

(prices includes entire set of Alex products. Thus participants will have completed sets &amp; sets to bring home &amp; have more FUN !
