Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Morning Mummies..

Just checking.. what do you use to clean the tiles of the toilet huh? Think mine is super old flat le.. now the black line starts to appear..

<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff6000">o</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="808080">n</font><font color="0000ff">i</font><font color="0077aa">n</font><font color="aa00aa">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="808080">u</font><font color="119911">m</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="aa00aa">i</font><font color="0077aa">e</font><font color="0000ff">s</font>

Sorry ladies ... please ask me again if i hv missed out anyone's qn ... weekends and last 2 days was really bad for me.
Now, abit weak. And sorry hor, some of your goodies are still with me.
That is for <font color="119911">Sandy</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>, <font color="0000ff">Lup</font>, <font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Meow</font> and latest one for <font color="808080">Ak</font>
<font color="0077aa">So goodie for me...

<font color="119911">sandy,

Mold already grown in the lines of the tiles &amp; not easy to remove. Can try scrubbing with bleach or I saw before at DIY shop they sell this paint thingy where u paint the tiles otherwise you can try liquid paper hehe...

Next time my house I will use granite tiles with black cement so cannot see the mold growing hehe...</font>
<font color="0077aa">Sandy,
i use normal washing powder n brush to slowly brush all the lines....juz did that to my living room and now it looks like juz renovated.....heehee</font>

oh dear.. Hope u are better now..


i am looking forward to my super long weekend. After tmr i will have 6 days to rest before back to work again.
Looking forward
<font color="aa00aa">hehe...seems like everyone I know that is going holiday is going Phuket....

I also wanna go holiday again! =P</font>
Hi mummies,

if anyone knw pediasure is having promo let me knw hor. My boy fm finishing liao need to stock up again.
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
what happened, why block?</font>

<font color="0077aa">Sandy,
re:toilet tiles
last time, there's a salesman came to my hse to sell this solution on tile cleaning. he demo and pour a bit of the liquid onto my tiles and the black line becomes white. it's miracle.

for us, pour with bleach but not much loh cos scare it is too acidic will 'eat' up the tiles. maybe can try using magic sponge?</font>

<font color="#EAC117">Jappooh,
u clearing leave? gd...go holiday..envy...


<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
oops, tot Softlan ultra can eat one also we are all talking abt food then....errr...

last time, I used the old Softlan.

haa...joo joo no goodies for u....cos u noti is it?? anyway, u satarina many goodies loh.

haa..u so creative, ask my honey to try liquid paper on the tiles. like that vandalism the tile....

haa..maybe u do all Zen color, wooden color, all cannot seee any dust and dirt.</font>
Morning mummies.

not really clearing leave lar.. After this trip i finish up my last yr leave. Have to take this yr leave liao.
Cant bring over all my leave.
My hubby wan to go mah so i take leave loh
<font color="ff6000">afcai,

softlan ultra = food?!! OMG!! LOL

not put liquid paper on the tiles la but on the lines...

yup as long as cannot see it become dirty can liao hehe...</font>
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
maybe page error blar...yr kids off diaper liao?

<font color="#EAC117">Jappooh,
for me, I had not touch this yr leave, think gg to touch 2-3 days cos bringing my gar for a short 3.5hr camp during sch holiday.

why can't bring all leave over to next yr?

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
haa..cos we are mentioning abt food mah. that, the hse become so dirt (camoflauge dirt). but if hse got lizard, xiao qiang and insects etc, then they can camouflage onto the furniture loh</font>
<font color="#F87431">Attention to pediasure lovers,
Pediasure is having promotion at the followings:
1) Cold storage: 2 tins of 900g for $65.95
2) NTUC:eek:ne tin of 900g $33.20

Attention to Gain iq kids lovers
1) Guardian: 1 tin of 1.8kg - $51.85

Attention to Gain iq lovers
1) NTUC: 1 tin of 1.8kg $58.xx

NTUC is having bb fair fr today till 17 Nov. diaper, bb accessories etc all have promotion....

guardian is selling xiao ding dang fever pad (6 pcs) for $4.xx.
Yeah page cant load properly. son off diaper. only night time for younger son. Not so soon. just operation finish, doctor say to wear a bit longer then train him off night time. The removed one cause him a bit imbalance and bladder control and also his emotional. now super cranky. hb touch him, he will scream and cry and in baby talk say hb beat him. haiyah...
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng, do u train boy diaper free? cos, I think toilet train gar easier. is he ok? appetite to give him more attention and ressurance. hope he recovered soon. pray for u....

I will be gg to blk 281 after work (same timing) maybe tues or thur? see if u are available to collect the book.
afcai, I must be heng, I simply ask him want to off diaper for elder son at age 2+yrs old... He say yes after I told him he is grown up and if he continue to wear diapers he might feel itchy here and there at Butt with all his wetness in diaper. So simply just off like that lor.

Think for younger son not so soon lah.. still cranky and lots of baby talk lei.. appetite worse then before .. eat a bit here and there. u see him like junkie(eat junk super fast one) body grown long. so now look super skinny not like his bb time liao.. So cute cute looking and chubby too

tuesday can. Me free. I only got to bring him in the morning for review on the wound.


will either one do for u??
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
hmmm but do the kid has the 'accident' in wetting mattress?

hmm cup cakes? no lah...dun need to give me any token. u keep. I just happened to want to go blk 281 to buy something. u need anything fr here
i cant bring over cos i take more leave mah. My hubby lor keep wanting to go holiday. I went to genting in oct then now nov go phuket.. I go weekdays so all need to take leave.

Toilet train:
My boy just see he do not wan to take put diaper anymore. Then we make him promise to wake up to pass urine. So far he have "accident" once. he was diaper free for 1.5yr already. For my younger one he is not train yet. Only poo poo he will say but pee he still dunno how to tell us yet. so i guess still need time loh
yes he had the problem. Once in a while lor. but is natural. got to tell him nvm is ok. next time must wake up go toilet lor. I tell him if he fall asleep, saw himself going to toilet, must get up and go cause will wet bed lei (then no bed to sleep on). So every now and then remind him this as a story telling way lor.

no I dont need anything. Saw u got 2 different things of 21. first is SKII mask next is a vip shirt or something??? see blur blur.
for my family, insect repellent patch or spray doesnt work. Instead we use a super strong dilated dettol(white/brown color water) in a spray bottle(cooked water, not tap water)... Now when we go zoo, no bites yeah. ps I and kids super attractor for mozzzzzzz. the mozzzz are green in color type.

Save money too. just do it the day itself or before can liao. I store it in bottle for 3 months the most, leftover, pour into washing clothes time will do.
me busy wor...later have to go storeroom to look for christmas tree for co.

you previously ask me what i collecting when i pass you the voucher i got new collection. Giant stamps for my kids lor. Ah boy wants giraffe, ah gal wants elephant/lion
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
no lah, just see the latest updates of my posting only...</font>

<font color="#EAC117">Jappooh, lah..go hoilday for relax unlike stress up...sigh...

your kids are ok with riding on plane?

yeah, my younger one also know how to indicate poo poo and when I think urine time or diaper full, he will shout "bao za".

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
dunno those bb johnson type- green bottle one work or not...

<font color="119911">hi,
anyone got extra Ritz apple strudel tab and do not want to collect, appreciate if u can donate to me. thks.</font>
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff6000">ö</font><font color="808080">r</font><font color="aa00aa">n</font><font color="119911">ï</font><font color="0000ff">n</font><font color="0077aa">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="aa00aa">ü</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="0000ff">ï</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="0077aa">s</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
Super long time i didn't go and shop in Giant liao. Ok lah ... i try to save the stamps for u if I have it

Oh yes, yr stuff are with <font color="0000ff">Luplup</font> ... remember to get it from her ya...

<font color="0077aa">Happyfeet</font>
U very innovative leh ... using liquid paper to do the camouflage ar? First time hearing it ... kekekekeke
Tong Heng is at Chinatown:
285 South Bridge Road
Singapore 058833
(65) 6223 3649

Hope the place still remain since I went there once.
<font color="0077aa">me here!!! i see so slow so never post motivation lei hehe...</font>

<font color="ff6000">joo, tong heng at chinatown ah...a bit far for me cos i don't frequent that area but if i do i will pop by see if its still there =)</font>
mi here but it's like the here's going so slow all of a sudden....without the regular meow, Joo n Sandy ard

oni the 2 of us here.....if not we openly 'hua hua' Sandy will pop out??? lolx
hihi, I just reach my mum place as a matter of fact. Paiseh to Afcai abt today meeting. heng ok liao. My mum ask us come over eat and she want to see hows the younger son. discharge at 4+ bah. never see timing.

re his lymphoid node: its non cancerous.... Yeah so happy. but area still over active with good cells..

i shall text you...dun wan openly say what

I sometimes around, but see you gals talk till i dunno what's going on so i bo bian continue my work lah
