Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

<font color="ff6000">sandy,

Tao Huey stall located at short street near peace centre, paradiz centre that side. It's called rocher Tao Huey or bean curd can't remember. There are 2 stalls there side by side. Go for the 1st stall, corner stall which is the original one &amp; in my opinion tastes lots better. The other one opened by the sibling after some disputes so set up his own...

I always order hot bean curd add soya bean milk less nice! Now I'm craving for's been a long time since I last eat....</font>

meow - choice vouchers can be used at giant and shop and save too. not too sure about guardian.

luplup - you meeting your friends on 18 Nov? otherwise, you go for lunch and wait for me. we can go walk walk or go home together.

happyfeet - i think soup is the easiest thing to cook for 2 - 3 pax. put everything in, can eat 2 meals, add potatoes for the carbo and skip rice.
<font color="aa00aa">meow,

if yes then can be used at all Giant stores, Cold Storage, Shop N Save, Jasons, Market Place, Guardian and 7-Eleven.</font>

<font color="ff6000">ak,

idea hor!! but add what huh?!</font>
HF how abt watercress soup? wintermelon soup? sharkfin melon soup? 'bai mu er' chix soup? etc etc.... i can teach u cook....very easy!
<font color="0000ff">suika,

erm...all the soups i don't like one lei hehe...</font>

<font color="0077aa">ak,

2 &amp; 12 very big difference lei hehe...</font>
<font color="ff6000">suika,

errr...i also dunno lei...but the soup you listed all got weird bitter taste that i personally don't like...actually just looking for simple to cook menu lo...but seems that soup is the easiest hor? any others not?</font>
weird taste?? u must tell mi wad soup then i can teach u mah....dishes? wad u like to eat? simple stuffs i know...
<font color="#FF00FF">Meow,
if u are the safra member and receive the newsletter magazine. sometimes, it has promotion to purchase diff supermarket or movie voucher.

choice voucher can be used at any dairy farm outlet. eg giant, cold storage, sns and guardian. I had not tried 7-11 yet. </font>

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
yeah, *wink*,*wink*, muack muack....'dio dio'....I simply luv the kopi (like capacinno) n teh in the food junction. I will buy 1 each and then drink a bit of teh then mixed then together...yummy...

yo-yo...cheaper than mine leh...sometimes, mine ex one still got so many sch close the way, got include some snack or makan right...cos my gar now also have..sometimes, teacher gave milo, bread, porridge or 'tong xin fen'.

r: tao huay
Beancurd City – The Tau Huay Melts in Your Mouth at 4 Short Street Singapore 188212

look out for big blue stall one...

<font color="#7E2217">ak,
u taking greg there?

hmm what 's the concert abt?

choice voucher can be used at guardian.</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
yeah,maybe one of the day when I had time, I will write to HQ for enquiry. somemore, why my side kept on having school close in lieu of this events and that celebration this coming 29/10, sch close due to concert at 0730PM and only attend 1 hr on 4/11.

haa..agree, yeah, 不强迫,不强迫.

re:tao huay
yeah..there's another same outlet at geylang too. a distance walk fr euno or kallang stn. can't remember...been there long time ago during pak tor time.

our hotel is located far far up and if one need to go to town, we walked at least 20mins down the slope. so we dun go anywhere in queenstown loh just the city area to shop.

haa..yeah expect to break. so easily broke meh? even I bought those fr sheng siong or NTUC with all the goodies, still ok leh.

re:beauty slp
yeah, agree.make full use of the time.生命是短暂的,享受生活.
errr, cough for 2 wks...aiyo...take the medicine u bought loh...

wow..never know so ex to own seems like a instructor as u quite gd in 'promoting' horse riding issue.

high 5....very strong smell man..but old folk like to eat that. it is gd for those with high blood pressure. haa celery = "qin cai" translated to passion veg. eat this can be more passion...get the joke?

re:gd and simple meal
1) steam fish + fried eggs + veg
2) Chicken rice (boil the chicken and use the water to cook the rice. dump in the chicken)

3)Century egg porridge

4) pasta

5) soup - potato/carrot soup with some minced meat or tofu
- corn soup with some cabbage or brocoli
- niang tou fu soup
- Slice fish soup with veg
- xi yang cai soup (but must wash the xi yang cai clean cos lot of sand)
- Wanton soup + cai xin
- Chicken soup with potatoes
- "Lao wan gua' soup with soft meat (in hokkien)
- Campbell's soup
- Mushroom + potatoes with some meat (as based) soup
- Chinese Black Bean Soup 黑豆汤
- Egg with slice fish cake soup
- "liang ou" with some 'bak gu' soup
- Seafood soup (add in slice of fish cake, tofu, mushroom, brocoli, egg then follow by some flour mixed with water)

afterall, soup is the MOST easiest simple meal to cook.

let me know what else u need?

<font color="119911">suika,

maybe you can list down your "na shou hao cai" then i see what i like? hehe...</font>

<font color="0000ff">afcai,

reply below...

yeah, *wink*,*wink*, muack muack....'dio dio'....I simply luv the kopi (like capacinno) n teh in the food junction. I will buy 1 each and then drink a bit of teh then mixed then together...yummy...

<font color="0000ff">you DIY your own "yuan yang" ah?! hehe...</font>

re: tao huay
Beancurd City – The Tau Huay Melts in Your Mouth at 4 Short Street Singapore 188212

look out for big blue stall one...

<font color="0000ff">the link not working bean curd city the corner stall?</font>

re:tao huay
yeah..there's another same outlet at geylang too. a distance walk fr euno or kallang stn. can't remember...been there long time ago during pak tor time.

<font color="0000ff">ya...a lot of 'famous' food got many franchises, branches &amp; outlets...but not every place taste the same...</font>

our hotel is located far far up and if one need to go to town, we walked at least 20mins down the slope. so we dun go anywhere in queenstown loh just the city area to shop.

<font color="0000ff">the gondola is in the city of queenstown lei...the mountain that is...quite prominent wor...</font>

haa..yeah expect to break. so easily broke meh? even I bought those fr sheng siong or NTUC with all the goodies, still ok leh.

<font color="0000ff">cos the eggs from supermarket is packed in boxes whereas this uncle sells in loose...</font>

errr, cough for 2 wks...aiyo...take the medicine u bought loh...

<font color="0000ff">yes i got take my harvest medicine but the haze is aggravating it on the road to recovery already...</font>

wow..never know so ex to own seems like a instructor as u quite gd in 'promoting' horse riding issue.

<font color="0000ff">hehe...there's more that i haven't how most race horses start racing at 3 years old when their leg muscles are fully formed only at 4 years old such so that they develop legs &amp; ligament problems in their later lives &amp; they retire from racing at about 8 years old but their lifespan is about 20 odd so if nobody adopts or buy them then most are put to sleep...its a very sad life to be a race horse...they earn so much for their owners, maybe change many owners &amp; at the end of the day maybe their lives are cruelly terminated when they are no longer useful &amp; can no longer win $ for their owners...</font>

high 5....very strong smell man..but old folk like to eat that. it is gd for those with high blood pressure. haa celery = "qin cai" translated to passion veg. eat this can be more passion...get the joke?

<font color="0000ff">hehe...didn't know that celery is "qin cai" so too bad i not "re qin" cos i don't like celery lol</font>

re:gd and simple meal
1) steam fish + fried eggs + veg

2) Chicken rice (boil the chicken and use the water to cook the rice. dump in the chicken)

3)Century egg porridge

4) soup - potato/carrot soup with some minced meat or tofu
- corn soup with some cabbage or brocoli
- niang tou fu soup
- Slice fish soup with veg
- xi yang cai soup (but must wash the xi yang cai clean cos lot of sand)
- Wanton soup + cai xin
- Chicken soup with potatoes
- "Lao wan gua' soup with soft meat (in hokkien)
- Campbell's soup
- Mushroom + potatoes with some meat (as based) soup
- Chinese Black Bean Soup 黑豆汤
- Egg with slice fish cake soup
- "liang ou" with some 'bak gu' soup
- Seafood soup (add in slice of fish cake, tofu, mushroom, brocoli, egg then follow by some flour mixed with water)

afterall, soup is the MOST easiest simple meal to cook.

let me know what else u need?

<font color="0000ff">maybe its time i compile a recipe book &amp; maybe one fine day i master liao invite you all come eat haha...</font>
wkend has arrived. enjoy time is short and by the way u know, it is over....

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
re:yuan yan

since it is one for one so no one to share when I was alone so I did that.

it is need to stroll down to view the rest of inform. intially, I tot when I went into this link, I tried to click onto the pic but no reponse so I scrolled down...there it is........

it is the blue sign stall - bean curd city at the corner stall near to the coffeeshop side.

agreed...not all outlets taste the same.

hmm...maybe I 'bak chew tak stamp' that time loh...

put mask....avoid gg out loh.

oh, poor horse. in between 8yr to 20 yr still got 13 yrs already put to slp if no one adopts...true, sad life.

haa then the more u shd eat so that u be more passion to yr sweeties.

haa...maybe food tasting for us first...then we be the judge and gave comment so that u can improve it. let u practise and then we 'll be the 'guini pig"

<font color="0077aa">afcai,

Yesterday the link was not working. Showed me a refresh page instead but I click again now &amp; managed to see it.

Rocher original beancurd (right) was the initial one...when beancurd city (left - blue sign) first opened we tried &amp; didn't find it as nice but it has been awhile since I last went there so maybe they've improved so mommies who are intending to go there can try both then compare to see which you personally prefer
<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
think I got the name wrong. that tau huay stall is located more to the corner nearer to the coffeeshop. usually, we would use the short cut and go in by the backdoor. think shd be the rocher original beancurd blar....

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
think I got the beancurd stall wrong. shd be the one at the corner, nearer the coffeeshop. thks HF for pointing it out...</font>
<font color="ff6000">So it is still rocher orignal beancurd that tastes better...? Hehe...anyway mommies can try both then give a verdict
your things are with my care giver. You can pop by anytime to collect.

i have a pair of strawberry shortcakes whitish pink shoes to give away. My caregiver forget about that pair and now my gal has outgrow it. Size is 28. Whoever can wear please take from me. Not for fussy.
<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
I tried both when the rocher orignal beancurd one not opened on of the day. afterall, I still vote for rocher orignal beancurd.

<font color="0077aa">afcai,

glad to know my fav rocher beancurd is still the more preferred one hee...</font>

<font color="ff0000">anyone here do flash cards with your kids? i have some blank flash cards to give away...i self cut it &amp; i think the size is A5 or something...its not those standard sizes i guess...</font>
morning mummies!

i'm going with a group of frens. Not sure if they going for lunch. U wanna join us if we going lunch after the concert?
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">ö</font><font color="808080">r</font><font color="ff6000">n</font><font color="0000ff">ï</font><font color="0077aa">n</font><font color="aa00aa">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">ü</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="0077aa">m</font><font color="aa00aa">ï</font><font color="808080">e</font><font color="0000ff">s</font>

wow... so many postings ...(trying to read abit and skip some) ... seems i really missed alot ... lol ... and now ... hmmm ... taking abt soya beancurd and SSO

<font color="0000ff">Lup</font>
Just make sure you asked abt some feedback before really going there... bcoz bb all different. Some afraid of loud entrances of sounds while some are alright (just make sure yr boy okie with that *winking*)
But yr boy shld be okie i guess

<font color="0077aa">HF</font>
Sorry ya (for the delay) ... i tried to collect from u the stuff this week.

<font color="808080">Ak</font>
You no need to bring down yr pricing on yr Huggies pull-ups(if you didn't cut out the barcode and it is still intact) and provided you wanna upgrade to size XL.
You can do a change or swop.

<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
I love lotus root soup w/ dried scallop, red dates and moderation of some peanuts (but I cannot take nuts at the moment liao) and either w/ chkn or pork meat ... yummy yummy *salivating* ... lol

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
The rochor ones... are u referring the shop at Geylang there? I love that too ... and their 'You Tiao' (but i didn't take alot but i realise v crunchy too)
brought him to those play in phuket and they have fireworks in the theatre...he was ok...he even fall asleep during the 2nd part of the show...haa...

yeah hope he's fine too for the SSO :p

Thanks for the heads up!
morning mummies....
duno y now i'm back to work seems so busy for mi....can't get my things finish up...everyday piling till i no feel like looking at it...heehee i'll still go my marketing ;-)
<font color="119911">>anyone know kid at what age can go in FOC in the cinema?

I saw Eng Wah cinema stating that kid below 90cm can go in with a paying adult. I remember ppls saying kids below 7yr old enjoy foc movies right...</font>

<font color="#F88017">Joo,
rochers one and geylang there same same mah. only tried their egg tart, 'han chee pang' (buttery) and 'you tiao' once. now, the soy bean curd ex $1 loh...4 yr bck only 60 cents. I remember whenever I went for kkh checkup, it is a must to drop by there to have soy bean drink and beancurd loh. craving for that that time.

<font color="#C25283">snow_luplup,
gd leh, yr boy can sit still. my little ox never sit still.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika,
same same mah...if no work, will get retrench liao. my work is like a never melting ice-kachang....</font>
I cant sleep.. tmr son's doctor appointment.. worried and so is my mum's followup. and She told me today she is still bleeding. wah after operation was told no longer bleeding, her internal bleeding came back....
<font color="119911">maggieHeng</font>,
oh...hardly seen u online for so late. pray hard, I hope everythg is ok. god bless....

aiyo.. ask her to get more rest and dun wander ard loh.
morning mummies!

i also din know if he will sit still during the show cos he also not the sit still type...i just take the risk and bring him there...haa...never try never know...
Morning Mummies..

Wah lau... all under 90cm.. my kids would have missed all these priviledges when they are not even 2yo.. *faintz*

btw.. anyone who have received the food voucher from the ITE..and does not need.. can let me have it.... thanks thanks..
<font color="ff6000">lup,

My boy also not the type that can sit still during anything but only recently then he can sit still longer to watch tv programs that's why we brought him to watch toy story 3 so no worries, it's part of growing up as boys will be boys...

<font color="aa00aa">sandy,

Sad to say but tall kids like yours "lugi" lo...what to do...unlike in NZ most start charging kids only when they are 5 &amp; above...</font>
Morning mummies!

If they want to charge based on the kids' height, I wonder why do they subsidize the A level students. I don't think their backside or size is smaller than any other 17 and 18 years old.
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="aa00aa">ö</font><font color="0077aa">r</font><font color="ff6000">n</font><font color="119911">ï</font><font color="0000ff">n</font><font color="808080">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0077aa">ü</font><font color="0000ff">m</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="aa00aa">ï</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="ff6000">s</font>

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
I probably still have the previous PCF boys' uniform (but only the shirt) which is meant for playgroup and nursery kind.
But i think last time <font color="0000ff">Meow</font> initally wanted but then, end up colour different (due to diff PCF group) so she didn't get from me. You got some sample pic on the boy's uniform?
Same time, i will go dig up mine

<font color="0077aa">HF</font>
I would think its good to set age limit, rather than to set height limit since all children grow up differently.

<font color="0000ff">Lup</font>
Fireworks in theatre? ... cool leh! But i think the amazing part is yr kid can stand the noisy part which is a good thing to start him for others. V brave and confident boy

<font color="808080">Ak</font>
Quiet??? (maybe yes but just slower abit i guess) In fact, our thread is 1 of the most 'hot item' and with so many archives... lol
Today aliens coming for u?

<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
Think normal since only beginning to work after a few mths of ML. When you start moving and get things on the track, it shld be fine again.
Do u know when the Gummil sales (in Tampines like the previous yrs) this round?
Tell u something ... some friends of my friends started saying I getting very 'resourceful', esp on such sales leh... well, but i must say some credit goes to u all here
totally agree...boys will be boys...hee...
i realised that recently his concentration or focus is slightly better after sending him to classes...

oh btw, which school is your boy attending now? and where is it ah? i forgot... paiseh...i try to search history...too many archives to go through...looking out for my boy when he reach 2 yrs...i guess i can start registering now right?

ak / hf
i find it unfair to judge by height, they should judge by age like NZ.

thanks thanks...
yah lor mini fireworks in boy even "wah" and clap his hands whenever the audiences start clapping...haa...luckily he din get scared off and cry....

joo - aliens coming this afternoon. what about your aliens?

luplup - i'm just unhappy about the double standards. actually by height can be considered as discrimination. haha

afcai - agreed with luplup. never try never know

re: pointing
can i check if any of your kids does not point at things? my boy is still not pointing at things at 18 months. he will look at the things or reach for the things but he won't point at them.
