Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

HF... ya lor.. now my bb also quite long... she is already 75cm le.. and she is only 10M *faintz*.. I can't possibly bring her to the theatre. dio bo.. *sad*

Dear All,

If you have samples of Enfalac A+ ( < 1yr old), let me know (but no Malaysia stock)
I am keen to take over for someone. Appreciate if you can let me know the exchange terms/mode.
<font color="0077aa">ak,

erm...are you very pissed that the A level students are subsidized? but come to think of it, poly students don't get subsidy even though they are same age right? i feel the charging rate is rather unfair...i know life is unfair but sometimes its a bit too much lo...i mean take a look around 1st alright...</font>

<font color="ff6000">joo,

i thought PCF uniform all change to the new ones already, still can wear the old ones meh?

i also agree that charge based on age limit would be better...nowadays kids grow at such miraculous rate...

those indoor fireworks are more commonly known as pyrotechnics.

wah...didn't know that my sweetie beaome your sales consultant hehe...but i have missed her eversince she started her ML...

<font color="119911">lup,

good that classes have "trained" his level of least you know that the $ is well spent hehe...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">lup,

wanted to reply you this topic together with my above reply however realised that i have far too much to say so separate reply to you + i have to dig out &amp; compile all my data hehe...

anyway don't worry to ask again! i'll be glad to tell you all about it again!

my boy's in cherrybrook. as a matter of fact they are having a parent presentation on 29 oct, 12 nov, 3 dec at 2pm. i would seriously recommend everyone to send their kids to them if possible cos they are really good!

why? cos they emphasize on charactor building which shape them in to better person &amp; also their unique spalding technique used (cos they are the only ones using this), trains their passion for learning &amp; it really helps in their future school life in spelling &amp; all cos there are certain rules whch they teach like always a vowel before 'ck' &amp; they also have something similar for mandarin so helps in 听写 too!

my boy already know some of the sounds that the alphabet makes so meaning he will be able to read very soon &amp; this is only after 5 weeks at cherrybrooks when 6 months at PCF he learnt nothing!

their parents-teacher communication is really good cos they have a tutor assign to every child such so you can have 1st hand info on how your child is progressing in school.

they do have cherrytots for below 3 i think but need a caregiver to accompany them...

but i guess the only downside is the distance &amp; probably the school fees as well but if you factor in that they have both montessori &amp; language classes, it is not that bad. i personally prefer cherrybrook (for obvious reasons hehe) over the other few schools i have visited.

the teachers have a real passion for teaching &amp; i can tell when i visit the school cos the kids all look so happy!

i still have much much more to say but i guess you get the idea...if you are really keen, do go for the parents presentation to know more. even if at the end of the day you don't go there at least you have a better idea

in short below are all the schools that i have shortlisted &amp; reviews.

immediately after withdrawing him from PCF:-

- MMI @ 10 mile junction (didn't go cos know that they moving)

- tulip montessori (make appt but didn't go in cos don't like the outside environment. those typical void deck &amp; didn't feel safe kind of feel.)

- ichiban montessori (full house - no vacancy when i called)

- gracefields kindergarten (shortlisted, paid &amp; confirmed unfortunately had to withdraw due to closing down)

schools shortlisted &amp; visted after gracefields upcoming closure:-

- orangetree (called up &amp; got all info needed so didn't have to visit but 3 hours classes start next year only after gracefields close so currently operating as childcare only)

- CGM (quite highly raved school in cck but personally didn't quite like the environment. there were 3 sessions &amp; i went in between the sessions so kids were waiting for dismissal &amp; others waiting to get in to the next session. there were too many kids, too rowdy &amp; 3 story building seems to be like accident waiting to happen. staff showed me around but didn't explain much. either she's not too keen or too busy.)

- gracehouse kindergarten (another highly raved school. typical classroom environment. new building, very clean air con rooms. very academically inclined. staff very nice, brought me around. didn't choose this cos didn't wanna subject my boy to stress that early an age.)

- canossian convent kindergarten (pretty old builing. no air con. building looks very old with an old building kind of smell. staff went though the notion of showing me around but didn't feel very keen too maybe she could sense that i was quite turn off already hehe...went pass a series of sinks &amp; sudden image of those old abandan ghostly building image came to my mind lol. also another building with multiple levels so didn't feel safe + to me old = get the idea...)</font>
<font color="ff0000">gosh! didn't know my post on schools took 2 hours with breaks in between to do my laundry, prepare my boy's dinner, cut apples for him etc... =P</font>
Hihi...i'm so busy lately i'm not able to come in...sorry.

btw, anyone has maternal milk which you dun wan and willing to give away to my colleague? she's preg now but very week. Early stage she was on 1 month mc due to unstable foetus
<font color="0000ff">meow,

busy cannot come in, we all understand...don't have to apologise
happy.gif late one step...i just gave away all my SIL's FM for lactating moms but still got 2 vouchers for $3 discount off similac mums which i'm waiting for SAE from one mom but up to now 1 week already still haven't her also no reply...if she keen i can keep for her...</font>
I can check if she keen or not lor. Me very tired. D is sick, pretty sick i will say. Yesterday night worse. I didn't sleep well. Set alarm in middle of night every 2 hrs to check his temp. Before he sleep cough till vomit. then later nose blee dirty his pillow. Finally stop bleeding, wan go sleep he cough in sleep and dirty whole mattress and pillow...faint
D got better liao? wad doc says?

<font color="0077aa">Sandy
the sales har? it's normally end of the on sales? no lah coz the other thread mummies very ONz on sales mah so i oni come in here to share w u girls....heehee</font>
<font color="119911">maggieHeng</font>,
bus 963 will take 30mins to reach NUH provided no jams. usually, morning got long jam esp the CL fire stn there....

pray hard, try not to think too much. get some slp and take care of yrself...tml will be better and hope for the very best.
<font color="0077aa">Sandy,
sian right...why can't the height be reviewed since nowsdays kids are much taller logic to ask them to pay for fare even at age of 2yr and below.

ow...yr gar gar so tall liao. my little only only 80cm++ still under 10kg.

<font color="#F88017">Joo,
for boy U, is those newer version (older version are blue one). white and collar like greyish one. not urgently looking.but only urgently looking for gar, the L size U cos they only wear it twice a week. my current M size one tight fitting liao and very new. luckily, only buy one set of U but 2 set of PE attire but use one set only.

what color is yrs?

I agree with u set age limit instead of height limit.

<font color="#7E2217">ak,
every kid has its own unique way of expression of themselve. my little ox depends on mood, only point once in the blue moon. if not, look at things and reach for things (self service if not scream).</font>

<font color="#FF00FF">Meow,
do u place any extra face towel size type onto the kids pillow?

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
life is never fair. that's why in this world, there are rich, poor, fat, thin, ugly, pretty, inconsiderate, kind-hearted etc ppls...where's the perfect world?

re:pcf U
currently, most K1 and K2 kids are still wearing the old version while some of the N2 kids are wearinf mix new and old. maybe those kids wearing old U are passed down by someone.

is that called phoenics? know phonenics can read meh?
wow..u still remember what u introduction of the sch.

afcai regarding PAP uniform: are u getting new set bigger size. My son PAP selling set is at $15, was told it was $18.

I agree on the height thing. both my kids already over the height thing when age 2yrs old. very unfair(they havent even started schl) feel ridiculous to pay(bus fare,etc) for it lor.

Son PAP, this year all Nursery class students wear NEW uniform liao. those is K1 and K2 can still wear old uniform till cant wear. my kid wear shoes to schl, his class mate wear slippers to schl. - ours is pass me down.
He saw the doc on monday morn, was given medi for asthma and steriods since his airways are tight. By night i go home, have fever of 39 then my care giver cant find his panadol so didn't give him till i was back and i gave brufen to force his temp down. Finally down but he has tummy full of wind. Then next day HB bring him see doc again. Given wind medicine and comments his airways still tight. The wind is cause by constant coughing. He's coughing every 5mins lor. Even last night sleep, will cough and vomit again. His fever also very funny. Only day time then will shoot up, at night it never goes up unlike the norm when at night it will go the highest
morning mummies!!

thanks so much for the review!! Greatly appreciate!!

the parent presentation is it have to attend all 3 days or we can choose to go either of the days? I'm not sure if i can take leave
cos my boss is not around and i am the back up
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

yes yes it should be phonics if I'm not wrong &amp; that's how they learn how to read cos you know it's like the program 'word world' erm I also dunno how to explain in words...</font>

<font color="ff6000">speaking of which, where is</font> jappooh?

<font color="0000ff">Meow,

did doctor give the inhaler for airway (blue) &amp; steroid (orange)? as in for you to bring home? Also did he give the airway (white liquid medicine or aka ventolin)? My boy was like this last time but his fever is at night then shoot up...

Remember no cold drinks, no orange, banana, grapes, watermelon.

Hope he recovers soon...</font>

<font color="119911">lup,

no problem! Glad I was able to help

oh sorry forgot to indicate hehe...just go for 1 day will do for the presentation...

Let me know if you require any other info!</font>
thanks thanks! will ask u if i have any questions.

the school bus come pick your boy up and send him there daily right? how long is the journey?
Morning Mummies..

Meow.. normally fever will shoot up at night cos body is at resting stage... no movement.. won't sweat..

suika.. errr.. what sale?

Afcai.. yalor..
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">o</font><font color="ff6000">r</font><font color="0077aa">n</font><font color="aa00aa">i</font><font color="808080">n</font><font color="0000ff">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff6000">u</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="119911">m</font><font color="0077aa">i</font><font color="0000ff">e</font><font color="aa00aa">s</font>

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
They got egg tart ar?! Next time, i go see and try ... kekekeke
ref: Boy's uniform
I think its the PE attire kind but last evening, i am so dead tired after meeting <font color="0077aa">HF</font> and I end up dozing off after dinner and a little family time with the kids. Just that kind of sudden lethargic and extremely restless and dead beat after sitting on the sofa.

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
You ever thinking of seeking a 2nd opinion of doc advise or not?! Guess what i did on my side ... i sent my elder one to another doc (after knowing a real life example that this particular doc is gd and initially, i am abit skeptical since I also abit lost too) ... u know that kind when you hv a few options and you don't know yr selection in the end. But be prepare that this doc will 'scold' lah.
Now, i am still bringing my boy for follow-ups. Must be persistent ba so now u know why sometimes, i am getting so busy nowadays ... well, like a crazy woman rushing here n there.
But seriously, no gd for kids to hv too much steriods. Anyway, abit taxing for my elder one now since there is a whole long list he cannot take (and i really mean a super long list... and i have to type it all down and pass to his teachers). And you can imagine I have to specially cater for his meals and dieting.
I don't know for others but I know i can see and witness result in 3 days liao. But then, the inital times (esp the 1st and 2nd days) are really 'siong' but gotta be persistent and patient.
If you further info, sms me k

p/s: And yes, gotten the voucher and carriers from <font color="0077aa">HF</font> last evening. Thanks alot *winking*

<font color="0077aa">HF</font>
Chim leh ...Pyrotechnics ... hmmm ... now i know liao ... kekekeke
Yr sweetie became my consultant? No lah... where got? Just ask only if she knew anything abt it.
morning mummies..

i am here. U miss me har..

I was on site on Mon and yesterday on leave bring my granny for her med appt. So today i am back to work
Morning <font color="0000ff">Jappooh</font>

I miss you too leh ... kekekeke ... (but its a healthy friendship kind ... must elaborate; if not, i scare kena 'backfire' again ... muahahaha)
<font size="-2">shhh ... dun say that double word leh ... v sensitive wor ... wait i later kena 'hammer' ... then, u must 'protect' me leh ... (ya ya ya, seriously need protection and shield ... muahahaha)</font>
<font color="ff0000">wow! You ladies clever already! Know how to use all the 'magic words' to make everyone pop out LOL</font>

<font color="0000ff">lup,

Currently my Ang is his bus driver hehe...cos they currently don't do our area but said will look in to it next year but then again if my Ang is ok ferrying him to school daily then will not opt for school bus cos not sure if they pick for days where he have enrichment but to what I know they only do 1 trip which is the going home part only.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">sandy,

Think my sweetie confused cos it was</font> Joo <font color="aa00aa">who asked about the sales thingy...</font>

<font color="ff6000">Joo,

Egg tart?! What egg tart ?! My fav wor hehe...

Joo ah Joo...your choice of words always make people "Xiang wai wai" or "Xiang ru fei fei" lei...!!! You say after meeting me very tired went home &amp; doze off...wait people especially my sweetie misunderstand thought what we do better rephrase &amp; repost!</font>

<font color="0077aa">meow,

I also agree with</font> Joo <font color="0077aa">to seek a 2nd opinion if you think there's no improvement.

What I did for my boy was buy the ventolin at pharmacy &amp; harvest cough medicine for kids at unity &amp; I think his cough got better...cos I feel the medicine given by clinic doesn't work that well...</font>

<font color="119911">jappooh,

Cannot anyhow miss you wor...i can only miss my sweetie hehe...but you MIA so long I think I'm not the only one missing you la hehe furthermore talk about kids topic like phonics &amp; stuff sure think of you ma hehe...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
No lah no lah *no need to do declaration right?!* ... muahahaha

<font color="0077aa">HF</font>
U love egg tarts too?! I remember Marina Mandarin have relatively nice egg tarts in their dim sum categories (i did try it before they start their major renovation) but now, hvn't got the time to go and try liao. I dun even know still hv or not ... lol
*a long sigh ...* alamak! U r the one mistaken leh ... think yr <font color="aa00aa">sweetie</font> also never probe further on our meeting. Since when u getting so 'uptight' on our meeting?!?!?! ... muahahaha ... anyway, we can't do anything in day broadlight and I still hv my hb there waiting for me while u brought A along ... *keep laughing* <font size="-2">anyway, we can't do much either?!?! (ok liao?! I done all explanation liao) ... 'Ni Xiang Tai Duo Le' lah (shaking my head)</font> ...
no schoolbus then i have to strike off this school from the list liao
cos both of us are working and no one can send my boy there...

hope your boy recover soon.
i not expert on kids stuff loh.. I grad in 2006 lei and didnt practise so cant remember alot of it also..haha..

Do u knw i only learn phonics when i take the course and the basic one nia.. I think my boy do better than me.. But for sound of alph is just the basic. That alone cant help them read yet
<font color="ff6000">joo,

geez...i knew i shouldn't have met you. now you've passed your 'virus' to me. you're paranomia virus hehe...

no la my sweetie trusts me that's why she never question me but seriously go read what you've typed. don't sound nice ma hehe...

my fav egg tarts so far are from crystal jade, "dong hai" &amp; some hong kong bakery. haven't tried marina mandarin yet.</font>

<font color="0000ff">meow,

maybe D got fever thats why so serious...monitor &amp; see how...

my cousin in law's kid also not well &amp; vomit in bed last night...think got some virus running around again...

<font color="119911">lup,

its a pity if your boy can't attend cherrybrook due to travelling distance but anyway if he were to attend now for the cherrytots program, he needs a caregiver to attend together with him now. he also needs to be toilet train before he can be accepted. this is so that the teachers have more time to teach cos after all they are not a childcare.

when i called the transport which was in term 4, they don't do for our area cos cannot expect them to suddenly change their routing suddenly right? but they said they will look in to it for next year so if you do intend to send your boy there, who knows they may include our area by then cos yours will not be a last minute decision like mine.

pls really do consider cherrybrook...i'm sure you won't regret as i didn't

this the cherrybrook website do take a look!)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">jappooh, modest lei...but at least you attend before so more or less knows more than us or rather me la (don't wanna unknowingly offend others =P)

i thought from the alphabet sounds you will slowly learn how to read? i mean isn't that what is taught in word world?

anyway whatever it is, i'm very happy about my boy's progress so far
u got cut b4? hair will grow so no nid worry, dun cut too short first... cut half n if ok then go shorter lor if u no like then v fast will grow long again mah
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
I'm getting for my gar. on the other hand, also looking for the new version to

keep for my little ox.

hmm..can wear slipper one meh? even my side one wear home sport shoes also

cannot...must wear white shoes.

<font color="#FF00FF">Meow, hanky or face towel etc as a layer of protection in case kids sweat.

why not seek for chinese doc for opinion? let him drink chinese tonic?

<font color="aa00aa">suika,
saw the photo liao. she is like a dup of K.</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
I like the portuage....(dunno how to spell) egg tarts wor. mentioning on the eggs tart, when I was queueing to buy whip potatoe at kfc, the aunt in front wanted to buy egg tart but was fussy. she dun want black black one...then kept picking and fuss abt. the staff said all egg tarts like that and she walked away face black black.

haa..that's right...I was pondering what u and joo did why joo was so tired after meeting u...errrr...hidden meaning words...

wow, yr qns is in red color via alert wor....did not know u dun have fringe leh..haa cos I did not 'bio' or stare at u when I met u mah. think u shd ask yr prince and king in the hse loh...


<font color="#F88017">Joo,
oh...u meeting HF. shd let me know so that I passed her bck the colostrum then

only wear PE attire, no uniform meh?

yes, got the eggs tarts loh.I remember few yr back when I dun have kids, we went dim sum at yun nan yuan. then I ate almost 10 mini egg tart cos it is super yummy.

haa..I see the word 'flower flower' appear u see think u are 'famous for that wor...(just kidding, no angry).

<font color="#EAC117">Jappooh,
if u order colsostrum in yr next ordering, do include me, order 4 bottles now. thks thks. cos both my kids are taking now...
morning mummies!

thanks thanks for the info! i gotta potty trained him first then
which is difficult as i don stay home most of the time except weekends...even weekends we are mostly out
sigh how how?
i like cherrybrook... i have checked out that website....
<font color="0077aa">Suika,

Have! During my school days I cut before, those china doll look &amp; look real ugly but I think my forehead looks bare so cannot have long fringe also cannot cut too short...but thought of trying again...decisions decisions...</font>

<font color="ff6000">afcai,

Oh yes the KFC egg tarts right?! I also like them &amp; buy them everytime I pass by but think I eat too much &amp; find them a bit sweet so taking a break from them for the moment hehe...

Everytime you come is "chong chong mang mang" where got time to notice other details anyway I know you only got eyes for your honey so don't worry I'm sure she won't misunderstand us hehe...

The 2 at home no "Yi jian" but I scared later I regret for a few months so seeking opinion 1st...

This</font> Joo <font color="ff6000">ah long long ago already ask if you should pass me her stuff but she backside itchy don't want right?! Now need to make another trip *shake head* hehe...</font>

<font color="119911">lup,

Cherrybrook good hor? But inconvenient due to distance lo so gotta make slight adjustments...if my Ang cannot chauffeur him everyday think also no chance attend this school but so far his been loving it!</font>
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0000ff">ö</font><font color="808080">r</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="ff6000">ï</font><font color="0077aa">n</font><font color="aa00aa">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0000ff">ü</font><font color="0077aa">m</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="aa00aa">ï</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="ff6000">s</font>

<font color="0077aa">Happyfeet</font>
Ar?! Really not nice?! *scratching my head* ... i really read twice but still find it nothing leh... maybe '当局者迷' (Dang Ju Zhe Mi) ... hehe!
Then try Tong Heng egg tarts but i realise i prefer those right from the oven and its yummy, esp from this shop.
Aiya... i am not backside itchy lah ... but i really dunno when i can do the self-collection mah so dun want stuck at yr place... lol

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
Maybe i see how the Anmum satchets can pass u.

<font color="119911">Sandy</font>
These satchets gotta pass to <font color="aa00aa">Meow's</font> friend since its not those lactating powder drinks. It is for women who are pregnant and those planning prenancy ones hor... dun want u to mistaken that why don't i pass u since promise u earlier. So far, i dun have those lactating ones. Realise those I have received y'day is new and improved fomula (as stated in the satchets).

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
Its a last minute arrangement one... remember i text u that day abt what time u knock off bcoz i am making a trip to <font color="0077aa">HF</font> place.
I think its uniform type but the top is like those PE attire material but is of collar type.
Yeah ... pertaining egg tarts, i still prefer those mini types... kekekeke
<font color="0077aa">HF</font>
I think u can try those big waves perming but let your hair grown abit longer. Anyway, u ever tried perming yr hair before?!?! (sori ya... abit off the topic since u only asking for fringe wise) ...
Think for fringe wise, no need to ask. Try first but there is a period you will feel irritating (since it will touch the eye-area) so prepare some simple hairclips/pins.
(The other option is ...)
Where you bring yr boy for haircut normally? If it is those unisex salon, u can ask the hair-dresser/stylist if you are suitable for leaving some fringe
re: fringe
u can go try...but like joo said...u will feel irritating if u are not use to having hair on your forehead...

yah lor...from your review looks very good...but then no driver for my boy...
so cannot go...
<font color="ff6000">Joo,

Even</font> afcai <font color="ff6000">also feels something wrong lo hehe but nevermind la cos I know you don't mean it

Where is tong Heng?

I cannot take perm hair. will make me look mature &amp; more maintenance...

Our family of 3 goes to the same salon &amp; she already told me I not suited but I still curious Ma hehe...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Suika,

I also thinking cut till around nose area &amp; slanting kind a least won't irritate my eyes that much...

Actually I always cut that way but just thought of cutting straight &amp; wonder if it will look good on me...</font>

<font color="0000ff">sandy,

I feel my forehead quite high &amp; got lots of baby hair...</font>

<font color="119911">lup,

I just enquire at Cherrybrook &amp; your boy can attend cherrytots now. They will access &amp; if he is ready then they will transit him to N1 at 2.5 &amp; that's when he needs to be toilet train.

Go for the presentation, call up the transport cos they may have something for you cos start of new school year higher chances of new arrangements.

They also have enrichment programs &amp; family centre daily so they can stay till 4.30pm.

Think about it! I'm sure you won't regret ;)</font>
HF.. for people who has high forehead.. was told to have fringe to cover up.. hehe... but some looks ok even with high forehead.. so depends ya..

yeah would love to join that school....just got rejected for the leaves for the dates to go for the parent presentation cos boss on leave already...and he "bu fang xing" for me to go leave and leave the new guy alone in office...sianz....
