Mummies in Pasir Ris

den u never ask us to help u vote ?? hahaha..

hey got such contest must jio me mah..hahaha..

u purposely take the pic with the bak gua ? just for the contest ?
i paiseh since now u 'found out' u vote for me lah..can bo? hahaha...then the rest, PLS VOTE FOR IAN..wahahhaa bil bought the bak gua that day...and nite time hb saw this just took pix n join loh..hehehehe
aiya..hb said now cant vote yet..just submit photos....oct then voting starts...i'll inform u all again ok???*wink wink*
paisei, these few days so busy at work, hardly got time to log in.. tonight cannot..

dsii, once voting starts, do inform us, will definitely support Ian
good morning mommies!

eytan boy is down with fever after his MMR jab

dsii, ian like chameleon, in the pic he's so babyish! and looks smaller leh...

oh yah, anyone wants to order from jshoppers? i need to get PJs...
good morning mummies..

darlie : give barley water also.. to "cool down" is he better already?

CD :

I went to see A on sat.. ok.. her baby wah!! power leh!!I like the place.. but a bit far in if take bus to send and fetch leh.. anyway.. I need to postpone her admission to the school becos of the HFMD .. Sigh..
hi nana

have started given him ginseng water days before & after the jab. not very serious lah, just that the fever comes and goes since yesterday morning. he can eat and play as usual, so not too worried! just wanna monitor him nia
fever for mmr jab quite mild one..usually lasted about a day or 2..ian oso had fever for mmr...fever came after 7th day...
ready to vote, tell me hor

i am helping my fren to sell a pair of Crocs Alice (black/size 10/11).
brand new.
price is $35 incls reg post.

let me know if you are interested.
Hello Mummies,

Am also WW mummy. Was in this forum b4 but din join thread for a long long time.

Glad to know that SY, yami, chewwy, emoments, Tratties and Juin are also at WW.

Do you all gather often?
hi fluffy... we actually dun meet often but sometimes share lobangs.. but not limited to WW mummies... PR mummies all share share lobangs all the time. :p

u PM me ur email addy ok?
yoyoy mummies,

am back after MIA for a while...been bz bz with new job and seminars etc plus just started my gal in CC last week.

halo to those mummies that place their kids in long must they adapt themselves huh?? My gal 1st day cried non stop then after that and ther cry bt she refused to go into the classroom and always wanna carry leh...she is the youngest there...she always wanna carry and walk ard....pengz............!! She knows she is going to cc...she will kiss papa and me gd bye and wave her hand bt then she keeps wanting the teacher to how how....her teacher said must give her more Been talking and assure her liao leh......anyone can advice?
we haven arrange any outings yet. can pm me which unit you stay??

me me i complain before abt lift breakdown cos it happened so often!! scolded the management and in the end i called the pissed with them
back after mia again...
need help/advice!

my boy finally starting solids...
how do i use EBM to mix with cereals ah? Warm the chilled EBM, add to cereal, and heat the cereal mix?
Hi mummies,

I will be shifting to Pasir Ris at the end of the year. So glad to see so many mummies in Pasir Ris.

Would like to ask, if anybody here know of a nanny called Ai Ling? She lives in Blk 257.
Hi darling_toothpaste, sounds familar...think I bought stuff from u before

I'm at st. 52

by the way, am a SAHM. What abt u guys?
hi darlie,

such a coincidence just now...went to OUB level 5 just now....nothing to buy bt ended up at the shop where they sell lots of hello kitty etc...bought 1 barney CD holder and 3 paper clip stand with pen for my gal's teacher....teacher's day coming.....

Hi SY,

u stayed in WW..? we used to stay there too
hello ivied! welcome welcome!!

earth, dun think so leh. very seldom deal wif PR mommies on buy/sell items. kekekekeke

yami, my opinion -> think easier to heat up the EMB then mix with cereal; no need to further warm the cereal mix again bah, unless u concerned about ur boy getting upset tummy from 'cool' food. usually what i do is to use boiling water to prepare the FM, then mix into cereal, then the mixture wun be too hot cos by the time u stir stir stir, just nice, warm warm nia
kpo here, what cereal u using?

hi nuah, yah lor yah lor, next time we just arrange a time to meet at RP mrt area can liao! har har har!!! the level 5 shop got nothing much to buy lah, but i saw a Wheels on the Bus toy selling for $9.90, so cute, press the diff parts of the bus got music and also have a quiz button
darlie_toothpaste: yes lah, you forgot. You got boy/gal twins rite? Not many pple will have leh. I bought a loot of mothercare clothes from you...think think

Yami: I read many books which says is ok to feed cereals at room temperature but asian culture, warm food is always better huh?
darlie_toothpaste: to help you recall, you even delivered the loot to my hse coz I was preggie then! I appreciated it so I remembered quite well hehe
Wow mia for a while and so many new mummies in this thread.

Has been very busy with my gal as she getting very active now and take lesser naps. Have to lookout for her whenever she's awake. Cannot stay long inside playpen now.

you are right now I prefer her when she is just a baby so easy to take care. Hiaz! That night she was crying so cannot go up personally.
earth, got ah? alamak, u were under another nick issit? dun remember earth_baby leh, har har har!!! ur hubby opened the door for me? ur unit is the one in front of the lift?

darlie: yea I think so...I got another nick which I use for sell/buy stuff, hehe paiseh
btw how to download your emoticons? So cute!!!
darlie, ok I will go & download

dsii: goodie! how old is yr tot? maybe next time we can meet up? Getting quite bored as a SAHM...hehe
my younger one is prob...we have a few mummies here who meet up quite often..especially ladies' nites ...without the kids...hehehe
earthbaby/darlie: pinkie is the one starting her child on solids lah, not me hee hee. my girl started few months porriage master liaoz.

welcome earth n ivied... :p
har har har! pai seh, type too fast lah...

earth, so ho mia, 6pm sleep liao? throughout the night or got night feeds? am still trying to get mine to sleep early but they're too full of energy, konk out only after 10om... urgghhh...
Ha ha, my boss is 4 months & 1 week only
but he looks like 6mths kekeke...

Started sleeping from 6pm-7am & feed at 3am when he was abt 2mths plus. Now he sleeps through...not ho mia! Have to train lah. Coz I saw my nephew all hyper types...very scary! So I make a point to start him sleeping early from young
hi earth...

u are amazing to have ur 'boss' sleep at 7pm. Im still training my girl (4mth) to sleep thru the night so that i can have uninterrupted sleep.

Wow, so many new mummies in PR! Welcome!

earth, ur little boss is really fantastic! My twins can never sleep so long hours at 1 go!

Darlie! The Children Place T-shirts are really cheap now! Very keen to order a few for my boys. U have any ideas after shipping, how much will it cost roughly? Me very su-ku, never order fr overseas before!
