Mummies in Pasir Ris

no worries. that day i brought her to ntuc. 2 out of 3 aunties ask me whetehr she's boy though wearing pink!!!

yeah u forgot how they are small very fast. i already can't remember some of the things that my boy used to do!


I send my girl to Jude bcos they r partial montessori. U noe lah... if go to montessori very expensive meh.... so Jude partial montessori so I send her there lor.... $200 for 4 hrs... got lunch & shower & lessons... sometimes used flash cards to tell story or teach (according to the teacher)... compare to Nissei... only 21/2 hrs.. somemore no food & shower...

CD is cape dieth something rite... behind our blk, rite... good a not??? Anther thing is my girl is 18 mths old when i send her & only Jude & Nissei accept... so decide Jude lor...

for playgroud, sometimes i peep at them hor... no leh... the teachers will staying by the see saw taking care of them & holding some of the smaller babies leh... once my girl also run out of the playground compound, then the teacher caught hold of her...
CD is carpe diem, ya behind our blk... at 129... there are quite a number of mummies here who send their little ones there... got quite gd comments from them... so decided to send my boy there lor... but not now cos wanna boost his immune system 1st...

how did ur ger react when u send her to playgroup dat time? sorry if it sounds offensive but did she fall sick often?
No leh... she's ok... but once a while she will get cough & running nose... maybe bcos she likes to eat things especially buscuits, maybe heaty... that's why... she's v prone to cough...
initally when i send her to playground, of course will cry... but my girl she v independent.. she only cry for a little while (thk only 1 day), then the teacher carried her, she ok liao... forgotten everything..

Is CD montessori or normal childcare centre? How good r they?
any mummies got straits time dated 8th,9th,11th,13th n 14th?? wanna participate some contest!!..plssssssssss
mommies, anyone wants to borrow this?

i just rec'd it from my spree last night and the terrors already can match the shapes, dun think they keen anymore since bo challenge... this morning when i asked them to play again, they dun want. urrghhh!!!

Melissa & Doug - Shapes Chunky Puzzle
jocelyn.. my ger next month 18 months.. Carpe Diem accepts tots from 18 months ar.. actually in fact our area a lot! stil got totsplaygroup i think ..i call before.. that one is purely playgroup..

actually i already intend to put at club kangaroo.. but.. thinking when she go N1 still need to change school... den i am going to face with all the fear etc etc.. might as well.. pay a bit more.. den put in carpe diem lor.. they also got bathe and give lunch..

charmer : ya lor.. i sound like kiasu parent hor.. but I feel my ger alone at home with the maid very poor thing leh.. though now got my niece la.. becos my sil/bil staying with us for a while.. but after they move out leh?? i feel very heartpain
even 1/2 day.. also.. 1/2 day go to school.. come back only maid and her.. Sigh.. but bo pian leh.. i think already heart pain lor..
wah Ethan and Chloe so clever liao ah my gal just want to put everything into her mouth as she is teething. How ah?
newmummy, buy teethers for nik and let her chew to her heart's content bah! can see teeth popping out liao bo? heeee...

yesterday went to toysrus to recee more melissa & doug puzzles, got some on sale at $6.25 each, the thinner version, not the heavyweight types. can buy leh. the pieces can be interchanged with each other within the board, got clothes to mix n match. princess and ballerina versions. also have animals ones - the bodies can be interchanged for silly fun
Hi all,

Just received from my letter box, I went thru the ndp booklet and have this carrefour coupon $5 off (minimum purchase $50) and valid till 17 August (TODAY!)

If anyone keen to have it, please go to goggles and sms me.

Have a nice weekend : )


My gals will be sad if you decides to withdraw your dd out from CD. 1 less playmate/friend.


How's your collection so far (newspaper)? I'll try to search thru my mum's place tomorrow for you. Sms me hor.

Warm welcome to:
Wee, Angel and Joycelyn. Apologise if I miss out any


You can try to check out and call

My child is attending swimming lesson at Tampines.
hahhaaa..thks ah...but the draw was today...yes..WAS...cos we just came back from luck lah...not fated with the car..wahahhaa....anyway..saw the 'spiderman' climbing up one of the tall towers at suntec..wah high up leh....without any aided stuff...
she got teether but wants to bite other things instead like the sides of the cot and playpen and her play keys. Aiyo headache lah!

Show your disney loot tempting leh. How much did you pay with shipping? Issit cheap?
i got sleeveless rompers for only USD2.99. the colors very vibrant and the prints are of good quality. i bot some during a spree and eytan looked so cute in it when he wore so i ordered larger sizes for my own spree lor. as well as tees, very cheap


shipping i paid is SGD40 for 14 pieces, vol weight is 2.9kg. their domestic shipping is USD5 regardless of amount.

can go to the outlet section for good deals:
got your BS shampoo

acmamall got get back to you regarding the DVD?

NTUC have promo for Mamil Step 3. promo ends 20th aug.
buy from shop is $39.95. online is $39.45.
thanks for the shampoo, need to leave wif u for the time-being till i lay my hands on ur DVD! which is still pending shipment by the way, think US side no stock or something... hence the delay
Hi XW,
Re: bed bug bites on tots are generally harmless, but there've been rare exception when the person(whether adult or tots) develops allergic reaction. No worries for the general population.

Hi YK,
Best to just leave your DD if she's happy at her current school, otherwise very disruptive for everyone at home when she has to adjust to new environment.

Thks! sincerity
Is your child happy with the swimming lesson? Hmm... $201.30 + 7% GST for 10 weeks, dsii pays $55 for 4 lessons, wonder how come such big diff huh?

Is acmamall better than amazon? I'm just about to place my order for some books.
morning anngel
if u can get the titles from acmamall, then it's pretty worth it if amazon doesn't have it on sale.

if for normal pricing on amazon, u have to incur international shipping + spreer's exchange rate. then bo hua lor.

acmamall also have 18% discount so need to do some comparisons bah. if there are certain titles tt are not in their database, can ask them to help bring in for you but not sure if entitled to discounts though...
Hello Nanabear

Before I enrol my girl to Jude, i chk ard our neighbourhood. Most of them don't have playground. That time our intention was to put my girl to those 2 or 3 hrs programe. & only Nissei & Jude have..
i also like melissa and doug stuff. quality is good

i din know buy online from ntuc delivery charge??
hi jocelyn, i went last monday. lots of clothes but not really cheap cheap. just a little discount nia. toys -> FP mostly

din really take note cos nothing suitable since mostly bb stuff
hi mummies..

would like to join u all if dont mind.. me am a FTWM with a 4 months old bb girl, have been staying in pasir ris for the past 8-9yrs with my parents and now on our own..

is there any good PD in our area? my girl is currently seeing Gleneagles SBCC but its just too far for us to bring her there if she is sick..
oic... tkx v much... if nothing much then I will not waste my trip down... u noe lah... v far to travel to orchard with 2 small ones with me... somemore hubby doesn't like to drive to orchard due to traffic jams & parking lots.... haiz...

wah jocelyn, u can bring ur little ones shopping ah? i think i'll go mad if i did! so i always 'escape' for shopping sprees after work! har har har! with those 2 terrors ard, i can't do anything...

i missed the previous toys fair, so disappointed. so i tot maybe this time can get some good buys but too bad lah, all bb stuff! kekekekeke. ah well, gotta wait for the next one then
darlie, no lah... if i bring my 2 girls along, can only c c look look.. if i want to buy things, cannot lah... with my elder girl running abt, i cant do anything.. furthermore, hv to bring my maid along, if not i faint... my girls r 2 yrs old & 3 mths... there was once, i bring my 2 girls out & the maid... my 2 yr old girl instead of walking wanted to sit on the stroller, then i can buy things... hahaha....
thanks juxta & darlie_toothpaste!

juxta - which doc u seeing at SBCC? my mum is taking care of my girl so want to change PD to somewhere near so that she can bring my girl if needed while i'm away at work.. so wondering if there is any which is recommended by the mummies here..

btw, i'm staying at whitewater.. anyone else?
Tratties, I'm bringing my girl to see Dr Sim at Elias. i thk he is the only PD in pasir ris... so no choise got to c him... This dr, i find got moood one... if he in good mood, will talk v nicely, if not gonna scoldings from him... i feel bring yr child to c him in the morning better than at nite... bcos i gonna scoldings once frm him when i bring my girl to c him at nite...
another whitewater mummies

i stay near whitewater hehehe..stays blk 722...whitewater mummies are...SY, yami, chewwy...whoelse ah?
emoments also whitewater mummy :p nuahcouple used to stay at WW.

jocelyn, i replied to u in another thread. my experience with Dr SIm so far ok. but i dun want to have a lot of experience with him la...cos see him means my poor baby sick . haiz...
halo all.....

so long no post here liao as bz bz gal just started her CC today and she is 18mth cried and cried...cried till she koon....hehehehe......think she will cry for at least 2 wks!!

halo darlie...

pai sei leh..told u will collect the items last wk bt did not..
sad.gif so pai sei eh....i WILL TRY this wk...maybe tomolo ok...

btw anyone here knows who is interested in collectors watches or where can my friend sell the watches....

he has 2 watches to is gerald genta and the other is Vacheron Constantin. He is looking for genuine collector or buyer who appreciate the Timepieces.

Any1 interested can email me or sms to me at [email protected] or 93372352
somanymummies staying'near' me..hehehe..if u all gotmeetup..can jio me bo> i wake to join u all leh..hahahaha
i stay at whitewater too! we have a few here. PM us your unit no and contact number

no wonder u know the itneresting.

sure sure, we will jio u. maybe we shd take turns to org gathering...

me and my sis setting up shop. do check out when free and let me know whether u interested in anything.

hi hi...

happen to pop by this thread... saw a few whitewater mommies... im staying in whitewater too... being a SAHM temporary for the past 4 months and going back to work soon...

the thread is so interesting ...

hi SY, can i pm u my unit and contact no so that i can be in contact with the rest of the WW mommies.. thanks
