Mummies in Pasir Ris

earth..ya those full suit with think padding...wasted ya for ian..he wears just shorts nia when he was 6-7mths..hehehe..he only in water abt 15-20mins initially,.,

u free tonite huh?
if after 9pm, i might be ok but must check with hubby first coz he tend to work late nowadays

any chance of you doing Target spree?
pls keep me in the loop ya. i wanna buy some wooden toys.

go buy overalls. Gap have very nice ones last season. tis season, their embroidery jeans are sooooooooooo cute.
me gonna stock up.

i got 2 pair of skinny jeans for Meg from H&M.
guess wat?? my babe is too skinny for it wor.
now have to hunt for other jeans.

can vote liao??
hi all, thanks for your well wishes

Sean is having a bad bout of ulcers, cant eat nor drink properly and hasnt talk in days. ha! imagine the motor mouth has gone on mute mode. Can feel his pain when he winces and screams as I'm feeding him. sighs, hopefully will get better soon. today is day 5, we just saw the doc again last night, said is taking alittle too long.

Welcome all the new mummies!!

YK, thank goodness G is a mild case, if not will suffer manz!
havent leh...must ask hb when can vote..hahahaha...

aiyo..poor sean..he so poor thing..must be damn painful..imagine at times we had just 1-2 ulcers..we oso buay tahan....
I bought a pair of swim shorts too but haven't arrive yet...mayb will let him wear that instead of buying swim suit, save $$$ for other things...

Got another question: keke sorry today i many questions!

Anyone here know where to buy taggies? Y'know those blanket thingie with tags all over...bbs chew on it and use as comfort blankie? I saw one online store selling v ex. like $30!
mbb, there's an overseas spree going on now for amazon toys, check out the spree thread
now looking at amazon until eyes crossed already!!!

earth, still pronounce as 'ethan' lah. i got it from a book of names, tot it was quite unique lah!
Ivied, I have 2 Advent adaptors. I bought the VIA cups to store breast milk. I'm not using the adaptors. If u don't mind, I can give it to you.

Relatively low profile here. can't figure out who is who...My girl also got hfmd too. Thk got it frm the childcare centre. Luckily, hers is the mild type. only 1 blister on the foot, her mouth is worse. got 6 ulcers. 1st day she v restless. mouth painful. dont feel like eating.. Now she ok liao but the mouth ulcers still got a bit... my girl is the 3rd case in her sch... so far heard from teacher that her sch got 7 cases now...

btw, i'm staying at St 11.. where the virus is the strongest... hehehe...
hi mummies,

my gal dun like fresh milk at all :_(...she dun like any other milk except to wean her off...been trying bt no valid how how.....sigh sigh sigh......dun wanna give her bm she will scream and cry and even pull my top!!!....
thenuahcouple, what my colleague did was mix formula with breastmilk. Like 1 ounce of fm mix with breastmilk. then week by week she wil increase to 2 ounce of fm mix with breastmilk. eventually all to fm.

zion, i guess she must hv got frm jude. bcos fri nite she got fever, then sat i bring her to c dr, confirm hfmd. i told my maid abt it then she told me the sch has a ltr re hfmd, alrdy 2 case.
yr kid is not lactose intolerant rite? coz i read frm some articles that children hv a way of filtering out certain foods that their unique doesn't process very well, if they always resist certain food, better not to force them. just my 2 cents lah. Maybe u can check with yr pedi?
i'm free tnite and we usually meet after 9pm cos i need to travel frm TPY to PR after 8pm (off peak taxi charge). u check with your hb and see if u can make it bo.

other mummies are welcome to join in tonight.

good to hear frm u but sad to hear about sean. poor boy! really hope he gets well soon.
char..i msn u u bo hiew me ah??

tonite only me n u again leh..juxta cannot leh..mbb must cfm later..she cant get hold of her hb...then how??
hahaha..maybe that tiem everyweek must make u miss the toast...last week only me n char went..u know the 'very big' staff?? she auto gave us the round seats..but too mad..only 2 of us nia..hahahhaa
oh ya..char n i was talking abt this lat week...

<font color="ff0000">where are u, mypreciouskeagan???</font>

2 of us was wondering y met us for 1 time..scared of us..MIA liao???
dsii, haha she recognise your liao lah. Oh yalor i was also just thinking what happened to myprecious leh, frightened off? hahah
i was away frm my laptop lah. huh, u and me again ah? then we "ni kan wo wo kan ni, cha cha ambo!" lor, ...haha....
hey mummies.. sorry i dun mean to offend any of u.. tot just share wat i heard nia..

anyway.. YK/ Juxta/ jocelyn.. Take care of urselves too.. ok ?

Dsii : where u sending ian to ?
char : I have decided to move on!! and lucky i stil got market value ar!!! so happy.. now waiting for comfirmation..

I miss u all leh.. but tonite got my sister's birthday and farewell celebration.. she going to US to give birth there .. Next week ok ?? den can celebrate my birthday too@!!@@ hehe

meanwhile u all enjoy tonite!
mbb cannot visa..ifonly just 2of us..then we postpone loh...u dun miss me toomuch hor..wahahaha
my kitchen set lai liao....


re:next friday gathering,
if hubby dun go oversea then i can make it!!
fingers crossed!! coz i miss the tummy workouts. keee keee keee
mbb! I envy ur gal leh, so nice kitchen set!

nana, ya, wat is it that u say that will offend us? by the way, u already change job? wow, congrates!

Jude &amp; CD quite close to one another.. hmm .. PR HFMD is getting quite bad.. better keep all our kids at home these few weeks!

Juxta, take care, poor Sean.. ever consider change of doc?

recently hv so many new mummies, I am confuse who's who too! haha..

Can see your darling enjoying so much on her nice kitchen set : ) So what's the menu for the day?

Am puzzled. Kindly enlighten too.

Thanks for the advice. Aldy drown myself with extra ummmh panadol but i don't consume coffee and tea. Temporary relief.
mbb, so nice!! i want to go and play!!! hahaha. is that a matching apron? she's sooooo cute with those big round eyes and bangs.

nana, what did u say ah?

YK, i saw our usual doc at the same clinic yesterday, monday was another one. gave some new drug, but i know is something we've to wait out, most imptly must keep them hydrated. The last round, Sean had mild ulcers so was easy, this time really jialat.
earthbaby, try

the taggies book quite sweet. u can wait for them to organise BP, cheaper price :p

mbb, the kitchen set is sooo sweet. wow ur girl must love it. she is very pretty!

hey mummies...i bought this very fun straw from ntuc (west plaza). it's a straw that will change the favour of the plain milk. hahhaa... i had a lot of fun drinking from the straw.
bought some for my nieces and nephew too but my baby too young to drink from straw.
Wow your kitchen set is soooooooo cute including the chef. Your gal is so pretty.

Hope all kids with HFMD get well soon.

Nowadays raining everyday thought its December now. My place now very cold in the morning thought someone on the air-condition issit the same over at PR?

How's handsome's fever?
sincerity, char, yk : abt e hmfd thing lor.. Pai sei pai sei... Me said worrying abt putting in cd.. Cos giselle and sean got it..

Mbb... Where u get e table and chairs from? In e background.. Am still looking for 1

Char.. Haven change.. Soon ba.. Hope to hear good news next week..

I just came back from movie.. Watch e 12 lotus.. I find not very nice lor.. I prefer 881 more meaningful.. This 12 lotus must watch with heart and understand..
hahaha....the chef only like to use the sink.
not interested in cooking at all.
she washed all her toys liao even her dolly's backside! then place dolly on the stove to bbq. faint!!!!

this is Sean's 2nd HFNM?
poor boi!!

got the table set from HK.
very good quality!

wat kinda straw is tat? sounds like fun!
can gimme the brand name?

hee heee heee....i am droooling on tis now.;order=&amp;section_id=&amp;page=1
but like kinda waste money hor?
hahaha... mbb realli fast.

yups it's cheaper in BP. NTUC cost $1.95. very fun to drink milk and 'feel' the change in favour. cheap thrill! :p hahaha
u so cute leh! ur cheap thrill very infectious, i oso want to try! so which flavor nicest? am a sucker for anything choc...

wah piang, what's the size of the hole in your pocket caused by the new kitchen set?

am still trying to sell off my LT kitchen set leh, so sad, no one wants! har har har!!!

eytan okay le, fever lasted for 2 days, luckily...

take care hor, u sound pretty stressed with the gals and falling sick urself

thanks for organising the eclairs orders

rec'd ur TCP list already. hopefully not too urgent, cos i'll be waiting for a few more days, heeeeee

how, chloe got play with her new OTC items? the stamps look very fun
hi PR mummies... i've just back from travelling.. saw that some of the kids here kena HFMD, hope they all get well soon..

yk - is your eclairs orders still onz? i'm interested.. haha
hi mummies, i'm so happy today, my motor mouth is back in business! ulcers still there but at least can talk and eat, what a relief!

YK, G all clear? hopefully CD does not have any more cases

juxta, finally S is ok! Can understand how u feel! Congrates!

G shld be cleared liao, all blisters dried up.. but to be on the safe side, I am still trying to separate her fr the twins.. but not possible to do it all the time..

As for CD, think better keep S away for another week? Just to ensure no more new cases in CD? If my in laws are ok with it, I'm going to keep G away for 1 more week too!
