Mummies in Pasir Ris

juin, yk
it took me a while to train him le. but worth the effort! if not for the peaceful nites, i think i already throw in towel for being sahm ...

Wow.. how u train? I had a 3 yr old gal, she's easier to train when she's young, can sleep thru the night when 2 mths old, but my twins.. sigh, now 1 yr liao, still wakes up at 4 or 5am everyday.. I already give up training liao! ha.. cos I am not the one waking up with them at night! :p
Haha..maybe twins are different coz they got company!
How I train is v long story
But in short, be consistent in bed-time. Coz they pick up faster if everyday apply the same rule, not just weekdays. That means some days you just cannot go out of the hse in order to train them until successful lor...
earth, then i buay sai train liao! mine get shuffled to / from my parents' place, sigh... hubby was just complaining how come they aren't sleeping at 10pm and i told him how to??? no fixed bedtime since we fecth them home late mah. so he tiam tiam... har har har!!!

yk, there is a USD5 domestic shipping charge by TCP. for int'l shipping, i'll be using vpost - depending on how the merchant packs the items, i'd est the charge to be between SGD2-3 per piece bah
darlie, yea i can sis also like you shuffle her 3 boys to her ILs. They try to fetch the boys home by 8pm and put to bed by 9pm. Sometimes if one have to work later, then the other go & fetch lor. I salute working mums too coz not easy lah...
my gal also sleeps after 10pm sometimes ard 12am she will stand up and cruise ard the baby cot and entertain us until she tired buay tahan.

how do you train can share? Wan2 train her to sleep earlier. I ever let her sleep ard 9pm but she got up at 3am and started playing, talking and laughing in her cot how ah?
Haha...yr gal v funny, midnite can entertain somemore! Are you working? Maybe she miss you in the day that's y wants to play?

Of course can share...but v chiong hei if u dun mind:
I started to put my boss to bed ard 6pm, that is before he becomes overtired (he will show symptoms like rubbing eyes, droppy eyelids, less interested in playing etc)
I will bath him. change into pjs and feed him with soft music in the background.
After feeding, wait for a while and put him in his cot then leave the room
If he cries, I go in only once to make sure he's ok. After that when he cries again, I will let him cry for 10mins before I go in again but I never pick him up from the cot at all. Just stroke his head and tell him if's ok to calm him back to sleep.
After a week or so of this routine, he knows that it's sleeping time. Even if he's very awake, he will coo & talk to his beary fren at the side of his cot until KO.

Chiong hei hor
har har, earth, urs very textbook leh! but it works
i tried also for my terrors, gal can sleep thru e nite most times, sometimes w/o feeding. but boy always have nitemares so he has interrupted sleep since young; gave up on him already

I'm SAHM. She is sick of me lah always kana from me because getting more mischievous. She sleeps with us so a bit difficult but will try.

same here leh my gal also gets nitemares often maybe they dream of each other sneaking out to play and kana caught by us.
har har har, newmummy, so farni!!!

oh yah, wanna ask, any mommies here have tried LF's LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Learning System? is it good? not sure if now's the time to buy for the terrors.

nuah, did u manage to buy this in the end for chloe?

earth, your ds so cute neh! he looks like another jayden i know, kekekekeke
Your Jayden so cute especially the cheeks. He looks like gal leh maybe your next one will be a girl thats what people say because my DD looks like a boy so next one boy dunno if its true.
Haha...i also think he looks abit like gal :p Sometimes pple will ask me 'boy or gal huh' even though he wear boy's clothes! If true, i will be sooo happy coz I want a gal

darlie, I realised many jaydens ard after he's born! Hiaz this name like quite common
Heloo Mummies in Pasir ris.. Im New in tis thread as im juz find out and also im staying at Pasir ris Dr6.. I Hv 2 heros (3yrs & 1yrs), expecting a baby gal dueing tis Oct 08..

Lately.. im looking for baby gal stuffs..tat is preloved or brand new..
hi mummies,
i'm finally back here. sori for mia so so long cos my laptop was faulty. also bz with housework and leticia alone in TPY. sometimes i'm just to tired to go online. just wanna relax with my fav sitcom. latest update: leticia caught a virus and is sick again since yesterday, wats new right? haha.

a warm welcome to all the new mummies who joined the thread.

i really envy u for having uninterrupted sleep. i only enjoyed that for about 1mth when my gal was about 2mo but then pattern changed and she started waking up few times a night crying. initially its becos her pacifier dropped out of her mouth and even when i weaned her off the pacifier, the cryings still continue but lesser. she's now 17mo and will wake up 1-2hrs after falling asleep and a few more times after that. its a bad habit liao.
mbb, yeah! when u collecting? i'll prob do so either tmr at tiong bahru or next week at kallang. want me to collect for u as well?

<font color="ff0000">last call for any jshoppers orders</font>, placing mine tmr night
Hi Charm, welcome back, nothing much has happened, but there are more new mummies in the PR thread.

1 piece of bad news, my ger is down with HFMD! Sian.. but the good side is, she is still eating and drinking well.. so far.. cross my fingers!
Hi aza! I'm new to this thread too ;p

My MIL says bbs pattern always change (one of the things she says which I actually buy
Sometimes, just got to ride it out if you've tried son now also struggles with day naps, although bedtime is fine (crossing fingers!), its becoz of my neighbour's house renovation. Equally hair-raising!

Yk, hope yr ger recovers soon
dsii told me that your gal and juxta's son got hfmd. no wonder didnt see frm juxta lately, must be bz with her boy. hope both kids get well real soon.

your boy looks so cute. yeah, thru out the 17mths of my gal, so many pattern changes. aiyo!
oh dear....din know tat both kena HFNM!
hope they recover asap.

i am picking up later at Kallang.
u need me to pick for you?

should you change ur mind abt sat, i can give you a ride.

welcome to the new members!
solli...lately dun really read all the post.
hi, I also new to this thread... hello ladies...

my girl can sleep throughout the nite but can't sleep much in the day.... any1 got suggestions on how to put bb to sleep... lately my bb gal (5mths old) unable to sleep in the day and temper getting bad and frustrated as she can't fall asleep.. daytime she's in the infant care centre...
mbb, errr... if u dun mind, can trouble u? mine is a large bilibo
will pick up from u tonite on my way home then. lemme PM the prganiser and inform her before it's too late, heh heh heh
YK : OH DEAR!! Must take care..

Juxta : OH NO!! Sean also got it..

Both of u pls take care. dun tired ur self out ok ??

CD told me that got 1 person kanna HFMD.. but not from the centre.. so they told me to postpone the registration
Hello all.. thanks a lot for your concern.. my gal seem to be ok.. not much discomfort.. i just pray that she had contracted the mildest strain lor.. and pray harder that my boys will not be affected.. esp these 2 weeks, cos their birthday is coming, really hope they will hv a happy n healthy birthday!

Anyway, be it st 11 or where, does not really matter lah.. HFMD is on the raise recently, so better be careful everywhere u go.. And Nana, think u better consistenly check on the status of CD, make sure they are totally clear of HFMD before u put tiff in.. at least 2 weeks after the last reported HFMD lor.. anyway just my personal opinion only lah.. i think my gal is the 7th case in the school??!
the bilibo hor.....not much fun la

hubby said that it's the most stupid invenrion wor.

tomolo my kitchen set lai liao. sooooooooo excited!!!!
thanks for the offer wor... but think i not going liao... looking at the time, ethan will most prob be sleeping... n he very troublesome wan... cannot change his timing if not everything go haywire... u gals enjoys urselves... join again next time ba...

warm welcome to all new mummies...

oh, dear... poor g n sean... may they recover soon... n u gals take care too...
hi darlie,

am also asking ard in other threads if it's gd and worth to buy...still hv not dcide yet u getting?

wow...seem like most bb can zzz thru the nite chloe already 18 mths liao bt still wakie a few times .... she is co-sleeping with me....she is still bfeeding to zzzzz at nite....

btw is it ok of toddlers not drinking any FM at gal refuse FM even in CC and at home now..she wants her porridge when it's time to drink milk she takes porridge....only BM when zzzz at nite....ok or not? heathly?
guess what??? in the end i was at kallang mrt! alamak... but was there cos hubby picked me up to avoid ERP in raffles place, har har har!!!

the bilibo no fun ah? sigh... tot maybe they can sit and roll ard on their bums, kekekekeke

no leh, i din give it much tot, knowing my terrors have no patience for the sounds to finish before pressing. that's why wanna ask ard to see what age more suitable for them to use the system. think they are happy with their books for now
especially those DK and Priddy ones with lots of pics, they lurve!!! and you'll be surprised by the number of objects they can identify, hiak hiak hiak. very worth the money cos they sure flip thru once a day
hi darlie,

now my gal attend half day chance or much time to flip her the time she comes home..nap time and after walk ard and watch her favourite barney and by the time she sees me...bath time and makan dinner time..then after a while she wanna zzzzzz liao,,her bed time!!! trying to read to her b4 bed bt since she attended CC...she gets very cranky easily in the evening...lack of zzzzz....she does not zzz long for her nap
Hi mummies,

So many posts, warm welcome to all new mummies, no time to read all posts, just glance thru : p

Agree with YK, just make sure there's at least a 10days clearance. Am on high alert daily. To add to my stress, exam ard the corner. gulp. Migraine attack. I was only advised to avoid children playground at the moment. Being KS,I also keep them away from pools.
then ur 2 gers still attend CC???

so ur ger is drinking BM only once a day? i hv some frens wholet their kids drink fresh SMOO...Meiji..but must be 100% fresh milk not the low fat kind..cos they are still bf and reject Fm too...maybe u try...
Good Morning! Dsii, I guess the only way to avoid is to emphatize on hygiene. Anyone child could have got it and it remain in the body, not displaying any symptoms. Incubation period. Rather then make them skip class when they are well, just let them go with the flow. If really strikes, then compulsory 'stay at home children' lor. hahaha.

Btw, I have the following for free,
a. 3 Shop &amp; save August stamps,
b. booklet of NDP vouchers, I think I took, flyer, night safari, popular and k box.
I think most of the vouchers expire 31 August. Still have lots left i.e. birdpark, gnc, fotohub,osim, hp and electronics etc.
Any one keen and dare to collect from me? hahaha.
the nuah couple
my boy only slept thru better at night whne i wean him off breastfeeding. before that he wakes 3 times a night.

i think it's fine if they dun wan to drink FM. u tried fresh milk? if she's taking solids well it's ok. my boy also drinks very little milk.

hi new mummies,

i tried to email u but keep getting errors. your mailbox full?
Sincerity, good luck to ur exams! Migraine attacks? Take panadol extra with coffee! Ha, it always work for me!

Nuah, there's also a period of time my gal refuse FM, but after 1 to 2 mths, she is back on FM again.. so just keep asking her every few days lor. Fresh milk is also good.. but if I am not wrong, during the time that my gal reject FM, she also dun want fresh milk..
Hi hi, wow so many posts, I'm still new to here, can't catch up and figure out who is who. hee..

darlie, wonder if I'm still in time to consolidate with ur orders from "The Children's Place"?

I'm looking for those Avent adaptors which is attached on the VIA cups for babies to drink direct from it. Does anyone know where to buy? Most of the shops r selling the whole package (adaptors with cups) but I do not need so many cups.
gd morning mummies

Have a question to ask on swimming...

Anyone here brought their bbs to swim at 5 months?

As I heard swimming pools can be quite cold for them?
