Mummies in Pasir Ris


welcome hjuin!

darlie, i left you a msg on msn. He wants lightning mcqueen in case you didnt see it. Thanks!!!
ya you should start 1 long time ago with the amount of things you have sure can open a shop anytime. hehehe Me thinking also but no time leh.
huh, juxta, bo login to MSN these days. mcqueen size M yah?

newmummy, no lah, those things i bot r too expensive to sell at cost! har har har!!! bo business, sure close shop. maybe i shd just sell 2nd-hand items lah, easier!

anyone else wanna order from disney? placing orders soon...
tratties & jocelyn,
I seen dr sim before, also dun prefer him as He doesnt seem patience to answer my questions. I prefer to bring Xavier to the GP, Dr Tan at Loyang pt.
wah icy, dr tan's clinic always super crowded one...even b4 he opens his clinic can see many many ppl standing outside his clinic liao....
Yah yah.. normally, someone who is not sick will be sent over to Q first at 7.30-45am, or 30 mins before opening time. Then after getting the Q# the sick person then go over.. Must be first few.. then wait is shorter.
juxta - i'm with Y Y Yip at the moment..

sy - you've got mail for whitewater mummies..

all other ww mommies - could be we have seen each other previously especially at the carpark.. hahaha..

dr tan @ loyang point is he ok even for babies? me 1st time mummy so dont know whether GP is good enough for bb or must stick to seeing PD.. haha..
Hi Angel,

My child attended for a term and there are several assistant swimming coach ard beside the main coach. Our main purpose is get a professional coach to teach him to swim and show no fear of water. We switch to another instructor cos we don't see any results. Glad we made the switch. Good luck in your quest to find someone whom your child is comfortable with.

Any one enrol their child at CD? Just saw a sweetie pie 'V' this afternoon : )

You're no good leh, stop tempting me with all the SALES !!! hahaha Control control control

I've got the gift sets for my cousin newborn from another mummy. Thank you for the 1131519315 order too. Please keep me updated. Kam sia.

Re: Stomach workout, allow me to apply for visa, first : )
wah, quite sometime never log in liao. I will be starting work this Thurs at Changi Business Park...Pity never get the job at RP

Tratties and Juin, welcome.. I am also staying at WW.
yup can pm me.

hey we can have a ww mummies gathering soon...haha

yeah hoping cna be SAHM. the other reason is also cos my mum is in china now so wan to give her something to do also. so she can help with the sourcing.
din get to go to Hort park. hb need to work over the weekend

re: kopi session.
cant make it tis friday but if next friday have another session, count me in ya!
dsii, can mah, u just cross the road reach liao! so near!

mbb, next friday ah? we plan ok hehehe

so this fri bo lang again?
HI!! wah!! this one becoming WW mummies ?? heh!

I just spoke with annie of CD! Hahahaa.. and she said .. sincereity asked abt me!! hahahaha.. and somemore i told her.. i know mummies like juxta, Yk.. etc.etc..and she is like "oh no! am so stressed!" hahahaa..
hi hi.. what's the clinic name of dr tan @ loyant point?

oh ya.. ww mummies, i so angry with mgmt! the issue which i've been complaining since april 1st till now havent even resolve nor done anything!! any mummies here is with the committee???
tratties, i think it's lifeline - 6582 1883. sometimes if doctor tan is not there, there's a younger doc. he's more relak one... so need to ask questions when in doubt

I saw a newcomer in tod's class while fetching my gals home and thot that was your dd. Refer to my earlier post on 19th, hence ask Ms A about it and realised the discrepancy on name, hence, mistaken identity.

I think she should be glad that we're supportive on her management, right? Looking forward to see you and your dd there.

Juxta, dsii & charmer (where are you?)
Visa kena rejected before I even submit, hb night shift. Next round, we 'smile song' with dsii recommendation. okie?
welcome 2 the thread new mummies....

no lah, dsii...actually we only had one meet up so far . next time we meet then i sms u :p so that we can try the famous stomach workout rite?

looks like we are having more n more mummies turning entreprenuers :p

btw mummies, i have some birthday invitation cards to give. pm me if interested k? got safari theme n underwater theme... one pack got 8.
tratties, go join them on Friday night, u will find out!

sincerity & juxta, sigh, with more and more hfmd cases at CD, I am really getting worried.. sigh..and here we are highly recommending them! ha!
oic oic..then i know wat liao..wahahahaha....

yami....u r the best!!!! u deep deep.

hmmmm....firm or not i dunno leh...cos mine still flabby..wahahaha..but everytime after the stomach muscle tears and tummy ache...hehehehe
Am worried too. I think it's also parents/caregiver responsibility to check their children before and sending them to cc. I remembered sometime back 1 prestigious cc also down with HFMD and order to close down for a period. I sanitize their bags and shoes etc every now and then. Been harping to them the importance of hygiene. bzzz : )

Mummies, at least, this would brighten your days ahead and put a smile on your face.

Dsii & Juxta,
Correct. Wonder. Do we have to book rm in advance? Can't wait to hear all your lovely voice : )
sincerity/dsii, wah really want to "smile song", me more like frog croaking loh. tsk tsk

YK, yalor, gotta be real careful. every morning my ritual will be remind him not to put his hands in his mouth and wash his hands blah...... i think he can recite liao wahahah
juxta : ya.. i will try to join u all.. i need to de-stress!! hahaha.. ya i wanna send my ger.. but after careful consideration.. maybe i will send her only end of sept.. 1 more month.. see how.. this sat meeting annie..

hey!! CD got HFMD ??!?!?!?!??! REALLY AR !?!?!?!?!
tomolo whitesand...shld be ard the hongkong cafe beside coffee club...1st level...
dsii.. lucky u said hongkong cafe.. wait i go macdonalds cannot find ppl .. hahaa..

quick help me with the pedi thingy.. thanks.. the lifeline.. wat time open ar ?? no answer from the clinic leh..
9pm tomorrow nite at whitesands ah.. i cannot make it, my mum got appt so i gotta be home to take care of my girl.. aiyo.. nxt time then i join ba..

am just wondering what kinda stomach exercises can be done at whitesands hongkong case wor... hahahahaha..
