Mummies in Pasir Ris

hmm... me difference is about 10ml (if bb didn't latch on during that period)
this morn my CL told me i gotta start freezing my "stock" - very happy! hahaha

btw, what's "strawberry milk"???
oh yeah, first few days when i try to sleep till morning, i get 250ml from both breasts - my CL hear liao also *faint*... kekeke

that one really headache... sigh
somemore gotta cook nutritious food

anyone got any ideas how to mitigate this?
if the nanny have children then without experience still ok coz she brought up her children.
try first lor coz infant care is group care le. bb will get sick more often at tis stage.

i visited babies inc. tho they charged very high price yet the caretaker's standard is not fab.
some of the bb, were not very clean.

i hardly go to west plaza.
will look out in whitesand instead
hehe..strawberry milk?? hehehhe....that means my nipple bleed when i expressed become strawberry milk loh...

ok ok...will go whitesand more fact i will o frequent too...cos going library and oso popular..
hmm... my hb brought bb to pd today and pd also say NO! for infant care...
erm... i've seen examples of MIL who also brought up their kids but totally dunno how to take care of their grandkids again lor - which is why i worry

have to reconsider this seriously...
wah, that sounds very painful

nowadays i juz feel my nipples a bit too "used"... as in i feel a bit sore, but not pain :p
drink warm water b4 expressing or latch on. my malay massage lady told me that horlicks helps increase milk flow cos of the malt.
as for inexperienced nanny, i would ask if she brought up her kids herself & not by her mother or MIL. if she did then no worries loh.

ladies, i'll ask my hb if he managed to load up the pics from digicam to a disc. if he did then i'll try to resize the pics whc i've never done b4. so bear with me hor.... :p
oh yeah, wanted to ask if anyone of u knows where to get an inflatable bathtub. i saw one at mothercare but it's ex leh, about $30+.
Hello all mummies,

I am new to this thread. I am 4 mths preg. Just wanted to say hello. By the way, where do u suggest that I can get baby stuffs such as baby cot, etc? I heard there is a warehoue at Shun Li area. PLease enlighten.
i got one as a present but my fren bought it from japan... not sure where to get a cheaper one...
hi yvonne - welcome!!

2 places you can try:-

Baby's Hyperstore
69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Ind Park, Tel: 6844-1123
1100 ~ 2100 (Sun/PH~1900)

Baby's Kingdom
83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Ind Park, Tel: 6547-1677
1000 ~ 2100 (Sun ~2000/PH ~1900)

i personally prefer bb hypermart cos i find the sales persons more pro.
bb kingdom carries more pigeon stuff

hope that helps!
welcome yvonne. may i suggest that u buy a play pen instead of a wooden cot. reason being is when your bb can stand & walk about, he/she wont bump his/her head against the wooden rails. i'm speaking from experience when i see my gal stand up & letting herself go and fall on the mattress & against the side of the playpen, she enjoys doing that. haha!

maybe i should try calling those 2 bb stores & see if they have the inflatable bathtub. Thnx. playpen
initially i tot a playpen is good - double up as cot and play area but my CL suggested i buy a cot cos during confinement especially, you can't bend down and playpen is rather low.
so i juz bought a cot from bb hypermart $299 with free bedding and it's really convenient as you can change diapers there too.
just my 2 cents worth
k, thnx. will call up.

hi pinkie,
actually, wat i did was placed my gal on my bed and changed her so didnt really have to bend over that much. and i just find baby cot way too ex. anyway, it's up to individual's preference.
hello ladies, been a while since i came in to gossip! heh heh heh. parked the kiddies at my parent's place so now having some peace and quiet all by myself at home.

welcome yvonne! pinkie is ab right, just go to bb hypermart for the bulky stuff. but u might want to go recee first before buying cos sometimes they have sales. i 'banged' when i bought my twin stroller too early, then went back a couple months later and saw the very same one on offer! could have saved at least 100 bucks.... duh.... their range of maclaren strollers quite good, also carry a lot of car seats. cot mattresses also quite good range of sizes but cot designs a little obiang. :)

yah, i also didn't use a playpen. wanted them to sleep in a proper cot. imagine mine shared a large cot for the first month. so tiny so no problems placing them side by side.... kekekeke

when time to play, we just use a bumper mat. anyways my gal is too active, if she were in a playpen, she'll prolly turn the whole thing upside down! now we just let her loose on the floor, so we suffer by squatting and scooting on our hands and knees chasing after her!

and these were taken in late jan. see how botak she is and she looks like a boy cos she looks like my hb.
cute cute bb ger!!!! oh boy loves to be in the shopping basket leh...once he is way to get him out..
har har charmaine, cute leh! my gal also likes to open her mouth. and she kisses with her tongue stuck out! alamak!!!

shd try putting her in the shopping trolley :) i heard my dad once put her in a big plastic marketing basket and carried her ard with the handles, must be very cartoon!
darlie..wanna ask the Goon diapers hv XL size??? cos the webbie only shows L leh..and any pull up pants for that brand ???
erm, the last time i ordered, abt 3 days. think they go by location so prolly had to wait till there're other orders as well to make a single trip!

NTUC has promo for Pampers Active - M & L sizes only. 2 packs for $54.50
thnx pinkie. for me, i didn't buy any toys cos a lot of people gave. so i suppose u wait for your bb's 1st month & see wat people give.
erm charmaines's right, wait and see first. the fun stuff comes later when they are older and more appreciative of play. i'm in a hunting mode lately - hunting for toy bargains!!! war har har! wanna join me?

might want to consider getting some crib toys for a start - black/white/red ones for your darling to look at only lah.
u can try renting the toys to test water..see if ur kid loves my boy..i realised he is 3 min kind of i ended up renting toys for he will play for a few days or weeks...then will be in one corner collecting dust..
when my gal was about 3-4mths old & can start to see things more clearly, she loved the picture of a giraffe on her bolster. whenever we showed her that giraffe, she'd smile sooo sweetly at it, see her smile like that the heart can melt. and then she'll start to gurgle so much at it like talking to a fren. and she also liked the pattern of a fan &, the type can fold up and keep in the bag type & even lacey table clothes, she'd also smile at those things. so funny.

so from there i realised that entertainment can be anything for babies, not only toys.

toys can rent? from where? i didn't know that.
my boy dun like toys leh..he likes real real remote comntroller...real hp...real pens..real watch...everything must be real lah..i bought toy hp for him..but he gave me the toy and wanna the real one..pengz
hi five dsii! i'm also a regular customer of rental sites! i use instead as his prices are cheaper and more selections :) i initially rented from elaine of rent-that-toy then switched over to the other. so far so good. rent-that-toy's site is easier to navigate so can locate items easily. pinkie, u can check out the 0-6mo section.

now i just mix branded toys with normal everyday objects found at home. sometimes can tell they're bored with their baby toys so i give them plastic bowls, containers, srunched-up paper, milk tin plastic covers to play. and they like lor!!

newborns like to look at your face best so u're his best stimulation :) enjoy it!!
mine is lucky the toys can pass down from 1-4 ... but i still cant resist buy more toys till kana boy-cott by my mum liao .... but my kids also like to play w real life pan n pots, hp, pens n paper etc...
ic ic...
so when u guys rent toys, do you sterilize them in some ways? i'm a bit paranoid abt kids getting sick...
sterilise? hmmm...i dun leh...nvr tot of that...but i think when they take back the toys they will do a clean up 1st b4 renting out bah..i assume lah... lah.s gd to worry..for ur bb's health mah.. its's me who bochap lah..hahahaha...or simply a lazy mummy hehehehe...paiseh ah
haha, i guess all kids like the real stuff. my gal the same, like to play with our real h/p instead of a faulty one. and always like to disturb me when i'm using the comp, she wanna press the keyboard.

i oso like u, bo chap & lazy. i dun wash my gal's toys everyday b4 she plays. to me, jus let her "eat some dirt" cos like they say, too clean will get sick more easily. anyway my gal has been "eating a lot of dirt" as she likes to lick things, from floor to chairs, doors & rubber door stopper. aiyo can faint!

but pinkie,
i guess i would clean the rented toys cos one can never know if a sick child had played with it.
Wa! all the babies are so cute! I so miss the time when my boy is little.

We're very lucky, got his aunties to buy him toys , books and clothes since birth. Plus a doting father, we've a huge pile at home. But then he always goes thru the same few things. I still have an inflatable boat plus a tunnel/house set stuffed in the storeroom, where got space for it?!

Ya i agree with all, kids like real stuff. my son loves bottles, plates and bowls even until now. Just give him one bottle, he can play for so long, dunno whats the joy?

Darlie, the toys supposedly will be here end week. Is taking sooooo long, I cant wait to receive, no patience, heheh

yoohoo juxta! more toys!!! erm, owe u how much? later i PM u....

the rented toys are sterilised lah, they always come smelling of disinfectant and wrapped in shrink-wrap, even the large items!! this guy is good lor!!! but i also will give it a cursory cleanup before letting the terrors play.

seems like the PR kiddies have lots of toys! anyone needs to clear space, let me know ah, i love to buy toys & books!!!
lately like possessed liao, keep buying things for the kiddies. yesterday just went to mothercare and bought 6 packs of bundled socks in 1 size, which is like 30 pairs???.... siao liao lor....
