Mummies in Pasir Ris

wahlau..u really possessed darlie the shopping queen...wah..30pairs?? can wear very very long liao...but in 1 size..hmm...then must everyday wear..must make the $ spent more worth it..hehehe

Hi mummies

Was glad to stumble on this thread. Hope I'm welcome to join all you mummies in PR.

Just a short intro - I stay at PR st 71 and have a daughter turning 6 this year. I've only breifly went thru the archives and seems that alot of mummies here have younger kids. Now I'm having headache with my dd's P1 registration. Anybody with any good feedback on primary schools in PR?
hi pressuredkid
im near u leh..i am staying at st 72 opp west plaza...ya..most mummies here hv younger kids...but i hv a 7 yr old kid and 19 months old...both are boys...

my elder boy is in elias park pri sch...actually park view n meridien are more nearer..but heard lots of bad review regarding merdien...

actually pasir ris pri and whitesand pri are one of the gd sch in this area...but far and heard need to do voluntary work in order to get a place
welcome pressurekid. it'll be another 6 more years to wori about this. when the time comes then can seek advice from u & dsii.

loyang pri gd ah? i dunno leh...but i heard from the mummies here that the 2 i mentioned very 'hot' one... one mummy even went to be volunteer 1-2 yrs before p1 registration...
anyone got gd intro on body massage or tui na in this estate? me hor..sper shoulder ache..can die manz...really wanna enjoy a gd massage at a affordable price leh...
another mummi in pr wif the same headache of pri 1 reg... mine also 6 this yr,,, think i enrol him into elias park since the other 3 popular sch are out of 1km range....

so far check 8 primary in pr out of which 4 r filled n the other 4 hv valcancy for the past 2 years for pri 1 reg.... sad to say park view, meridian are among the 4 unfilled ones....

called up pr pri n whitesand pri too late to do volunteer wk n they usually hv ballot within the 1km so very little chance in fact no chance since out of the 1km range.... best bet is elias park .....

want to enrol my boy into the sch near my mum plc but the sch even hotter... 3 yr b4 the reg the volunteer slots already full... i was 1 year late... went to the mp to ask for help nw see wat's the outcome but think hard lah
Thanks to all for the welcome. Finally I get some decent respond on primary schools in PR as the other threads I participated, not many parents stay in PR area.

dsii, I'm staying behind Esso petrol station but still near to you. My dd's nanny stay at st 72 too and my dd goes to the half day kindergarten at My Little Campus in West Plaza.

I've a nephew who completed his primary education in meridien last year, I also do not have good impressions of the school, hence was considering park view, until I recently found out that elias park is also within 1 km and the most exciting part is poi ching is within 2 km. Not sure if anyone has heard of poi ching primary?

I agree that white sands and pasir ris are the better primary schools in PR, I think pasir ris is the best. I've not heard comments about loyang though but I've heard coral pri is also not bad.

Sheris, I know elias park used to be another popular choice in PR but I heard the standard somewhat dropped. When I check the website for PSLE results in 2006, I'm surprised that meridien's top student score higher than elias park's top student but of course that's just 1 student, got to look at overall.

Charmaine, no problem, the main objective of such forum is sharing right. I saw your gal's pic, same like my dd, she also look like a boy before 1 year old but I'm sure your princess will grow up a pretty girl.
Interesting topic to share on schooling.

Pressuredkid, Welcome : ) I share your sentiments when it comes to select a good primary school for our children. Hubby and I went throught that phase, attended open house, flip special news edition, MOE and many school website, tv text for results and sleepless nights till we made up our mind and enrol our 1st child into my former school. Direct admission, no need to compete with others for volunteer work, balloting. Dunno whether my heart can take the toll of going through that all over again.

From what I know, last year, need to ballot for ppl staying even within 1 km for WS. Suprisingly, someone not staying within 1 km and need not offer their services to do volunteer work get admission to EP. Luck plays an important part when it comes to balloting.


I'll check with my gf and advise you on the tui na which she gave thumbs up for their kung fu. It's at Tampines. I used to visit the one located at East coast (Annie Tiang Chinese sin seh clinic) Tel 63446316 Recommend Dr Diana.
yup poi ching was previously at toa payoh... the standards are fairly gd n tt was my alternate choice b4 when i was considering to send the kids to my mum plc other than pei chun public sch... but after the move me nt very sure of the standards liao....

behind esso like tt i staying very near u hehe... me staying at ris grandeur ..... but my kids go tho the ntuc at blk 635 since they were tranfer frm the toa payoh branch....

guess i will be settling for elias park n think i juz hv to keep a closer eye on tt boy's school wk to make up for the watever shortfall in standard esp his chinese coz nw he got interestd in it so easier for him to do well.... stressed!!!
welcome pressurekid! wah, i'll be facing this prob in 2 yrs time. should i go do volunteer? must go dig up sheris' list so can find all the 2004 mothers and research on this topic next time. hehe. where is poi ching? have heard is a not bad sch.

darlie, ha! is easy to buy many of those bundled socks from mothercare, i also always end up with at least a few packs each time and the gals one are so cute right! i'm also going on the book shopping phase right now! e amount for the toys is $78.85.
aiyo juxta dun nid dig lah.... mummies any info i nid to update?

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick </TD><TD>Location </TD><TD>ftwm/sahm</TD><TD>Kids</TD><TD>Age </TD></TR><TR><TD>gerrykhoo/ darile</TD><TD>st 12</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>b/g twin</TD><TD>8m,8m </TD></TR><TR><TD>juxta</TD><TD>dr 1</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boy </TD><TD>3yr </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal</TD><TD>3yr, 4m </TD></TR><TR><TD>mom2nat</TD><TD>dr 4</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal,boi</TD><TD>?, born 14/01/08 </TD></TR><TR><TD>p1nk1e</TD><TD>dr 4</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi</TD><TD>edd 22 feb 08 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pii pii</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal , boi</TD><TD>4yr,8m </TD></TR><TR><TD>sheris</TD><TD>elias road</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal,boi,gal </TD><TD>k2,k1, 30m, 11m </TD></TR><TR><TD>sincerity</TD><TD>st11</TD><TD></TD><TD>?, gal/gal twin</TD><TD>6yr, 3yr,3yr </TD></TR><TR><TD>xWpInGxW/zion</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi </TD><TD>13m </TD></TR><TR><TD>yami</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>gal </TD><TD>2m </TD></TR><TR><TD>charmaine</TD><TD>dr 3 </TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>gal</TD><TD>11m </TD></TR><TR><TD>dsii</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD>7yr, 19m </TD></TR><TR><TD>pressuredkid</TD><TD>st 71</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD>6yr, </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>Flora Road</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>b/b twins</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bcmummy</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>elitemom</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>near west plaza</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fluffy</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>magd</TD><TD>st 21</TD><TD>ftwm </TD><TD>boi,gal,boi</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mashimaru08</TD><TD>dr 3 </TD><TD></TD><TD>boi</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mbb2</TD><TD>dr 4 </TD><TD>partial sahm</TD><TD>gal</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mom of 2 angels</TD><TD>dr 6</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>muaw muaw</TD><TD>dr 1 </TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>gal </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>rach </TD><TD>pie pr?</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boi,?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>taitai</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishes</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hehe upload wrong table :

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick </TD><TD>Location </TD><TD>ftwm/sahm</TD><TD>Kids</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>year born </TD></TR><TR><TD>gerrykhoo/ darile</TD><TD>st 12</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>b/g twin</TD><TD>8m,8m</TD><TD>2007, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>juxta</TD><TD>dr 1</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boy </TD><TD>3yr </TD><TD>2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal</TD><TD>3yr, 4m</TD><TD>2005, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mom2nat</TD><TD>dr 4</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal,boi</TD><TD>?, born 14/01/08</TD><TD>2005, 2008 </TD></TR><TR><TD>p1nk1e</TD><TD>dr 4</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi</TD><TD>edd 22 feb 08</TD><TD>2008 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pii pii</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal , boi</TD><TD>4yr,8m</TD><TD>2004, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sheris</TD><TD>elias road</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal,boi,gal </TD><TD>6yr,5yr, 30m, 11m</TD><TD>2002, 2003, 2005, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sincerity</TD><TD>st11</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi, gal/gal twin</TD><TD>6yr, 3yr,3yr</TD><TD>2002, 2005,2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xWpInGxW/zion</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi </TD><TD>13m</TD><TD>2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>yami</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>gal </TD><TD>2m</TD><TD>2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>charmaine</TD><TD>dr 3 </TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>gal</TD><TD>11m</TD><TD>2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>dsii</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD>7yr, 19m</TD><TD>2001, 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pressuredkid</TD><TD>st 71</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD>6yr, </TD><TD>2002 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mbb2</TD><TD>dr 4 </TD><TD>partial sahm</TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>Flora Road</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>b/b twins</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bcmummy</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>elitemom</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>near west plaza</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fluffy</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>magd</TD><TD>st 21</TD><TD>ftwm </TD><TD>boi,gal,boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mashimaru08</TD><TD>dr 3 </TD><TD></TD><TD>boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mom of 2 angels</TD><TD>dr 6</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>muaw muaw</TD><TD>dr 1 </TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>gal </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>rach </TD><TD>pie pr?</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boi,?</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>taitai</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,?</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishes</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Wow, this thread is really active.

Sincerity, thanks. So where is your boi studying now? Need to take school bus?

Sheris, thanks for that table update, it really helps for me new joiner so that I do not have to scroll thru all the postings to determine who has how many kids...

Ya, we are staying very close to each other, just separated by the a road. I stay just opposite your condo and have seen the last old apartments being torn down and your condo being built. Ha ha. Many pple have told me poi ching used to be a good school but now so so only. Will you be considering that school also as it should be within 2 km, just like me. For me, I'll most probably see how the registration goes for the first few phases and decide if it'll be poi ching or EP.

juxta, poi ching is at tampines, think it's st 71/72.
EP so far so gd loh...cant tell yet cos now he only started sch for 3 mths...must monitor..

ya..meridien pri 2006 psle score is slightly higher than EP but oso like mentioned..only 1 student..but elias park got 2 or 3..

dun tell me ur nanny stays at blk 723 hor?? hahaha...cos whenever i waited for my boy's sch bus...i saw 1 nanny with 2 gers..1 elder one wearing little campus uniform..then other one still ard 10mths old..

wanna update my particulars with u...hehehe
im a SAHM, 2 boys, 7yrs and 19mths staying at ST 72
woah lao, jus reading your posts about pri sch reg already make me feel stressed for u all. i can imagine the stress i'll be going thru next time, all the research etc. and i dun get the volunteer part, duno y must volunteer in order to get your kid into their sch. so bo liao. and i wonder wat volunteer work we must do for the sch. wonder if its worth it. last time where got such thing hor....

u can try to contact the massage lady who massaged me during my confinement. she not only does confinement massages but also therapy massage. once i pulled a muscle &amp; it hurt like hell, even breath also pain. but after she massaged &amp; took some painkiller, i felt brand new the next day. serious! but she's very bz &amp; may take a while to reply u. Her name is Halijah, h/p: 97531197, can mention that i recommended her to u. she charges $50 for going to your place in PR.
Hi Pressuredkid,

No puns intended. Each time, I type your nick... I kept reminding myself not to be pressurise with my kids development. Change, can? happy kid : )

My former school is located at bishan. AT school. Yes, I've arranged for him to take transport to &amp; fro from school. Glad to know he's not the only from PR who takes transport. Journey is ard 1hr or less. Hence, am taking up BTT course so that I can be their driver.
thks for sharing...will try to call up and ahoulder ache is killing me..but yet.. i am here typing away..hahahahaa
dsii, Bingo! Ya, the one in uniform is my girl and the baby is my ex-colleague's daughter whom I recommended her to my nanny, she just started looking after in Nov last year. You stay in that block too?

Sincerity, this nick just came up to my mind when I first register, and it's not Pressuredmum coz I don't pressure my kid but she gives herself alot of pressure, never want to lose and I have to keep assuring her it's ok to lose sometimes. Haiz

So you boy in Ai Tong? Is that a sap school? Actually I also worry if I send my girl to poi ching and she needs to take school. It'll be okay in the first few years but after that got cca also dun know how to fetch her. Hopefully by then, I'll strike toto/big sweep/4D and can be a SAHM.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick </TD><TD>Location </TD><TD>ftwm/sahm</TD><TD>Kids</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>year born </TD></TR><TR><TD>gerrykhoo/ darile</TD><TD>st 12</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>b/g twin</TD><TD>8m,8m</TD><TD>2007, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>juxta</TD><TD>dr 1</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boy </TD><TD>3yr </TD><TD>2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal</TD><TD>3yr, 4m</TD><TD>2005, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mom2nat</TD><TD>dr 4</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal,boi</TD><TD>?, born 14/01/08</TD><TD>2005, 2008 </TD></TR><TR><TD>p1nk1e</TD><TD>dr 4</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi</TD><TD>edd 22 feb 08</TD><TD>2008 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pii pii</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal , boi</TD><TD>4yr,8m</TD><TD>2004, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sheris</TD><TD>elias road</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal,boi,gal </TD><TD>6yr,5yr, 30m, 11m</TD><TD>2002, 2003, 2005, 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sincerity</TD><TD>st11</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi, gal/gal twin</TD><TD>6yr, 3yr,3yr</TD><TD>2002, 2005,2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xWpInGxW/zion</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi </TD><TD>13m</TD><TD>2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>yami</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>gal </TD><TD>2m</TD><TD>2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>charmaine</TD><TD>dr 3 </TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>gal</TD><TD>11m</TD><TD>2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>dsii</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD>7yr, 19m</TD><TD>2001, 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pressuredkid</TD><TD>st 71</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD>6yr, </TD><TD>2002 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mbb2</TD><TD>dr 4 </TD><TD>partial sahm</TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>Flora Road</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>b/b twins</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bcmummy</TD><TD>st 11</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>elitemom</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>near west plaza</TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fluffy</TD><TD>st 72</TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>magd</TD><TD>st 21</TD><TD>ftwm </TD><TD>boi,gal,boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mashimaru08</TD><TD>dr 3 </TD><TD></TD><TD>boi</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mom of 2 angels</TD><TD>dr 6</TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>boi,gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>muaw muaw</TD><TD>dr 1 </TD><TD>ftwm</TD><TD>gal </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>rach </TD><TD>pie pr?</TD><TD>sahm</TD><TD>boi,?</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>taitai</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>boi,?</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishes</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>gal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

update done !!!

aitong vvery gd sch.... but 1 hour journey very siong lor... even w car the drive to n fro if u r a speed driver like me is also ard 1hour... i know coz i drive pr - toa payoh everyday.... pengz....

u r welcome... my job is to post table haha.... for poi ching i dun think i will consider the sch coz i wan a sch near pr... my younger 3 hv to attend childcare mah... if too far then sending them to sch n childcare will be a big problem.... have to consider long term... coz by the time my oldest pri 6 my youngest is in pri 1.... so the childcare n sch hv to be near lor....
Thanks Sheris for the table, not many 2004 mummies. But so many b4 me, can share ur experience next time. hehe

my hb's former school in katong, quite far also right? we also think nearby will be easier, not so taxing on the kid esp when ccas and etc kicks in.
My niece stays in sengkang attends sch in bedok, everyday 1hr++ journey, very siong leh.
my boy taking sch bus to elias park..dun say upper he already has wat chinese enrichment for 2 mths and we need to bring him to sch ourselves...and swimming in 3rd term..oso need to send n fetch on our own...

hahaha...wah..toto oso not so zun ur ger's name amanda har?? cos heard the nanny call her that..hehehehe...i stay opp...722...this afternoon i heard she said wat class 7 to 9pm..then asked mummy to fetch after kahpo hor??
my boy's classmate attending CHIJ toa payoh...every day hv to board the bus at 11...reached home siong for the kid...
Hi Pressuredkid, gulp : p

Thanks for the clarification. Yes. Agree with dsii that p school starts to offer optional cca (advise to choose 1)&amp; enrichment classes for all.


You meant peak period, hah? Cos hubby drives to AMK in 20minutes, Bishan in 30 minutes. If not, I'll need to apply hon you liao. Don't worry, you're not KPO, you're alert and well informed. hahaha.

Cannot siam 1. Every parent have to go through this phase. Volunteer work is in coaching students in reading, traffic marshal or some admin work etc. Must clock certain no. of hours in span of a year. something like that. By the way, volunteers only gets slightly higher chance of enrolling in their preferred choice. I've heard of ppl who volunteerd but end up no place hor = v good school. I think GRC members have some level of priority too. I didn't offer my services to any cos no maid, no time. Don't worry, rules and moe acceptance terms kept changing too.
ohoh, am already feeling the heat from the above postings! i'm very laidback so i dun really care. want to put the terrors in white sands when the time comes since it's so near! but dh says cannot, must go to good school, wah, where got so easy to get in? even can go in, also must see whether the kids can take it or not!!
darlie..whitesands already very gd sch in this estate...unless he wants them to travel bah...must compare the pros and cons of neighbourhood schs..and the very gd sch...
I am a SAHM at Pasir ris street 11. Like mom2nat, I delivered my boy in Jan. Looks like the discussion over here are abt schooling. :D

Are u all talking abt whitesand pri school? I dun like it, my sil attend this school and 50% go normal and 40+% go express after PSLE.
if the massage is to focus on the area of pain then it's less than 1hr &amp; she'll charge less. if u wanna have a full body massage then it's 1hr=$50. but she does't look at the time &amp; stop exactly 1hr, sometimes sligtly over an hour.

ya lo, cant siam wan. wanna have kids so kena go thru all the hardship hor.

by the time my little gal goes to sch, we'll have moved to toa payoh liao &amp; will try to reg her in CHIJ there. but i'll still remain in this PR thread. how to leave old frens right?

welcome icy! just so happen that tday's discussion is about schooling. other times we talk about anything under the sun.
really ah?? but frankly speaking..oso hv to depends on the child itself..if the child can study go watever neighbourhood sch oso can score now hoping my boy is not the the 'stupid' one..hahahaha...cos at times see him i heartpain leh...especially his chinese...haiyo...teach him hanyu pinyin can die manz...

wah..charmaine..u r one of the wei da mummies..that move hse to stay near kid's pri sch leh!!! salute!!!!

<font color="ff0000">so how mummies?? when wanna meet up??</font>
mom2nat, great another 2004 mother!

dsii what happened to ur shoulder ah that made is so bad

darlie, stuff coming tmr afternoon, eh i pm you my hp no. then u see when u wanna pick up
a very gd question..i oso dunno leh...i bet is carry my boy lah..i still carry him in ergo and he is 14kg...last time a bit pain liao but just a bit worse..haiyo..cant sit straight for long..must lie down..if not very painful eh...
if the massage is to focus on the area of pain then it's less than 1hr &amp; she'll charge less. if u wanna have a full body massage then it's 1hr=$50. but she does't look at the time &amp; stop exactly 1hr, sometimes sligtly over an hour.

ya lo, cant siam wan. wanna have kids so kena go thru all the hardship hor.

by the time my little gal goes to sch, we'll have moved to toa payoh liao &amp; will try to reg her in CHIJ there. but i'll still remain in this PR thread. how to leave old frens right?

welcome icy! just so happen that tday's discussion is about schooling. other times we talk about anything under the sun.
no lah, actually my own home is in TP (3rm flat) and i've been staying here in PR since my confinement cos my parents can help take care of my gal altho my mum is a wkend grandma cos she's still wrkg. at least got some help frm my mum when she comes bk frm wrk lor. anyway, back to the topic, my hb &amp; i balloted for a 4rm flat in TP too cos current plc too small for a "moving" bb. so that's y i said by the time my gal is of schooling age, we'll reg her at CHIJ loh.
oic...hehehhee...actually last time when i wanna get a flat...toa payoh oso 1st choice..but hor...when my turn to choose flat..the units i like all taken ended up here at PR..hehehe
charmaine we really very alike but my case is the opp... mum in tp me in pr.... if tp try pei chun lah... tt sch is the hot sch which muz 3-4 b4 registration apply for parent volunteer wk(pvw)... n the chinese is superb.... i love the chinese way of education... they really give a soild foundation.... but was told even w pvw.. some kids still dun get the plc.....

grc active members and pvw parents are in the phrase b4 those who live within 1km so tt's the priority tt they get... but some sch are so hot tt the pvw parents exceed the number of space allocated hence ballot n tt y they might not get a plc.... the onli way to sure get is to hv an exisiting sibling still in the school tt way sure can get in......

wat hon me????? blur liao.....

hehe dsii
me also ballot for tp flat but cant get so end up in pr..... coz near to wk plc....

welcome icy...

i update the table again tml when me in office the file in tt comp lah

meet up: best is can find kaki to chit chat at white sand on wed nite 7,30 - 9pm while i wait for my 2 terrors.... on the 19th march anyone?? nite..i can..cos i can dump my terrors at home and chill out wif the mummies..hahahahhaa
welcome pressuredkid (sorry ah, din post my welcome ealier!) &amp; icy!

sorry juxta, last night din turn on laptop so forgot to PM u my hp number... heh heh..... am at st 12, can pick up after work fr tomorrow onwards. hubby back from biz trip and am using him as dispatch boy while i can!!

my dh lagi cartoon, wants to move to east coast to be near the very good schools. wah, as though got a lot of money hor... hiak hiak hiak
hiyoh, i get very stressed out when i hear that. i prefer neighbourhood schools since convenient mah and also not too stressful on the kiddies.
darlie blur with all the streets and drive..hehee..wat blk u stay in?? when u wanna order diapers??
<font color="ff0000">meet up at whitesand shopping ctr
time 730pm to 9pm
date 19 march
agenda: la teh or la kopi, chit chat and get to know session</font>

1) sheris
2) dsii

<font color="0000ff">mummies, anyone onz</font>
haha! alike in opposite way. TP very hard to get. we once balloted for the 1st batch of 40storey flats but didnt get. tried again &amp; this time got the 2nd batch of 40storey flats, the one in front of HDB hub/TP interchange.

ya ya agree, east coast flats very ex loh. already i find TP ex, marine parade lagi ex ah...can faint!

actually i like PR, very peaceful &amp; quiet.

re: meet up at white sands
count me in.

hello dsii, st 12 is next to loyang sec school :) the other side of PR liao, heh heh heh. anytime want to order also can. i PM u my order, if deliver already, u just let me know and i'll pay you cash upon collection, can? kam sia!
