Mummies in Pasir Ris

me me me... but me ftwm, so weekdays cannot... only 29/2 and 12/3-14/3 available cos on leave... but 12/3 bringing my boy for jab so gotta see the time... keep me informed k? thnx a billion...
eh next week, i'm tied with some checkup and other stuff. And i cannot do it on every tue(chinese class) and fri(grandparents' day). hehe sorry about that

darlie, i just found this one, My boy into thomas & friends, trying to make some orders of books now! zion can only make it on 29/2 (fri) , 12/3, 13/3 and 14/3..

zion wat jab ur boy taking? how abt 13/3 then? cos juxta cant make it on 29/2 and 14/3 are out...

how abt other mummies? any mummies can meet up soon? next week?
my boy taking the mmr jab... if other mummies r only available on other days then i will have to get it a miss... btw, not necessary weekdays right? me oso available on weekends...
weekends i can too...but not on sunday lah...cos every sunday going to mil's only sat...see if we can organise a weekend gathering for all PR mums? like we take turns to open hse? a mini gathering???
can bah.. me anything one....if able to get someone to open hse..thn maybe we can do potluck and oso a get together session...
if weekdays we can do it like rest n relax for thte kiddos to play together..then weekends as more mummies joining..SaHM n FTWM..and hubbies too..we can do it more 'grand'?? thats my thinking lah..up to u gals...cos i think is really nice to know mummies n daddies as well as kiddos in the same estates..
hi mummies
me juz got back from the hospital after staying 2 days w enen there... her croup got serious so 2 day stay in hospital n 4 hourly nebulisation *faint* 2 days no zzz for mummy.... now is ming fu qi shi PANDA.... a... got meet up ah.... weekdays me got to wk

enen= gal lah....

think i better fish out teh table again.... but not tonite nw juz checking some mail b4 i zzzzzzz.....

juxta n dsii

hehe me also west plaza n wear lok lok one.... hehe tt day went there found a nice chicken rice stall/.... wonder if it is open in the nite...keke
hey sheris, hope ur gal is better. which chicken rice stall you talking about. is it that one next to 7-11? they normally sell out by dinner time.

darlie, my hubby couldnt wait to get books for his son and went to send in the order. You give me the book titles, i try to get a combined shipping, since they supposed to give me a confirmation, still have time ba. sorry!!!!
juxta a me not sure abt teh 7-11 but is the one nw the furniture shop.... tt time try the chicken rice... nice lah then got queue one lor.... outside the coffee shop is the bus stop liao
sheris..ya that chicken rice store is next to 7-11. by early evening ard 5plus shld be no more liao...their biz damn gd during lunch...last time hor..b4 7% GST...if u ask for more chrgs..still extra 30cents loh...hehehehe......we love that stall too...

then we can arrange one during weekends...for sahm n ftwm loh...
aiyo poor enen, i know how it's like to have to stay in hospital with your gal. my gal that time was only 1.5mo so heartpain especially see her hand got drip attached for antibiotics. hope she's getting better.

Take good care of yourself and Wishing Enen A Speedy Recovery!

Chicken Rice,

It's been a very long time since I patronise West Plaza. Will check out the infamous stall. My family simply loves the chicken rice stall at Simei coffeeshop, opposite MRT station.

Am keen on our gathering, I'll try to meet up if possible. Hopefully, it's within the same estate if during weekdays. Cos no car, no lic with taggling toddlers. kekeke.

Let me know when the bill arrives for jshopper. Wah, see you busy acquiring so much new toys for your twins.: ) Your dds must be smiling and enjoying themselves with so much stimulation. : p How's your flashcards DIY?
hi sheris, take good care of urself also yah.

sincerity/mbb2, my statement arrived but the jshopper purchase not reflected! har har! wait till next month then.

yah, in a mad craze lately to buy toys/books. see got cheap items sold on the WTS section / online shops, buy and keep first, now my room machianm warehouse. in the mdst of cleaning up again but my gal very sticky today, can't achieve much with disruptions leh. hiaz..... flashcards project ah, just started to cut pics only
so tempted to just rush out and buy from stores but was thinking i try DIY first. any mommies come across nice big pics of everyday objects, can pls keep for me? heh heh heh. not many i can find in women mags lah, so only limited resources from that area!
went to west plaza with hb & dd for lunch today and had the chicken rice, not bad.

aiyo, u really can be bothered to make flashcards ah? i pei fu you! u can try to look out at the exchange place & see if anyone exchanging or giving away flashcards.
Hi darlie, the webpage havent got back to me leh, so slow one. But if you want to order, i've something to buy also, heheh. yalor you really can be bothered, i always just buy.

Sincerity, yes yes! the chicken rice at simei mrt is very nice.
hi juxta, np. take ur time. in no hurry (though ur hubby is right??!!)

hiyah, try lor. i used to do DIY stuff but since started work, no time, now with the 2 terrors, lagi no time! i gave up cleaning and just piled everything back. guess gotta leave the mess for another day! har har har!

any mommies download educational stuff from the net? can share good sites? i only know of Family Fun (which is superb for easy craft projects) but of course i gotta wait 2 more years to try out with the terrors lah! for now, they just have to be babies and play with their toys; 2 more years to go, they just waaaaait..... hiak hiak hiak. this mommy is gonna torture them with lots of projects and whatnots

sincerity/juxta, think must bring hubby to try the chicken rice liao since u gave the 2 thumbs' up. he's a chicken rice fanataic; if given the choice, he'll want to eat it everyday. faintz....
wow chicken rice everyday then better watch the waist line....

thks mummies for the concern for enen... sigh finally she can play n no more wheezing noise but still abit cough....

today finally back at wk very not used to it sigh
har har har! yah, he so fat already still eat so much chicken rice lor.

wondering if any mommies here send their darlings to play gym sessions? any recommendations? i just need one that has physical activities only; no need those all-rounded ones where they have mental lessons too. thinking of enrolling bbchloe into one since she has SO MUCH energy to expend! also to let her mix around with other babies/toddlers.
good to know that enen is well.

your little chloe got that much energy ah?! haha! thank goodness my gal not so active until like that otherwise i need to drink essence of chicken everyday to keep up with her. :D i heard from a mum that this place called kindermusic or something like that is good, i know that there is a "kinder" word. her gal very well behaved, dun run around like mad but her gal is about 2-3yo. but i'm afraid thats all the info i have as i only met that mum at PD clinic & chatted.
thanks charmaine, will check it out.

i wonder where ms chloe gets her energy. she drives me up the walls sometimes. she wakes up at 7am (starts shouting at kor kor to wake up toplay) & doesn't take naps in the pm, and when kok kor naps she'll be playing and making lots of noise / shouting; disrupting him sometimes and he gets cranky. then i'll have 2 whining / wailing babies. aiyoh....
oh dear! i can't imagine being in your situation, man. My gal is ok lah, not so hyper and yet sometimes can be tiring but anyways, it is tiring being a mum.
u can try my gym or gymboree..they are more on gym...

im a member at gymboree..bring my boy there to burn out energy $8 and can use their facilities for an hr while i relax at one corner...
hi dsii, cool! that's what i need!
where is it located pls? ms chloe has just fallen alseep on her own cos no one wants to play with her! if only it's so easy every time.....
for gymboreeetanglin mall has one...harbourfront oso has 1..but always need to call to confirm that the place is available..if they hv classes or trials going on then cannot play join member is $50 for a yr..after that everytime must per $8 for 1 hr...if non member every hr is $15..u may want to try 1 time 1st..if u and ur ger loves it then can sign up as member loh...
wow... dat sound nice...

if u decided to go gymboree then we can go together... let the 2 kids burn their energy there... hee...
:) there's one in the east called My Gym at Marine Parade, might want to check that out too: at least a 15min taxi ride is still sufferable for her. heh heh heh

I read some comments on another forum and it seems Gymboree is slightly better than My Tumble Tots (the latter's staff being not very encouraging with babies who can't crawl yet and the babies were just asked to sit aside and watch others play; no alternatives despite having coughed up the trial $)
I've finally popped!!!
Hey, anyone knows about Nepia nappies?
My CL told me about it and I ordered 3 NB and 1 S, $15/ea - is that the usual price?
Cheaper than pampers etc.?
hey pinkie! congrats! nice to hear from u. how are u & baby? boy right?

sori, i dun use nepia, only petpet & ntuc brand, cheap cheap & so far good for my gal.
Hi P1nk1e,

Heartiest Congrats on the arrival of your baby! Do share with us some photos when you're feeling better.

If you were to order direct from nepia, I think that's the price to pay for each packet. Min puchase with delivery is 4 pkts. Can mix and match.

Usual price at NTUC cost $16.90. But can stock up when promo at $26.95 for any 2 pkts. Please remember to retain the 1pts seal on top of the packaging. Baby face with red background sticker denotes 1 pt. Collect 10 pts and send to Nepia PO Box and you'll receive a $10 NTUC voucher. I switch from Pampers, Mamy Poko to Nepia. Now, am trying Goon.
Thanks, gals!
Been perspiring too much to have the energy to do anything else... hahaha
how do i post pics here?
Hi Zion,

Now I resolve the mystery of how you look like. kekeke. Xin Fu face aka family.

Hi p1nk1e,

I use program paint and resize to 50% and click upload attachment and post. There should be various programs out there. You can try to resize and post, if too file's big, resize till it fits.
erm... lemme try to resize the file...
btw, how do i remove the pic after u gals have seen it? ;)

dun think can remove once u post on thread...

im waiting for my sample from Goon..u r using that brand now?? how do u find it?? btw, where can i get Goon now ah??

congrats to p1nk1e!!!!! cant wait to see ur baby!!!
