Mummies in Pasir Ris

:) quick post! everyone so kan cheong to see. har har har!

for posting pics on the forum, i upload my pics onto flickr or my blog first, then resave the pics, then attach on the thread. have worked so far cos the file size will be much smaller.

dsii, if u ordering from, let me know, i need to order also, can combine our purchases for free del

am on urgent leave today cos my DW is sick so i'm the new replacement
, yes ma'am.....

im still waiting for the GOon sample leh...wondering if its better than ntuc brand..waiting feedback from sincerity..hehehhee...ok ok..we can combine and get from u wanna order??
hmmm, my DW tried the Goon sample, she said not bad, quite absorbent. but i still like huggies and pampers lah. i calculate by per piece so the Goon ones too ex at $0.36 (after discount) while my pampers is only $0.25 at most lor. :)

i anytime also can, cos i buy to stock up. lemme me know when u r ready to order hor
Congrats pinkie!

darlie, been unwell and boy's in with me also, so no time for anything. Let me go look thru my mountain of mails and get back to u on the orders. Wa, they seriously taking so long to deliver, singapore how big?!?
Hi Mummies,

Past 2 days, both my children down with flu, fetch twins home from cc, one with high fever. Am on call.

Quality not bad, quite comparable to nepia but the absorbency not as good. Usually, nepia although the diaper is wet, it won't be loop sided or feel damp when touch. But my younger twin likes the cartoon. Twin1 commented cold in the morning on her bum. See how it goes later on.

I'm getting my gf to place order for me to enjoy the $5 off for 1st timer. Saves money lor.
huh? goon after discount till ex than pampers??? sure ah? haiyo...ok ok..will let u know when i wanna order? so any mummies wanna join in?
eh, paiseh, i meant huggies, typed too fast.

but Goon still more ex than pampers baby dry too lah. $0.30 per pc for pampers baby dry if u get the L56 jumbo pack from too. those sold in supermarkets are only L38, selling for $12+ during sale. cheapest pampers i bought was $9+, wah, grabbed so many packs!
hahahaha..wah..darlie..u really tried alot of brands be4 manz...but i dun like huggies leh..dunno huggies wat and red packaging...absorbent not really gd and oso the part that absorb the urine will break into 2 parts after 2-3 pee...
yep, thanks juxta!

dsii, yah, i tried almost all brands when they were newborns cos very siong to change 20 times in 1 day! then decided on huggies for day and pampers dry for night. the huggies ultra also not bad, quite good for night use. my boy drinks a lot of water so his nappy changes r still pretty frequent thruout the day, everytime he poos right after he's changed, i want to cry.... thinking "there goes another 25 cents!"
that's the reason why they are using a mid-priced brand only, can't afford to swathe them in pampers / MP / nepia ! hiak hiak hiak!!
Oh, means Nepia more X?
60pcs for $15, means 40cents per piece... *shock*

lemme signup for flickr account and post the link later!
your boy cute cute leh. is that you in grey?

awww......pinkie.....when i see your boy i get this warm fuzzy feeing, reminds me of my gal when she NB. Sharing same thots as darlie, kindda miss that time.
yaya... me got the same feeling... hee... pinkie, ur boy looks sooo sweet...

u mean the first few pics on the first pg? ya, its me... n the top is green... olive green... nvm, it doesnt look like anyway... hee... got 5 pgs leh... got see all???
hey... juz heard from a colleague that Similac is not halal and it contains human hormone... dunno izzit the same for all abbott FM...
hee... thanks!
i like his chubby cheeks :p

erm... question!
now i BF, what do i need to do when i wanna wean him off ah? as in... how to stop/reduce milk production?
pinkie, just latch/express less often, milk will reduce greatly, takes couple of days, but u'll have to endure with the engorgement. Massage lady can help you take care of that if u've gotten one.
Hi P1nk1e,

Your baby boy is so adorable. Guess his birth weight must have exceeded 3kg at least. : )

Agree with Juxta, lessen the no.of times, lengthen the no. of hours in between expressing, will gradually reduce the milk flow. Remember, BM supply = demand. I have to consume medication to stop the BM leaking thru my clothes. Can log on MIM web and read on articles relevant to weaning off. No hurry, enjoy the bonding first.
yeah...i think engorgement will be painful cos every morning i wake up at about 8, i feel very "full"... although i expressed at about 10+ before i go to bed...
no less painful way to wean off?
yeah... he's abt 3.3kg at birth but dropped a bit when discharged cos he's been sleeping for >24hrs and refuse to be fed :|

oic - thanks for the tip!
i didnt see all 5pgs cos my laptop seemed to slow down after opening the website.

about the similac milk thing, when i told my mum about milk being halal, she said during her time, no such halal thing. chinese, muslim all take the same brands.

i'm no expert in BF cos i stopped after 1.5mths as supply was getting very low. so will need to learn all over again if have 2nd one next time.
wow ur bb boy very sweet looking congrats.... u not planing to bf for long?

bb wt will drop when they discharge frm hosptial

me now weaning off but mine case different coz the factory been at wk for 6 yrs liao think they deserve a retirement.....

share pics of my 4 imps with u all
wa sheris, i really admire you for having 4 kids! is a studio shot?

pinkie, eh i heard there's a pill u can take to relieve the engorgement and stop the supply but dunno if any side effects. If u can tahan, it'll go off very quickly if u dun bf at all. you intending to stop bf already?
your nanny hunt how?

fyi, the pill does stop milk very fast but the side effect is a droppy breast.
i recommend cold cabbage.
i used tat alone and milk also stop very fast. din have problem at all.

i am free on 17th mar.
anyone wanna meet up?
T3 is also a good plc to meet now coz the terminal is pretty quite during late afternoon for now.

very nice pic, Sheris.

here's my ger on her 1st birthday.
sheris, mbb2,
your kids are cute leh. thnx for sharing. i'll try to post some pics of my gal soon.

try to cont BF leh. its hard work but its very good for bb. if i didn't suffer from post natal depression at that time, my supply would not have been so low & i would have liked to continue BF. save so much $$.
aiyo.....ur boy looks so be having sweet dreams manz..hehehehe

wanna share pix of my boy when he was 1 day old...hehehehe...that was 19mths ago..hahaha
ur boy look so different 15 months apart... but the nose still similar.....

ur gal look very cheery leh... btw are u aor ur other half eurasian? ur gal looks a bit 'ang mo' to me... very pretty...

mine is the all asian look... sigh...

hurry post ur angels's photos
har har dsii, ur boy looks so japanese with his hairstyle, so cute leh!!!

this is a candid shot of my gal taken yest am, with her innocent, 'I-didn't-do-it' look. can foresee her using this very often in future on her papa!

in case u were wondering what happened to her hair.... ah ma cut it way too short so she looks like a mushroom-head.

hahhaa....charmaine....till now alot of fact 99% tot he is a SHE!!!...even i dressed him up in boy's colour..or boy's tee...they still toto he is ger ger...

darlie..he has bit natural curls..and hor...MESSY hair!!!

ya loh..looked very diff hor? there was a time i saw a baby pic in my nephew's hp..and asked him...who is this bb? and he replied..urs lah...i was shocked... cant even recognised him...
haiyo..ur ger so young knows how to give the 'innocent look' liao ah??? so smart!!!! no lah..the hair looks ok to me leh...
your boy is very "pretty" le

sure is gonna have alot of gf next time.
sexy metrosexual type!

wat abt your boi boi?
i actually like her haircut wor.

hubby is also chinese.
lucky my ger is like photocopy of hb wen newborn.
no chance for hubby to suspect

55 post pic....
hehehe..thks next time u all see this familiar bb at west plaza remember to call out to me ah!

charmaine..ya ya...faster faster post!!!
yoz i'm back!

wah... so many cuties' pics!! *drool*

re: BF, not intending to stop for a while yet but scared yi4 fa1 bu4 ke3 shou1 shi4...

now i'm trying to find out more on how to massage the breasts to produce more milk & how to empty the breasts when i express...
i found a nanny who has kids youngest 17yrs old but no nanny experience (trying out now) so i'm still contemplating if i should send my boy to infant care instead.
think can get $400 grant so that's about $600/mth - any feedback on infant care?
when expressing..maybe 15mins-20mins per breast.,,wat i did last time to reduce engorgement is to use hot towels to cover my breasts then masssage..and oso when showering...cos i used hot shower..and there was when i massage and u really can see the milk dripping more fish...and papaya fish soup...and oso drink hot drinks 5-10mins b4 expressing...
pasir ris area got infant care meh??? one mummy i know she shent her boy to infant care..but she switched to nanny now..cos her boy got no dinner..she got no time to cook dinner for her boy after work..but afterall (besides dinner issue) she said her boy ok...
hmm... i got a twin pump so i do both at the same time.. usually about 15-20mins per pump.
but i noticed one side "squirt" more than the other... dunno why leh...

so far *touch wood* no engorgement, only feel full if i dun express after 8hrs (lazy me wanna sleep through the night)..

as for hot drinks, i try to express liao den drink the red date tea cos my CL put ginger inside (although lesser than non-BF moms) but i juz wanna play safe...

maybe i can make other hot drinks bah...

THANKS for the tips!!
i think i did a prelim check the other time and it seems like PR have, juz that it's not so near where i stay...

hmm... no dinner is a bit of an issue but until 6mos, my boy should be taking BM so i guess shud be fine bah...

is it normal for one breast to produce more than another.... if u wan to build up ur supply better express or latch on 3 hrly till the supply stablised.....
oh 3hourly... that's what my CL told me too...
i think i shud be more "hardworking" and keep to the schedule... :|
bf is hard wk if u dun wan to pump then latch on is based on demand to build up the supplies... last time my kids when they young was latch on every 1.5hr... siong ah... even at nite can faint
yes...last time i oso one side lesser than the one breast can express 120ml or slightly more..but the other like 60ml..or the max 90 ml nia...and i expressed every last time i can online and chatted on thread at wee hrs like 3am 0r 4plus 5am...and those still online were mummies that oso expressing milk..hahahaha...and one thing...dun feel stress...i think i was like too stress of the amt i can express out...cos worried will not able to meet my boy's demand..and the amt really little...cos 2 breasts only the max 120ml or 150ml..once i expressed 'strawberry milk' but after 6 mths i stopped and gosh...1st few days after i decided to stop bf..i can pumped up to 300ml easily...really cursed n swear manz...hahahaha
infact care till 18mths leh...then after 6 mths how? unless u got someone at home cook dinner for ur little one...

yeah, tat's why i try to set alarm to wake up every 3 hourly...
my poor hubby gotta hear my milking motor sound in the middle of the night tho... keke
