MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
I spend 1hour at Popular Bookshop to source for assessment books for my elder DD!!! Terrible? Finally, found 2bks for English, 3bks for Maths and 2bks for Chinese! Guess what? i compare the assessments books with her textbooks n finalise the total 7 books!

I already get my DD to start revising everyday liao. Cos her SA1 starts on 21Apr! Stress!! Seems like CA1 just ended! SA1 will be coming soon.

Remember i told u ladies regarding my DH's nephew. He got straight As for his 'A' level results! So smart hor! my SIL must be VERY VERY HAPPY lah!!! But this time, she nvr called me to tape down leh!! hahaha...

VQ, rolling on the grass sounds fun! but it'll be winter in june so i'm not sure if the cold weather allows us to roll around ;p

i also spent long time at Popular looking for assessment books but only bought 3 coz i have quite a number of other school's test papers for my boy.

Rains, i hope you are feeling better now...write to us if you need a listening positive
wow!! Wen, gg holidays.sigh, supposed to go japan one but decided not to cos i wan to bf as long as possible. but i am gg to chiangma in april(company trip) hopefully wont do any harm to my bf.

vq, congrats!

rains, sorry to hear what u gg thr.
be strong! u know which is the best solution.
I think I bought more than 7 assessment books in total. A friend of mine buys about $600 of assessment books every year for her son. I thought it was rather excessive, but her son got 100% for Maths, 97% English and 92% Chinese. On top of that, he does almost 2 years of past yr exam papers.
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
When i rolled on the grasshill with my DD. It was in June2006 too! The grass in Perth is definitely CLEAN. No one will spit, pee or poo on the grass. I followed suit fm the local Australians there, to roll down the grasshill!! It was FUN!!!

My DD was so funny cos she cant control her directions n strength.. she nearly bump into a local young couple who is having a pinic. They saw my DD rolling towards them n they told her "There, There, There!!!" hahaha... But end up, i stopped her in time. Both of them laughed with us!! I would like to be there again.

DH wanted very much to try too! But u know his height!! Will be damn funny to c a tall man rolling down a grasshill right?? Winter? Should be ok. The park will be crowded too.(Not so crowded until cant c anything lah!) Cos the electrical BBQ pits r FREE. They LOVE BBQ!!!

<font color="ff6000">Janet,</font>
DH told me Maths must practice more so i bought 3books on Maths. Aiyo.. i think ur fren's DS also very stress leh. If i do that, i think i even more stressful than my DD. bcos i m a lazy mommy. i dont want too much stress!! hahaha...

<font color="ff6000">Dor,</font>
i dont know what u congrats me abt leh? Either before you go Chiangmai, u express to store. Or when u r there u express to store or express just let it flow. Like that can or not? Cos i did that before.

<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
How r u now?
My friend puts a lot of time and effort in her kid. When she told me she buys a lot of assessment books every Dec, I asked her if it is possible to finish them. Now I understand why. My son had CA this yr. So I revised with him using the assessment books. However, still have SA1 which is the whole book of 2A and SA2 which covers 2A &amp; 2B. So it is possible to finish all the assessement books.
I try not to get too many assessment books - just one per subject because I also bought the past year exam papers of other schools. No time to finish all...
Hi Jess,
My son's Chinese tutor uses 2 harder ones during tuition and 2 easier ones for his homework. 1 is for preparation for CA, 2 kept for SA1/2. Just last Sat, my hubby got 2 more for Maths. This week, I can't do much revision with my boy because the maid is new &amp; my younger one is at home too.

1 hour at Popular is not a lot bcos you can't just close yr eyes to buy...must do a little reading to make sure the assessment books are suitable. I get some advice from my friend as to which ones are suitable, then it's much easier.

How are you coping now ?
I bought 2 books for each subject. No past year paper cos my DD is SUPER SLOW. She takes a very long time to finish her homework and meals.

By the way, may I know how all of you use the assessment books? Now, I go according to the teacher lessons. Eg. if the teacher teaches multiplication, then I will let my DD to try multiplication in her assessment book. Am I right?

Jess, how do you let your son try the past year exam papers? Do you let him try CA1 only or everything (SA1,CA2&amp;SA2)?
Hi Rimilyn,
Same here. When my son has learnt multiplication, hubby will then revise the chapter with him b4 doing the topic in the assessment book. My son doesn't have internal motivation to sit down by himself. I have to sit beside him while he does his work. This way, he is much faster.
i try to buy assessment books that are according to MOE syllabus so the chapters will be sort of similar. i'll let my boy practice according to the chapters he'll be tested.

lately i let him try CA1 papers only coz school might not have covered enough topics for him to do the rest. i only bought 1 for each subject coz his student care also has loads of work so i dun want to stress him too much.

anyway i can't buy too many assessment/practice papers coz i think even if he super can finish all i wouldn't have time and energy to mark all heee...

wah you make me drool...i'll try that if i do just waiting for my DH to say got free schedule then i go book tickets liao. we had intended to go there do nothing but just laze around and BBQ.

ya lor...didn't go overseas last year so now itch...have to take plane somewhere hehe. think you just express and dump the milk when you in chiang mai to keep the supply going.

recently i just joined BP for japan's burberry blue label bag...feeling very happy and excited about my spending ;p
I let my boy work on assessment papers according to the topics taught in school as a revision. For exam papers, he just did the CA1 papers but I will let him do SA1 papers in April to prepare him for exams so that he has an idea how exam is like. Then I will just focus on revision 2 weeks before mid-year exam.
Hi Wen/Jess,
I let my boy try only 1-2 schools which have almost similar exam format. This way, he will have exposure to different styles of exam paper. As for assessment books, cannot buy too many either because he wont have time to finish and by the time younger sibling is in P2, the syllabus would have changed again.

Your participation for the BP for Burberry blue label bag sure made me drool.
Hi mummies, thanks for your reply.

Today is Thursday, the school holidays going to end soon. This year, my DD seems to be a bit slow in her works. Last year she can finished her homework without having me sitting beside her. This year, for no reason, I must sit near her to remind her to concentrate and finish her works. Are your kids like that too?

Wow Wen, I never have a handbag that cost me more than SGD100. I did buy something from BP as well. It's quite fun. I bought 2 therma swimming suit for my kids.
I notice my son is also quite playful after the long year end holidays. It is only since the CA1 that he starts to buck up and pays more attention to his work. That's why I need to let him attempt exam papers to "condition" him first and add some stress...
Share with u ladies something VERY FUNNY. DH n i had told my elder DD that we will be renovating her bedroom this yr. So she can share her room with younger sister. Guess what? She suddenly knee down n pleaded: since u renovating, can build a toilet for me inside the rm? So at night, if i wanna pee, i do not hv to walk too far!!! PLEASE!!!

u c?? FUNNY or not? DH n i laughed til nearly faint!!!
VQ, your elder DD very funny...that's what we love about kids ya?...they can say really innocent and hilarious stuff!

Rimilyn, i don't fancy jewellery so buying branded bags make up for my lack of interest in diamonds ;p ya, BP is fun...the thought of saving some $ oredi makes us happy although we actually have to spend in order to save

Jess...i think i have to "condition" myself to spend time to revise with my boy...sigh...i'm so lazy.

i feel i'm getting old and maybe time to take more calcium coz sometimes can hear my joints or bones clicking when i move. thought of taking Anlene or supplements...wonder which one more helpful...any suggestions?

Rains, how are you? Update us leh...we are concerned about you...
Same here. If I dont sit beside my son, he wont cooperate and finish the work I set for him. It's really tiring and stressful having to sit beside him when I can teach my new helper to do some simple cooking or housework.

I do take calcium tablets and also evening primose oil. As for jewellery, I'm not fancy them either. It's thrilling to join BPs and buy something which we really like and use. I love branded handbags very much myself.
hi mummies,

I'm back. I've been busy with work and trying to make a decision about the baby. I really don't have the courage to go and abort the baby. A friend told me that at this stage, the foetus is just 'a mass of cells' and that it doesn't have any consciousness, but it doesn't look like a mass of cells to me on the internet. The friend thinks it's selfishness to keep the baby bcos of my cowardice. My best friend feels that she doesn't want to have anything to do with me becos I got pregnant at this time. It makes me reflect on what kinda friend I'd called 'best friend' for such a long time. I stood by her when she couldn't make up her mind about her unfaithful husband. I didn't scold her for refusing to look at the facts that her husband was treating her like dirt. I understood that it's difficult for her to let go of the marriage, no matter how unworthy it was. But when I was at my lowest, she could only say that I did it to myself and refuse to talk to me when I was lost.

My husband and I are attending marriage counselling to improve our interaction pattern and hopefully, to rebuild the lost trust.

He has been trying to be good to me altho he's still very lazy.

I only hope that he will do something about his debts so that I don't get heart attacks from the lawyer's letters I see at the gate every other day.
HI Rains,
Yr baby is not a mass of cells at this stage. It is a life.

I'm glad you and yr hubby have agreed to save the marriage by attending counselling. Give yr hubby some time. If you really cant go for the abortion and yet no able to keep the baby, you can consider adoption.
hey rains...glad that you are attending marriage counselling...make it work

sigh...i was happy too soon, apparently the bag i placed order in a BP is disappointed...
rains, so happy to hear that u n yr hubby are oing something... do keep us update...
angry with yr friend(tho i should not) for what he had said....

tho i dun know how many weeks preggie u r... but it is still a life...
i will deinitely wan a no3....
<font color="ff6000">Hi Rains,</font>
I am happy too, that u n ur DH r doing something to keep this marriage going on.

No matter what? There is a life in u right nw. A person who will address u as "Mommy"! Or a person who will feel grateful that u had given birth but place him/her for adoption! AND not, give him/her a DEATH Penalty!!

Do think over the suggestion which <font color="ff6000">Janet</font> had mentioned if u do not wish to hv this child. In future, he/she will feel grateful.

Abt ur Best Friend? I think u can forget abt having this friend. I understand the betrayal u felt.

Sorry, i m not very good in words. I m sharing my views. Do keep us updated. We will be with you!! JIA YOU!!!
Thanks, mummies,

Actually, up till now, I'm still thinking of abortion. I went to some abortion support group websites and tried to tell myself that it's about making the right decision and that abortion can make unhappy mothers-to-be happy again.

I'm angry that my husband still expects life to be as per normal. I'm still the one mopping the floor, wiping the main gate, doing the laundry, sending and picking my child to her classes while he whiled his time away 'looking at fishes' at some aquariums.

I went to jog again to dispel my fatigue so that I can keep up with the energy level I need to take care of my kid. It's really hard to believe that he'll take care of the baby when it arrives when even now he doesn't assume the responsibilities of an average husband and father.


Contrary to what you said about not being good in words, you're accurate in saying that I felt betrayed. Prior to this, I had felt betrayed many times, but I was dumb enough to cling onto our history of being friends for the last 17 years. It didn't dawn on me that she has changed over the years while I'm still very much the same.


If I've a responsible husband, if he's financially and emotionally stable, I wouldn't mind having more kids. It's a painful dilemma to decide over the fate of a life becos your partner refuses to grow up. Now I understand why it's important to marry an older man. Younger men just don't cut it.

Thanks for the moral support, mummies. I always feel so alone when I get pregnant.
Glad to learn that your husband is willing to go thru counselling with you. Regarding the friend, well, she probably didn't treat you as her best friend...

As to whether to keep the child or not, it should be a decision that you will not regret in future. I think from a humanity point of view, everyone will encourage you to keep the baby. But I do understand that as the responsible parent under the given circumstances, it is a very difficult choice. Somethings are easier said than done. I feel that if you decide to keep the baby or give him/her away, you must be able to carry through the decision and give him or her the best. Everyone should support your final decision whatever it may be.
Yr pregnancy is probably a blessing in disguise, in a way you get to see yr friend's true colours. Feeling betrayed is a terrible feeling. Move on with life and keep a distance from this so-called best friend. You deserve a friend who is there for you in times of happiness and sorrow.

We cannot tell a person to go for divorce, let alone to go for abortion. It's killing a life. However, we will support yr final decision no matter what it is.
hello ET! welcome! finally you are here!

ladies...ET is my friend...she's mummy of 2 gals P1 &amp; P2 so this thread is great for her

Rains, hang in there...dun go the abortion road...things will work out fine...
Hi Dorothy,
How's yr little prince ? Yr daughter must be so happy to be 'jie jie'...I guess she is helping to look after him.

Hi ET,
Welcome to this forum.
Thanks, mummies,

My husband saw me typing in my last post. He apologised and said that he really wanted to keep the baby although the night before, he had asked me to go and abort the baby in anger.

I think I was too cooped up at home with work and taking care of my kid. I feel easily depressed and stressed up. Last night, he took us out for a walk at a mall and I didn't feel so bad.

I was reading up about abortion and someone posted a video on it. I didn't watch it, but the description was very gross. It was about a 12-week foetus who was quietly sucking its thumb in the womb when some tool went in and tried to get the baby. The baby felt uncomfortable and tried to avoid it. When it couldn't, it tried to fight the tool away, but it was fighting a losing battle. The tool cut away the baby's legs, hands, and when the head got too big for the machine to suck it out, it crushed the head to enable the sucking-out. The mother who allowed the recording to take place was shocked that her baby was fighting so hard for its life and expressed the wish to have kept the baby if she'd known this had happened. It grossed me out.

My kid is looking forward to a baby sister. She's even got a name ready for her - Sophia. I told her we'll get a baby-name book.

Thank you, mummies. I feel that not many people really understand how a mother-to-be feels, especially a second-time one. Thank you for understanding my dilemmas, for what I'm going through, for not chastising any of my thoughts when you don't agree. It certainly feels great to know that there're some people, especially mothers, who listen without being quick to judge.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Rains,</font>
I nearly burst into tears when i read ur post!! (Sorry, i very crybaby one hor!!) hahaha.... I am so happy for you!

i find the abortion description very GROSS too!! Especially the part when they crushed the head! I am very upset by these!

So ur elder DD know that u had a baby!! She must be VERY HAPPY or even OVERJOY!!!

Keep us updated! JIA YOU!!
Hi Rains,
The abortion process was so upsetting just reading it. OMG, the little baby inside was fighting a losing battle against the cold and cruel tools out to end its life.

Every pregnancy is diff, regardless of whether it's a 1st or even 4th pregnancy. I'm glad your hubby has apologised for his words said in a fit of anger.

We look forward to hear more good news from you.
Hi Rains,

Though I don't know you, but I'm very happy for you and am very sure you'll never regret of keeping your baby.

I pray for breakthrough in your relationship with your hubby, may you experience inner peace throughout this pregnancy!

The rest, sorry for intruding this thread:)
Glad to hear that your hubby feels sorry and starts to treat you better. Hope to hear more good news from you. A happy mother will give birth to a happy child.
so happy that yr hubby is doing something...

re:abortion process
so sad....

thanks. he is doing well... i am still trying to cope... only complains is lack of sleep
Hi Mummies,
My son came back yesterday...1st day of Term 2, with the chapters he will be tested on for SA1. Last night, spent the night doing up a time-table bcos I think SA will be early
Janet, my boy's SA1 written papers will be on 7 to 9-May as stated in the website calendar...not sure if most schools will have the exam on the same week.

recently the school encourages all kids to take part in "The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools" by EAA of the University of New South Wales (whatever that is)...anyone did that before? Wonder how's it like and how to prepare my boy for it?
Hi Wen,
Wow yr son's exam time-table out already ? Anyway, I have drawn up a preliminary one to prepare him. I suspect my son's Paper 2 should be around that week too...since school hols start 23 May.

Time really flies when the kids are in school, even faster when they have exams.
hi mummies,

Am feeling better emotionally. It makes me feel that sometimes perhaps it's better to have found out the pregnancy late - I was so blur I found out about my first pregnancy only at 20th week. At least I won't have to think about whether to keep it for weeks and going through the emotional roller-coaster day in and day out.

Thanks, lvren, for the prayer. I myself have lost faith in the marriage that I can't bring myself to pray about it anymore. But it's really nice to know that a perfect stranger typed in her prayer in the thread.

You are all very prepared for the SA1. My kid is so lazy it's become contagious. She doesn't even want to do her school homework. I've to ask her to do it 4 or 5 times before she answers something in reply. It makes me start to lax in terms of asking her to do her work. Do your kids behave like this? Once, my brother-in-law scolded my kid for making me call for her many times before she would respond.

The New South Wales test is not meant for you to prepare your kid for. In any case, the questions asked are quite different from the usual questions appeared in our school papers. In neighbourhood schools, the test is optional becos you need to pay to sit for the test. Not expensive tho. And usually only the good ones do well in it.
Janet, my boy's school website has a calendar of events for the next few months so we know what's gonna happen ahead.

Rains, glad to know you are feeling better and thanks for explaining more about the NSW test. It's optional but encouraged by his school. Most of the kids signed up for English and Maths...guess i can only hope he does well heee..

He wouldn't dare not do his homework but might forget at times...he'll just have to face the consequences with his teacher lor.
Hi Rains,
Take it easy, where yr pregnancy is concerned.
As for SA1, I am trying to gear my son up for it. I remind him to do his homework, but have to sit beside him. But he knows the consequences if he does not finish his homework.

Hi Wen,
I just found out from his form teacher that SA1 paper 2 will be starting from 7th my guess is correct afterall...whew !!!
My son's teachers are quite strict, so he won't dare to not so his homework. But he does need a few reminders before he sits still to do assessment papers....

Rains, I think you should have a good talk with your girl and build up better relationship with her now. It is important because soon she will have a little sibling and you will have even lesser time to guide her.
Hi Jess,
I think it's a good thing that the kids have strict teachers. At least they are afraid of consequences if they dont hand in their homework.
BTW, thanks for letting me know when the SA will least I have a rough idea how to plan his revision.
Hi ET,
Thanks for the link. I bought a set of 2007 last Nov...selected about 7 schools which have a somewhat similar exam format with my son's school. With yr link, I will print those sections which my son is weak in.
