MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

The best time to register for PV is the year when your child is 4 . Usually can register with them from 1st July as they will start to accept application as for some popular schools , they don't take in anymore once they have the required numbers of PV . Some school have quota on the no. of PV so register early will be better .

hi everyone,
just to say hello!!! still following the thread but din read anything cos nothing to contribute...
Janet, thanks... dun know whether gg to be a porky pig or mickey mouse...let him decide himself.. ya.. keep in touch...
If little prince has no signs of wanting to come early, then can delay another 3 weeks more to be little mickey. Is yr princess all excited ?

how nice! 1 girl 1 boy.
Hi Mummies,

I have not been contributing to the thread for a while, so thought I just drop a note to say "HI" to everyone.

How are your kids doing in P2? Do they have any after school activities? My boy's school is conducting computer lessons for them once a week after school for a few weeks. So I have to pick him up from school once a week. Luckily I am a SAHM....

BTW, CNY is round the corner. I wish everyone a good year ahead with obedient and healthy children.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies,</font>

<font color="ff0000">HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!! GONG XI FA CAI!!!</font>

My elder DD is having a "headache" on which CCA to pick up! But i think she is interested in Chinese Dance!

Her CA1 is starting abt 1 week after CNY! Got to start revising liao...
Hi mummies,

Wishing you a Happy New Year!!

VQ, you mean your DD has CCA in P2? My DD's school only starts CCA when the pupils are in P3. However, after CNY, she needs to attend a chinese enrichment programme- Speech and Drama every Tuesday after school.

Her term 1 assessment also after CNY. She is getting a bit slow this year. Maybe she is still in holiday mood. She lost her stationery quite often this term. Don't know what's wrong with her
<font color="ff6000">Hi Rimilyn,</font>

I dont know actually but a few of her classmates started when they r P1??? And my DD asked me yesterday which CCA should she pick?

ur DD lost her stationery? Or some big bully took it n she is scare to tell u? Sorry, my DD classmates r very naughty. So i thot of all these. My DD ruler was broken by 1 of them. New My Melody schoolbag was scratched by a jealous classmate n this child kept on telling my DD to "Go and die!" But my DD managed to tell her mother abt it. And that child dare to touch my DD anymore.

Aiyo.. i very scare of all these. Why these children so naughty?
My boy also has a classmate who is very naughty. He likes to borrow stationery from my boy and will snatch away other things if he refuses to lend him the stationery!
<font color="ff6000">Hi Jess,</font>
the only thing i can think of regarding the naughty children, is they r being too pamper at home. they get whatsoever they want. So outside home, they become a big bully.
VQ and Jess,

My DD is very careless. She lent her pencils and erasers to her friend who is sitting next to her. This girl has her own pencil and eraser. However, she prefered to use my daughter's stationery. She borrowed and returned BUT my daughter didn't keep them in her pencil box. At the end, the items lost! I'm quite angry with her cos she keeps on misplaced her stationery. 4 or 5 times in a month! Now, I decided to deduct her pocket money for a week.
<font color="ff6000">Rimilyn,</font>
YES! YES! YES! My DD has this kind of classmate too! She bring her own pencil n eraser but she keeps on borrowing fm my DD! Especially, keep on borrowing color pencils fm my DD. n keep on sharpening them!!! n now my DD's color pencils is very very short. Now, it's only starting of Feb!
Y these children so weird?

Another question:
Anybody know what is these "hooks" on the schoolbag for? Notice the 1st pic. 1 part of the "hook" on the right, can be removed.

Kids nowadays are different from our time la. Recently, I got a P2 kid who slapped another one when the poor gal refused to give her $2.

When you buy the bag, why you never ask what it's for? I also don't know. Can it be the device to tie the schoolbag to your kid's body? I know of some bags that have this extra strap for kids to tie around their waist to supposedly lighten the load.
VQ, can the 2 straps be hooked together?

I notice many children in school have a habit of borrowing stationery from one another. And when the class is dismissed they often forget to take them back or they may bring home stationery which do not belong to them. I think this is also common phenomena at workplaces. My ex-boss used to come over to my table to take stationery and then conveniently took it back to her table. When her stationery container became full, she would then pass them all back to me!

Now, I always ask my boy not to bring too many stationery to school. He only has 1 pencil, 1 eraser and 1 ruler in his pencil case. Then he has another emergency pack which he can only use during tests or spelling if his usual stationery is lost or spoilt. That way he doesn't have much stationery to lend to his friends.
<font color="ff6000">Rains/ Jess,</font>
We bought the schoolbag in Hong Kong. We were in a hurry then. So, it's Buy, Pay n GO!!! After coming back to SIN, we realise these straps?!?!? We tried to fit them here n there but still ?!?!?... hahaha...

So i told my DH: AH!! i ask my frens fm the thread! DD told me another fren of hers, also hv these straps on her schoolbag n there is a "manual"?!? but she forgets what they can do! i was thinking: dunno whether these children r telling the truth?!?!? hahaha...

WOW! Emergency Pack! Sounds like First Aid Kit leh!! So u hv to check n replenish the pack too right?
<font color="119911">Hi Mummies,</font>
Long time no 'see'. My son will be having CA 2 weeks after CNY. Supposed to have NO CA until P3, but new principal changed rules. CA time-table given last week, so planned a simple revision for him.

<font color="0077aa">Dorothy,</font>
Li Li mentioned you going to deliver 2moro. You opted for induced birth ? All the best and you're going to go home with a little prince soon. The weather is rather cold, so do cover up after delivery and during yr confinement.
hi everyone,
wow!!! a few topics was being discussed recently.
ya, for my gal's school, P2 can opt for CCA but not compulsory.
but gal opt for concert band

re: bully
recently, one of her fellow classmates was beng bullied n kicked til bruised.. scary.. told gal to stay away from him...

re: CA1
my gal will not be having CA for pri 2.. only SA.. so not so stressful for both me n her.. as she is not having any enrichment class except chinese..

thanks! ya.. tomorrow is my big day. o, not inducing cos previous i had c-sec.. so gynae said no possible to induce. n also he is too big..i will be schedule for c-section tml morning..
VQ, not sure if yours is the same but my boy's impact bag has something that looks similar and it's used to shorten his shoulder straps i.e. hook thumb in the ring and pull down and a parachute.

my boy joined badminton for his CCA. he just had his topical test last week and i think there's not CA...only SA.

babycrest...welcome! we look forward to your sharing

dor, happy for you!
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
Thanks! i tried. It did make some sense on the usage of the straps. But i think the straps on my DD's schoolbag is way too long... so i am thinking what to do to with the extra "miles"!!

<font color="ff6000">Dor,</font>

<font color="ff6000">Babycrest,</font>
Welcome aboard!
Hi babycrest, a very welcome to you. How old is your child?

Dorothy, congrats to you. Any photos?

Hi mummies, is CCA in primary school crucial for secondary school admission? Why do they need CCA?
<font color="ff6000">Hi Rimilym,</font>
Some sec schs look for "talented" sports student to join them, to win for their sch n to bring pride to them!!!

Like my fren's DD, she is a badminton player fm pri sch, played n won in inter-schools n international competitions. Before she gets her PSLE results, a few famous sec girls sch approached her to join them. Frankly speaking, her schoolworks r not very fantastic as her sports! But seems like they just wanted her to join them for the sake of her terrific sports results!!! she did join 1 of them but cant cope with her schoolwork n under hugh stress n pressure so she transfered to Sports Sch. after 6 mths!

So i think, if u hv GOOD grades for ur CCA. You might be a good catch for the sec schs!
hi hi dorothy,

Congrats!!! The babe must have been out by now. Rest well.

Very curious as to why you cannot induce if previous birth was caesarean tho. Did your gynae ask you not to go for normal birth becos you had a caesarean previously?

My gal is also a caesar baby - she was breech.
hi everyone,
ya... he is out n well.. today 1 week old already.
me ok.. still to cope with the additional.

cos he is also overdue. not engaged. when i went for for week40 check up, he is already 3.6kg. not engaged. initially, wan to tong til today to see whether natural can take it's course. but gynae said chances not high... sigh..

anyway, he out.

heehee, will post his pic here when free..

Wah ... only 1 week and you can sit at the computer already.

I find it strange that boys tend to have the 'overdue syndrome' while girls tend to arrive early. My sister's 3 boys are all overdue, by about one week for each.

Your baby is big. Maybe you should feel lucky that it's not a natural birth, hahaa ...

Come to think of it, your babe is a year-end pig right? And just in time to get red packets. A very timely birth indeed.
Hi Dorothy,
How's yr prince ? Wow, I agree with Rains he arrived in time to collect ang bao. So he is like my son, not a Dragon baby bcos born b4 CNY. Yr daughter is a Dragon little girl hor ? Take care of yourself during confinement. Now is the time to replendish what is lost.
Thanks Janet... for the "permission" lol!

I was mad with Aimee's teacher. Told the kids on Monday about the English test tomorrow. By the time I reached home on Monday, too late to revise with her. Which left yesterday and today to study. Plus her CCA (she's taking ballet since P1)... stress me lah.

I mean, shouldn't they give at least a week's notice?
Hi Aimees,
Dont say that lah, I dont own this forum leh.
Which school is yr daughter in ? I realized now most schools dont give advance notice. My son will have CA this yr, in preparation for P3. Actually P1 &amp; P2 dont have that. So now have to prepare him for CA next week. Fortunately we have been revising everyday, so the 'impact' isnt so bad.
sigh.. both my kids are overdue bb..think my womb too comfortable for them already

i wanted a natural birth..

janet, thanks..
ya, he collected a lot of ang baos.
ya, my gal is a dragon bb. think my boy is a piglet tho he was 4th feb...cos he was borned in the morning.

currently my mum/mil helping me with confinement..after my ML, think will have to get a maid or trying to get my mum to help..

hi, aimees, welcome!
i also stay in the east. bedok reservoir. u?
You have mum to pamper you, and MIL to look after the bb. Wow, what a nice arrangement.
If you plan to have a maid, pls make sure you have someone around to monitor her, NEVER leave the bb alone with the maid.
Oh yes, I'll be sending my maid off 2moro...she's being too calculative and I dont think I can put up with her for another 3 months.
Hi Dorothy,
Light exercises may help. I had a Korean neighbour who was overdue and I recall her taking the stairs (so poor thing) as a form of exercise because whe was overdue. I read that sex also helps *wink*. I live in Bayshore.. but am trying to sell my place - no luck - and move to Bedok.

Hi Janet,
Aiyah, it Aimee's fault after all. I wrote in her communication book to request the teacher to give longer notice for tests but Aimee only wrote down after the reminder was given on Monday. She did the same thing pretty much the whole of last year! Sometimes I only know of tests from another mummy - sighz. She does study regularly but recently, I've been focussing on maths and compre/compo. But this English test is on grammar - pronouns and prepositions. Wish I had more time as prepositions are trickier.

By the way, any of you using EPH's Practice Makes Perfect - Grammar? Turn to page 57 - instruction says "Each word may be used only once". Aimee took so long to do and I was stumped too. When I checked the answers at the back I realised that 2 words were not used and 2 answers were used twiced! Either it's an error or it's really unfair to mislead a primary 2 kid!

Already I so stressed over the last-minute preparation and then to waste time figuring this out.. sighz...
ooops Dorothy, please ignore what I wrote. Silly me didn't read thru enuf and thot that u were still overdue.

With regards to year of pig or rat, the fengshui practitioners say that year of rat began on 4 Feb and not CNY day.

I only recently learnt that my hubby was dragon - because he was born before CNY in 1964. However, when I enquired with 3 different fengshui masters, all 3 confirmed that he was dragon. He was born on Feb 7 of that year and CNY was later. In the solar calendar that fengshui masters use, the 1st day of new calendar usually falls on 4 Feb.
My boy is also having his CA1 on the week after next. I am not sure how to prepare for his English test because he has no textbooks and his activity books are kept by his teacher. Does anyone have the P2 English Syllabus?
Hi Queenaire,
My son is in Pei Hwa Primary 2 this year.
His CA1 starts on 21/2. Understand it accounts for 10%. Yr child is in Pei Hwa and Primary 2 also ? Such a coincidence. My email is [email protected]. Do email me as I've just sent my maid back and got no time to login here frequently
Hi mummies,

I hope I don't shock you with my question: do your kids still drink from milk bottle? Mine refuses to quit it.


I think knowing the English syllabus won't help, although you may get it from the MOE website. It's more important to know the topics or chapters the school is testing on. Didn't the school give out any letter to inform parents the chapters they are testing on? Oh oh, I just saw that he has no textbook (???). Is it houghton mifflin (or something like that)? The teacher should give you back the activity books for revision when time is near. I think the assessment books are good enough.
rains, my boy stopped drinking from milk bottle since 3yrs old but 2 of my gal friend's kids who are around P1 &amp; P2 still drink from milk bottle. i guess that's not dun worry.
Hi Jess,
My son is using 'My Pals Are Here'. So I revised using that textbook with him on top of other reference &amp; assessment books. He will be tested on 3 chapters -like irregular plurals, simple past tense, prepositions, connectors, question words.
Thanks, Wen!


I'm getting real fat. I always thought that I've gained a 'little' weight although my waistline is getting thicker. But recently, reality sets in when I couldn't get into my cheongsam!

While I'm armed with the knowledge that I'm fat now, I now also understand the 'difficulty' of fat people. I realise that the fatter I am, the more reluctant I am to give up eating. And I get hungry very easily. And I don't have the will to go exercise. I find exercising very boring. Do share with me what exercises you do. Or how you prevent yourself from getting fat.

I made my girls stopped drinking from bottles. dd1 at 5.5 years old. dd2 at 4 years old. However their amount of milk intake dropped drastically

sigh....I put on weight too, substantially during CNY period. Now trying to reduce snacking. Didn't exercise, only do line dancing once a week if that counts

Hi Rains,
Sad to say, I have the same dilemma. My dd is still drinking from the bottle and it's for the reason that hippo pointed out - her milk intake was too little when we switched to a cup - only a few sips. I weighed the pros and cons - health or bad habit.. I figured that health was more important (calcium needs of a growing child). But I do realize the need to get her to drink more from a cup. sighz...

As for putting on weight... I'm sorta trying to maintain my weight right now. When I've overeaten (festive season etc.) and the clothes start to feel tight, I cut back on my lunch and dinner portions. Do only a little so your body does not protest too much.

In the mornings, half asleep, I'll do tummy and thigh exercises on my bed. It helps to pull me out of slumber. One thing that my mum taught me was to always control posture and tummy (this can be done all day) to prevent tummy bulge.
