MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

<font color="ff6000">Talking abt drinking fm milk bottle.</font>
i heard fm my SIL n a few frens, when they stop their children fm using milk bottle. Their intake of milk stop too! DH n i think my DD will 1 day stop drinking fm milk bottle herself. But of cos we will remind her on n off abt kicking this bottle habit! And yes, she is still drinking fm milk bottle. But if there is visitor in the house, she will either drink in the room or drink fm a cup. So that mean, she knows this is embarrassing!!!

<font color="ff6000">Abt losing weight.</font>
I used a hire a Personal Trainer, to train in a gym twice a wk . After completing the 30 sessions, beginning of this yr, every morning after we send our DD to school. DH n i had been going to the sports stadium near our house, for a 30mins brisk-walking session. Both of us hv knee problems fm previous sports injuries, so we just walk in a very fast pace, instead of jogging. We hv STOP taking Fried food for a few mths.

DH started this diet program earlier than me. He had dropped abt 20kgs! Everyday, he swims in the evening too.

My Trainer taught me Tummy exercise mention by <font color="ff6000">Aimees</font> too. Trainer said we must not stick our tummy out at all. Must suck it in, as far as possible, to your spine!!!

Using Milk Bottles
My older one stopped using the milk bottle when he was about 4 yrs old and my younger one weaned off at about 2 yrs old. They both moved on to using straw and then to drinking directly from the mug after a few months. Their milk intake from milk powder drop too but I give cheese and fresh milk instead. So in a way, I guess they are still getting sufficient calcium.

Losing Weight
I think one effective way of reducing weight is to reduce the amount of rice you eat daily. You can eat more vegetables and lean meat instead. Try it!
My kids stopped taking milk when they were 2...son even younger, at 1. So I get to eat cheese. Now both of them are drinking fresh milk (8/4 yr old).
Thanks, mummies! Looks like many of you are figure-conscious too!

I'm so surprised that you have so many tips to offer, esp the tummy-sucking-in. I always thought it's not very healthy to suck in tummy since it's not 'natural'.

I love rice la. I can't reduce it.

Eh, VQ, do you mind sharing the weight of your husband? Shed 20kg? Isn't that some kinda record even for a slimming centre already? I wish my husband can stop living in denial that he's ok. He looks like he's pregnant.

How long do you fast-walk? I always thought walking doesn't do much to lose weight.

True, mummies. I notice that when I tried weaning my kid off the milk bottle, her milk intake dropped drastically. She refused to drink milk. So I had to let her continue.
HI Mummies,
It's true that when you wean the kids off the bottle, the milk intake will drop esp when switching to straw or directly from the cup.

Is yr adopted baby born yet ? Haven't heard you mention about it for a while. Oh yes, yr daughter's CA should have finished by now right ? My son's CA will start this Thurs...hopefully he will do ok.
Most ladies are figure conscious. What is your BMI? Do you really need to reduce weight in the first place? Brisk walking does reduce weight. My dad used to have little bulging tummy but he takes daily brisk walks ever since he retired and his tummy flattened within a short period.
<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
My DH was abt 115kg n nw 93kg, 185cm in height. His method was not very healthy at first. He walked in the morning(walk as if u r in a hurry!) for 30mins.(Must workout for at least 30 mins, if not ur time n effort will be lost, according to my trainer.) He cut down all oily food. Swim for 30mins every evening. He slim down within 2 mths!

My DH had no choice as 1 day while he c a GP. GP measured his BP n said it's very high n DH will hv sudden heart attack death or even stroke!!! DH was scare to death!!!(Who wont??) So he decided to slim down n lead a healthy lifestyle. We then follow my DH's eating habits. So i also slim down liao...

<font color="ff6000">Hi Janet,</font>
Thank you for asking. My younger DD is already 8mths old. All official papers had already been completed. She is a Singaporean since last Dec!! Both DDs just cant live without each other now!!! They r so happy to c each other!!!

My elder DD CA1 started today. will end next wk.
<font color="119911">HI VQ,</font>
I'm happy for you. Finally you have the baby girl you have always wanted. To think that she is already 8 months old and a S'porean too !!! How old was she when you had her ? Any plans for #3 ??

My son's CA will start on Thur...these few days he has been given several mock CA papers in school. So I guess he should do ok.
<font color="ff6000">Janet,</font>
My younger DD was 1mth old when i brought her home. #3? My DH n elder DD hope for a younger bro now!! hahaha....

I told my DD, she can only remains as Band 1 student n not drop to Band 2! So the rest r up to her! i told her i wont nag her into study, study n study hard!!! If she does not study hard, she will remain in Pri 2 next year! hahaha..
After getting a playmate, she wants a brother now. OMG.

Usually girls are more mature and particular about 'face', so you dont have to worry about yr daughter not studying hard. Kids now are not stupid and will be promoted to next level. Next yr she will be in P3, so I guess have to be realistic about the Band 1/2 issue, furthermore got Science.
Actually, I don't believe in BMI. The only thing I 'believe' in about BMI is: you look better when your BMI is in the 'underweight' category. Anything in the 'acceptable' range looks fat in reality.

Today, I went to try out the brisk walking. And I started to jog abit. I felt like I was going to die when I finally completed the 400m circumference of the park. I have always hated jogging and haven't done it since ... oh dear ... 14 years ago. It's a long time. I was even conscious of the way I jogged,"Do I look funny or comical? Do I look ugly? Does my hair look messy? Can people see my butts trembling?"

So tired.

Don't say kids now are not stupid lah. They can get promoted becos the system dictates that everybody gets promoted regardless of results. All fail also get promoted until P6.

Honestly, I feel that kids these days are stupider than our time. Last time, our teachers don't have to break down the multiplication or division concepts. Ask you to memorise, you die die must memorise. Now you break down already, kids also don't know. Last time, our teachers don't need to explain to us much. Now you explain to them, they don't even understand English lah. I don't recall I had friends who at P6 still didn't know abc. Now you have P5s and 6s who can only read 'a' and 'the'. And they are locals and have spent their last 6 years in a Singapore school. And you have P5 who tells you the shape 'rectangle' is a 'square'. The kids nowadays like to invent own rules somemore - own grammatical rules, own addition and subtraction rules - when nobody could have taught them these ridiculous stuff. I don't remember my teachers feeling frustrated that we came up with our own rules.

Even copying from the whiteboard is a huge challenge for kids these days. You write down the answers thinking that it can't go wrong. And lo and behold, you get either: blanks, the same mistakes that they wrote for their original answers, or some other rubbish don't know copied from where. In some cases, there are children who are able to copy, but still full of spelling mistakes! Last time, when our teachers wrote on the board, who dared to write other things?

Wah ... your husband was very determined. But oily food is so delicious. How to give up?

Time flies indeed. Your baby is already 8 months old. I remember reading a comic strip about adopted children, that most children are born through their mother's stomach, but adopted children are born through their mother's heart.
Honestly these children are not stupid, but slow. But then it's really tougher now...there are diagrams and computer skills to be learnt. Some kids are sent to montessori schools and acquired freedom of speech, so much so that they say whatever they like. Parents are educated and in some elite schools, the kids can tell teachers they will sue them !!! I will get high blood if I have to teach. In our days, this will not happen, because we are scared of teachers.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Rains,</font>
Of cos my DH MUST be determined lah! The tone n ways the GP spoke to my DH, must be very scary... Sudden death, sudden heart attack or stroke leh! not scare meh??? My DH was very, very scare.

If u really like oily food, maybe restrict yourself to once in a month. My DH completely CUT oily n fried foods.

At the stadium, I notice those who jog, start to jog in a fast pace, then stop, then jog again. And after 15mins, they left the stadium!! If stamina not very good, u wont be able to maintain jogging for 30mins. And especially, u hv not been jogging for a long time. So, in order, not to put yourself off for going for another exercise session. Go for briskwalking instead. 1st time, u walk fast or slow(u decide). 2nd time, u walk slightly faster than your previous record. As time goes by, u increase your pace but must maintain 30mins, no matter u walk fast or slow!

Everybody r busy exercising, nobody will STARE at whether ur butts trembling, etc??? hahaha.... anyway, nowadays, i notice my butts is more tone up then before!! Yippee!!!

Anyway, this is a good start! Keep up the Briskwalking!!!
I believe it is very important to enjoy the sport that you engage in, else it will be very difficult to sustain for long. How about taking up a sport which your girl or hubby also enjoys? Then at least you can exercise regularly together.
Men in their 40s start to have health problems if they dont take care of their diet. I must say your hubby is really very disciplined. My hubby's knees giving him problems, because of the cartilage which is worn out. Must advise him to take up other forms of exercise if he cant jog
Wow, then yr hubby is really disciplined to cut down. Mine loves to eat &amp; refuses to exercise. He's 41. He said he can't exert pressure on his knees, so I told him to go swimming and he gives lame reasons. Sometimes, I find that the men in the house can be troublesome.
<font color="ff6000">Janet,</font>
Indeed he is!! He started briskwalking every morning n swimming every evening ALONE!!! It is everyday, WITHOUT FAIL!!! So i c his determination this time n believe the GP had really scared my DH with his STRONG words!!! He told me, for the sake of our daughters n me, he has to be healthy, to stay ALIVE longer!!! He wouldn't want to leave us... So sad hor? hahha... SO i decided to join him every morning too!

This year, as my elder DD is in the morning session. So every morning, we go briskwalking together after we send her to school. Whereas the younger DD is put under my parent care.

Maybe, get ur DH to c any GP to measure his BP 1 day. Tell him briskwalking wont exert pressure on his knees. Both my DH n i hv knee problems too. U might want to consider joining him too!!
Wow yr hubby's words really touching.

I do need to exercise, not just for health reasons but to sweat it out to release some stress. Just sent my maid back last Thur, so we are staying at my parents' place because I cannot cope on my own. New one hasn't arrived yet. Sent her back because I cannot tolerate her nonsense...b4 I go nuts.
How is yr daughter's first CA paper ? My son having his English CA 2moro.

I was aching from my hips down the next day after I went for that short jog. My husband said he's never heard of people's hips aching after exercising. So he surmised that my hips are too heavy for my body.

Who can compete with my husband for the title 'excuse king' lah? My husband just hit 30 some months back and he's always giving lame excuses that he can't exercise. The most ridiculous one is 'I'm old already'! I always laugh at him when he tells me he used to run competitively in his secondary school days,"With that tummy?"


Kids telling teachers that they will sue them - it doesn't only happen in elite schools. Actually, I'm not so sure whether it could happen more often in elite schools. I've heard it happening to teachers from neighbourhood schools usually, and these kids are not from the top or good classes.

I got a teacher-friend who was pregnant and she had this boy shooting at her tummy with a rubber band. My friend actually told the boy,"My husband will sue you!" I thought it amusing becos usually it's kids who say it to the teacher and not the other way round.

A few weeks back, I just had this girl calling me,'Siao!' in front of the class. I had a boy who scolded me 'Bitch' in front of the class. But the kids get away with all these becos our education system says these are not important.
<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
U r aching bcos u FORCE yourself to jog that day. Dont do that! That's y u stop the next day right? Do briskwalking instead. Try the method i told u. Increase ur pace each day. Even if u cant exercise that day, try to wake up n go to the stadium, do some stretching instead. Just to keep yourself going. Now, i wont feel comfortable if i dont briskwalking in the morning! JIA YOU!!!

Aiyo.. ur students scolded u? I salute that u can tolerate this. Did u feedback to their parents abt it? I will be very sad if i know that my DD scolded her teachers.

U mean teachers were taught to "keep quiet" abt these??? Then, the students wont know that this is not right! And their parent wont know their kids r naughty!
Wow, these children are so rude to you and you let them off without punishment. You must be a very patient teacher. My boy's teacher is a lot less tolerant. The other day, a classmate of his kept disturbing him and my boy said "Stop it!" but was punished because his teacher thought he said "Stupid". He was very upset after that....
I can't believe why the children are so rude, and get away with it. These kids who scolded you esp the boy should be punished. Have you feedback to the discipline master/mistress about it ? The parents could have said such words at home, that's why the kids picked them up. That is horrible.

I'm surprised that you've fairly big reactions to what the kids said. For the boy's incident, it happened about 3 yrs ago when I was a beginning teacher. I told the form teacher about it and she made him apologise to me. As for the girl's, I leave it because I am more concerned that she hands in her work. My case might have seem bad, but I know of others who are worse. One got spat on the face by a child. A few others got greeted with hokkien vulgarities. So I'm ok with all these nonsense as long as the kids don't use vulgarities on me or strip in front of me to show me their private parts.

I think it's more of how the society has portrayed teachers that encourages the public and kids to treat teachers like dogs. What is 'discipline' huh? "Punishment" ah? simi lai eh? You send the kid to discipline mistress or principal, he comes back either with a free biscuit or he tells his friends,"The principal talks cock."

Do you really think the kids don't know all these are not right? Pushing a school cleaner to the wall, throwing buns into the toilet bowls, scolding teachers, fighting with teachers, snatching things from friends and refusing to return when the teacher asks them to. I seriously think they definitely know these are not right, but they know better that the teachers can do nothing to them.


I'm so sorry, but I find the incident quite funny although your boy is so poor thing. It never occurs to me that 'Stop it' sounds like 'stupid'. Perhaps your boy could have found someone creditable, like a hardworking girl or monitor, to vouch for him that he said 'stop it' to stop the boy from disturbing him.
He said he didn't have a chance to explain himself. I also didn't want to blow up the matter but I told him I believe him because I know that if he had been wrong, he wouldn't have been so indignant about it.
I notice that his teacher is very particular about the use of language in class. Anybody who says "siow", "wa lao", "stupid" etc... will have to stay back during recess for a couple of minutes or go home last.
Hi Mummies,
1 more week of school and there will be a short break. Next Friday, my son's school will have parent-teacher meeting. It so happened I saw his form teacher earlier.
Hi Jess,
My son was punished when he pushed his classmate away for disturbing him. He came home very upset and told me his teacher didnt give him a chance to explain himself. I wrote a note to his teacher and asked her if she saw the whole incident b4 the punishment.
Hi Janet,
Your story sounds familiar..... my son encountered a similar incident last year. The boy who disturbed him complained to their teacher and accused him of causing him an injury but my son came back and told me that the injury was already there when he saw him in the morning. So I emailed his teacher as it happened on the Friday before the 1 week holiday in Sept. Subsequently, on a separate ocassion, the same boy again complained to the teacher about my son injuring him. This time, the teacher inspected the injury and concluded that it was a mosquito bite and not an injury as claimed by the boy. My son was very happy when the teacher punished that boy for telling lies!
Hi mummies,

Now I know why I can't slim down. I'm pregnant.

It's not planned. I burst into tears when the kit showed 2 lines. My friends also didn't know whether they should congratulate me or not becos I've been having some problems at home.
hi rains,
tho i do not know what u are going thr at home. but i still wan to congrats u cos i just gave birth n my bb is 1mth old. i really enjoy myself to see him growing.

do talk to ppl(like us).. no problem is unsolvable
HI Rains,
I can understand yr surprise upon learning you're pregnant. This pregnancy may be a blessing in disguise, so hopefully you will look forward. I burst into tears when I learnt of my 2nd pregnancy too, because it was also unplanned.
In any case, congrats on your pregnancy.

HI Jess,
It seems like we are cruel when other kids are punished. But when our kids get punished for no rhyme or reason, and the teacher doesn't find out the cause, as mothers we feel so upset.
Thanks, dorothy and janet,

I've always wanted just 1 kid bcos I feel that I can't cope with more than 1. Actually, even with 1, I'm also grappling, and sometimes losing the grip. I don't want to be a lousier mother than I already am. I already don't have time and energy for my kid. It's so embarrassing - I just met up with the teachers. The form teacher and English teacher said that my kid frequently hands in work late. I really don't know where to find more time and energy for another one.

Talking about meeting the teachers. You wouldn't believe it. I was waiting to talk to the Maths teacher. And I observed that he was using Mandarin all the way with every parent he talked to. Not a word of English.

So when it was my turn, I tried to pretend that I 'eat potatoes' and asked him,"Can you speak in English?" And he asked me back in Mandarin,"Can you speak in Mandarin?"

When I asked him a question in English, he could only reply in Mandarin. In the end, the whole conversation was steered towards totally Mandarin becos he couldn't speak a word of English!

When I came home, I asked my kid if the teacher uses English to teach Maths. She said yes but added that he said,"You is" sometimes. And when he read from the whiteboard, he read,"Ali was 18 eggs left." (!!!) My kid actually said that she thinks all her classmates' English is better than the teacher's!

My husband and I are freaked out. But I don't want to lodge a complaint (yet again) to the principal. As it is, the teachers already know about me bcos I had some record of emailing the principal on certain issues. But I'm sure if it were you, you would be worried too. And when my kid brought back her latest informal maths test paper, aiyo, it was very badly done. This year, I had left the teaching to the teacher becos I don't have the time for my kid. But my husband and I agree that the teacher is teaching wrongly. The concepts are all wrong. I can't believe it. I'm so upset. But if I complain against that particular teacher, he will get into trouble. And of course, I'll earn myself a worse reputation in my kid's school than now.
hey rains...i also want to congrats you leh. whatever our circumstances, always see things in positive light

about your gal's maths teacher, i'll freak out too if i'm you. perhaps if you highlight your concern you might get some assurances.'s bb? fat and chubby? sounds like you're having must be very refreshing feeling since the last time with your gal was rather long ago

I can understand your feelings. If I find myself pregnant now, I will be just as lost. As a friend, I can only advise you to try look at it positively, perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. I think you must find a way to de-stress yourself and give yourself a break. You need to take good care of yourself now.

Btw, do you know any parent of your kid's classmates? Maybe you can talk to them and see if they are aware of the issue?
Hi Rains, congrats! Don't be so stressful, it's no good for you and your baby. Have a talk with your dd maths teacher,maybe things are not as bad as you think.

Dorothy, your son is cute! Wow his name is so special. May I know how to pronounce his name?

Thanks so much for sharing! Your gal looked more radiant than anybody else! Like Rimilyn, I also don't know how to pronounce 'Gervaise'. Where did you get this name from and what does it mean? And your baby's 1st month cakes! Where did you get them from?

You're so positive. I get stressed up whenever I think of the broken sleep I'm going to have when the baby arrives. My gal woke up every 2 hours for her feed every night for more than a year. It was a nightmare I hope I never have to relive. I think it's going to be a gal again. I can't quite eat, like how it was with my first pregnancy.


I've been spotting. For about a week, it's brown in colour and quite pasty-looking. But today, it's like fresh new blood. I went to the gynae but he gave me a jab and increase the dosage of a pill and said it's ok as long as it's not heavier than my normal menses. Is that right? He also said it might continue until the 12th week. I find it abit queer. You mean continual bleeding for 7 weeks during pregnancy is normal? I only had 10 days of spotting with my first one and it's not alot. So I'm quite worried.

As for the Maths teacher issue, I don't have the other parents' contact. During P1, the school organised a breakfast gathering for the kids' parents and I didn't go. Now I know what it's for. But I think the rest of the parents are not so uptight. The English teacher said I was the only one who requested to meet her. I figure I'm also the only one who asked to meet the Maths teacher.
dor...nice pics you have there! i'm feeling great...planning a perth trip in jun but subject to hubby's schedule. we likely stay at his cousin's place...but i have no idea what to do in perth. although i've never been there, i imagine it's a boring place ;p would rather go japan but then jun not a good time.

rains...i find your gynae's comments quite odd. fresh blood during pregnancy doesn't sound good so you really need to take care. i know coz i had a miscarriage late last year and it started with brown spots followed by fresh blood. dun want to scare you but you should have bed rest and not walk too much.
Suggest you see another gynae to get a second opinion. Take care and rest more.

Your kid is really cute. Reminds me of my own boys' when they were just born....
HI Rains,
Regarding yr pregnancy, I would advise you to seek the opinion of another gynae. Bleeding during initial stage of pregnancy may not be a good thing. My SIL had same case the moment she stood up, and had to go for jab until the pregnancy is stablized.

I have the contacts of 2 my son's classmates' mums. We do exchange sms when we need to clarify something. My son's form teacher isn't very efficient this yr. I wrote her a note asking for her email but she refused to give and called me instead. I asked her to update me in areas my son needs more attention.
I think different schools have different policies about disclosing the teachers' email address. In my son's school, the VP said that it is not their policy to provide email addresses to the parents though I manage to get it directly from my son's teacher. But I note that some schools post the email addresses openly on the school website.

Personally, I prefer to send emails for non-urgent matters because it is quite impossible to contact the teacher via the school's mainline. I feel that it is too much to ask for handphone numbers but emails should be ok. But my husband said that maybe the school is worried that they will be swamped with emails.
hee, thank you for everyone's comp!

Gerviase is pronounce as GER VASE

rains, we got it from a bb name book n decided to use it as it is similar to my gal 's name GERMAINE.
re: cupcakes- thanks. i ordered from online

rains, do rest well... it is not a good sign to spot that long.
Rains, try to get 2nd opinion from another gynae. I also had "spotting" for a few days during my second pregnancy. It happened around the 10th week of my pregnancy. I had jabs every 3 days and on medication for more than a week. I remembered my gynae did a ultrasound before each jab. I was given one week MC as well. My gynae said I was too stressful!! Rest more during this school holiday. Take care!

I feel miserable. My gal told my father about my pregnancy and he went into a daze. Things have been very bad between my husband and I and divorce was on my mind for the past one month. Everybody feels that I ought to leave my husband instead of having this baby.

My best friend feels that I brought this upon myself. My father would like me to get rid of the baby so that I'm not tied down to this marriage. I feel very alone. It's true that my husband has put me through alot of trauma, stress and fear. It's only these few weeks that I dared to say no to him on the bed. He has been irresponsible, lazy, bad-tempered, debt-ridden, leaving me to support my gal and myself. I shudder at the thought of supporting this baby on my own as well altho he insists that he'll provide for this baby. I've come to learn that he doesn't keep his promises. If you ever hold him to his promises, he'll flare up and bark,"Stop using the word 'promise'! It gives people unnecessary pressure and stress! I've never promised you anything. Even if I do, it's becos you force me to."

I feel that this baby is so unwelcomed. It has only brought me stress and tears. I'm worried that in the end, I've to end up supporting two kids on my meagre salary.

But at the same time, I don't have the courage to abort the baby.
Hi Jess,
My son's primary 1 teacher gave me her personal email add. This yr, I communicate with his teacher via the little notebook.

Hi Rains,
Sorry to hear about the unhappiness you are going thru now. Bringing up a baby isn't easy nor cheap. However, it takes a lot of courage to abort a baby. If you can't bring yourself to abort, how about giving up the baby for adoption then ? Does your hubby really want you to keep the baby ? It's important now that you discuss this issue seriously with him and then make a firm decision whether to continue with the marriage.
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
When u r in Perth, you can go up to the King's Park. Bring ur son to any grass ground with a slop. Relax, lie down and START ROLLING down the "grasshill". It is VERY FUN!!! i did it with my DD!!! You will feel destress!! Try it!

<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
So sad to hear abt ur unhappiness. You r a smart lady to me. So, i shall not say more. JIA YOU!!!
Rains, stay calm! Give yourself a few days break. Put down all your burden for the time being. You're tired and you need some rest.Take care!
